1875 I come from the future

Chapter 85 Salted Fish Turns Over

[85] Salted fish turned over

Yao Fan's most urgent thing at present is the military training of the township bravery, for two reasons.

First, it is because the current maritime trade is frequent, but Jiaozhou is not a foreign trade port opened by the Qing Dynasty. Foreign ships keep coming in and out every day. Although most of them are empty ships from Yantai to pull goods here, and there are no imported goods, the entry and exit of foreigners will attract criticism sooner or later.

The second is the establishment of Yuchun Agricultural Credit Union. Although it seems to be a profit-seem business under the guise of printing money, it is also troublesome if someone insists on him to buy people's hearts.

Third, because Yao Fan regards the township bravery as the backbone of his future armed forces, once he rises, he will quickly expand. Therefore, the military quality of these villagers as seed troops is extremely important.

Yao Fan has been worried from time to time. He has assumed a lot of dangers. For example, if he went to Jinan to deliver and install the equipment of the machine bureau soon, will he be suddenly arrested by Lao Ding after completion? The reason is that he has a negative intention? Will the Qing court feel that he is plotting and order Lao Ding to arrest him after receiving someone's table? Will Lao Ding excuse him at that time?

These are the worries of a normal traveler. Every time Yao Fan thinks of the possibility of these low-probability events, he comforts himself not to be too nervous.

He stood up from the cool chair in the yard, squeezed the folds on his long shirt, and ended his hour of lunch break. Recently, the quality of his nap has been so poor that he can't sleep at all. He just closes his eyes and keeps thinking in his mind.

Yao Fan plans to ride to Zhuangzi to see the training situation.

This morning's equipment training, the situation was a little chaotic. After the villagers put on military green steel helmets and 70 liters of camouflage carrying tools with 20 kilograms of stone on their backs, they looked a funny and particularly excited to hold an engineering shovel in their hands, so the next five-kilometer load-bearing cross-country run was all over the mountains, probably everyone They all felt very handsome and wanted to show their hands in front of Yao Fan, and all the platoons were scattered.

Originally, Li Hainiu planned to teach the guys how to fight in the afternoon, but was rejected by Yao Fan.

Yao Fan saw Li Hainiu's set of fists and felt a little complicated, especially the footwork was too particular. Yao Fan didn't think there was any footwork in fighting on the battlefield at all.

Yao Fan doesn't believe that Li Hainiu's long fist can quickly teach the guys to use it in practice. Second, Yao Fan felt that the probability of actual combat was not high. It was very troublesome to learn a complete set of martial arts skills and think about how to use it in actual combat. On the contrary, simple military boxing and basic fighting skills taught in the army are more suitable, but Yao Fan himself is not proficient in these subjects that scouts must practice.

Yao Fan's solution is to give Li Hainiu a military fighting textbook that he has prepared for a long time, which is the basic fighting training textbook of the People's Liberation Army. Yao Fan told Li Hainiu that he should first understand the learning, and then teach the guys, including teaching Yao Fan himself in turn.

Li Hainiu couldn't wait to read the book. Just like the martial arts practitioner in the martial arts book found a martial arts secret book, he immediately became fascinated and read it while reading and learning it. Throughout noon, others were resting after lunch, but he kept studying this military fighting textbook.

His mind is both excited and confused.

"The basic skills of the master's fighting skills are too strange. The footwork training is so simple that it's over to learn a horse step and a bow step?

Then there is boxing training, with only three moves in total, straight fist, swing and upper hook. What's the matter? Why don't you even learn any false tricks!

Then there is elbow training, with only two moves, hitting the elbow horizontally and hitting the back elbow.

Then there is leg training, with only four moves, leg flicking, whipping legs, kicking legs, and side kicking.

Then there is knee training, with only two moves, straight knee and side knee.

Then there are grid training, and there are only two basic movements, one is dodging and the other is grid action.

Finally, there is a throwing practice, only two kinds of leg throwing and mixing leg throwing.

What the hell is this!"

When Li Hainiu saw this, he felt that this was completely the evil way to mislead people's children! All kinds of hodgepodge wild roads and the kung fu of the three-plate axe are actually regarded as basic skills. There are no virtual and real routines at all, and there is no connection and footwork.

"If any gun boss teaches other people's children to get started like this, he will definitely be scratched with big ears by a master in the world." Li Hainiu sneered.

But this is Yao Fan's order, and it is also something taught in black and white books. Li Hainiu had to believe it and had to learn to teach others in person.

As he was learning, Li Hainiu suddenly thought about a question. The first year of learning boxing is also full of basic footwork and boxing. Do you want to be able to beat people? At least a year! But if you practice this wild road thing in your hand, you can take advantage of ordinary people in the fight in a month! Although the movements here are simple, they are all simple and quick tricks, and there is also a human body plan map at the back of the book, telling readers where to hit the most injure people's lives.

"If it is on the battlefield, there is no need for any complicated moves. As long as you can hit a knee bump or an elbow, it will kill you. It seems that the writing of this book is not that you don't know the routine, but a trainer." Li Hainiu smiled and felt that he understood what Yao Fan meant.

After reading the basics of fighting and looking back, Li Hainiu couldn't laugh. It turned out that the following course was a total of 20 fighting moves, and each move was written in great detail, and each action was full of lead, pointing to the actual combat!

