1875 I come from the future

Chapter 79 Back to the big tree to enjoy the cool

[79] Back to the big tree to enjoy the cool

"You mean Marx, who was called a Prussian traitor by His Majesty William I and Prime Minister Bismarck? If you refer to him, almost everyone from California to Moscow, whether noble or poor, knows his name. Merrith's answer was very clever, without any political orientation, and could be understood from two aspects. He made up his mind that no matter what Yao Fan's attitude towards Marx was, he just agreed.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Now he should be in London. I remember that the Metropolitan Police called him 'a notorious king and demagogue who is unfaithful to his country', and the secret police watch his residence every day.

If he is not in London, it is possible that his health has deteriorated again and he went to the Karlsbad mountains of the Czech Republic to drink mineral water treatment. Then just contact his family."

"My dear Frank, what do you want me to do?"

"I want to buy the Asian copyright of his work!

James, you help me find him and tell him that I admire his works very much, and I am willing to pay 1,000 pounds to buy the Asian copyright of his works. After you get in touch with him, transfer my deposit of 100 pounds to him.

1000 pounds? Oh my God! I heard that the professor is a poor man. If he knew your generosity, he would faint!"

Molishi knew that it was not that simple.

Ordinary royalty income, even the most famous novelist, is less than one or two hundred pounds, which is already a staggering income. As for academic works, due to the small amount of printing and few royalties, it is already a great academic work to get more than ten pounds.

Yao Fan saw Merriz's speculation and laughed, "With the progress of society, there will be more and more literate people and read books, and the publishing industry will be a gradually prosperous business."

Finally, Yao Fan said resolutely, "In a word, James! Help me get in touch with Marx!"

Merrith listened to Yao Fan's order and knew that if he wanted to sell Yao Fan's dyes in the future, he must produce results in finding Marx.

"I will do my best, Frank, I promise."

So Yao Fan promised to transfer the goods to Merrix early the next morning.

The next day, just after dawn, eight tin barrels were shipped from Yaojiazhuang, each containing 50 kilograms of dye.

"Here is 400 kilograms of dye worth 20,000 taels of silver, half of which is your payment and half of my sincerity. I will sell that half to you first, and then pay me the full amount after you sell it!" Yao Fan held Merrith's hand and said sincerely.

"Frank! I swear that I will make this business all over the world! I promise! You will definitely make a fortune in the secret dye factory in Qing Dynasty!" Meridis was fooled by Yao Fan last night, thinking that Yao Fan really secretly opened a dye factory in mainland China.

Molishi believed Yao Fan's words, after all, he had never seen these dyes in Europe or on any market. He felt that it should not be difficult for a local snake like Yao Fan to open a dye factory after dealing with local bureaucrats. Although the Qing Dynasty banned any private factory, the braided officials of the Qing Dynasty were so greedy and stupid, and Yao Fan looked like an authentic Chinese, and the American couldn't figure out of any difficulty.

Soon after, in a letter sent by Merrix to his family to China, he boasted: "... I used to take a lot of detours and almost buried my future... I still have to connect with real big shots in business!" Yao Fan, Frank Yao, this is the first really strong local snake I have met. He is a civilized gentleman with Western education and is very fluent in German with a Baden accent. I guess his German teacher is an Austrian... He can almost cover the sky in this small place in Qingdao. I heard that he owns his own manor and even got permission to form a small-scale personal armament. Although the Qing government does not allow private operation of modern factories, it is obvious that he has secretly built a dye factory. I even doubt that he also has a textile factory with first-class technology and equipment, but the production capacity is very low..."

Meilis anxiously spent 40 copper money on the dock to hire force to carry eight iron barrels on a wooden sailboat called Dafu.

After Yao Fan said goodbye to Merriz and his friends at the dock, on the way back to the city, He Wannian praised: "Brother Yao is really a great talent. In German, he can't even insert a word of the translation brought by Merrix."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "That translator can only speak English, and it's really awkward to communicate with a German through an English translation."

"Brother Yao, will our dyes really be sold by Merrith in the future? Didn't you say that his American Foreign Bank is a leather bag company with a silver wax gun head? He Wannian asked.

"Meuris is a good candidate. This person has the pioneering spirit of an entrepreneur and dares to take risks! Dare to bet! I have experienced ups and downs again! What such a person lacks is an opportunity. If we can help him up, he will definitely stand firmly on our side. Now that he has a monopoly source of goods, are you afraid that he can't open up the market?

He Wannian was puzzled and asked, "Brother Yao's family is overseas, why do you want to explore overseas markets?"

