1875 I come from the future

Chapter 114 Three Hundred Long Guns Xiao Sen 5

[114] Three hundred long guns Xiao Sen (V)

When the messenger from the township brave government sent a message all the way to Yaojiazhuang, Yao Fan was holding a public trial meeting.

The final result of the rice grain deduction case that Yao Fan asked Wang Gui to investigate has been. After a secret conversation with the staff of the fifth class of cooking, according to their report, Wang Gui took the staff to rush into the board room that the squad leader of the fifth cooking class once had, and found 20 bags of white rice noodles piled up to the ceiling against the wall, and four packs. Pickle jar full of soybean oil.

At that time, Wang Gui jumped up angrily, ordered the staff to tie up Zeng Changyou, carry him to a warehouse, and called Liu Jinbao and Li Jun, who were close to discuss it. All three of them were furious about such a thing in Zhuangzi.

Li Junhu listened to Wang Gui's words and spit fiercely on Zeng Chang's face. He angrily untied the armed belt tied on his waist and cursed, "Kill you thief! Beat you to death!! Say!! What else did you steal?"

Once there was often tied like a twist, and the smoked ghost cried and said with a sad face, "There's really nothing else... woo-woo... just this thing... woo... It's all here, brother's mercy, woo-woo..."

Liu Jinbao, who was standing at the same time, believed it and scolded with hatred: "Don't tell the truth! Beat him to death!"

Liu Jinbao spit on his opponent angrily and released his armed belt: "Let me do it! Damn, I will kill this thief for my boss today!"

The armed belt is a military product purchased by Yao Fan. The cowhide and copper head are galvanized, and a five-pointed star is stamped on the copper head. If it is drawn by this copper head, the skin will be opened.

You should know that Li Jun and Liu Jinbao are both soldiers who carry out physical training all day long. Li Jun is a blacksmith's boy. Liu Jinbao has been a poor farmer who has been doing rough work for generations. The two of them belong to the working people who are soaked in small bitter water. Their shoulders are full of strength. In addition, they have been working hard for several months, which is delicious and delicious. Strong nutrition makes the two grow a whole body of tendons!

Every time Li Jun went down, he often had a line of blood coming out through his clothes. If he kept pulling it down, he would be beaten to death.

Once, his face was covered with blood by Li Jun's armed belt. He couldn't bear the pain and howled bitterly. If he hadn't been tied up, he would have rolled all over the ground in pain. He saw Liu Jinbao push away Li Jun and hold the armed belt tightly in his hand. The thick cowhide was folded and clenched, and the heavy copper head fell in front of him.

I often knew that this thing was deadly. With Liu Jinbao's strength, if he slapped his head, isn't it flesh and blood? Ten* will be killed on the spot!

"I won't tell the truth!" Liu Jinbao stepped forward again and raised his belt to attack him. I don't know whether he wanted to kill Zeng Chang or scare him to death.

I often saw that this posture dared to speak hard, and I was immediately scared to get hot urine out of my crotch and get wet.

He cried, "I said! I said it all! Stop fighting! Please stop fighting!"

So he often began to explain how to cook rice with more water and less rice, how to mix bran in white noodles to make steamed bread, and how to reduce the use of oil in stir-fried pickles with heavy oil. These rice flour soybean oil were seized and sold to local rice stores. More than 4,000 catties of rice and white flour were secretly sold out to local grain merchants.

Because Yaojiazhuang's rice is all peeled and fine white rice purchased by Yao Fan, the flour is snow-white standard steamed bread powder, and soybean oil is clear refined edible oil. Compared with brown rice, gray surface and dark brown soybean oil produced by the backward food processing technology of the Qing Dynasty, that simple Straight is the most advanced food! It is deeply loved by rich people and sells so well that as long as the rice, flour, grain and oil flowing from Yaojiazhuang appear on the market, rich people will pay out of their pockets.

When the grain merchant saw such a best-selling product, how could he not try his best to frighte?

This led to the once-style corrupt business getting bigger and deeper. Later, he even developed two guys in the fifth class of cooking as his colleagues and colluded to deduct the rice, flour, grain and oil in the public.

When the matter was reported to Yao Fan, Yao Fan asked Li Jun in disgust: "What do you think we should do about this?"

"This dog thief! I'm going to die!

The owner! I used to steal rice, flour, grain and oil, which are all the best grain and oil in our village. Such delicious food is worth more than 1,000 taels of silver! I think this thief should be beaten to death!" Li Jun said angrily.

He came from a bitter background and knows that today's good days are hard-won. He clearly knows that a happy life depends on the good operation of Yaojiazhuang, so he especially hates the rules of Yaojiazhuang.