"Chest and chopping neck, blocking punching, sidethroat, elbow hitting knee, straight punching, kicking legs and kneeling, stuck throat side punching, double chopping bullet kicking, head protection and abdomen, anti-knife and arm, hugging and pushing... Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!" Li Hainiu broke out in a cold sweat.

"It turns out that the person who wrote this book is a great trainer! The black tricks, damaging tricks, poisonous tricks and evil tricks in the world, as long as they are convenient and easy to learn, fierce and sudden, and easy to kill people, are all here! Look at what is written here! One move is to knock people down, mutilated, and even killed! It's really a magic weapon to fight for life on the battlefield.

Li Hainiu was overjoyed, and he was grateful to Yao Fan for giving him such a strange book. He was also obsessed with constantly drawing the tricks in the book, hoping to practice quickly and find time to teach the team members.

The last chapter of the book is called Combination Strike, which is to compile 5 consecutive skills from the 20 moves in front, form a strike combination through 5 to 6 consecutive moves, and complete a man-to-kill routine.

Li Hainiu has fallen into the book...

Yao Fan plans to come to Zhuangzi in the afternoon to teach the introduction of civil engineering, which includes the construction and size requirements of various bunkers, as well as the camouflage of bunkers, the location selection of bunkers, as well as the setting, shape and camouflage of traffic trenches. Yao Fan even wanted to teach the setting and construction of cross-machine gun bunkers.


Shanghai, Far East Adventurer's Paradise.

James Merriz's ship has arrived in Hong Kong, and Merrith's cleverness went back to Yihe Yanghang first to fight. Sure enough, Sir Ben Brown, the Great Ben Brown of Yihe Shanghai Branch, is still in Hong Kong and has not returned yet.

Meilis was greatly relieved. He understood that if Sir Brown came back early and found that he had mortgaged a boat of cotton cloth without authorization, he would have to tear him up.

He quickly contacted two businessmen familiar with him in the Shanghai Concession and invited them to see their dyes. The place was in a dyeing workshop run by a German merchant in the Concession.

"James, is this dye really as good as you said?" Hahn, a big-bellied American, asked.

"Dear Hahn! I promise you that this is more than you make money than selling German horse lamps and Czech tinware! This is real hard currency! No matter which dyeing shop, as long as you have these dyes, you can immediately dye the colors that angels envy! I know you just opened a dyeing workshop in Shanghai to dye American fabrics on the spot. You definitely need this!" Merrix firmly believed.

"James, if you can really dye the color marked on this iron paint barrel and the quality is as perfect as you said, 70 taels of silver per kilogram is indeed acceptable, but how can you guarantee it?" Another German businessman Rubot asked.

"My most sincere friend Rupert, have you seen the printed cloth of Yisheng Yangxing? That's made with this dye! Rupert, I thought of you as soon as I thought that this business would be hot in the future! At the beginning, thanks to you for helping me guarantee the follow-up debts, it's time for me to help you make a fortune! Once you have these dyes in this dyeing workshop in Shanghai, the products will not only be sold in Qing Dynasty, but also be sold to all of Asia. The Merrix vowed.

Seeing that the time came, Merriz ordered the Chinese workers in the Rupert dyeing workshop to take out the steaming cloth from the 70-degree dyeing pool, untie the hemp rope and throw it into the clear pool for rinsing. Soon, a fresh tender green appeared in front of everyone.

"My God, I've never seen this kind of green. It's so beautiful! I bet! Ladies will love it and go crazy! James! I'll buy two barrels, 50 kilograms. As a German fellow villager, Rupert is obviously close to the American. After all, the circle of the Bund is so big that domestic businessmen have a kind of relative-like bond with each other.

"No, no, Rupert, buy four barrels! I suggest you buy four barrels of different colors! A bucket of 50 kilograms can only dye 900 pieces. You have to dye more than 4,000 pieces of cloth a month. One bucket is not enough! You know that I don't have much stock. Once it's sold out, you will be out of stock immediately!" Merrix persuaded.

"These dyes have just been put into production by a new company. Once the European cloth factory finds out, they will take away all the supplies that are not available. At that time, you may not be able to buy these dyes for a year." Merrith threatened slightly.

American fat Hahn said, " Rinse the cloth again. I'll come in person this time. If it doesn't fade, I'm willing to buy four barrels!"

As a result, the cloth was rubbed by the fat man Hahn's desperate hand, and there was no fading, and a basin of water was still clear water.

"Daw! This is great! I want 4 barrels!" Hahn showed the pleasure of his American upstart.

"James, I'll listen to you, and I'll take 4 barrels." Rupert said with relief.

"Good, my gentlemen, you have just made a wise choice." Meriless was very excited.

After completing the process of payment, Merrius actually shed tears of joy, and Merrius came back!

Because of his grasp of business opportunities, he only turned over as soon as he turned over! Immediately redeeming the ship's mortgage cotton cloth, Merris simply threw his resignation to the secretary of the large class of Jardine Yangxing.

"Thank God! Thanks to Frank Yao!

...God, please continue to favor me and let me earn more! ..." Merith bowed his head and prayed devoutly in the church on the Bund.


The church bell rang, as if announcing that a new trip has risen in the Far East Adventurer's Paradise since then.