1875 I come from the future

Chapter 46 This Worship

[46] This worship

Li Hainiu thought about the serious consequences and asked, "My boss, what should I do? Now that Guo Jixiu has been disabled, we are afraid that we will have a lawsuit.

Yao Fan's heart fluctuated after being fierce. His male hormones gushed like a pillar of fire water, and his muscles were as hard as stones without exerting. He said in a hoarse voice:

"smash the car, let's go!"

So the guys came forward, smashed the Guo family's carriage, and rode away with Yao Fanyang.

On both sides of the dirt road, golden wheat fields are connected. Because they can't be grouted, the wind blows like thin weeds, with a sparse rustling sound and no wave beauty.

Yao Fan rode in the field, feeling happy about the implementation of his conspiracy plan step by step, while he was unbearable about his violent behavior just now. The wind blew on his face, and Yao Fan's eyes were blown with pity.

He held the handlebar tightly, thinking that he was not such a violent person? Why did you put such a heavy hand just now?

There are two voices in his heart:

"A rock-like voice said: Yao Fan, you can't even be a demon. Do you still want to be an emperor?

Another Qingyue's voice said: But he doesn't want to be an emperor, he just wants everyone to have the same rights and opportunities as him! He just wants to do justice!

Rock said: If you want to avoid violence, only your childish wish is the biggest obstacle in your heart! If there is struggle, there will be violence!

Jin Tiesheng said: If violence can achieve a sacred cause, I will not hesitate to let him carry out, but I am afraid of the pleasure after this violence. Is this satisfaction evil?

Rock said: Take a look! Look around you and look at the chains on the limbs of these slaves! Looking at the excited look on their faces, do you think this is the pleasure that pure violence can give?

The only cultural and material heritage left by the Chinese ancestors, such as justice, freedom, prosperity, etc., are enjoyed by Guo Jixiu, without these slaves! The sunshine brought warmth to Guo Jixiu, but only brought famine and whips to these slaves! People like Guo Jixiu, if they don't kneel down gratefully to these slaves, it is the greatest mockery and satire of human civilization!

Because of the Creator! It's these workers! These ragged, skinny children and dying workers who shed blood and tears in mourning all day long!

Jin Tiesheng said: You're right! Those people's advocacy of freedom and forgiveness is just a kind of blasphemy! They are arrogant, cold and empty, blasphemous and hypocritical! From today on, I will never forgive!"

The bicycle team rode in the sun and came to the Yaojiazhuang construction site outside Qingdao.

Yao Fan said, "Let's have a live meeting."

So everyone came to one of the three newly built warehouses on the construction site and got in and sat on the floor.

These three warehouses were built in the form of dry bases according to Yao Fan's intention. Because the warehouse is large, Yao Fan was worried that it would only be built with wooden boards, which would be structurally unsafe, so he adopted dry bases.

The so-called dry base is to add yellow mud mixed with straw in the middle of two layers of boards to compact it. The straw is broken into small sections of about 10 to 15 centimeters, entangled and mixed with yellow mud. After drying, it is very strong. This principle is similar to adding chemical fiber fibers to ABS engineering plastics. It can greatly improve the toughness and strength of the product and become a high-strength engineering plastic. If the dry base building is in the northwest region with drought and little rain, it can not collapse or deform for 70 or 80 years. During the difficult years of New China, a large number of such buildings have been built in Northwest China, which are warm in winter and cool in summer.

All the load-bearing columns of this warehouse are built by digging deep pits and buried large wooden piles. There is a wooden column every ten meters, which fully ensures the structural strength of the building. Because the yellow mud has not dried yet, the splint used for yellow mud shaping on the wall has not been removed, and it is very cool in a large rectangular warehouse of 500 square meters.

Yao Fan sat at the chief and said to the leaders of his men, "Today we have taught Guo Jixiu a lesson, and he will not give up.

I judge that he will come to trouble us in two ways:

One was private. He went back to entangled Zhuangding and took two or three hundred people. Just like they fought with water weapons at the beginning, he came to fight with us.

One was public. He went to report to the officer and said that I hit him seriously and asked the government to treat me.

Li Hainiu rushed to say, "If he comes hard, we won't be afraid. At present, there are more than 300 people in our village. After going back, we will tear down some wood. One person has a thick bar in his hand. He is not afraid that he can't win.

If he sees the government, this is to fight with his boss. At that time, the money will be spent at a flowing price, and the lawsuit will be delayed for a year and a half.

Yao Fan nodded slightly: "I also think so, but if everything is not expected, it will be abandoned. You always have to come out with a way to deal with it in advance, so that you won't be at a loss after the accident.

It is natural for soldiers to block the water and cover the earth. After the meeting, Li Jun went to order the carpentry team to immediately pick up some good wood and untie enough sticks.

As for dealing with the government, it is better to do it first. I will immediately go to meet the government and sue Guo Jixiu for a crime of deliberately provocation and injuring my family.

After saying that, Yao Fan said to Huang Huisheng, "Huisheng, how about the knife wound on your arm?"

Huang Huisheng is the first little buddy to learn bicycle from Yao Fan. He has always been honest and doesn't talk much. Hearing the owner remember hanging his wound, he quickly said, "It doesn't matter. It's only a five-inch long cut. At that time, it was covered with some mud, but now it doesn't bleed much. I want to be fine in a few days."

Yao Fan said, "When I go back and complain about this matter, it will fall on you. At that time, I will say that Guo Jixiu's family bullied others and cut you with a knife. Our family was so angry that they started to fight back.

