1875 I come from the future

Chapter 28 Recruitment of beggars

[28]Reversely recruiting beggars

He Shicheng faithfully held the paste bowl in front of his chest, followed Yao Fan, and asked carefully, "My boss, why do I have to post a notice to recruit people? Since you have a month's silver and control it, everyone must grab the head of such a good thing. As long as I give an order, I can go back to the village to recruit 30 guys for you. Come on, I just don't know what the owner wants? Do you want to be able to read or play with a gun?

Yao Fan smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Shi, who assembled the bicycle very quickly, also followed. He was careful, like a eunuch holding the imperial edict in the theater team, holding a roll of recruitment paper written by Yao Fan in his hand. After hearing He Shicheng's words, he also quickly said, "Yes, there is still one or two pieces of silver for food and accommodation. What kind of guy can't be recruited? If the owner needs it, , I also went back to the village to call people, not to mention 30 people, even 50. Zhou Shi was originally just a newcomer in the Zaofan Trading Company. He is in charge of food and housing, but now he has two taels of silver a month because he learned to ride a bicycle and followed Yao Fan. According to Yao Fan's rules, after taking six taels of his first three months' salary last night, he was so excited that he didn't sleep all night and told himself that since he had a good master, he must work hard.

Yao Fan said, "Didn't I ask Wannian to buy a piece of land for me? There are many houses to be built on this ground, and naturally there will be a lot of hands.

He Shicheng suddenly said, "You are looking for carpenters and masons. Why do you have to take care of food and housing? A good craftsman needs 30 or 40 big men a day. What does the owner do?"

Yao Fan said, "It's not just to recruit craftsmen. I want to build my own engineering team. After buying this land, there will be many places to be constructed in the future. Besides, I may not only recruit 30 people. If there is a suitable one, it is also possible to find more.

Zhou is young, but he is shrewd: "It's not easy to build a house, but it's not cost-effective for the owner to hire workers so early. I think anyone who builds a house buys bricks and wood early and prepares them. When all the materials are ready, he finds workers to start work, which can leave a lot of expenses."

He Shicheng echoed, "Yes, yes, this matter of preparing materials has been busy for two or three years."

Yao Fan said, "Now that there is a big drought, I will call more people early to give them a mouthful of food so that they won't starve to death."

He Shicheng's fourth sudden realization of "the heart of the owner's Bodhisattva!"

In fact, Yao Fan's writing this recruitment notice is just a cover, nothing more than a confession. That means that I'm looking for a buddy, not to gather people to buy people to rebel. This recruitment can be written or not, but Yao Fan always feels that writing is better than not writing.

Yao Fan went to the place where the archway was erected on the street, found an empty plaster wall on the side, ordered He Shicheng and Zhou Shi to post the recruitment notice, and then let He Shicheng and Zhou Shi took turns to stand and read loudly before the opening.

As Yao Fan expected, a group of people gathered here in a short time, including several beggars squatting under the archway for food.

But these thin, dry and smelly beggars just looked around, rubbing barefoot on the mud, supporting each other but not talking. The rest of the people were the same. Under the whisper, no one consulted Yao Fan.

Just when Yao Fan felt that this road to recruiting horses could not be done and was frustrated, a thin but very tall beggar stood up and said weakly, "Uncle, I know a few big words, and I still have the strength on my body. I don't know if you can accept it. Question mark I don't want to pay, as long as the old man cares about my food. After thinking about it, he added feebly, "I don't eat much. My boss gives me a meal a day."

Yao Fan looked at him and was obviously starving to death.

A short beggar on the side gently pulled the man and said in a weak voice, "Holy, this must be abducting people. I'm going to sell you to the farm in Kanto as a slave and work for two or three years.

Although the short beggar's voice is weak with illness, there is no roar of car engines on the street these days. Yao Fan heard it very well.

"That man, my name is Yao Fan, the owner of the local Zaofan business. I am a real recruit, and there is no fraud in it. I just want free people and don't want those walking slaves. The people who come to work here are all free people. It's absolutely not difficult to leave if you want.

Through the open skirt of the black and thin man, Yao Fan can clearly count every rib under his thin skin.

The man stood there, as if he couldn't help falling down at any time. He stared at Yao Fan with two skeleton-like eyes, as if he were guessing the truth of his words.

I don't know if he was really hungry and uncomfortable. Whether he wanted to find a way to live or was moved by Yao Fan's recruitment, the man suddenly rushed out and bowed to Yao Fan to the ground.

"I, Li Hainiu, am willing to be an old man!"

Yao Fan was happy and said that it was finally open today. Regardless of the stench of Li Hainiu, he came forward to help him up: "Then I want you. Go to the wall and squat. When I collect 30 people, we will go together."

When the rest of the beggars saw that Li Hainiu did not listen to the advice, some people shook their heads and sighed on the spot. They probably felt that Yao Fan was a personal trafficker.

Seeing that there were more and more onlookers, but no one signed up, Yao Fan stood here and couldn't attract people. Zhou Fourth noticed that Yao Fan began to be irritable, so he dared to listen and whispered to Yao Fan.

Yao Fan listened to Zhou's whisper and understood that these days, no matter what business or workshop, recruitment should pay attention to the innocence of clan and place of origin, and most of them were introduced through fellow villagers or relatives. What's more, Yao Fan's recruitment conditions are excellent. There is no need to go out on the street to recruit people, so this is obviously a lie. Although these people are uneducated, it does not mean that they have no common sense and wisdom. How can anyone be willing to be fooled?

Yao Fan deliberately said, "Shicheng, go back and tell your family to prepare good white noodles and make 100 catties of steamed buns for me!" Then boil millet porridge in three pots! Be thick and stick chopsticks! Then chop the pickles for me and stir-fry them with lard. Mix them into the hot porridge to float oil!"

After saying this, more and more people gathered here couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and the beggars were ** like weeds blowing in the wind.

He Shicheng shouted, "Yes, I'll do it now!"

Li Hainiu was overjoyed: "We listened to the owner's instructions, and we waited under the door wall."

So Yao Fan ordered the six clerks at home to set up a broken wooden table at the door, put a few benches, and asked Sister Su San to send out the prepared steamed buns, millet porridge and pickles.