Yao Fan thought and unconsciously asked:

"I have often stolen so much. It's not unfair to kill him, but what's good for us to kill him?"

Li Jun clenched his fist and said hatefully:

"Kill a hundred! If you don't kill him, maybe someone will learn from him in the future! I think he should be killed together with his two peers!"

Yao Fan focused on his head and felt that he could never tolerate such criminal acts and had zero tolerance for corruption.

What's more, my salary is not low!?

As the monitor in charge of the fifth class of cooking, he was responsible for the dock construction and seaside leveling projects for more than 1,000 people, and his 20 cooking staff. Therefore, Yao Fan gave him 5 taels of silver per month. Unexpectedly, such a * strategy raised a rice worm!

"Governing the country is governing officials!

Before the country is established, the officials will be corrupt first. If they are not severely punished, they will raise a vested interest group. Li Jun, I agree with you, kill it!

However, we need to conduct a public trial first and go through the process to let everyone know why we killed these three people! Let everyone take it as a warning.

Li Jun, please organize the guys in the village and choose a day to judge these three corrupt elements in a public trial at the dock construction site!"

"I'm going now!" Li Jun walked out of Yao Fan's office in a fiery way.

Li Jun picked up the day on October 25, which is the day when Lu Shan came to Qingdao for inspection.

When Bai Dagui sent messengers from the township Yongyamen to find Yao Fan from Yaojiazhuang, there was already a sea of people here. More than 1,000 people and fellows stood in awe, surrounded by a wooden platform layer by layer.

This is a one-meter-high platform temporarily built on the construction site, with a red cloth banner pulled behind it with bamboo poles, with slogans in black and white words - there used to be a public trial meeting of corrupt gangs.

Zeng Chang and his two accomplices were tied up, wearing a white paper hat on their heads, kneeling in the middle of the table in front of the crowd. The hats were written respectively, the corrupter Zen Chang You, the corruptor Fan Lishan and the corrupt Zhu Shuida.

Yao Fan went into the battle in person, wearing the same blue cotton overalls as the guys, and stood on the stage and preached loudly:

Comrades! In addition to the direct embezzlement and stolen money and food caused by embezzlers to the country and the people, the loss and destruction of the work atmosphere is even more incalculable!

From the three of them, we can clearly see how rampant the rotten feudal dross is against the attack of the revolutionary team! In the face of distorted selfish desires, Zeng Changyou, Fan Lishan and Zhu Shuida were not only captured, but also tamed to surrender to the decadent and corrupt feudal forces and became agents of feudal corrupt forces in our team!

They embezzled the reward of everyone's hard work and deducted rice and grain. The circumstances were serious and the amount was huge! Everyone said, can we agree!"

The people and the guys under the stage were excited, and they all blushed and roared:

"Kight to death! These thieves! Beat them to death!"

"Yao Dongjia! Beat them to death!"

"Yes! The host killed them!"

"Kight to death! Beat it to death!"

"Peeled their skin and fill the grass!"

The anger of the masses is burning more and more like the flames of the wasteland!

At this time, the soldiers Yao Fan arranged in the venue in advance followed Yao Fan and shouted loudly:

"Resolutely support the firing of corrupt criminals, Fan Lishan and Zhu Shuida!"

"Resolutely punish corrupt elements!"

"Resolutely repel the rampant attack of the decadent feudal forces!"

Many people and clerks under the stage were infected by this atmosphere, followed by shouting slogans in unison. For a moment, the venue was noisy and there were many fists and arms.

Yao Fan was so happy that the people's hearts were available and ordered loudly: "On behalf of the Yaojiazhuang Revolutionary Committee, I hereby announce the death sentence of corrupt elements Zen Changyou, Fan Lishan and Zhu Shuida! Execute it immediately!"

This so-called Yaojiazhuang Revolutionary Committee is Yao Fan's new invention.

Before the public trial, Yao Fan couldn't figure out what institution to use to pronounce the sentence. After all, this is Yao Jiazhuang's first execution. On the surface, it is a lynching, but in essence, it is the first enforcement of a revolutionary regime.

The patriarch of the Qing Dynasty has the right to execute people who violate the clan rules. Even if the patriarch is for money and kills, the government does not dare to intervene. Almost all clan leaders are vicious local emperors in their clans. They can all lynching, canop, imprisonment, maiming and execution can all blatantly enforce clan rules. In the name of

During the Kangxi period, there was a patriarch who forcibly occupied the wife of the clan as a concubine! Only 18 taels of silver were fined.

During the Qianlong period, Liu Kuiyi, the patriarch surnamed Liu in Anhui, buried his brother Liu Zhong alive and hanged himself in grief. Two people were killed. Qianlong only verbally condemned the incident.

