1875 I come from the future

Chapter 188 The Shadow of the Stars and River Shakes the Three Forces 16

[188] Xingheying shakes the three armies (16)

The news of Jinan's victory was transmitted back to the base area, and the morale of Shandong People's Commune was greatly boosted. Newspapers printed articles congratulating the victory were quickly printed and sent to various places.

Although the training class for young cadres in Zaofan has left Yao Fan and Marx, it is still in operation. Yao Fan left a Marxist-Leninist examination paper as a certificate of completion for young cadres. If he does not score more than 90 points in the examination papers, he will not be given a certificate. This forces the intellectuals who come to come to recite a textbook. Familiar.

Huang Yuntian is currently responsible for the publication of the People's Daily and is very busy as a teacher of the Zaofan Young Cadre Training Class.

"Mr. Huang, today is the 23rd. After Chairman Yao took Jinan, the army has crossed the Yellow River, right?"

Huang Yuntian knows nothing about the military, but at present, Jinying is Yao Fan's wife. Jinying's brother Jinshan has joined the Commercial and Trade Zone Committee of Shandong Commune. He is also the editor of the newspaper and a school teacher. The Huang family has been tied to Yao Fan's regime, so everyone feels that he has inside information. It's normal.

Huang Yuntian shook his head: "I really don't know, but the chairman sent troops on the 15th, took Jinan on the 22nd, and crossed the river on the 23rd. I'm afraid it's not so fast?"

A student named Wen Guozhen in the classroom said, "I think Chairman Yao used to send troops to pay attention to the speed of soldiers, and this must be the same."

Another young man who came from Yantai to study at Weifang Cadre School said, "The army went to the north, the grain and fodder first, and the high road to the north. I think it is safe to attack slowly."

A military transfer training cadre wearing a 65-style green military uniform said, "Chairman Yao uses troops like gods. Why do we have to worry about it here? I just want to get the graduation certificate of mathematics subjects as soon as possible. This lesson is only needed, and I can graduate after the exam."

"Me too. I only need one lesson in mathematics." Another young man.

Huang Yuntian learned Yao Fan's movements and pressed his hands under the classroom and said, "It's time for class. Let's talk about these things after class. Don't take up class time. Let me talk about a few mathematical application questions arranged yesterday..."

The discussion in the classroom suddenly quieted down.


In the Shandong base area, after the villages that have carried out land reform learned of the capture of Jinan from the People's Daily, they beat gongs and drums to celebrate the victory of Shandong Commune.

Although the drought continues at present, all the people in the villages and towns that have completed the land reform and divided the fields have been more or less in their hands. Because Yao Fan warned that this year's drought requires the people to prepare early and save food, all households are saving money and actively preparing for famine. Some people even prepare in advance, pick elm leaves, dry and grind powder, and mix them into their own rations to eat.

The ten well-drilling teams of Shandong Commune worked non-stop in various villages. Although it was hard, they dared not stop for a moment. Seeing that the sky was dry and rainless, the people's irrigation water was carried on their shoulders and carried water from the source in the distance, and the well drilling work became more urgent.


When they learned that Jinan had been captured, the British in Yantai quickly reported the news to the British envoy to China. Witoma followed the British army to China in 1842 and stayed in China for more than 30 years. He also served as a Cantonese translator in the Hong Kong court. He is an authentic Chinese translator.

Witoma is currently in Beijing. The chaos in Shandong has been spreading under his eyes about the "Ma Jiali incident" caused by the murder of the British Ma Jiali in Yunnan. However, Witoma did not panic at all. According to his understanding, the rebellion in Shandong was a bourgeois revolution, which contained a group of radical communists from Europe.

What industries are there in Shandong? What is the bourgeoisie? This is bound to be another peasant uprising. With Witoma's understanding of China, this group of people is nothing more than another Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Witoma doesn't believe how much trouble these people can make. With the manipulation of these farmers, the larger the territory they occupy, the more money and food they grab, the more internal turmoil and corruption they will be.

And these mud legs are very knowledgeable. Unexpectedly, after taking the whole Shandong Peninsula, they did not use any tough measures against Yantai, a trade port. Instead, they sent several business-savvy businessmen to contact the merchants and ambassadors of various countries in Yantai in the form of commercial negotiations, making a unilateral promise, saying that smoke Taiwan can "run the horse and dance." The revolutionary army is only responsible for the coastal defense and public security in Yantai. Moreover, customs tariffs are the same as during the Qing government, without any adjustment. This makes the merchants and ministers stationed in Yantai feel that these bald revolutionary armies do not seem to be particularly barbaric and easy to deal with.

Although Vitoma does not believe that this so-called "Shandong Commune" will be a chaos and will be brutally wiped out by the Qing government sooner or later, Witoma believes that the bigger the chaos in Shandong, the better.

Since the outbreak of the Ma Jiali incident in February 1875, the matter has become more and more rigid and has turned into a diplomatic event. According to the instructions of the British government, Witma hopes to force the Qing government to sign a new unequal treaty, but the negotiations between Witma and Hurd, the General Tax Department of Qing Customs, have never progressed, and the British and the British Chinese people always have a feeling of inability to fight cotton in negotiations.

