1875 I come from the future

Chapter 138 The sound of drum corners 10

[138] The sound of drums and horns starts to fight (ten)

Looking at the lyrics published by Yao Fan, everyone learned quickly and memorize the military song in half an hour.

"Now let's practice together." Yao Fan played the exciting soundtrack again.



The wind is roaring,

How loud the revolutionary song is.

Comrades rushed to the battlefield of liberation,

Comrades rushed to the border of the motherland.


We are the children of workers and peasants,

We are armed with the people,


After singing a song, the comrades applauded with thunder.

Li Hainiu praised: "Li Qi! What a lift! Chairman, your speaker is amazing! That's amazing!"

Bai Xiaoqi was dumbfounded and said, "Chairman Yao is indeed a monster!" This box is like a trick, no! It's more magical than a trick. It's simply a fairy magic! Chairman Yao won't be a fairy, will he?

"All stand up!" Yao Fan ordered.

The cadres stood up and straightened up one by one.

"The battalion commanders and the battalion commanders and the battalion commanders of the first company were left, and the others were disbanded. Go back and teach the soldiers to sing military songs immediately.


When everyone left, Yao Fan took out eleven Lemanx waterproof walkie-talkies from his backpack and gave them to his five battalion commanders, deputy battalion commanders and artillery company commander Guiba.

The waterproof ability of this type of walkie-talkie has reached level 7, that is to say, it can withstand immersion in water for a short time. All electronic components in the walkie-talkie are glued with a waterproof cover. All the labels on the walkie-talkie-talkie and battery have been torn off by Yao Fan. At present, the walkie-talkie-talkie and batteries are fully charged, and can be used even if they are out of power. Charging diesel generators in Yaojiazhuang.

"This is a walkie-talkie. The distance of field calls is 10 to 20 miles. Of course, if you encounter forests or mountains, the distance will be short, only 2 to 10 miles. Now I'll teach you how to use it.

Yao Fan didn't care about the stupid eyes of his cadres and began to explain.

After Yao Fan's demonstration, Li Hainiu was extremely excited: "Mangle! This is amazing! What happens in the future? I can tell the chairman as soon as I press it!"

He Shicheng kept swallowing and scratching his cheeks and said, "Chairman, will you take me with you this time? I was on guard last time, why am I still on guard this time?

Liu Jinbao's excited face was red and his neck was thick. He kept learning Yao Fan's demonstration with a walkie-talkie and shouted, "Hey! Did you hear me? Hello! Did you hear that? Hello! Hello! Hello! Hear..."

Zhou's nervous mouth kept talking and quickly remembered in his heart: "Turn on the power first, turn up the volume, adjust the band, press the call button, and let go after saying it..."

Li Jun held the walkie-talkie in his hand for fear of falling. He was afraid of pinching it and did not dare to pinch it again, so he was unwilling to hold it in one hand. Finally, he carefully stuffed the walkie-talkie into his pocket, buckled it and said:

"Chairman, we will definitely send troops to fight the Qing army! As long as we see the Qing army, won't we report it immediately? As soon as the army surrounds him, he must be stuck in his wings!"

Li Hainiu flashed and said, "Yes! If only I could send one to Tanma! You don't have to run back to report the enemy!"

Yao Fan prevaricates and said, "This is the equipment secretly developed by my overseas research institute. Such high-tech equipment cannot be spread out. Although the Qing army does not understand, the foreigners understand it. In case they accidentally fall into the hands of foreigners and are learned by them to equip the army to fight the Chinese. , then help Zhou to abuse."

Liu Jinbao asked, "Chairman, what does it mean to help Zhou?"

Li Jun said impatiently, "It's just like a tiger adding wings."

Liu Jinbao nodded enlightenedly: "Well, you can't let the tiger grow wings, is that okay? Then don't fly into the village to make sins in the future? I can't even catch it."

Yao Fan warned: "The walkie-talkie is a secret equipment. You must keep it close to yourself. If it is lost, it will be downgraded three times in a row! Strict interrogation and review are also required!"

"Yes!" The generals are solemn.

After the meeting was disbanded, the cadres were afraid of forgetting the lyrics and ran back to their respective companies to teach the soldiers to sing. For a while, military songs were heard everywhere in Mocheng.

"Camp Chief Liu, what song are you singing? It sounds strange and exciting." The local butcher Zhang, who sent pork to the army, asked.

The pork of the lower team basically depends on procurement. Although there were many live pigs and cattle among the local tycoons before, Yao Fan thought about it again and thought it was better to hire someone to raise it first. At present, buy and eat outside first, and once the supply is scarce, then eat your own.

"This is the military song of our revolutionary army! The big name of our revolutionary army is called the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army. Liu Jinbao said proudly in the school yard of the original garrison camp.

"It sounds good! Sing well!" Zhang Butcher nodded with a smile on his face.

