1875 I come from the future

Chapter 69 Medicine

[69] medicine

"Ask the Bodhisattva God to save my son Bai Kang. My white flag is willing to die for my son's peace..." Bai Xiaoqi had tears in his eyes and two shining lines of water hanging on his cheeks, praying devoutly.

Every day, after her son fell asleep, she began to pray helplessly, during which her son's cough came sporadically, and each sound tore her heart fiercely. She couldn't sleep every night, her whole body was thin, her silver-like face became waxy, and a pair of meteor-like eyes became bigger and bigger, deep in her eyes.

No mother in the world can stand watching her child die slowly in pain, which is the greatest torture for any mother.

"sister-in-law!" There was a low shout outside the humble wooden house. Although the voice was low, it was obviously excited.

With out of Bai Xiaoqi's echo, the owner of the voice rushed in. Seeing Bai Xiaoqi kneeling, the little man immediately knelt down on the side and eagerly reported: "Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law! That...that..."

Bai Xiaoqi didn't have time to wipe her tears and blamed her, "Jianxiang, why are you always impruly..."

This little man named Jiaxiang gasped and said urgently, "...ten miles... outside the castle... medicine... locust tree..."

"Drug? ...Medicine? ...You said medicine! Jiaxiang! You are talking about medicine!" Bai Xiaoqi rushed up like an excited mother beast, and a pair of thin hands beat with blue veins, tightly grasping Jiaxiang's two shoulders.

Yes! Yes! Sister-in-law! The locust bark made a cut, and the word medicine was engraved on it!" Jiaxiang Road.

"Drug! Medicine! ...medicine...I'm going to Qingdao to get medicine, medicine! Go now, go now!" Bai Xiaoqi stood up incoherently and panicked. Despite his knees that were painful because of kneeling for a long time, he staggered and rushed out. Obviously, there were some magic obstacles.

At this time, Xi Dahu, the man of Bai Xiaoqi, had also rushed over and said with a hand holding Bai Xiaoqi, "Xiaoqi, did you hear what Jiaxiang say?"

Bai Xiaoqi calmed down and nodded anxiously, "I heard about it! Big tiger! Let's get the medicine!"

Xi Dahu's mouth curled, and his expression on his face was unrestrained for a moment. He twisted awkwardly: "Xiaoqi, but we have spent 3,500 taels of Yao Fan's silver to buy grain. At present, there are only more than 50 taels of silver left in the stockade. How can he save it if he can't give silver in Qingdao?

In case... If this is a trap, Yao Fan colluded with the government and arranged to arrest our white horse club, wouldn't we throw ourselves into the trap?

Bai Xiaoqi was confused and asked urgently, "How much have we robbed him?"

3,690 taels."

"Three thousand..." Bai Xiaoqi's face was pale and terrible, and her hands were trembling. She stood there stupidly, as if she was going to fall down at any time.

"I... I'll beg him. I'll kowtow to him. As long as he is willing to save my son, I will pay him for my life." The white flag trembled.

Jiaxiang cried when he heard this and choked, "Sister-in-law! Big sister! Sister Xiaoqi! Let's go and grab it! Take all the brothers and let's go!"

At this moment, Xi Dahu only felt that his heart was cut like a knife and resolutely said, "No! You can't leave all your brothers among the officers and soldiers for my son! At the mouth of Qingdao, I know that there is a battalion of Qing demons, and there are 50 or 60 birds carrying guns! Coupled with Tuanyong and Xianglian in Jiaoxi and Jimo counties, there are at least 2,000 horses! Nowadays, there are only about 60 horses in our stockade, and we can't come back if we go there! If there is no horse, you can't run even if you want to. If you go there, you will die!"

"Alas!!!" Jiaxiang roared angrily and squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

Bai Xiaoqi shook his head quickly: "No, no, no, I'll go by myself. I'll take Kang'er. If he doesn't save my son, I'll kneel to death in his store." With that, she grabbed the road and ran out.

"Little flag, don't run! If he is hard-hearted, it's useless for you to kneel to death! If it's a trap, you can't come back!" Xi Dahu chased after him and said urgently.

Bai Xiaoqi had made up her mind at this time. She bit her lower lip and almost bit out the blood. At the same time, she ran quickly to a hut in the distance, becoming more and more determined.


Yao Fan arranged the work arrangement of the Jinan subcolon. A group of 30 bicycles only brought dry food to eat on the road, as well as self-defense sticks and folding crossbows. They rode quickly and rushed back to Yaojiazhuang in only seven days.

At this moment, Yaojiazhuang is very different from Yao Fan when he left. The whole atmosphere has come out, and the huge reservoir area is spectacular and a little rigid according to Yao Fan's plan.