All these vicious cases such as clan chiefs were common in the Qing Dynasty.

Yao Ying, an official of the Jiaqing Dynasty, said, "The strong man of the gentry, who always commands the clan, is like slaves. The fools do not know how to fear the officials, but they are afraid of the generation, and do not listen to them." This is because the punishment of the officials still requires laws, and the punishment from the patriarch is severe and does not require any laws.

In the Ming Dynasty and Song Dynasty, the clan forces, especially the patriarchal power, were suppressed by the powerful bureaucratic system for a long time. They were afraid that after the clan power was strong, they would collude with rebellion or resist administrative law enforcement. The centralization of patriarchs will weaken the loyal thought and social civilization of Confucian civilization.

However, under the slavery of the Qing Dynasty, the bureaucratic system was a distorted thing. The civil and military officials said that they were bureaucrats. Rather, they were a group of small slave owners who worked for the big slave owners, so they deliberately supported the authority of the patriarch, because a small slave leader was always more than a group of slaves. Easy to manage.

It can be seen that the Qing Dynasty from emperor to patriarch is a system of superiority and inferiority of slavery. The emperor is a big slave owner, and each floor below has small slave owners controlling their own slaves. This society is not so much a feudal society, but a regression of feudal society. It is a hybrid of feudalism and slavery with Chinese characteristics. Feudal slave society! He said that he was a Chinese Chinese, and he did inherit the Chinese culture. He said that he was not a Chinese Chinese, and he was indeed born by the slavery culture of the Qing Dynasty**, a Chinese civilization with extremely distinct slavery characteristics.

Since Yao Fan knows that clan culture is an extremely autocratic garbage, he is bound to smash it completely in the future. For this reason, he is not even at the mercy of killing. Naturally, he can no longer use the name of Yao Jiazhuang to kill these three people. Otherwise, when the regime is established in the future, history books will definitely be reckless about this matter. Attack.

"Taizu has the power of the gentry, killing Zeng Chang, Fan, Zhu, Yan Shun, but the name is not right..."

Yao Fan doesn't want to leave a chance for historians to curse...

Ya then urgently established the Yaojiazhuang Revolutionary Committee, with a total of 8 members: Yao Fan, Li Hainiu, Li Jun, He Shicheng, Liu Jinbao, Zhou Si, Wang Gui and Su Sanjie.

It can be said that this list is a combination of military head and finance. Yao Fan, as the absolute supreme leader, naturally became the chairman of the Revolutionary Committee. He did not appoint a vice chairman for a simple reason, in order to better centralize power.

And he felt that, to be fair, none of these people had the theoretical level of vice chairman, and even the actual work level had the problem of insufficient experience. These problems should be left to solve in the future.

When Zeng Chang, Fan Lishan and Zhu Shui were pushed to the seaside execution ground, the crowd also gathered here. There were three black pine coffins on the edge of the execution ground, which was prepared by Yao Fan's order.

The soldiers maintain order, but they still can't stop the high curiosity of the masses who hope to witness the shooting and killing with their own eyes. Everyone wants to see what's going on. After all, in the past, everyone has been buried alive, hanged, beheaded, and late. Have you ever seen such a 'luxury' way of killing with a gun.

The three were escorted 20 meters away and knelt down with their backs to the executioners. The three of them trembled like sieves and cried bitterly, "The owner, spare my life. The little one is wrong, and the owner surrounds my life..."

Li Hainiu personally ordered:


The execution team composed of Hu Guangting and six other soldiers with excellent shooting results lined up, and Wen Ling immediately picked up 56 and a half aiming.

According to the firing process formulated by Li Hainiu, every two people aim at one target to ensure the successful completion of the shooting.

Li Hainiu remembered Yao Fan's instruction, "The relative beheading of the shooting is a manifestation of civilization, because the pain of the deceased is less and can leave the whole body."

"Pray!!" Li Hainiu roared.

Almost at the same time, Hu Guangting and six other soldiers pulled the trigger. The bullet penetrated the backs of Zeng Dayou, Fan Lishan and Zhu Shuida at a distance of 20 meters and flew out of their chest. The cavity effect took off with splashing blood and fist-sized black holes. The three fell to the ground heavily. Obviously, they died immediately because their internal organs were torn apart. .

The crowd of onlookers suddenly stood silently.

Next is to enter the coffin. Yao Fan ordered all to disband, and everyone returned to work to continue today's work.

At this time, the people who came to report the news in the brave government of the township were dumbfounded and completely forgot that they were here to report the news.

"Yao Dong's family... he... he... he dared to kill his fellow... embezzlement... my God!!"