1875 I come from the future

Chapter 160 The Red Flag Turns Over 16

[160] The wind and the red flag turned over (16)

Yao Fan took out the file from the folder in front of him and distributed it directly to the members of the Revolutionary Committee of Shandong Commune at the conference table.

"This is the Declaration of the Chinese Socialist Labor Party and the Program of the Socialist Labor Party of China. Let's take a look. If there are any amendments, they can be put forward to discuss. If not, they will be adopted."

After reading the document, there was no objection. Yao Fan was not surprised or happy about it.

"Since everyone has no objection, our party has been established from today!"

"We have all studied the main ideas and conclusions of the Communist Manifesto and Capital written by Marx before, and our party is also a political party born on the basis of this socialist ideology, so I decided that the name of our party is the Chinese Socialist Labor Party."

"At this stage, our party's program revolves around the establishment of a revolutionary army of the proletariat. While carrying out the revolutionary armed struggle, our party should lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country, especially the people of the base areas, to carry out an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution."

"Considering that the national bourgeoisie is in an extremely weak bud at this stage, and all democratic forces in China are also in a bud or have not yet occurred. The goal of our struggle is not to copy Marxism to China, nor is it to completely eliminate capitalism in one step. And implement an all-round public ownership of production materials.

"Our primary purpose at this stage is to build a socialist country with Chinese characteristics through revolutionary armed struggle, that is to say, we must first win the victory of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution, build a strong socialist country with public ownership as the main body, and then establish perfection within the country. The legal system popularizes the democratic spirit of equality for all.

"Only after the initial completion of the goals of the first phase can we plan the goals of the next stage on the basis of consolidating the successful results of the first stage."

After Yao Fan finished speaking, he looked at everyone, hoping that they could digest his speech.

Wang Gui's pen brush records Yao Fan's speech. Like every meeting, Wang Gui is always responsible for the minutes and text sorting of the meeting. Yao Fan now finds that Wang Gui is indeed a good material for being a secretary.

Li Jun cleared his throat and said, "Chairman, since we take Marx's theory as the ideological foundation, I think land nationalization should be included in the party platform."

As soon as this statement came out, Yao Fan looked at the blacksmith's son in surprise and was extremely happy. He explained happily, "This sentence is the same whether you add it or not. I think it's better not to add it at this stage. It's easy for farmers to misunderstand."

"Li Jun, you should know that the revolutionary armed struggle led by us is a completely different form of struggle from the general strike of the working class that Marx expected. This is the People's Liberation War led by the Chinese Socialist Labor Party, which is essentially a peasant war."

Li Jun's eyes lit up and he said, "I understand! If this is added, it is really not easy to explain to farmers! And once we succeed in seizing the national power and the proletariat holds the state power, then the land in the hands of the national proletariat is no different from the nationalization of the land!"

Yao Fan patted the table happily and said, "Well said! You understand it thoroughly! Everyone remembers that the program of the revolution is phased. According to the different stages of the revolution, our goals and programs need to be adjusted to not only conform to the changes of the times, but also conform to the general direction of the torrent of history!"

Yao Fan picked up the manuscript paper and said to everyone, "Please read it with me."

So there was a loud reading in the conference room: "The Chinese Socialist Labor Party is a proletarian party guided by Marxism, a loyal representative of the interests of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, and the leading core of the Chinese socialist cause. The ultimate goal of the party is to realize the communist social system..."

Then Yao Fan said solemnly, "Now that you have learned, you have understood the goals and purposes of our Party. Now I ask you, are you willing to join the Chinese Socialist Labor Party?"

A neat and loud voice sounded in the conference room: "Yes!!!"

Yao Fan ordered the guards to take a military flag, that is, the party flag brought from 2011, and unfolded in front of the conference room.

"Now I announce the party membership ceremony, and everyone will read the oath of joining the party with me."

Yao Fanhong read: "I volunteer to join the Chinese Socialist Labor Party, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the party's obligations, implement the party's decisions, strictly abide by the party's discipline and the secrets of the Conservative Party, be loyal to the Party, work actively, fight for communism all my life, and be ready to sacrifice for the Party and the people at any time. Everything will never betray the party.

Yao Fan read a sentence, and everyone read it. The conference room was full of solemn and solemn atmosphere.

After taking the oath, Yao Fan said, "If our party wants to survive, we need funds. Where do the funds come from? This depends on the payment of party dues by party members. The amount of party dues depends on monthly income, which is tentatively set at 2% of monthly income. Now let's discuss the next draft, "Regulations on the Collection, Use and Management of the Party Fees of the Chinese Socialist Workers' Party."

Yao Fan said: "According to the regulations, everyone can choose to pay a large amount of party fees as special party fees according to their personal circumstances. Here I decided to hand over all my personal property, Yao Fan, for party funds, and for our party's military construction and other work."

As soon as Yao Fan said this, he was shocked.

Li Hainiu nodded heavily and looked at Yao Fan admiringly and said, "I would too!"

Everyone said almost with one voice, "We also want to!!!"

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Don't learn from me. Your property is all wages. If you donate it, you will have no money to live."

Liu Jinbao said, "Our cadres eat in the canteen, get wages, and don't believe it. If I get sick, the party can't give me money for medical treatment."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone laughed.

Yao Fan said, "Don't casually ** large party fees in the future. This atmosphere should not spread randomly. Be careful not to be used by people with ulterior motives and coerce other comrades to pay fees with administrative orders. This must be based on the principle of conscious volunteerism. Besides, this is easy to cause conflicts, and it's not good to make the family not harmonious.

Everyone nodded and said yes.

Next, logically, everyone present became members of the first Central Committee of the Party, and Yao Fan was elected as the chairman of the Central Committee.

Then the meeting began to discuss and adopted the draft party constitution, rural work resolution, publicity work resolution, ethnic work resolution, religious activities resolution, women's movement resolution, and cadre training resolution proposed by Yao Fan.

The revolutionary work of the whole base area was pushed forward step by step by step by Yao Fan, and the proper structure of the whole regime organization and party organization was forcibly built by him.

After completing all this, Shandong Commune officially had the prototype of a regime, with the basis and criteria for the implementation of the act, and her existing armed forces, which was destined to be completely different from any peasant uprising in Chinese history.

The meeting was held from morning to night. After lunch and dinner, everyone continued to discuss and put forward their own suggestions to try to improve the regime as much as possible.

Yao Fan tried his best to guide the cadres to give full play to their abilities to participate in the discussion and put forward their opinions at the meeting. Although these cadres are not highly educated and cannot citation the classics, their suggestions are so pragmatic! Each suggestion is based on reality, close to the life and training of the people and soldiers, and closely related to the social practice of the masses.

Yao Fan thinks that this is better than any quotation from classics.