So Witoma used the relationship and asked the Qing Dynasty to replace the negotiator with Li Hongzhang. Witoma likes to negotiate with Li Hongzhang. This Qing official is very smart and rational, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is that this person is so rational that he can't distinguish between diplomatic threats and actual threats. When he sees tough foreigners and foreign forces, under continuous threats, he always thinks that other people's threats will become For the truth, it is easy to compromise and make concessions.

Witoma feels that this is probably because he comes from the United Kingdom, a country that can strip off the coat of the Qing Dynasty at any time and beat it with a whip, and Britain has done this several times since the * war.

After receiving the news of the capture of Jinan, Witoma proposed to negotiate with Li Hongzhang face to solve the "Ma Kaili incident" at one time. His attitude was stronger than before. This time, Li Hongzhang's attitude delayed as much as possible, became anxious and at a loss, and finally promised to stop trying private consultations and conduct formal negotiations.

So Witoma and Li Hongzhang held formal negotiations in Tianjin. After five days of negotiations, the historical Yantai Treaty was signed in advance, but the name became the Treaty of Yunnan. The content is almost the same as the original Yantai Treaty in history: "I. The Qing government apologizes, compensates and punishes Ma. Local officials in the Ka Li incident; 2. British businessmen, officials and road exploration teams can enter Tibet from Sichuan, Gansu, Yunnan and India, and the Qing government should take good care of and protect them along the way; 3. Expand Britain's extraterritorial jurisdiction, and British crimes in inland areas outside the colony of trade ports should also be handed over. Trial by British officials; IV. The opening of Yichang, Wuhu, Wenzhou and Beihai as trade ports allows the United Kingdom to berth and load and unload goods in many ports on the Yangtze River; V. In the future, foreign goods will not pay cents for the inland transportation of China*; 6.............7, ...................................."

For each clause, Witoma is very satisfied with the cancellation of cents. You should know that in the past, a box of * had to pay 30 taels of import tax and 80 taels of gold, but now it is no longer paid, which means that * sold inland China will have cheaper prices, and sales and profits are bound. The surge, and the same is true for other commodities. The exemption of cents means that the last hidden tariff means of cents in the Qing Dynasty will also be abolished, and foreign goods will be unimpeded to be sold throughout China. British businessmen will be delighted, and Witoma will also become a hero in the eyes of these businessmen. According to the principle of equal interests, other powers will continue to get a share of Britain's extortion victory.

The only difference between this treaty and the historical Yantai Treaty is that while the Qing government compensated 200,000 taels of silver, Britain and other beneficial powers have the obligation to organize an army of at least 1,000 people to assist the Qing government in encircling the rebellion in Shandong. In addition, the Qing government will also purchase a batch of new rifles and artillery from the United Kingdom to arm the new army of eight battalions, and the British instructor will be responsible for training the new army in Tianjin.

When the treaty was announced in a Shanghai newspaper, the newspaper was quickly sent to Qingdao, and Yao Fan quickly learned the content of the treaty from the telegram.

"I bought a watch last year!" Yao Fan looked at the translated message and scolded angrily.

On May 23, Yao Fan led the headquarters and general staff of the First Army to Jinan. The first thing was to rush to the governor's government to meet Ding Baozhen, who was imprisoned.

Ding Baozhen heard that Yao Fan was waiting for him in the back hall, tidyed up his clothes and came out of the detained room.

"It's hard for old people to ask, and the cold house is unique." Ding Baozhen walked as he walked, and an inexplicable poem appeared in his mind. He shook his head and focused on how to talk to Yao Fan.

Ding Baozhen's description is haggard. In the past two days, he has looked through "Yao Fan's works" and Marxist books. The more he read, the more frightened he became. In addition to the fierce words such as "revolution", "battle", "iron-blooded" and "destroy" full of paper, the revolutionary theory in the book is clear, and every sentence is clear.

The first part of Yao Fan's Anthology compiled by Yao Peng based on Lenin's Anthology is not so much an article as an excerpt from Lenin's original text, which has been edited and modified and put together. But for this era, this ideological impact is as powerful as *. Although Ding Baozhen has been reading all night, he still has no time to read all these books, but he has been completely shocked by this ideological power! This violent and uncompromising revolutionary thought made Ding Baozhen find that the logic is impeccable after thinking hard. It is basically impossible to rely on dogmatic preaching to logically refute the other party. Confucianism is not good at rigorous Western philosophical logic, and the slaved Confucianism that has been tampered with by the Qing Dynasty is even more idealistic.

Ding Baozhen thought hard and gave up his intention to refute Yao Fan. He understood that a dangerous person like Yao Fan, who rebelled and actually had a complete set of theories, was completely the natural enemy of any regime throughout the ages. It is impossible for such people to compromise at all. The relationship between them and the regime they oppose must be water and fire. Unbearable.