1875 I come from the future

Chapter 22 The Yao Family

[22] Yao family

"It's back, hehe, 2011. Although the air is not necessarily fresh and full of the strange smell of car exhaust, this familiar sense of security is really unmatched in 1875."

Yao Fan quickly took off his robe next to the Tianhou Palace, wrapped it outside the gold box, took a taxi and ran straight home.

Yao Fan's parents have retired. When Yao Fan returned home, he told them about his adventures.

At the beginning, the second old man completely did not believe what Yao Fan said, and Yao Fan's mother thought that he was eager to take him to the hospital for examination.

Yao Fan quickly showed them the robe and box full of 20 kilograms of gold brought by the Qing Dynasty. The two old man bit the gold and repeatedly confirmed that he temporarily accepted Yao Fan's explanation.

Yao Fan's mother is worried about her son's money-making plan: "Fan Fan, do you really want to go to that damn place again? Mom is worried! Fanfan, you see, there is so much gold now, didn't you say that these are worth six million? Mom thinks you'd better buy a house and live an honest life. Don't go to that damn place again. That's the Qing Dynasty! In the TV series, it is easy for ordinary people to be killed by officials!"

Yao Fan quickly comforted his mother and said, "Mom, don't worry, my ability can be used at any time! Your son is so clever that he can run back as soon as he sees that the situation is wrong.

Yao Fan's father, who had been silent before, said, "Listen to what you said, I want to go to the Qing Dynasty to see what it looks like there? What are the people wearing there? What do you live in? What did you eat? Fan Fan, why don't you take your father with you? It's safer for two people to have a companion.

Yao Fan's mother quickly said, "Yes! That's right! Fan Fan, you really have to go again. You must take your father with you. It's too dangerous to be alone. You are a child. What if bad people are harmed!"

Yao Fan had to tell his parents the details of the blood soul. It turned out that this blood soul could only take the host itself and the inanimate body through time, so he could not take the two elders.

"Dad and mom, you are here to help me sell gold and purchase goods. With this good way to travel through time and space, I have to use it well. Who knows when I don't have this ability, then I will miss the opportunity."

When Yao Fan's parents saw that he had made up his mind, it was difficult to persuade him for a while, so they had to repeatedly tell Yao Fan to be careful.

"Dad, Mom, I have a favor for you to help me. I have a batch of books that need to be changed to traditional Chinese characters and old printing typesetting, that is, the typesetting of sentences from top to bottom and turning pages from right to left."

"Why is that? Then why don't you just find the Hong Kong and Taiwan version? Yao Fan's father said.

"That's also a way, but I'm too busy to do it. Dad, please register a company and recruit some college students majoring in literature in the Normal University to do it. In addition, I need you to help me get the things listed on this book.

"Van Fan, you haven't said what you are going to do. Are you going to sell books in the Qing Dynasty?" Yao Fan's mother asked.

"Well, after making so much money over there, I always have to help them see the world." Yao Fandao.

Yao's father looked carefully at the small notebook handed over by Yao Fan and frowned.

"Yao Fan, this matter is too difficult for you to do, and you may not be able to get it according to the method you wrote. Besides, didn't you go into business? Why do you want these things?"

"Dad, try my method first. If you can't get it, try other ways. These things are very useful for my personal safety.

"If you do these things, I'm afraid something will happen..."

Yao's mother pulled out the notebook from Yao's father's hand and looked carefully: "Fan Fan! You are going to die! These..."

The family discussed late at night, and Yao Fan finally persuaded his parents to participate in his travel plan.

The next day, Yao Fan went to resign from the company and officially devoted himself to his career.

It is said that Yao Fan's family of three went to a gold store in Qingdao with gold and carefully sold the gold in batches. In two days, 20 kilograms of gold were sold, net more than 5.9 million yuan in cash.

There is more money in hand. Generally speaking, the traveler should open a factory in 1875. What made Yao Fan miserable was that before the First Sino-Japanese War, the Qing government did not allow private individuals to start new enterprises. Unless you open the factory in the concession and be protected by foreigners, you can avoid trouble. But the concession is not a paradise. The factories run by Chinese people will be investigated in a few days. How can they rebel?

It is really impossible for me to rebel by running an industry in the Qing Dynasty and then training a worker to rebel. To take a step back, even if you don't want to rebel and just want to strengthen the country by running an industry, it is not realistic before the First Sino-Japanese war.

"The revolution is not a treat." Yao Fan thought.

So Yao Fan began to purchase again.

This time, Yao Fan kept an eye on the rigid demand of the Qing Dynasty - matches.

At the time of Emperor Daoguang, matches were offered as tribute, and 80 boxes had to be sold for one tael of silver. Later, with the influx of foreign matches, the price fell to 50 yuan per box. But even if you sell 50 yuan a box, in the Qing Dynasty, this is enough to buy a catty and a half of pork!

