
Full Novel Website

Rebirth Ace Agent

author: Sea of Pens

Chu Yunxuan, one of the all-round ace agents of the "Dr...

Fu Yao becomes a concubine

author: Mu Qianxue

Luo Chufu has been a maidservant for three years. She has a...

Princess Wanya

author: Apple Girl

The most beautiful princess of the Xia nationality was dedic...

Say goodbye to my dead love

author: The sky of the dream night

It's that I love it so much yesterday I vow to cut you...

Two small guesses

author: squid

Thinking of his handsome wolf prince, he was reduced to the...

Blessings of Heavenly Officials

author: Yu Qing

Fate is determined... Death together? Did she die with her ...

After love

author: wen xin

When she was ten years old, she walked in the September sun ...

Waiting for you to fall in love with me

author: Sanrera

"Slightly, stand upright, and align to the right."...

inkstone pressure Qunfang

author: Lan Xiyue

Content introduction: Tao Ye's parents died, and her fa...

I don't want to be an emperor

author: The charm of the wind

Fu is still a extremely smart woman, but her life is chaotic...


author: Sunset and moon

With a second life, the past love and hatred were like bubbl...

shuai shang

author: Wei Yumin

A young businessman struggling in love, in the business, in...

The Jeet Punch Master

author: Lonely light at night

A martial artist who is called a master by the world is boun...

Cinnabar mole in the palm

author: freezingstone

The reincarnation of fate, who and who, a dynasty that has n...

Love you unconsciously

author: The wandering soul

A lively and lovely girl was pushed into the sea on the day...

If you fall in love, you won't let you run

author: Lv Dan

This work consists of several short stories, but the storyli...

Say it's not sad

author: Night Spirit Grass

You will be moved when you see it.

Angel, vampire, but I'm a human

author: Meier

Whoever says angels must be full of God's love for the...

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