1875 I come from the future

Chapter 38 Throwing the Bowl

[38] Throw the bowl

Yao Fan's bicycle team marched on the dirt road in the countryside. In addition to He Shicheng, Zhou Shi, Wang Gui and other six guys who learned to ride at the beginning, as well as Li Hainiu and other squad leaders who were in charge of the construction site, the whole team was 39 people, reeling through the fields like a young steel dragon.

Yao Fan recently issued an order requiring every guy to learn to ride a bicycle.

Yao Fan spoke on the construction site, saying that any probationary worker, even from the day he learned to ride a bicycle, even after the end of the probationary period, became an official clerk of the Yao family and began to receive one or two wages a month. And the guy who has received the money will be demoted back to the trial worker if he can't learn to ride a bicycle within a month.

When the guys clearly learned this message, their first reaction was to learn to drive immediately! In fact, all the guys have long been envious of He Shicheng and other close friends riding around. Now they have the opportunity to learn from it themselves, and it is also related to the vital interests of wages. There is no reason to be willing to be behind others. As a last resort, Li Hainiu divided the enthusiastic guys into several groups to go to school on the newly renovated playground at different times.

As for those monitor, they are taking the lead in learning to ride a bicycle. They attach great importance to their current status as a monitor. Although there are only ten people in each class, they are treated the same as ordinary clerks, but this is more or less a leadership position! Chinese people value this face. Besides, the monitor can attend the work meeting in Yao Fan's big house every night and drink the first pot of tea made by the owner. This face makes every monitor feel different.

Once people are willing to play with their lives, there are few things they can't do wrong. What's more, it only takes about three days to ride a bicycle, and all the monitor begin to receive formal wages.

After Li Hainiu cared about Yao Fan's thoughts, he took every word of Yao Fan as an order to carry out. In addition to practicing hard, he also urged all the guys to carry out bicycle training according to the plan.

When Yao Fan's motorcade trekked on the dry and hard dirt road for two hours, it finally arrived in the Zhoujiazhuang area. The fields were scattered with huts, which were the homes of tenants.

In the center of the Zhoujiazhuang area is a real Zhoujia manor. There is an ancient stage in the high wall of the manor. On the stage, all kinds of mantle flags were pulled up as early as last night. The local gentry with faces came here one after another early in the morning. At present, they are surrounded by green bricks in front of the stage. Sitting at the table, drinking tea and melon seeds while watching the play.

Before Yao Fan and his party entered the village, they heard the erhu gasping like a bellows from afar.

He Shicheng said excitedly, "Dear owner, we rode this bicycle so fast. We came so early, but the Zhou family's play has begun to sing."

Zhou Shi shouted in the back, "It's almost noon. Isn't it starting a long time ago? If you don't teach the troupe to sing from morning to night, isn't it a waste of money to invite the troupe to hold a meeting?"

Yao Fan said, "Let's go in with me to watch the play later. Let's listen to it today, but don't be greedy for wine, just eat more."

Everyone felt that Yao Fan's words were quite shocking, so they were all silent. They were excited, doubted, and then denied it. Everyone was silent. They thought about things and rode the car until the gate of Zhoujiazhuang before stopping.

Outside Zhoujiazhuang, the villagers kept running to see the strangeness. These villagers, regardless of age and young, were all men. These black-faced and yellow braided people were talking: "What is this? The two ruts can run one after the other by themselves. Is this the Zhou family invited to play tricks?

"But it's not like that. How can a tricker dress so well?"

"I think it's strange. Is this the third prince of Nezha? Two hot wheels before and after..."

"What hot wheels, that's a foreign car!" Immediately, a special errand reported that he had seen the tenants in the surrounding towns and shouted, "This must be Mr. Yao from Qingdao. I heard that this man is an overseas big merchant, that family! What kind of Western thing!? I heard that the house is full of large and small iron cones! Step on one, turn over a somersault, and you can go to the country of foreigners in the West Sea.

"Ouch! Yes! Yes! This car must be a foreigner! Look, these people can roll forward by themselves when they ride on it! Get out of here pretty fast! It dazzle me!"

"Yes! Mom! It's really eye-opening today! I'm afraid this is the evil method of foreigners, right?

"What did Master Yao bring these many people here?"

"Hey, if you want to say that Mr. Yao is a big deal, I heard that Yaojiazhuang in Qingdao is being built, saying that hundreds of houses will be built!"


As more and more people gathered in Zhoujiazhuang, Yao Fan couldn't laugh or cry. Instead, the guys who followed Yao Fan, under the onlookers, looked like chicken blood, like bears with their heads held high and arms. They didn't look down on the villagers around them. If it hadn't been for Yao Fan's presence, I'm afraid they would have rolled up their sleeves and brag about the magic of the foreign car to the people around them like they were in Qingdao.

