1875 I come from the future

Chapter 164 Wind and Red Flag Overturned 20

[164] The red flag turned over (20)

Barland is familiar with diplomatic negotiations. He knows that it is inevitable, but Yao Fan's straightforward reluctance really surprised him a little more than admiration.

Barland is definitely a veteran diplomat. The long-term war and strife in continental Europe have honed his experience and ability. In the face of Yao Fan's strong field, he did not retreat and tapped on the table with his index finger and said loudly: "In addition to these, Germany also needs prospecting rights, foreign legal rights and permission to set up factories. "

Yao Fan laughed.

Barland's plan has long been ruined by the ancestors of the Chinese people. This is nothing more than a trick to return the money on the spot at a sky-high price.

If Germany really wants to get these rights immediately, it can come step by step, first gain a foothold in Qingdao, obtain preliminary rights, and then slowly encroach on the benefits it wants from Yao Fan. Now Germany has suddenly made these demands, just because Germany does not dare to enter Qingdao easily for the time being!

Yao Fan shrugged his shoulders and said gracefully, "Even if I promise you these conditions, does Germany really dare to send troops into Qingdao?" The Mediterranean Agreement stipulates that Britain and Austria intend to unite France and Russia in the Mediterranean and the Near East, and as a close partner of Austria and Italy, Germany is really willing to risk offending Britain to settle in Qingdao? Aren't you afraid that the British will turn against you?

Although Britain has adopted a glorious isolation policy on the European continent so far, this does not mean that Britain will tolerate Germany to insert a nail in the British sphere of influence in the Far East. And I don't think Germany dares to challenge British authority when it can't reach its own strength. If Germany had the courage, it would be time to act when Richhofen put forward his opinion report on the occupation of Qingdao in 1873.

Yao Fan's bold hypothesis and rigorous verification made Barland's face change. Although he tried his best to restrain the expression on his face, the disappointment that seemed to be seen through the card could not be concealed.

"What a great opponent! He has wisdom and knowledge that is not commensurate with his age! And how did he learn that Lichhofen's report is a German government secret?!

Yao Fan seized the opportunity to continue to dig the foundation of Barland's confidence.

"The unification of Germany has deprived the Central European region of its historical buffer position, and it can no longer provide Germany with vigilance and buffer space."

"The conflict between the Germanic and Slavs in Central Europe has become increasingly fierce. As the only country in Germany that can rely on Russian forces to resist the westward advance, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is facing a wave of independence in the Slavic regions of Central Asia. Can Germany see the independence of Bulgaria in Austria-Hungary? Can you watch the Czech independence? Can you watch Slovakia become independent?

"If it is acceptable, what kind of chain reaction will it be next! Should the Serbian and Croatian settlements in the Austro-Hungarian Empire be returned to the two countries separately? Eastern Poland will undoubtedly become a new toy for the Slavic nation, right? Austria-Hungary... No, Hungary will definitely become independent at that time, and the title of empire is no longer suitable. Let's call it Austria. How will Austria be castrated? Can it still help Germany resist Russia?"

"Oh, my God, I forgot those damn infidels. I bet the Ottoman Empire will not let gouge out meat from Austria!"

"Germany got Alsace and Lorraine in the Franco-Prussian War. I would like to congratulate His Majesty William I and His Excellency Bismarck, but don't forget that the French Republic, which was deprived of its coal and iron production, has now regarded Germany as an endless enemy! Although the tricolor flag was burned to ashes by German artillery fire, I dare to say that the flame of hatred in the Gaul's chest must have been burning like magma. How long will it take for the eruption of war volcanoes to brew? Ten years? Twenty years? Or 30 years? I bet this must be a meat grinder-like battle. How many people will the German nation pay if it wins? 60% reduction like the Thirty Years' War? If it fails, will the unified Germany be divided and fragmented like the Thirty Years' War and become 30 or 40 small states again?

"I still remember that Catherine II once said that if she was given another 200 years, all of Europe would crawl at her feet. In the face of this European gendarmerie army composed of countless gray animals, how will Germany fight on both sides at the same time?

Yao Fan's speech speed was getting faster and faster, and his generous remarks made him gasp a little. Finally, he asked again:

"As mentioned above, will Germany be brave enough to challenge the balance machine on the European continent - the Asian authority of Great Britain now?"

Barland is stupid.

He is completely stupid. He has seen China Tong in Europe, but he has never seen European Tong in China. He can't figure out where such a monster came from.

Except for Merriz and the Chinese translator, everyone at the conference table looked at Yao Fan stupidly. They didn't know what he said, but they actually silenced what the other party said!

Barland put his fists on the table and lowered his eyebrows for a long time and said, "Frank, frankly, what benefits can you give Germany?"

Yao Fan is very happy to be able to take the lead in the negotiations.