Back home, Yao Fan asked He Shicheng to take out the silver ticket secretly hidden in a box and took more than 1004,000 taels, but he also got 50,000 taels from the machine bureau and brought back 65,000 taels of money collected by Jinan's sub-number. In total, it was actually more than 10,000 taels more than when he set out.

Yao Fan bumped into He Wannian again and exchanged messages, especially telling him what He Wanyou did in Jinan.

He Wannian cursed angrily and vowed to capture He Wanyu back to Hejiazhuang and lock him up. He also felt guilty and said to Yao Fan that he was willing to double the money back to the firm. Naturally, Yao Fan would not agree. He comforted Wannian for a long time. He Wannian was still extremely angry and wished to fly to Jinan to relieve his brother.

When He Wannian calmed down, he told Yao Fan that the rest of the goods in the business were out of stock except for matches.

Yao Fan didn't know until he asked that the Jimo Huang family had bought all the goods.

"The Huang family has many businesses in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, Xiamen and other places. It's natural that he is willing to take the goods. The remaining 40,000 pieces of soap are only worth more than 8,000 taels, and he wraps them together.

Let's purchase 10 yuan a box of matches, 2,000 boxes per box, and we have 10,000 boxes. The Huang family asked for 2,000 boxes in one breath, and I gave him a low price, only 20 yuan per box, which is 10 yuan cheaper than our retail 30 yuan, which is another 80,000 taels. As soon as He Wannian talked about the accounts, he immediately calmed down.

Yao Fan thought that it was time to make He Wannian happy and said, "Since it's almost sold, let's share the dividends."

When He Wannian saw that Yao Fan would not get dividends before the end of the year, he was surprised and said, "Is Brother Yao short of money? There is money in our business account. Brother Yao just has to support it.

Yao Fan said, "It's not a lack of money, it's for fun. You and I have been busy for more than two months. It's time to have fun and get all the capital back. Except for the later goods such as matches and umbrellas, since the goods in front of them have been sold out, they will all be settled.

He Wannian laughed and said, "Our early sail... No, there are only two of us in Yuchun's business name. No matter what, we can divide it."

So He Wannian picked up a abacus, calculated it with the account book, and said, "If we only take the soap inventory of Jinan and Shanghai as if it has been sold, we will deduct our expenditure, and the total profit will be 443,116 taels."

"Zero hair as a red envelope for the clerk and the account room." Yao Fandao.

"Well, even if it's 44 million taels, let's open three or seven. Brother Yao, you get a net of 38 thousand taels. I'm blessed by Brother Yao, and you'll get 132,000 taels."

He Wannian was overjoyed after saying that. During this period, he has also calculated countless times and calculated happiness every time, but he didn't expect that happiness would be smashed into his pocket so quickly.

At the beginning, He Wannian took out 60,000 taels of silver to buy shares. It has only been more than two months, and it has doubled. How unhappy he was? The depressed mood of being angry with He Wan just now also suddenly disappeared.

"Brother Yao, I'm going to the account room to pay for money. Let's have a good drink in the evening." The more He Wannian thought about it, the more he smiled and couldn't wait to experience the pleasure of success.

After being full of wine and food that night, Yao Fan lit the silver and found that he had 720,000 taels of silver!

Yao Fan did not hesitate to go to Hengli Gold Store to ask for gold. In the face of Yao Fan's request to exchange 500,000 taels of silver, Zhang Baichuan, the owner of Hengli Qianzhuang, assured Yao Fan that he would ship gold from Shanghai, Tianjin and other places within ten days and would not delay!

Due to Yao Fan's large amount of gold, Hengli's gold and silver exchange price rose again this time, 16.95, 0.2 more than the last 16.75. Although Yao Fan doesn't care, he also feels that he is affecting this time and space.

"I remember that this exchange price was only at the end of 1876 of the Qing Dynasty. Why did it rise so fast?"

500,000 taels of silver can only be exchanged for 935.693 kilograms of gold according to this price and a 20% discount.

Yao Fan paid the deposit and devoted himself to the construction of Yaojiazhuang. With the position that Ding Baozhen sold to him, Yao Fan pushed He Shicheng to the front.

He Shicheng didn't know anything about training. It was just a cover for Yao Fan, but the trouble came again. Wei Guofu enthusiastically sent two soldiers to help Yao Fan train soldiers. It was Bai Dagui and Li Stone that Yao Fan was familiar with.

Yao Fan can't refuse these two people. He doesn't know if this is the eyeliner sent by Wei Guofu. If it is an eyeliner, rejecting them will undoubtedly arouse Wei Guofu's vigilance.

