1875 I come from the future

Chapter 170 Wind and Red Flag Overturn 26

[170] The red flag turned over (26)

The completed Zaofan Young Cadre Training Course was an unexpected success. Among the more than 100 students, only a few young people other than military cadres chose to leave, accounting for less than 20%, which greatly gratified Yao Fan. The remaining intellectual youths were arranged by Yao Fan in various committees set up under the General Staff, especially the education and culture committee under the responsibility of Su Sanjie, which received the most young cadres.

Yao Fan's Shandong Commune is a complete militarized group. After completing the campaign deployment, it took only two days to complete the preparations before departure.

On February 11, 1876, on the sixth day of the first lunar month, on the snow-covered Jiaodong land, a bright red party flag was pulled in the gale. The troops of Shandong Commune were like a surging black iron flow, flowing westward, carrying heavy mules and horses followed the troops. Endless from the city of Jimo, all living things such as people, horses, mules and donkeys spewed white fog from their mouths and noses, connecting into a steaming line on the road, and the whole earth became happy with footsteps and the sound of horses' hoofs.

The roar of the cold wind on the field was drowned by loud songs, and the revolutionary army in thick winter cotton-padded clothes was full of enthusiasm and marched in columns on the official road according to the order of their company.

The first battalion of the vanguard set out at 5 o'clock in the morning. They walked quickly with hot steamed buns in their arms and arrived in Jiao County 40 kilometers west of Jimo before 2 p.m. Battalion commander Luo Qiren ordered three companies of the battalion to take 20 minutes to solve their personal problems in turn, and immediately launched an attack on Jiao County.

A fire support company surrounded the city in a state of scattered soldiers and suppressed the city with firepower with rifles. The explosion of the company serving as an assault mission was not smooth. Somehow, the Qing army actually summed up some experience from the previous city battles and piled up a lot of stones and soil behind the gate. .

Luo Qiren was furious and ordered a second blast with 30 kilograms of explosive bags. This time, the earthquake shook the earthquake violently. The shock wave sprayed out from both ends of the city gate with dust and gravel. The gravel cracked on the helmets of the soldiers 100 meters away, and more than a dozen Qing soldiers behind the city gate were crushed by gravel. The splashed flesh and blood are blurred.

Perhaps because of the disrepair, this explosion actually caused the collapse of the whole gate hole, and the bricks wrapped outside the city wall on both sides of the gate were blocked and collapsed, revealing the thick rammed soil wrapped inside.

After this period of training, the guards of every company-level cadre have learned to play the horn. Yao Fan's iron-plated copper-plated bright appearance from the modern custom-plated reed, the reeds inside are extremely loud, and the charge horn is enough to make any opponent of this army in the world tremble. ~~~~~~~Dip-Dip-Dip-Dip~~~~~~~~~~~"

More than 100 soldiers who served as assault troops were divided into three scattered columns according to three platoons, carrying rifles and struggled to climb the hill-like masonry and dirt piles formed after the collapse of the city gate and the city wall. The soldiers charged and climbed while throwing * to the walls that had not collapsed on both sides and in the city. With the explosion of * one after another, Jiaoxi was submerged by a group of people dressed in national defense green like a shelled egg.

"Does Chairman Yao think it's stable?"

"Who is it?"

After saying this, Yao Fan ordered the soldiers to take Jin Ruchun down.

The next day, Yao Fan left the three regiments and three battalions to garrison Pingdu, and the army set off again and went straight to Changyi.

After marching overnight, the army set up a sentry under Changyi City to prepare to attack the city at dawn.

The fast horse who urgently asked for help sent the news of failure to Weifang one by one. Li Peirong and Mo Zushen stationed here were anxious, but they did not dare to divide their troops to attack. After Wang Zhengqi's whole army was destroyed, Li Peirong and Mo Zushen only had Peizi Camp, Shenzi Camp and Ding Baozhen's Fubiao's own barracks, a total of four infantry battalions. It's just a cavalry battalion.

