1875 I come from the future

Chapter 146 The Red Flag Turns Over 2

[146] The red flag turned over (II)

After carefully inspecting the county government, Li Jun came to report to Yao Fan: "Chairman, more than 7,000 taels of silver were extracted from the treasury of Jiangshan County, and more than 31,000 taels of silver were extracted from the county magistrate's home. There are five boxes of other gold, pearls, jade and jewelry. I estimate that a box is worth tens of thousands of taels! In addition, there are 200,000 catties of grain stored in the granary of the county government.

Yao Fan simply said, "Zhang Bang's notice informing the whole city that Wu Hanlin, the magistrate of Jiangshan County, is a corrupt official. He will immediately publicly shoot him and confiscate all his property.

In addition, you can take out the money to buy pork in the whole city, add meals for the soldiers, rest and wash your feet after dinner, and arrange a company to serve as a guard tonight. We will set out early tomorrow morning to attack Pingdu Prefecture!"


As soon as Li Jun left, Li Hainiu asked, "Chairman, which way should we take to level? To cross the Dagu River, there are only bridges on Laixi and Jiaoxi Road, and the rest are all ferries.

Yao Fan answered firmly: "According to the established plan, take the Fengdian ferry, where the river is narrow and there is a big drought this year. In addition, it is now a period of dry water. The river is about ten meters wide and one meter deep. If you are lucky, you can cross the water."

So the whole army in Jiangshan County made rice, and for a while, the smoke curled up and the meat smelled.

The battle to capture Jiangshan County was another battle with no casualties for the whole army. Only one soldier broke his foot because he ran too fast, and the rest of them were unharmed. This revolutionary army is now demoralized.

"Hey! Does everyone know? The chairman said, after this battle, everyone has a daughter-in-law!"

"Hi! Xiaowu, who did you hear that?

"What Battalion Li said can still be fake?"

"Which battalion commander Li?"

"One battalion commander."

"Good boy! In today's life, it would be really happy if we could marry another daughter-in-law.

"Isn't it? Follow the chairman to make a revolution, eat rice and white noodles vigorously, and you can see meat in the dishes every day. How can you find such a good day!"

"Give me another bowl. Today's meat is so delicious!"

"Nonsense, is there anything that doesn't smell good?"

After eating, the whole army began to boil hot water, and the soldiers took off their shoes and socks and began to soak their feet.

Yao Fan and all the company platoon officers gathered in Jiangshan County to repeatedly discuss today's experience and the next Pingdu campaign.

"Today, all the troops fought quite well, and there were no casualties, which should be commended." Yao Fandao.

"Especially today's assault battalion taught Lian Hu Guangting. As a pioneer, he dares to fight and fight, which is very worthy of praise! Moreover, after the deployment of new tactics at the last military meeting, they were able to quickly adjust their combat methods and achieve three or five groups of scattered attack formations, which is most commendable. Today, we also saw that compared with the teaching company of the first battalion, many other companies did not do well, and there was a swarm of surges. Yao Fan said again.

Li Jun added: "The scattered soldiers are about to disperse! Otherwise, it is very easy to stop your own firepower and become accidental injury, and once you are shelled by the enemy, a group of people will get together and die and be very serious!" After saying that, he looked at Yao Fan, and Yao Fan nodded in favor of him.

After this speech, the cadres nodded in agreement, saying that they would emphasize the formation more strictly next time.

"The battalion commanders and company commanders will go back to write a summary report and report the list of soldiers who have performed well in this battle. When we go back to Jimo, we will commend them separately! It's more amazing to learn from a model worker than to learn from a model worker!" Yao Fan emphasized it here.

"Chairman, what should we do with so many seizures this time?" Zhou's fourth question.

Yao Fan said, "This afternoon, we will search for horses and carts in the whole city, plus the 20 big cars we brought, and bring back the supplies together. This matter will be handed over to you in four battalions and four companies. There are a total of 62 people in the fourth company commander * Lin's deputy company commander to escort 1,096 prisoners. This task is still relatively heavy. You should be careful along the way and don't let the prisoners make trouble. Anyone who has emotions will be shot and don't condone them. But don't beat and scold them, and make them full along the way.

*Lin stood up and saluted Yao Fan: "Yes! Chairman! My four battalions and four companies are guaranteed to complete the task!"

Seeing that the military posture and language of his cadres are very standard, Yao Fan is in a very good mood.

