1875 I come from the future

Chapter 74 Prepare to Armit

[74] Prepare to arm

Yao's father also came from good news. The company license he entrusted to his friend Wu Weiye has been issued, and it cost a total of 20,000 yuan. The Cayman Islands, where the company is registered, is called Global Trade Aluminum Company. The reason for taking such a name is that there are too many companies registered in this tax haven. The seven or eight company names prepared by Wu Weiye at the beginning are all repeated, and he has no choice but to fill in the word aluminum industry. In fact, it can't compete with the aluminum industry. .

Yao Fan doesn't mind the name of the company. It was originally a business of borrowing chickens and eggs. As long as the company is registered abroad, as long as he applies for an arms import license from any country, he can purchase from domestic companies with weapons export qualifications.

As for the process, Yao Fan also thought about it. Due to the particularity of the export of weapons, the transportation and customs declaration after the first step of acceptance and packing are controlled by relevant personnel. After the customs declaration is completed, he enters the designated warehouse at the port and gets the other party to confirm that the packaging is intact. After acceptance, it is indirectly delivered. Another method is direct delivery, which refers to the delivery of weapons transported by the exporting country to the port of destination. Of course, Yao Fan will not choose the latter.

However, the former is not easy to be confused, because modern merchant ships are equipped with global networked ship information tracking records, global networked cargo transport handover orders, and confiscation of containers at the port of destination.

But Yao Fan doesn't think about this, and he naturally has a way.

Yao Fan took advantage of his mother Li Hongmei's absence to talk about what he had done during the Qing Dynasty and discussed with Yao Peng: "Dad, next, I need a weapons import license. South American countries and African countries can do it. I need weapons to protect myself."

Yao Peng has had such an awareness during this period, but he didn't expect Yao Fan to start so soon and fell into silence for a moment.

Yao Fan saw that Yao Peng did not speak and continued to persuade him: "Late Qing Dynasty is reactionary, dark and rotten, and a man holds power and does not vice versa. It is recorded in history and has been stench for thousands of years."

"But how long have you been here? This is going to be an armed struggle. Fanfan, Dad doesn't support you, but this matter is too dangerous and needs to be discussed in the long range." Yao Peng frowned.

"Dad! If the husband is fierce, people will be afraid of it, so the fire will not be extinguished; if the water is cowardly and people *, the water will never have peace. In the Qing Dynasty, my weakness would only be regarded as a fat sheep. I have the ambition to cleanse the world, and I can't do without the power to cleanse the world!" Yao Fandao.

"You don't drag the article with me. I guessed you wanted to fight against the Qing Dynasty, but you are just a village brave group practicing and carrying weapons. I'm afraid you can't cover it. Fan Fan, you should remember that those who are not rich can't fly high, and those who are not moral can't make the people.

Yao Fan said urgently, "In the past, the Yellow Emperor attacked and captured Chiyou, Yao attacked Huandou, Shun attacked Sanmiao, Yu attacked Gonggong, Tang attacked Xia, King Wen attacked Chong, King Wu attacked Zhou, 5,000 years ago and now, 90,000 miles inside and China and abroad, righteously attacked injustice, except for evil, there is no war?"

"Your child is too urgent. It has been 300 years, and it is deeply rooted. Can it be eliminated in one day?" Yao Peng is still worried.

"I didn't say that I hope it can be achieved overnight, but the sooner you need to raise the dead and the armored soldiers, the better, otherwise you will die in one day!" Yao Fan said resolutely.

Yao Peng was moved by his son. After thinking for a long time, he sighed, "Uncle Wu is a professional at home and abroad*. He knows many people who do business in Africa and South America. As long as he is willing to spend money, it is not difficult to obtain a light weapons import license, but how can you steal the beam?"

Yao Fan saw his father's consent and was overjoyed. He whispered, "It's just like this..."

When Yao Peng helped his son make preliminary preparations, Yao Fan also began to actively purchase. First, he took out all the prices of the warehouse area where he rented the warehouse was located. If it had been rented, he would double the rent. After paying 40 million yuan, it suddenly has 160,000 square meters, including the one-year right to use the warehouse area of two blocks.

Previously, only 10,000 umbrellas were purchased for trial sales, but this time Yao Fan purchased 1 million umbrellas, with a total value of 14 million yuan per piece.

Another one million pens of various styles were purchased. These pens have plastic and iron caps; there are all-plastic shells with various pure colors; there are all stainless steel bodies; there are engraved reliefs; there are iron sheet galvanized yellow-plated blue-plated black; there are lacquered printing patterns; the price ranges from 1.5 yuan to 40 yuan. Adding one million bottles of ink, it cost 10 million yuan.

You should know that in the West at this time, pens are still inconvenient office utensils. Generally speaking, it is inserted into the pen seat on the table and pulled out when using it. The way to use it is to write one or two lines, which should be dipped in the ink in the bottle and then continue writing. A few nobles carry high-quality products that use a back pipe for water supply. When writing, you often need to press an ugly glass piston tube behind the pen. If you are not careful, you will be in a mess.