In the view of Zhang's butchers, although this group of rubber thieves are a heinous and unforgivable crime of rebellion, their military discipline is strict, and they never owe credit to do business with the people, nor do they suppress prices. Yao Fan, the king of this group of rubber thieves, even posted a notice of fair trading, which said that everyone is welcome everyone to the county government to complain about the illegal behavior of any soldiers. It even exempted all small vendors from taxes and all miscellaneous taxes of the original Qing Dynasty.

Because of the large purchase of rubber thieves, butcher Zhang has made a lot of money recently. Although his wife has always disagreed with him sending meat to rubber thieves every day and warned him to stop it as soon as possible, Zhang butcher really can't resist the wholesale profit of paying meat with one hand and meat to money.

"This way of making money is much more comfortable than two or three taels of zero sales. Don't mention, the glue thief is really good at eating! Even the lowest Qiu Ba suddenly has shredded meat, so Yao Dong's family is indeed a rich man!" Every time butcher Zhang sent the pork home, he was so admiring.

The next day, the chicken crowed for the first time. At four o'clock, it was still dark, and Yao Fan took his troops on the road.

If the previous attack on Jimo County was the first siege of Yao Fan's army, then this expedition may become the first field battle of this young army, and it will face the Qing cavalry. Although Yao Fan had made as many preparations as possible before, after all, it was the first time for the big girl to get on the sedan chair, and she was still extremely uneasy.

"I hope everything will be stable."

10 kilometers west of Jimo is Daxin Town. At 7 a.m., four heavily armed battalions and a gun company arrived.

"Chairman, ten miles to the west, oh, it's five kilometers, we can go to Nanquan Town, 15 kilometers from Nanquan Town to Ligezhuang."

"Senior speed, let's go to Li Gezhuang to make dinner and rest." Yao Fan made a decision.

When the villages and towns along the way saw this army wearing red flag and blue overalls, they recognized it as the rebels of Yaojiazhuang at a glance. The landlord Lao Cai constantly sent their families to ride letters to Jiaoxi County. They hoped that after defeating Yao Fan's attack, they could get some political capital.

When the troops arrived at Li Gezhuang at 10:30 a.m., Yao Fan was very satisfied with the strength of the soldiers.

"Chairman, Qingjun should have known that we are coming. I sent scouts on both wings and found that there were a lot of bastards sneaking horses to the west. Li Hainiu reported to Yao Fan.

"The cavalry is an offensive force with excellent reconnaissance ability, and it is almost impossible to launch a surprise attack on them. Besides, they came to fight us specially. It's impossible not to prevent us from sneaking. I don't expect to block them in the city at all.

The manatee, passed the order, and the whole army made food. After eating for half an hour, he continued to hurry on his way.


When the whole army set off again at 12:30 p.m., the Mongolian cavalry in Jiaoxi County had received the news.

The five Mongolian cavalry battalions are led by Dekejina, the commander of the eight-flags garrison battalion in Qingzhou, and the Mongolian people of the Yellow Banner. On the surface, they all shout that they are all sound good, but in fact, they are the title of the second grade and deputy commander.

Dekgina has grown up in Beijing since he was a child, and has been the supreme commander of the military region in Qingzhou for three years, but he still hasn't learned Shandong dialect.

"His grandma! I didn't cut his head, but he bit me first. Dirkina stroked the black beard on his lips and popped out of his mouth.

"General! The rubber thief is full of calculations. There are only 1,000 people in total, all with guns on their backs. They are all soldiers, without baggage and auxiliary soldiers. At present, they have arrived at Li Gezhuang. If they don't continue to march west, they can go to Jiaoxi in the evening. Dekgina's men participated in the report.

"Zhai? Am I still waiting for him to take a cottage?" DeKina stood up from the chair and shook his front skirt and said, "Give me armor! Tell the children to get on the horse immediately! I'm going to kill today!"

In Dekgina's opinion, it's a joke if more than 1,200 cavalry can't win against a thousand infantry, not to mention a new mob!

"The bold and chaotic people, if they have a few foreign guns in their hands, they don't know the depth of the sky..." Dekgina finished wearing it with the help of his subordinates, and ordered indifferently by pressing the handle of the knife with his flying horse:

"Let's go."

In the blink of an eye, a thousand Mongolian iron riders opened the gate of Jiaoxi County and quietly moved eastward slowly.

A flock of horses flowing to the east gradually appeared on the ground. The knights on the horses hung black cow tendons bows, white feathers in the arrow sac behind them, and the newly painted black arrows were shiny. Take a closer look at the knight's costume, wearing red iron helmets, leather-inlaid silk armor, black beast mouth swallowing cloud-pattern thick-sole cowhide boots, bright armor! The yellow and yellow clothes are clearly armored. It can be said that the knife is as bright as a star. It is really imposing!

Today's Mongolian cavalry is no longer the original bitter light cavalry. Compared with their ancestors, the current cavalry of the Mongolian Eight Banners, especially the last three phases, can be called heavy cavalry. Of course, this is not compared with the European iron-shell turtle heavy cavalry, but relative to the cavalry of the Green Camp or the Brave Camp.