As for Guo Jixiu's injury, don't worry, you don't have to carry it. It's all on me. Listen carefully. At that time, you will be sure that I interrupted Guo Jixiu's hands and feet. In terms of maneuvering, my identity is more favorable than you.

When the guys heard Yao Fan's sincere words, many of them burst into tears.

Huang Huisheng said, "I'm willing to listen to the orders of the host. I will say whatever the owner asks me."

At this time, a clerk sitting below suddenly knelt on his knees, knelt in front of Yao Fan and said, "I, Liu Jinbao, was originally a damn one. I was so hungry that I had only one skin left. I couldn't live, but I was taken in by the owner. This kindness of life is like a remade!

I have done rough work in my life. I have never worn clothes without patches. If my feet are not naked, I will be wrapped in straw with the corn leaves. After my owner took me in, I was treated with good clothes and shoes, which is better than what my parents raised! The host has always treated us with a smiling face, never beat and scolded us, and promoted me to be the monitor of the car squad.

Seeing that he was choking more and more, he cried:

"The owner has something to do now, and I, Liu Jinbao, am willing to stand up for the employer! Dongjia, after you saw the official, you only said that Guo Jixiu's injury was done by me. From then on, I fled to the south to beg for food. The government could not catch me for ten days and a half months, and naturally it loosened, so I fooled it over!"

Yao Fan was moved and said with choking words, "Good brother Liu Jinbao! I missed you before!"

The guys were also moved by Liu Jinbao and said in unison, "We are also willing to blame the boss!"

Yao Fan said with relief, "Everyone is Yao Fan's good brother! If it weren't for this fierce fight, I would have missed you. But although I missed you guys, you also missed me Yao Fan. Do you think I will take my brother to the top? A man does his own thing. If I want to blame you, I won't be your boss in the future.

After saying that, Yao Fan said to He Shicheng, "Shicheng, go to the construction site to get a guy and make the wound on my ear bigger. Since you want to cheat him, you can't cherish this blood.

Before He Shicheng agreed, Huang Huisheng hurriedly said, "No! The host wants a lot of blood, so there is no need to self-harm.

After saying that, Huang Huisheng pulled open the cut of his sleeve and brushed away the yellow mud on the wound. Most of the yellow mud had dried out, and blood suddenly surged.

"The owner, use my blood makeup to dye all the clothes and faces. Who knows that this blood is not the owner."

Yao Fan quickly arched his hand to Huang Huisheng, so the guys carefully wiped Huang Huisheng's blood on half of Yao Fan's face and neck, and sprinkled more on his clothes, seeing that it was a piece of blood.

If the person inside looks at it, he obviously thinks that Yao Fan has been seriously injured.

Yao Fan said excitedly, "Brothers! Let me announce something!

From today, all the monitor present here will be upgraded to the Yao family. They will take 10 taels of silver! Later, you all look for people and bring your parents, wife and children to me to live in Yaojiazhuang, and we will enjoy happiness together in the future.

After saying this, all the guys knelt down in front of Yao Fan and thanked him in unison.

Yao Fan quickly woke everyone up and said, "Since everyone is the same as Yao Fan, I should worship you!"

After saying that, Yao Fan got up and worshipped the guys deeply. Seeing Yao Fan's sincerity, they also bowed to Yao Fan.

Yao Fan got up and said, "The Law of the Qing Dynasty prohibits the formation of brothers with different surnames, otherwise it will be punished according to the theory of rebellion, otherwise I will definitely make a life-and-death friendship with my brothers!" Since the officials don't ask me to worship your brothers, I will sing a song, and you brothers will listen.

All the guys knew that Yao Fan's singing was excellent, so they listened to Yao Fan's singing.

Yao Fan sang "This Worship".

This worship

Spring breeze proudly meets a bosom friend

Peach blossoms also reflect the altar with a smile

This worship

Preservation of the country with generosity

Build achievements and show your talents

Exhibit talent

This worship


Swear not to separate from each other

This worship

Life and death will not change

The sun and the moon strengthen my feelings

Yao Fan held his fist and arched his hand. After singing for the second time, he sang the last two sentences, "This worship, loyal and courageous, and vowed not to separate from each other in adversity; this worship, life and death do not change, heaven and earth, the sun and the moon strengthen my feelings" again and suddenly burst into tears.

When the guys heard it for the second time, their eyes were already red. I don't know which one was the first to wipe their faces and cried. This cry didn't matter, and all the guys were infected. The tears and emotions were like contagious, from one heart to another, from one cheek to another.

Huang Huisheng, a little guy, was cut off a five-inch wound by a knife and didn't cry, but at this time, he cried sparsely. Some guys were beaten black and black in the fight. At that time, they didn't shed a drop of tears, but now they cried like a child. In the face of Yao Fan's simple and sincere singing like a flood, the tide of emotions surged up, filling the warehouse and filling people's hearts.

Li Hainiu's tears have been mottled with tears, hanging all over his cheeks. He held his fist and sang to Yao Fan and the beat: "This worship, loyal and bravery, and we vow not to separate from each other in adversity; this worship, life and death will not change, and the sun and moon strengthen my feelings... This worship, loyalty and courage, and we will not separate from each other in adversity; this worship, life and death will not Change, the sun and the moon strengthen my feelings..."

Then Li Hainiu, Li Jun, He Shicheng, Liu Jinbao, Huang Huisheng, Wang Gui, Zhou Shi, all the guys sang with Yao Fan's beat,

Yao Fan's eyes were tearful, and he walked slowly in front of everyone with his fists, wandering and singing one by one. For a moment, the warehouse resounded with the song "... This worship, loyalty and courage... This worship, life and death..."