Even if that thing seems so inconvenient today, the West loved it as much as a treasure at that time. After all, it is much better than a quill pen, and it is also thanks to the British James Perry's improved relationship with the nib in 1830. It was not until 1884 that American Waterman invented capillary water absorption that the first half of the pen was finalized, and the second half still used a piston tube. It was not until 1913 that rubber bile tubes were used. As for the plastic piston tubes of some pens today, they inherited the old-fashioned piston ink supply method after the progress of modern manufacturing technology.

Although stainless steel only came out in 1912, Yao Fan didn't care much and still purchased a lot of stainless steel pen sets. After all, he is the first to make money at present.

Then there are dyes of various colors, for cotton cloth and silk. 100 tons were purchased at an average of 50 yuan per kilogram, all of which are packed in 30 kg or 50 kg iron barrels, with a total price of 5 million yuan.

Synthetic dyes are a field that Yao Fan has always wanted to venture into. This industry has benefited from the increase of the world's steelmaking capacity and produced a large number of coking by-products - tar.

Because Britain can obtain natural dyes from colonies all over the world, it disdains the synthetic dye industry, but Germany, which lacks colonial resources, is much more bitter, spending millions of pounds every year to buy indigo and dyed woody plants from the British. Therefore, when the Germans discovered the huge business opportunity in aniline dyes, they immediately fixed their eyes on this profitable business and vigorous R&D and production. By 1877, Germany had accounted for half of the world's production of synthetic dyes, and by 1913, it accounted for 80%!

Yao Fan knows that due to the vigorous development of Friedrich Bayer's Badenaniline and soda factory, there are more than 6,000 workers! This led to the merger of the four surrounding townships, which became today's Leverkusen. There are three main products of the factory, one is albicin, one is a refreshing red that is slightly deeper than pink; the other is dawn red, a kind of dark red similar to the red wall of the Forbidden City or solidified plasma; the third is Yin Danshilin, which is the sky-blue school uniform of female students in the Republic of China commonly seen on TV. Among them, Yindan Shilin, especially, is sold well in the world because of this blue color, which is particularly fresh and elegant.

"The production capacity of synthetic dyes in Germany in 1875 was only one or two thousand tons, right? It can only produce aniline yellow, red, green, purple and crimson. It was only in 1900 that artificially synthesized indigo. Will there be the city of Leverkusen in the future? Will the German Hans be ashamed and angry? Yao Fan is also uncertain.

"Let the world be more colorful..." Yao Fan sighed.

followed by 100,000 all-steel agricultural 28 bicycles of Phoenix, Permanent, Guangming and other brands. These bicycles are of the same size, and all spare parts are 300 yuan per vehicle, with a total price of 30 million yuan. 10,000 human tricycles, with an average price of 500 yuan per vehicle, with a total price of 5 million yuan.

"At the end of the 19th century, with the industrial production of steel chains, ball bearings, steel gears, saddle springs and Dunlop pneumatic tires, Coventry became the world's bicycle manufacturing center. Since I hit Leverkusen, I can't be biased against British cattle..."

Then there are ten ten desktop foot sewing machines, 300 yuan each, with a total price of 3 million yuan.

According to Yao Fan's library archives, the British Thomas Set and the French Dimony first invented the prototype of the sewing machine, but the manufacturing level was so poor that no one cares about it. American Walter Hunt improved it, but it was still not ideal.

It was not until Elias, an American, applied for and had a patent for the invention of the sewing machine in 1846 that the sewing machine was roughly finalized. It's just that his machine can't turn during the sewing process.

The American Singh, who improved Elias's sewing machine to be pedal and could turn at will in sewing, had a fortune of $13 by 1863, but only withdrew from the sewing machine industry after losing to Elias in a patent lawsuit.

From then on, Elias began to collect the compensatory patent fee determined by the court. By the last year of 1895, Elias could get $400,000 in compensatory patent fees this year.

The British patent law in the 19th century ruled that patents had a 7-year period, and the Germans repeatedly issued anti-monopoly judgments to invalidate various patents to facilitate copycats. The Swiss also repeatedly appealed the court to determine that the patents of products they had the ability to copy were invalid.

Americans have no patent protection period at all, which is used to attract European inventors to immigrate to the United States after the expiration of patents, so that later generations evaluate that "most of the patents granted by the United States are worthless, invalid and conflict with the patent rights of others. Competition cases such as plagiarism and fraud are increasing, and the legislative spirit of patent law has been severely hit.

What's more, in the 45 years in the early years of the promulgation of the U.S. Patent Law, none of the 9225 patents were granted to foreigners... This was not commensurate with Britain's position in the world industry at that time! In fact, most of the U.S. patents in this period were naked plagiarism of British and European patents in order to put on legal clothes to facilitate their own copycats. This also leads domestic capitalists in the United States to often raise the anti-monopoly flag to appeal in order to overturn a domestic patent. After success, they can carry out production openly.

"It seems that my pedal sewing machines still bear the risk of patent disputes. The trade protection of European and American countries is so fierce that I hope that nothing will happen to export and domestic sales..." Yao Fan thought.


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