In these days, due to the boasting of these cyclists, all kinds of rumors flew like wings, making Yao Fan a living Buddha reincarnated Bodhisattva, or a goblin with boundless power...

When Zhou Xiusong heard that Yao Fan was coming, he did not dare to neglect him. He quickly greeted him. Through the noisy crowd, he arched his hand to Yao Fan from afar.

"This must be Brother Yao! Long time to look! Long time to look! Next week, Xiu Song.

Yao Fan's tall body and white face stand out among the crowd, with a black and shiny hooded fake braid on his head, and the brand-new silk long shirt on his body are carefully sewn by the third sister, which makes him highly recognizable in the crowd.

When Yao Fan heard the other party's name and knew that it was Uncle Zhou, he quickly replied with a smile: "It turned out to be Uncle Zhou. I've been looking forward to him for a long time."

After the greeting between the two sides, Yao Fan told Li Hainiu, "Manate, park the car with your guys before coming in." After saying that, he followed Zhou Xiusong into the door of the Zhou family, and no one else followed him except He Shicheng, who followed him.

When the housekeeper of the Zhou family saw these many bicycles, his mind was like paste. He asked the tall Li Hainiu tentatively, "Brother, do you iron cars want to eat grass? The shelving is behind the village.

Li Hainiu said disdainfully: "These are cars, not horses, and they don't eat grass, but they also have to stop in a good place. Otherwise, there are many people here. Whose will be responsible for touching them? Who can afford it!?"

So the housekeeper of the Zhou family had to lead the staff into the back gate, parked the car in the courtyard where the Zhou family parked the carriage, and ordered the servants to quickly deliver the noodles and give each of the staff a bowl. But he was angry and said that Yao Fan was really not a thing. My grandfather kindly invited him to come to the meeting, good guy! But he brought a group of boss people over to eat free food. Originally, as a rule, one person should give it to the two eldest sons, but the old master ordered that the Yao family was really generous to give gifts before. When his subordinates came, one of them should be rewarded to 20 elders. But who would have thought that Yao Fan would not bring one or two? Counting the little guy who just followed up, he brought 38 people here!

Once the housekeeper calculated, he actually wanted 760 big sons. He couldn't help feeling the pain. At this moment, he simply decided to give two big sons to one person as usual.

When Zhou Shi took over the meeting, he saw that one person only gave two big sons, so he didn't put down his chopsticks, and didn't even say a word of thanking Uncle Zhou.

Wang Gui did not use chopsticks, and the rest of the ten thousand-year-old staff did not move their chopsticks. Wang Gui looked at the housekeeper of the Zhou family and didn't come back. He just asked his servants to send everyone a bowl of noodles, so he blushed and cursed Li Hainiu and other beggars who were squatting on ramen noodles: "Mom, pull me! Li Hainiu, you are still a prisoner? I don't have eyesight! Can't you see that Zhou family is a coward to our boss?

Li Hainiu and the beggar-born squad leaders immediately stopped their chopsticks and stood up from the squatting ground. Li Hainiu also reacted and stood up with a bowl and frowned and said, "It's tender and paralyzed! This reward is not right!"

Wang Gui became more energetic and said, "From the morning to now, the men have pedaled more than ten miles for that? Is it just for us two to send beglings? What's wrong with the mother's family this week! Your mother! Have you ever eaten noodles? We followed the owner and had a meal of white noodles. That's enough for steamed bread and pancakes!"

Zhou's fourth face was embarrassed and said, "Don't make trouble as soon as you become a few big guys. You don't have to lose the face of our boss... Wang Gui, you are also two taels of silver a month, so you don't have to make a fuss for a few big son."

Wang Gui kicked over the white face on the ground in front of him and scolded, "Grandma, you bear! As the saying goes, the Lord will humiliate his ministers to death! I still have this backbone. A hungry meal is a ball. We can't lose our share to our family. Besides, this week's family is the oldest. We eat at home and eat in the yard with our parents. There are tables and chairs. Now we are asked to squat in the corner, which is not a disgrace to me.

Li Hainiu scolded: "Wang Gui's reasonable words. We were brought by our parents. You can't lose this face, young mother! A bowl of noodles sent us away. Isn't this stepping on the owner's face? I heard that the owner also sent hundreds of taels of silver as a gift to the Zhou family the day before yesterday. In a blink of an eye, he wanted to send us away with a bowl of noodles!"

With that, Li Hainiu threw half of the noodles with chopsticks and bowls. Wang Gui was proud of the situation and fell down. Zhou Fourth thought that he was indeed a fucking coward, so he also dropped his bowl and chopsticks. The men from this pawnshop were all young and energetic. After taking the lead in smashing the bowls and chopsticks, although the rest of the monitor were reluctant to spoil the food in front of their eyes, they also knew the reason of the grouping. They quickly picked up a few bites and smashed the bowls and chopsticks.