Most of the people who used matches in the Qing Dynasty were official eunuchs and rich businessmen. Before that, they used fire sickle or fire knives to catch fire, which was very cumbersome. Of course, ordinary people can't afford to use matches. They use flint or drill wood to make fire.

Yao Fan feels that if he reduces the price of matches to 10 boxes, he will face an extremely large market. Moreover, in the view of the Qing government, matches are a product that fills the market. They are not as competitive as foreign cloth and earth cloth, and will be attacked by the gentry class as 'fighting for profit with the people'. And once the price is low, the Qing government will not realize that this thing will make a lot of profits.

2011 A box of 80 to 100 standard matches, the wholesale price is only 7 cents. A box of 2,000 boxes costs only 140 yuan.

Yao Fan found 20 match factories on Alibaba, and each factory ordered 500 boxes, a total of 10,000 boxes, and spent 1.4 million yuan.

Then Yao Fan rented a warehouse near Beiling Mountain to store matches and other goods to be purchased in the future.

As for the remaining more than 4 million, Yao Fan left it to his parents.

"Dad, I will give you the warehouse I rented near Beiling Mountain. When the matches arrive, I will send them in. Please remember fire safety."

"Don't worry, son, Dad knows it." Yao's father patted his chest and promised.

Yao Fan's father Yao Peng took out a camera from the cabinet at home. It was an old seagull 4A-107 camera. Yao's father has been cherishing it and is not willing to throw it away.

"Van Fan, take this camera with you this time. I have bought the film for you, 20 rolls! You go and take more photos of the Qing Dynasty. I'm very curious about what China looked like in that era.

Yao Fan put the camera into his 90-liter travel backpack and carried it behind his back.

The family came to the Tianhou Palace. Yao Fan said goodbye to his parents who came to see him off and repeatedly told them to start the blood sacrifice. Yao Fan returned to 1875 again.

Yao Fan's parents were speechless in the distance, looking at their son and goods that disappeared in an instant.

After Yao Fan came back from crossing, he felt that his body was not uncomfortable after losing blood. Yao Fan thought that this was probably because his body was still strong.

Yao Fan looked up and saw that it was already noon. He jumped on the wide tire mountain bike specially prepared for this crossing and rode in the direction of Qingdao City with a backpack full of his personal belongings.

When Yao Fan, who rode a mountain bike, came to the gate, he was already sweating profusely. Riding this way is not a road. It's completely off-road riding. Anyone who has played mountain biking knows that cycling in the wild is the most tiring. Yao Fan identified that the tax collector at the city gate was one of the three soldiers who sent his third sister back with Bai Dagui last time, and this person also recognized Yao Fan from afar. When he saw Yao Fanru, he saw his own father and came up with a thousand fights.

Yao Fan smiled and joked, "You boy is not afraid of dirty clothes."

The soldier got up and laughed and said, "As soon as I see Master Yao, I can't help but worship deeply. You are a famous good man in Qingdao. You are so considerate to the people below us. Which one is not willing to worship you."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "That's good. You are very good at talking. It's strange to say that every time I come to the gate, I see either Bai Dagui or you. You are all acquaintances.

The soldier saw that Yao Fan didn't know his name and hurriedly said, "Little Li Stone and Bai Dagui are both personal soldiers of Lord Wei. The tax collection work at the gate is not safe to give it to others."

Only then did Yao Fan understand and said with a smile, "So that's it, but it happens that I don't have any money with me today. What should I do? Why don't you come back to my store and I'll reward you."

Li Shitou frowned and waved his hand quickly and said, "Ouch! Mr. Yao, what you said is like I'm a debt collector. Master Yao wants to reward me. Whenever you meet him in the future, just give me some.

Yao Fan nodded with a smile: "Okay, if you are short of money in the future, come to your brother Yao, and I'll go to the city."

When Li Shitou saw that Yao Fan raised him as a small soldier like this, he actually called himself Brother Yao. He stood still and was a little stunned and couldn't speak. After reacting, he bowed excitedly and deeply behind, and got up to see Yao Fan push the colorful and strange two-wheeler into the city.

After Yao Fan pushed the cart into the city, he stepped on the bicycle under the attention of passers-by and quickly rode to the door of his shop.

"The owner is back! The host is back! Host, you're back!"

The first person to notice Yao Fan was He Shicheng, who was guarding at the door. While shouting, he ran over and took Yao Fan's backpack.

"Master, Mr. He is in the new store."

Yao Fan's eyes lit up: "He is fast and has opened the main store."

At this time, He Shicheng's voice was heard in the room. Knowing that Yao Fan had come back, another man, Wang Chuannian and the housekeeper Luo Guanqun rushed out to greet him.

Yao Fan asked Luo Guanqun, "Guanqun, I'm not here for a few days. How's everything in the store?"

Luo Guanqun got up and replied, "If you are not here for a few days, everything is fine in the store, and Miss Su's injury is much better. Dr. Liu said that the girl's body is fine. Now she continues to use the warm and tonic soup, and it is estimated that she will be all right in two months."