"A springboard in the Far East allows the German fleet to attack at any time when needed, launch attacks on Russian warships that have attacked the Far East for a long distance in the Strait of Malaysia, and completely cut off the supplies of Vladivostok."

"More importantly, get the precious friendship of a great country! A precious friendship that the Qing government cannot provide for Germany!"

"The Manchu Qing Empire is the slave owner's tool for the slavery of the Tibetan, Mongolian and even the Manchu people. No matter who helps all Chinese people overthrow this decadent and cruel regime, it will get the most sincere and pure friendship of 450 million people. In this country with 5,000 years of civilization and 3,000 years of written history of national politics, we have obtained a blood alliance that has never been given to any foreign country in history!"

"Helping China become a normal country is a great decision that Germany can make that will affect the world pattern for thousands of years. In front of China, Russia does not have any strategic depth, and in terms of military population, I just want to say that China can afford to consume it."

"Only friends who are willing to extend the hand of friendship at the most difficult times are the most precious. This is the friendship that can stand the test. I hope Germany will not miss this opportunity. After all, China, as the only civilized country that has traveled through the long history of the four ancient civilizations, China's rise is a must. However, it's just a matter of time.

Yao Fan made another wonderful lobby and silenced Barland again.

Seeing that Barland fell silent again, Yao Fan knew that he was moved and said gently as fur, "Dear Mr. Barland, I can tell you all my cards. First, to provide mooring, repair and coaling for German warships. Second, Germany received the most favored-nation treatment of one-sided trade by the Shandong Commune regime. Of course, the last point is to give my good friend Merris a monopoly on trade.

Barland asked, "Can the trade monopoly of Merris be divided to other German firms in the future?"

Yao Fan was overjoyed when he saw him open his mouth and smiled, "Of course, as long as he wants to."

Barland was indeed moved by Yao Fan's words. As an old diplomat, he was not the kind of person who could be persuaded by one or two speeches, but the opponent in front of him was too sharp. He was too precise about the overall situation of Germany and even the whole Europe.

And his speech did touch Barland's heart. At this moment, Germany needs an ally too much. The only question is, what kind of ally is Yao Fan? Does he deserve it?

As for Yao Fan's painting of the most beneficial trade cake, Barland could not see too much value in it for a while. He understood that the value of this cake was determined by Yao Fan's territorial control area.

As for the mooring of warships, this is also impossible for the time being. Yao Fan's pulse is extremely accurate to Barland. Germany really dares not send troops to the Far East of Great Britain before the British approval.

Barland put away all his previous unreasonable requests and said solemnly, "Chairman Yao, I ask that the agreement between us be in the form of a secret agreement and a non-public existence."

Yao Fan said, "Yes."

Barland nodded: "You are the most talented Chinese I have ever met. I am impressed by your knowledge and wisdom. If your uprising fails in the future, you can go to any German consulate in the world to seek asylum, and we can send you anywhere else in the world. If you want, you can come directly to Germany, and we are always welcome.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "If there is such a day, I would rather stain the battlefield with my soldiers."

Barland nodded slowly and said, "On behalf of the German imperial government, I would like to initially accept your conditions and requirements. Once His Majesty approves it, it will take effect."

So Yao Fan stood up and stretched out his hand to hold it tightly with Barland.

Barland and Yao Fan shook hands tightly and said, "Why did your regime call it Shandong Commune? This sounds like the routine of the Paris Commune.

Yao Fan smiled perfunctorily and said, "You don't think I'm going to take thousands of workers across the country on a general strike to seize power against the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty and 45 million people under his rule, do you?"

Barland sarcastically said, "According to Professor Marx, you really need such a 'large' general strike."

Yao Fan began to deceive strategically: "There are not many bourgeoisie and workers in China, and the landlords also turn to the emperor. I can only rely on the peasants. And Marxism is a political model that works closely with workers, which can win me a large number of supporters. I need the support of farmers!"

Barland nodded and said, "I can understand. But I have another question. How did you know about the Richhofen report? To be honest, I don't want to deny it, but I need to know who leaked this secret.

Yao Fan talked frankly and sincerely, "This is what one of my business partners told me. He is a German like Merriz. I'm sorry that I can't reveal his name to you."

Barland frowned and no longer pursues this problem.

That night, Barland and Merrith lived in the house arranged by Yao Fan. Merrith said happily to Barland in the yard of the house, "I said that you would be persuaded by him. Do you think it's true?"

Barland looked up at the starry sky and said, "I was not convinced by him. I was persuaded by the singing soldiers who ran with heavy burdens, by the straight sentries standing at the dock and Jimo City Gate, and by nearly 100 advanced bicycles in the square in front of Yao's official residence."

After saying that, he turned his eyes from the night sky to Merisse holding a candlestick and said, "Those pens, sewing machines, bicycles, dyes, Germany needs to know their manufacturing technology."

There is a sharp feeling in Merri's heart.