"One of my cousins is doing it in overseas markets, but there is no rule at home. I can't do it if he does it."

"Oh." As soon as He Wannian heard about the factional struggle involved within the Yao family, he immediately said more and changed the topic: "Brother Yao, Sun Maowen sent someone over yesterday and asked you to go to the government office. I asked the familiar stewman, and then I realized that I wanted your bravery to help him go to the countryside to collect autumn donations.

"There were only two drizzle in August. Now all the grains in the field are empty shells and can't be grouted. He collects a bird?"

"Well, Brother Yao doesn't know that when the autumn harvest is coming, the rolling list issued above is like snowflakes. Although our Jiaozhou is not big, there are more than a dozen villages below. For this August autumn donation, we have to collect 3,000 to 4,000 taels."

"Sun Maowen asked me to help him collect autumn donations. What do you think this means?" Yao Fan asked for advice to congratulate Wannian.

"The apportionment of these miscellaneous taxes is not as good as the field tax, and there is no fixed amount to collect. If it is a good harvest, it is also a bad year. Generally speaking, as long as the tax collector asks Sun Maowen for a fixed number, how much he can collect next depends on his ability. But now, in this drought, it is a problem whether the accounts can be flattened, and where can there be any profit? I don't think anyone is willing to take this job.

"Tender mother! Leave it to me if no one does it? I asked my countryman to go to the countryside to collect the rolling list, and I am not familiar with the local gentry. If I go on this, why don't you have to beat me?

"That's why Sun Maowen invited Brother Yao to the government office to discuss it. Brother Yao, don't worry, I'll go with you. I guess Sun Maowen will always take out a charter. Besides, Brother Yao, you should know that after this autumn donation is a time for promotion, whether an official has the ability, just look at this autumn donation. If you can't accept it, it's not surprising to lose the top. If you collect more, you will naturally have the capital to honor your superiors. Even if you can't get a promotion, it's good to be an official safely.

"Since there is a severe drought everywhere, I don't even think this year's money and food are guaranteed. What if the officials can't accept donations?"

"In that case, the government above will naturally give a donation. As long as you donate money, you will be given a false official body. This is also a good business, and the person who hit the head in the middle is a fat man."

"Will the emperor be exempted from Shandong's money and grain this year?"

"Brother Yao said it's funny, so what if the emperor was exempted from money and food in the disaster area? Don't you want to pay the government's donation and the landlord's rent?

Brother Yao just has to wait. This year's drought, when winter comes, our Laizhou Prefecture must also starve to death. If Brother Yao has a favorite land, you can tell the teeth first. At that time, you can take the opportunity to get the land. Needless to say, the price must be extremely low.

For my brother, I have taken a fancy to a neat watered land, 16 of which are connected together, just by the Jiaoxi Longquan River, which is beautiful! When the time comes, I will hold my teeth to talk about it.

After He Wannian became rich and divided the silver in the past two months, he immediately wanted to buy some good fields. Land annexation will always be the nature of Chinese wealth.

"Lao He, do you think if I collect the donation work, can you make the Guo family jump?"

"Ouch! My lord! Don't do this!" When Yao Fan said this, He Wannian was so scared that his face turned green.

"The last time Guo Jixiu ate you and beat you, he heard that he was so angry that he almost died. Now although he is alive, he still can't lie down on the ground! But I can't help it anymore. Besides, Guojiazhuang is on the border of Jimo County. We in Jiaozhou can't reach for donations.



Guo Jixiu is really unlucky enough to break his leg and arm by Yao Fan. He has been lying in bed all the time. Even his favorite cellar abuse can't be carried out normally.

After Guo Jixiu was carried back to Zhuangzi, he was dizzy for more than ten days. After recovering from the ghost door and waking up, he could not get out of bed at all according to the doctor's medical level. According to the medical level, he needs to stay in bed for at least half a year.

Of course Guo Jixiu hates it! I can't wait to eat Yao Fan's meat raw!

When he woke up, he found that although his family had reported to be an official, Yao Fan had also reported to be an official!

Sun Maowen, a judge and dog officer in Jiaozhou, did not know what way to get through. Unexpectedly, he taught the two government officials of Laizhou and Denglai Qingdao to send sea arrest*, saying that he wanted to arrest a group of knife-handed gangsters who blocked the road, describing the armed officials and salt dealers of the Guo family.

Guo's family sells private salt, so their families are rampant and usually dare to take knives to protect them openly. Usually, Mo County is covered by Zhao Shinian, a county magistrate, and naturally nothing happens, but in any case, this is a taboo crime of private possession of weapons.