"After the battle of Jiangshan, the Qing army no longer had the strength to compete with our army in the whole Jiaodong Peninsula. Chen Huilong, the commander-in-chief of Dengzhou, actually transferred the Yantai garrison battalion stationed in Fushan, which led to the fact that Yantai had no soldiers to defend at present. As the largest foreign trade port on the Jiaodong Peninsula, more than a dozen countries have consular institutions and commercial firms in Yantai, and there is no Qing army stationed, which is likely to cause some foreigners's stupidity. We need to pay attention to this direction, but it is still far out of our total strength for the time being.

Yao Fan finished the nonsense of this situation analysis and began to get to the point: "According to our campaign deployment, the next step is to level Duzhou.

According to the theory of continuous battles, in order to crush the enemy's huge clusters or fronts, we must continuously carry out a series of battles that are connected in time and can lead to victory across the whole line. And the continuity of combat time will not give the enemy the time to deploy and organize the battle!

In terms of time, following the victory of the Battle of Jiaoxi, our army successfully carried out the Battle of Jiangshan today, which completely disintegrated the strategic intention of the Qing army to implement the package against me from the north and west in a short time. However, from the perspective of determining the direction of the whole battle, the next Pingduzhou Campaign will be the key battle for our army to smash the Qing army's large group to encircle and suppress me.

Pingdu Prefecture is far away from our army's Jimo and Qingdao base areas across the Dagu River, with a straight distance of only 130 miles. Judging from the current situation, there are no enemies. If our army can't completely destroy the enemies of Pingdu Prefecture, the enemy will continue to reinforce Jiaoxi County and Jiangshan County, forming a north and west to me again. The situation of two-way bags.

According to the current information sent back by Baima, Ding Baozhen's brave battalion marched very quickly. Among the 19 battalions he transferred, except for Li Peirong and Mo Zushen's fourth battalion and Shenzi's third battalion stationed in Shouguang, all 12 battalions of Zhenzi of Wang Zhengqi, the commander-in-chief of Shandong, have all arrived in Pingdu Prefecture.

In addition, Chen Huilong's Qingzhou garrison battalion, which was killed by our army today, has also arrived in Pingdu with Wang Zhengqi's Zhenzi Battalion.

At present, this group of Qing troops are training day and night, arming the whole army. Just waiting for Li Peirong and Mo Zushen to arrive, they will encircle and suppress me.

Comrades! This battle is too critical! It is of decisive significance for our army to gain a firm foothold in Shandong. Once it wins, the Qing army will completely enter the strategic defense, and if we can't defeat the Qing army, it will be our army's turn to be on strategic defense, and even face the danger of being attacked by enemy soldiers under the city and the whole line collapse!"

"Kill the demon!!!" Li Hainiu shouted almost as if he were howling, and his voice was harsh and deafening.

For a while, the cadres were excited and shouted to kill.

After seeing the bloody killing, these poor peasants are now fearless soldiers. Although they still need to be thought out in terms of military literacy, continuous victories are undoubtedly the most critical step towards the success of their military career!

The art of war has a cloud: "The disease of water, as for the drifting stone, it is also powerful!"

This momentum! It has been created by Yao Fan!

Yao Fan raised his hands and pressed them down, and the county government immediately calmed down.

"Wang Zhengqi's 12th Battalion has a total strength of 4,000, including four 500 infantry battalions, a total of 2,000 infantry, eight 250 cavalry battalions, and a total of 2,000 cavalry. It can be said that there are many generals and fierce. They are the most elite troops under Ding Baozhen and have fought with the Taiping Army and the Nian Army many times. Destroying them is equivalent to pulling out the sharp teeth and claws of Ding Baozhen, the big tiger. The Qing army's troops throughout Shandong will be empty and will have to mobilize troops from all over the country to encircle and suppress me. Due to the long-term fragmentation of the governors of the Qing government, the process of inter-provincial troop transfer will undoubtedly be quite long. The problems of grain and money alone can delay for at least half a year. With a strategic buffer period of more than half a year, there is no doubt that our Shandong Commune will be stronger and more indestructible! Our troops will also expand by leaps and bounds!"

Hearing this, the applause of the cadres under the stage! Shout! One after another!

Yao Fan stood up excitedly and said, "Comrades! We must hold the belief that we will win this battle! With the courage and determination to fight to the death with the enemy! Resolutely implement the campaign deployment and completely defeat the enemy! Exterminate!

Before, we arranged three fierce tactics, the principle of troop organization of four teams, and the organizational battle mode of three systems. However, from the general battle level, in the next battle of Pingdu Prefecture, we should adopt a one-sided approach based on the implementation of the above three tactical ideas.

