1875 I come from the future

Chapter 106 bayonet

[106] bayonet

Merrius took Yao Fan's goods and entrustment and left in the cargo ship that left early in the morning. Yao Fan continued to live in the board house and lived a group life with his guys.

He put on blue overalls, wandered among the guys, talked to everyone, listened to their parents' stories, listened to how they felt extremely happy for a chicken and a calf was once born in the family, and listened to how they lost their land under the exploitation of the landlord gentry, and listened to them remember what they had lost. Life, hug them when they cry.

Yao Fan now hugs every soldier as much as possible. He always comforts them, "Don't be afraid, we need to unite. In the future, I will always take you towards victory."

Yao Fan gradually found that his role in this team even included the military priest. This forced him to consider that sooner or later he would train a group of political commissar.

"From now on, I will abandon my past life, because a leader of the people's army should be an ordinary soldier!"

Yao Fan knew that there was an army in the world, and his commander-in-chief had an old oily black pole. He used this pole to pick up food with the soldiers and walked on the rugged mountain road without complaint in straw shoes. He has blood bubbles and callus on his shoulders, and he has to study marches and fight at night, haggard like an old farmer. When the enemy adopted an economic blockade, the army made salt brine by boiling the poop and urine in the dung pit. Of course, no one ate it. It was the commander-in-chief who was the first to take the lead in swallowing the stinky salt brine.

It's still this army. The tall man surnamed Mao, who led the lead, always secretly carries water and fills the water tank of the village army's family, but does not tell the owner that he has been here. Later, this person who loves to work unexpectedly won the world and was about to 'go to Beijing to take the exam', but his guard couldn't find a piece of clothes without patches or tears. In the end, this man calmly went to Beijing in patch clothes, and he actually went to be the president of the Republic. When he read the founding of the country on *, under the new clothes outside, there was a sweater with two elbow holes and patched sweaters with holes in his knees.

It is still this army. Soldiers send one catty of rice a day, and party members only send eight taels. When there is no rice, they eat wild vegetables, and their faces are swollen all the time.

The leaders and cadres of this army gave their flesh and blood to the farmers during the Long March, but many of them failed to come back..."

"How tough and tenacious an army can't crush any suffering like this!"

"I can't do it now to cultivate the same unyielding iron flow as that army, but as long as I can do half of them, I should be able to sweep away..." Yao Fan thought.

"The first step beyond excellence is always to imitate excellence. I dare not say that I can surpass it, but I will try to imitate the invincible iron flow, the devastating and invincible people's army..."


A stabbing training target was erected on the playground of Yaojiazhuang. This is a very simple "well"-shaped wooden shelf made by the carpentry class with wooden strips. The bottom is nailed to a square wooden frame, and the space in the middle of the well character is firmly tied with a strong straw pile with hemp rope.

20 soldiers in each platoon, lined up, with their left foot forward and right foot back, half sideways, carrying a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle with *, neatly shouting "kill" stabbing out.

They were originally weak people who moaned in the world, but now they hold lightning-like bright steel guns, shouting angrily, and urging violent assassinations again and again with the enthusiastic flames in their chests.

The deafening shouts made the hearts of the soldiers standing next to them waiting for practice to boil. Outside the inner city surrounded by wooden walls, when they heard this shout, the working guys also yearned for it.

"Da Liu, it's really exciting for you to hear this murderous shout." Zhang Lusheng, the new monitor of the foreign gray class, said while trying to mix cement and yellow sand with a shovel.

"No! I heard that the village bravery of the host is very powerful! One by one, they practiced as strong as cattle, and their walking postures are different from those of others! Proud! They also fired a gun!" The car clerk named Da Liu waiting to pull the concrete said.

"What do you think the owner wants to do to train such a strong soldier?" Zhang Lusheng asked.

"How do I know that? You can ask the owner." Da Liu Dao.

"If you ask, what are you afraid of? The owner saw me yesterday and praised me for taking good care of the class. The foreign ash is mixed more and evenly, and there are more products than the third class."

"Just blow it." Liu laughed.

"If I brag, I will be your grandson!" Zhang Lu said angrily.

Li Hainiu's kung fu foundation makes him enthusiastic about bayonet practice. Although in his opinion, these guns are not long enough, the steel mouth is as bright as snowflakes, which makes him unable to put them down.

"It would be good if the back of this gun can be connected to a three-foot long wooden handle." Li Hainiu watched the soldiers practice bayonet and said with some regret.

"What's going to be so long? This is a rifle, not a long gun.

Haw, don't underestimate this rifle. The bayonet is red, and it pays attention to a brave word! Although the weapon is inch short and dangerous, the long weapon is not short and flexible. Once it is bullied by the enemy, the one with the long weapon has to escape.

"Do you know that during the 1840* War, most of the battles of the British army were won by bayonet! As long as the British approached within 100 meters, they would shoot a wave of guns in unison, and then launch a bayonet charge. The efforts of the Green Camp and the Eight Banner were useless and were defeated one after another. The British army also relied on the white blade charge to kill countless Eight Banners and Green Camps. Only two of them died and injured 15 others.

Li Hainiu said in a daze, "I'm afraid that foreigner is a little magical, otherwise how can he be so powerful?"

Yao Fan shook his head repeatedly: "This is not magic. This is the gap between the modern army and the feudal army. It is also the essence of bayonet tactics. The essence of the so-called bayonet tactics is courage!"

"The bayonet tactics are very simple, relying on fast, fierce and accurate!

When the two armies meet, the more brave men will take action! The more brave you are, the more fierce you will be! The braver you are, the more accurate you are!"

"Dear owner! I understand what you said! The ancients said that the master of tigers and wolves probably meant the same as you. Li Hainiu focused heavily on his head.

Yao Fan continued: "In 1856, the British army had a record of repelling 2,000 Russian soldiers by relying on bayonets of only 40 people."

Next, Yao Fan didn't go on. He remembered that in the First Sino-Japanese War, when the Japanese army launched a bayonet charge, they always killed ten times the number of their Qing army... The Boxer Rebel Movement, half of the French army of about 40 people, under the cover of two 'Miss 75' quick-fire guns Brazenly launched a white-edged charge and defeated the 2,000-strong boxer army with a bayonet...

Later, a great Chinese army was born. They made it commonplace for bayonet to see the bayonet, crazily staged real kung fu within 30 meters, used bayonet charge as a conventional weapon, and finally liberated the whole country... After the rise of the great new China, it was still this army, charging and blocking with bayonets and blood. The corpses killed by the United Nations army were everywhere... The slogan of this army used to be - bayonet on land, bayonet at sea, bayonet in the air... During the Iraq War, more than 20 British soldiers launched a white-handed battle with bayonet charge when the ammunition was about to run out, defeating nearly 100 Iraqi troops in one fell swoop, and only three British soldiers were injured...

The bayonet is a must for soldiers!

Any army that does not have the courage to win through the white-edged charge is just a flock of sheep.

"Matee, target stabbing is only a preliminary practice, followed by stabbing action, stabbing action, buttstock strike, defensive counterattack routines, etc., all of which need to be practiced hard! Next, we have to practice confrontation and let the soldiers practice the thorns. You urge the carpentry team to finish the batch of one-meter wooden guns I want quickly, and let the soldiers put on the protective gear I brought and fight with the wooden guns!"

"Yes, boss!"