1875 I come from the future

Chapter 182 Star River Shadow Shake the Three Armies 10

[182] Xingheying shakes the three armies (10)

The People's Daily was quietly founded. 10,000 copies were printed for the first time and sent to various places in the base area in a carriage. The four characters of the People's Daily at the head of the newspaper were written by Yao Fan himself. After copying more than a dozen copies of the newspaper written by the original chairman, Yao Fan was still dissatisfied. He didn't know why he always felt that it was still a little short, so bad, so Simply print the original inscription of the chairman and give it to the newspaper for engraving.

Ding Baozhen also got a People's Daily, which he sent someone to buy in Qingzhou City and secretly sent it back to Jinan.

Before Ding Baozhen looked at other small words, the wax word "Qinyuan Chunxue" engraved by Yao Fan on the front page came into his eyes with a magnificent momentum.

"The scenery of the north, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow..." After reading a word, Ding Baozhen's face sank like water and did not say a word.

Li Yuanhua, who had just been transferred from the position of He Zheng Envoy, also took a newspaper, which was only priced as a copper plate in the base area, so the informant sent by Ding Baozhen bought more than a dozen copies.

Li Yuanhua's voice is very low: "Yao Fan has such a three-point literary talent."

Ding Baozhen read the newspaper carefully, and his eyebrows pressed lower: "It's not only three points of literary talent. Compared with him, the thief Xiuquan has simply never read a book."

Li Yuanhua said, "This man's city is extremely deep. When he was in Jinan, he hid the fox's tail so tightly."

Ding Baozhen suddenly opened his mouth and read: "... Strive for peace, democracy and unity, and oppose the dictatorship and division of the civil war. It is the voice of the people. The People's Daily is the mouthpiece of the people, the torch of truth, the horn of peace, and the forefather of democracy. It is the historical mission of the People's Daily to represent the will of the people and speak for the people..."

After reading, Ding Baozhen sighed and said to Li Yuanhua, "Yuanhua, what do you think?"

Li Yuanhua shook his head slowly with difficulty and chose to read: "... The revolutionary war is a war of the masses. Only by mobilizing the masses can we carry out war, and only by relying on the masses can we carry out war... What is the real iron wall? It is the masses, millions of people who sincerely support the revolution. This is a real copper wall and iron wall, which can't be broken by any force. The counter-revolution can't break us, but we want to break the counter-revolution. By uniting millions of people around the revolutionary government and developing our revolutionary war, we can eliminate all counter-revolutionaries and seize the whole of China..."

After reading, Li Yuanhua turned his head and looked at Ding Baozhen: "This son is born with anti-bone. His father Yao Peng named him Yao Fan. He must have a plan long ago, with the intention of 'reverse'. He said that his word Zaofan, and I think it is also a homonym 'rebellion'. Look at this son's literary talent and his father Yao Peng's several grand books describing the history of Europe and even countries around the world. I don't believe that he got this word randomly. I'm afraid Yao Peng has already taken it for him.

"The Yao family has been plotting for a long time to rebel in order to return to the Qing Dynasty, and we have all gone wrong. He is unprepared, and it is reasonable for us to be cheated.

Ding Baozhen shook his head and said, "I'm not asking you how he has planned for a long time, but asking you this text."

If Li Yuanhua understood something, he suddenly looked up and said, "A vulgar person can also understand it. Even if he is illiterate, he can understand it by listening to others. It's simply a vernacular!"

Ding Baozhen said impatiently, "It's whiter than the vernacular!"

"Look at this article." Ding Baozhen pointed to an article in the newspaper called "A Letter to the Eunized Gentry and the enlightened General"

"People who still serve the government of the Qing Dynasty, except for the heinous corrupt officials and the unpardonable cruel lackeys, we know that you are in a complicated mood now. If you choose to continue to be a lackey, you must be killed by the people in the end, but if you are not a lackey, it means that you have to Give up the right to oppress the people. Don't you feel uncomfortable every day in front of the awakened people? How can you survive?

Mr. Li Hongzhang, Mr. Ding Baozhen, Mr. Zuo Zongtang, the commanders, battalion commanders and sentries of Mingjun, Qingjun and Wuyijun.

You have now reached the end of mountains and rivers. After Wang Zhengqi's regiment was completely annihilated in Pingdu, Li Peirong and Mo Zushen's regiment was annihilated in Weifang. Zhou Shengchuan, a famous general, dared to invade the people's army, but what happened? He was also ruthlessly annihilated, and the once invincible Zhou Shengchuan suffered a shameful fate of being killed on the spot.

Do you know that our people's army fought less and more before, but almost unharmed? Do you know that the number of casualties and injuries in our army has not exceeded 100 so far? Next, do you have any reactionary troops in Zhili that you can rely on?

Maybe you are still dreaming of spring and autumn, right? Wait for the Ming army, Wu Yi army and Qing army in northern Jiangsu to complete the assembly training and go north to rescue you, right? Are you waiting for the newly trained township bravery to die for you? But do you know that the number of people's troops is increasing every day? We have grown from dozens or hundreds at the beginning to tens of thousands now. We can now use the corps to launch a devastating attack on you. The reason why you still occupy a vast territory at present is that the people's army has left you a way out to reform, not because you have any strength to hold on.