There are few enemies and cavalry in this battle. It is almost impossible for our army to completely surround the enemy. Under such combat conditions, our army must bravely carry out some encirclement tactics against the enemy, that is, what I said one or two sides.

Look at the map I drew. Once the enemy is found, the left and right wing companies of our army should immediately unfold into a scattered column and quickly clamp the enemy. After entering the battle distance, it will contain the enemy's central force, and the assault cluster in the middle of our army will choose the center of the enemy under the cover of the fire cluster. Launch an assault on the weak spot, open a gap in the strong fortress in front of the enemy, and resolutely rush in! Carry out annihilation attack on the enemy!

Now I will tell you the specific way of playing.

Please take a look at this map. According to the concept of the battle, after crossing the Dagu River from the Yifengdian ferry, our army will go north from the South Road and go straight to Pingdu Prefecture. Under the situation of being few enemies, the Qing army will definitely go out of most or even all of them and go south to fight against me.

On the surface and center of our army, the distribution ratio of troops will be 3 to 7, that is to say, if 1,000 people of the whole army participate in the war, about 150 people will be arranged on each of the two wings, and about 700 troops will be gathered in the middle. The deployment of troops in the middle road should ensure the absolute advantage against the enemy!

In the deployment of the 'face' of the two wings, we can also use one and two sides, or three sides, but we don't force the enemy to defeat the two wings. Our strategic focus is still in the middle!

Once we make a breakthrough in the enemy's weaknesses in the middle, our army will** go straight into the hearts of the enemy's central cluster and completely disintegrate the enemy's will to fight! Our army should resolutely implement the three fierce tactical ideas of fierce fighting, rushing and fierce pursuit, and chase to the end! Strive for complete annihilating! At this time, the two wings should cooperate and press on, maintain strong pressure on the enemy, and promote the enemy to collapse on the whole line while containing the opponent!"

After listening to Yao Fan's battle deployment, the cadres looked at Yao Fan's eyes, except for worship! Or worship!

Yao Fan is very satisfied with this.

On the battlefield! Commanders need absolute authority!

Throughout the military history, no matter how good tactics are, if they are not resolutely implemented, they are likely to be defeated, and if stupid tactics can be bravely and firmly implemented to the end, they can often defeat their opponents.

Yao Fan strengthened his encouragement: "Comrades! We must believe that we absolutely have the strength to defeat the enemy!

Through the previous battle, I think you have found that we have an absolute firepower advantage over the Qing army. Even if the Qing army launches a rapid cavalry group charge, it will die in vain under our fire attack!

Now let me talk about the specific deployment. Except for the four battalions and four companies of our army, which are responsible for escorting prisoners and supplies back to Jimo and do not participate in the battle, the remaining 939 people, including me, will all go to war.

The left wing of our army will be held by the four battalions that lack the fourth company. The four battalions have three companies and 188 cadres, a total of nine platoons, and may be responsible for the positions 800 to 1,000 meters wide. Therefore, it is particularly important to teach the positioning of the four machine guns equipped by the company, especially the wingtip positions, which must be the key attack of the enemy cavalry. The goal, whether it is strength or firepower, should give priority to the wing tip.

The right wing of our army will be composed of Cao Guisheng's department of the second battalion and Deng Yuanling's department of the third battalion, with eight machine guns and strong firepower.

The middle road cluster of our army will be a battalion as the assault group. Under the cover of the long-range fire of the first company of artillery, it will be responsible for opening the gap in the enemy's position and carrying out the demolition and insertion of the enemy's temporary camp. The remaining six companies of the 2nd and 3rd Battalion will serve as the reserve of the assault group. After the first battalion opens the gap, they will resolutely rush into the enemy to launch three fierce assaults! Completely defeat the opponent and chase it to the end! Cleanly destroy the defeated enemy!

Each company of the assault group should prepare its own blasting group. If there is a battle that follows all the way to the gate of Pingdu Prefecture, they must resolutely blast the gate! Go into the city! Pursue to the end!"

Due to the previous consecutive victories, the cadres firmly believe Yao Fan's words. They believe that since Yao Fan predicts and deploys in this way, the battle will definitely proceed as Yao Fan said.

Next, after a detailed discussion and determination of the formation, offensive and defensive tactics of each company, as well as the special circumstances that may be encountered, it is already 5 p.m., and it's time for dinner.

After dinner, the whole army soaked its feet again and slept until 3 a.m. the next day. The whole army lit a torch and sent troops to Pingdu Prefecture.