Li Peirong, as a temporary general officer, currently commands the only soldiers and horses left in Ding Baozhen's hands. He knows that if these soldiers and horses are lost, Ding Baozhen's position in the eyes of the court will plummet.

"Brother Mo, the glue thief is now entering from the southeast two roads to the west. What should I do?"

Mo Zushen suppresses the twist and knows that every peasant uprising is always powerful and morale high at the beginning. He said, "I don't think it's appropriate to send troops. The rubber thief just got up and bound to wrap up many desperadows. If he attacks rashly, it is bound to defeat both sides. It is better to rely on the city defense of Wei County and use the hard fortress to kill the morale of the thief's army. Now it has just started spring and the weather is cold. The reason why the rubber thief sent troops early is nothing more than that he will run out to fight the autumn wind.

Li Peirong was deeply convinced: "What Brother Mo said is exactly what I want. I have asked Qingzhou for help. Lord Li's more than 7,000 soldiers* are performing in Qingzhou, where there are still five cavalry battalions with yellow flags in Manchuria, which can solve my difficulties in Wei County at any time.

So under Li Peirong's sitting watch, on the fourth day of Yao Fan's dispatch of troops, Anqiu and Changyi were also captured respectively, and the North Road Army and the West Road Army met outside Wei County.

"All the regiment are here, please give instructions from the chairman!"

"The first battalion and the second battalion of the second regiment have arrived, please ask the chairman for instructions!"

"All the cavalry battalions are here, please ask the chairman for instructions!"

"All the artillery battalions have come together. Please give instructions from the chairman!"


Yao Fan said to Xi Dahu, the commander of the cavalry battalion, in the tent, "Xi Dahu, tell me the information about your cavalry battalion."

Xi Dahu has been in excitement and anxiety since the merger of the White Horse Club into Shandong Commune. What is excited is that Yao Fan handed over the only cavalry force to him, which makes him feel heavy trust. What is anxious about is that Yao Fan's infantry officers generally do not pay attention to him. Therefore, Xi Dahu was full of energy and wanted to play his position.

"Chairman Yao!" Xi Dahu came forward and held his fist.

"Let's salute the revolutionary soldiers." Yao Fan said with a smile.

Xi Dahu's face turned red, and he quickly stood up to salute and said, "Now that when it comes to Wei County, the road cards of the Qing army are so scared that they fled. Our cavalry battalion grabbed a few tongues and did not know until the interrogation that Wei County now has four steps and four rides more than 3,000 soldiers and horses, just like the chairman guessed."

"What about Qingzhou? I heard that the Qing army there was heavily assembled. Yao Fan asked.

"Chairman, Qingzhou is a hornet's nest at present. More than 3,000 people from Changying's six battalions have come. I heard that this new tree army was just recruited a few years ago, and half of them are from Shanxi. Zhou Shengchuan's Sheng army came to six battalions this time, two steps and four horses, and more than 3,000 people. They also brought a foreign artillery team from Tianjin, plus five Manchu cavalry battalions already in Qingzhou, with a total strength of more than 8,000!"

Seeing Yao Fan's silence, Xi Dahu warned, "Chairman, Zhou Shengchuan has many tricks and another foreign artillery team. Let's not take it lightly."

Yao Fan smiled and turned to the officers in the tent and said, "Do you know how to sing in the heroic song of the army?"

"The seventh article in the song says, 'The seventh skill should be practiced diligently, and the spear rod should be operated, and the foreign gun should be sharpened to avoid panic."

After listening to Yao Fan's words, all the officers immediately laughed.

Li Jun said with a smile, "Grind him as a bird!" Tomorrow, I will smash his head with one shot.

Zhang Erbao, the new deputy commander of the Fifth Regiment, said, "We still have a spear and a big knife. We can kill them with one shot without waiting for him to get close."

Yao Fan said, "Don't underestimate the enemy. They don't need cold weapons now. You haven't heard them sing. They have sharpened foreign guns. It's very powerful."

Liu Jinbao couldn't close his mouth: "Then let's hand over their foreign guns tomorrow and see if they are all worn out."