Moreover, Yao Fan is worried about whether these two people instructed Ding Baozhen to insert Wei Guofu. Lao Ding is the admiral of Shandong. If a provincial military region commander asks such a border defense armed police captain as Wei Guofu to insert two people in, Wei Guofu will definitely keep his mouth shut to Yao Fan, even if Yao Fan has a good relationship with him. Lu.

So Yao Fan had no choice but to accept it. When the two came, he was even a little glad that Bai Dagui and Li Stone came.

Because Yao Fan felt that he had a good relationship with the two people, he often passed by the city gate to Yaojiazhuang, and rewarded them with about 70 or 80 taels of silver. However, Yao Fan doesn't want to be in a hurry to buy the two now.

"If you want to hurry, you can't reach it." Yao Fan thought.

Early the morning, Yao Fan stood on the newly built cement playground in Yaojiazhuang. Yao Fan was in good spirits. The playground was 200 meters long and 100 meters wide, and the whole cement was paved, which was extraordinary.

Bai Dagui praised beside Yao Fan: "Yao Dong's school is so majestic! Even the school grounds of the Royal Forest Army are not so clean! It's just that this land is paved with foreign ash. On the one hand, it's expensive, and on the other hand, it's too hard.

"My family has a factory overseas, and it's cheap to make foreign ash by yourself. Besides, what don't you need to use foreign ash?" Yao Fandao.

"Yellow soil? The loess cushion field is soft and cheap. Isn't the school yard of our guard camp the loess field? Li Shitou took over and said.

"If you use loess, you can't practice when it rains, and it's not convenient to pile up goods." Yao Fandao.

"Yao Dong's family is smart!" Li Stone said against his will.

"Yao Dong's family is thoughtful!" Bai Dagui flattered and was unwilling to make people happy.

"You two also line up among the guys. I'll teach you how to stand in line in today's training class." Yao Fandao.

Bai Dagui and Li Stone quickly stood in a row of people and stopped talking.

Yao Fan had discussed the list with Li Hainiu last night. Now that all the personnel had arrived, he ordered the 100 guys to line up in five rows, 20 people in each row. The guys queued up for a long time and finally found the place they wanted to stand.

Yao Fan also asked Li Hainiu and He Shicheng to help adjust the order of each row from left to right according to the height, high on the left and low on the right.

"From now on, you should remember your position in the row, remember who is on your left and who is on your right."

Next, Yao Fan began to appoint the platoon leader, Li Hainiu, the leader of the first platoon, Li Jun, the leader of the second platoon, Liu Jinbao, the fourth platoon leader Zhou, and He Shicheng, the fifth platoon leader.

Yao Fan has told He Shicheng in advance that he is the famous president, and he is the real head teacher. Naturally, He Shicheng has no problem. He thinks that it is an honor to be famous.

"Now turn left!" Yao Fan gave the order with trembling.

"...Sure enough..." The situation Yao Fan had guessed for a long time appeared. The playground turned in a mess, both left and right, and some did not turn at all. I guess he didn't know how to turn. What's more bizarre is that a clerk keeps turning around, which should be a deviation in understanding.

"Who is that! Stop, don't turn around!" Yao Fan is extremely depressed.

Li Hainiu ran up and said to Yao Fan, "My boss, shall I fuck him?"

Yao Fan's eyes lit up and thought that he only cared about his addiction as a company commander. How could he leave this as a Taiping general?

"Haw, do you have a way to call them, and you will know which way to turn with an order?"

"Dear owner, this is the simplest, just ask them to wear shoes on one foot and one foot without shoes."

Yao Fan can never stand such advice... "With a bare foot! What a far-hit military posture!"

So Yao Fan made up his mind and demonstrated in front of him. With the foundation left by his high school military training, college military training and company militia military training, his movements were still quite standard.

"See it! This is a breath! A little rest means to ask you to stand still in this posture!"

Yao Fan is determined not to embarrass himself anymore. Before teaching left and right, he will talk about this group of rookies. After learning to take a break, at least this group of rookies should remember which side is the right foot.

Yao Fan first corrected the movements of the five squad leaders. After correcting the five platoon leaders' postures, he asked the five people to play with their subordinates.

Yao Fan wiped his sweat and looked at the five people busy fiddling with the rest of the guys and said to himself:

"* said that the masses of officers and soldiers, military instructors, and soldiers should practice * movement route. What he said is true. Relying on me, he must be exhausted."

"Everyone is serious about practicing the queue for me! If you can't practice a neat queue, you will be looked down upon everywhere! Bandits and robbers are not afraid of you! If you can practice the queue well, the bandits and robbers will run away when they see you! This is called deterrence!" Yao Fan said something.


Today is a ridiculous birthday. I sincerely wish everyone as happy as me.