Your army, whether it is weapons or tactics, is as backward as unearthed cultural relics. As soon as we hit us, we can kill a lot of you people. As you are the masters, you should cherish the mood of your subordinates and families, cherish their lives, find a way for them as soon as possible, and don't ask them to do nothing. It is said to have sacrificed.

If you are sincere now, the people's government welcomes it. We have always accepted and tolerate the enlightened gentry with enthusiasm. We will not only protect his legitimate property, but also protect the lives of him and his family in accordance with the law. The future construction of New China requires a large number of intellectuals. We are hungry and thirsty. We look forward to cultural and revolutionary intellectuals joining our team. Our policy is to unite the majority and isolate a few counter-revolutionaries. Up to now, it is still stubborn and hesitating in front of us. It is meaningless to swing between the Manchu government and the revolutionary masses.

This is the only way for you to survive. Think about it. If you think it's so good, just do it. If you still want to hit it, then hit it again. After all, you will be solved.

Dated: Central Military Commission of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army

"It's simply perverse!" Li Yuanhua frowned and scolded.

Ding Baozhen said expressionlessly, "Are these rubber thieves really only lost less than 100 people?"

Li Yuanhua immediately had a cold shudge when he heard the words: "How is that possible?"

Ding Baozhen sighed: "I have personally asked many soldiers who have fled back recently. They still dare not deceive me. The more I ask, the colder it is. No one can be sure that they have killed the rubber thief with their own hands. After repeated questioning, everyone said that they were shot by the glue thief from afar before fighting... ”

Li Yuanhua felt that his cold hair stood up all over his body: "How could this happen?"


Yao Fan guided the soldiers of the guard company and several young cadres to learn the technology of using the well drilling machine. He knew that 1876 was the worst year of drought, and the well drilling machine could only quench his thirst for a while, but on the whole it did not work. To solve the famine in North China, unless the national forces are mobilized to transfer grain from the south to the north, or copy the rice grain hoarded by all landlords and squires in North China and distribution it to the people.

Yao Fan previously purchased ten Hongjiang brand agricultural well drilling machines, but because this thing is a large-caliber agricultural irrigation catty, it consumes a lot of oil. On average, it consumes two to three liters of diesel per meter, and a 20-meter hand pump well consumes 40 liters to 50 liters of oil. A 200-liter iron oil barrel can only weigh four catties.

"Chairman! Another well has been drilled!" Niu Hu came to report to Yao Fan in a sweat. He was barefoot, his military trousers were on his thighs, and his upper body was naked. In the April sun, the sweat on his head playfully reflected the light.

"Chairman, this well driller is really powerful. It keeps drilling underground like an old dragon's head. The 20-meter well will be finished in more than an hour!"

Yao Fan was concerned that the hand pump was inconvenient and there was no electricity in the countryside. Originally, he wanted to drill a 50-meter to 300-meter drought-resistant well and install an electric pump, but now he has given up the previous idea and changed to 20 meters of wells. The advantage of 20 meters of well depth is that it is not easy to collapse, and it is fast and slightly fuel-efficient.

"Hatch the construction, build the well platform with bricks and cement, and install the hand pump when the cement is dry tomorrow."

"Yes!" Niu Hu excitedly turned his head and ran back to the drilling place in the distance.

Yao Fan continued to sit on this slope, looking at the place where the well was drilled in the distance and surrounded by nearby villagers enthusiastically. He smiled and continued to bow his head to think about work. There were two other young guards on the slope, who stood alertly around.

According to history, the most serious drought areas in Shandong in 1876 were Laiyang, Weifang, Huimin, Liaocheng, Heze, Tai'an and Ju counties, which were the most affected by drought. If we add other drought-stricken areas to varying degrees, there are basically no counties in 96 counties in 21 prefectures of Shandong.

"In the 19th century, when groundwater resources were abundant, 20 meters of machine wells should be enough. Last winter, when the well was drilled in the dry area of Jimo County, five meters of water came out." Yao Fan thought.

"If you need to go to the mountains to drill deep wells in the future, and there is no electricity, can you consider using something like a small steam engine like a pot camel machine to drive the water pump?" Yao Fan imagined.

"Ten well-drilling machines are a little less, but the continuous rotation of the well-drilling team like now, coupled with the fuel consumption of tractor trucks, consumes nearly two 200-liter barrels of oil storage in a day, and ten are four tons. Previously, there were 40 tons of diesel left in the base area. This time, fortunately, my father ordered a large number of oil barrels and brought 500 tons of diesel..." Yao Fan calculated the economic account in his stomach.

"Even if I can save the people of Shandong, what about other disaster-stricken areas in North China, Northwest China and East China? Should I watch them die? Northern Jiangsu, Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Shanxi, Gansu...

No! We must send troops again at the end of the month! As a traveler, I don't save the world. Who will save it?!"