1875 I come from the future

Chapter 199 Ten Thousand Rivers and Mountains Open a New Face 3

Brothers, if you still have a monthly ticket in your hand, please smash it to the grand and encourage me.

[199] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new face (3)

After dinner, Yao Fan sent Li Hongzhang to the back room to rest.

"Mr. Li, please think about it carefully tonight and be sure to give me an accurate answer tomorrow. The battle of Tianjin can only be delayed by one day.

"Early sail, sit down." After saying that, Li Hongzhang took a slight look at the people around him, so the attendants retreated, and only Li Jingxuan stayed.

Li Jun ordered the guard to make tea. Li Hongzhang waved his hand and said, "Ju coupling, take the Qi Hong I brought to make tea."

Yao Fan said to Li Jun, "Li Jun, stay and the others go out."

Four cups of warm and jade-like Qi Hong was brewed with Li Hongzhang's own tea set, and the room suddenly filled the fragrance.

Yao Fan sighed secretly and said that Li Daqi was not only big, but also big. He didn't need to bring his own tea when he went out, but also had his own tea set.

Li Hongzhang stretched out his hand slightly, made a gesture of invitation, and then took the lead to pick up a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

While the four were drinking tea, Li Hongzhang asked Yao Fan's parents about their health and what businesses the Yao Fan family was doing overseas. After getting closer to each other in a Chinese way, he got to the point.

"Early sail, tell me what you think." The way Li Hongzhang cut to the point is to ask Yao Fan to make his own conditions.

Yao Fan knows that Li Hongzhang is unwilling. He is only 53 years old this year. He is the age when a politician begins to enter the golden stage. All ideas and strategies have moved from maturity to refined. At this time, he was reluctant and unwilling to let him release his power.

"Since George, Mr. Li has tried his best to promote the advantages and disadvantages at the policy level, and he has never refused to refuse the difficulties and obstacles. I deeply admire him in the eyes of the world.

But today's China is not only inferior to the West in one aspect, but lagging behind the West in all aspects such as academic system, military system, military, industry, finance, transportation, social utilities, ideology, government governance model and so on! After more than 200 years of ignorant rule in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and after science and technology were slandered as a strange skill** skillfully entered the cold palace, China's natural sciences and social sciences seem to have been frozen for more than 200 years. Even if they have an inch of progress, they have only stayed in theory.

In this case, we Chinese Socialist Workers have a theory that backward production relations restrict the development of the productive forces. If the productive forces are not reformed, the productive forces cannot make any progress. Even if there is progress, they will be eliminated by feudal reactionary forces.

However, at the same time, the Western powers are constantly reforming. As the asset stage replaces the feudal aristocracy on the stage, bourgeois reform is proceeding in an orderly manner, capitalism is developing rapidly in the West, and social productive forces are constantly driving by capital for the West. The country releases the motivation to move forward.

China's national conditions are very special. From the perspective of natural geographical conditions, it can be called 'population and weak foundation'. The ideological imprisonment formed by the three-year feudal dynasty has been locked in the hearts of the people. Once the reform is implemented, there will inevitably be many difficulties, and the reform touches on all aspects of benefits. It is bound to be difficult to advance further. Generally speaking, even if the braids on the head are cut off, the braids in the heart still remain.

China is a multi-ethnic country. Ethnic relations and clan forces are mixed, and the interests of all parties cannot be reconciled by short-term reform.

You know, even if the Western powers have a relatively large land and a small poor population, it has taken more than 300 years for the bourgeoisie to replace the feudal aristocracy, which has not been completely completed, and the feudal remnants of Europe are still planning to fight back. How many years will it take for China to complete the reform by taking the same path? Even if we reform now, can the speed of progress catch up with the Western powers 300 years ahead of us? Since everyone uses the same method, how can the latecomers be ahead of the starters? Does it depend on more cruel and dark oppression and exploitation of the people?

Throughout history, in order to seize power in 300 years, the bourgeoisie in European countries first made bitter preparations ideologically, first engaged in the bourgeois cultural revolution, and then launched armed struggle and continued political games, and repeatedly tossing along the way! How many times; how many revolutions; how many times of restorations; how many times; how many times; in this process, European countries have frequent wars, * four, innocent low-level people bear the costs of all social unrest, and are oppressed by the feudal aristocracy and the bourgeoisie, as miserable as living in hell!

China has a large land area and complex geopolitics around it. If we want to reform, can the surrounding countries and world powers watch our peaceful development? Impossible! As a fat and oily colony in the world today, China's semi-colonization process is in the ascendant, and the great powers are hoping that China will gradually become a complete colonial society, so that it will be fragmented and dismembered in the ethnic and geographical division! Completely lose the threat!

So in today's situation in China, the road to reform is impassable. Mr. Li's reform is like Sisius pushing a boulder up the mountain in Aesop's fable, which is arduous but meaningless.

So we can assert that the only way for China to rise again in the world depends on the proletarian revolution!

China has been sleeping for too long. If it wants to rise again in the world, it can only be launched in politics! Culturally! Economically! In terms of production relations! A complete revolution that destroys all old reactionary forces and establishes all new progressive relations! A revolution launched by a united proletarian party that is more advanced than a united bourgeoisie in production relations!

The Chinese Socialist Labor Party is such a party composed of the proletarians! It is a political party established to carry out this extremely arduous historical mission! We have theoretical reserves, cultural reserves, programs, disciplines, routes, armed, and the support of 40,000 working people across the country. Therefore, our future is extremely brilliant, and our success will inevitably come.

Old Li, you are now standing at the crossroads that determine the fate of the country and the nation! If you turn left, you can become the leader of China's democratic and progressive forces led and united by the Chinese Socialist Labor Party. If you turn right, you can only become a complete counter-revolution!

We, the Socialist Labor Party, want to engage in the people's democratic dictatorship, that is, the one-party dictatorship, but we allow the existence of other democratic parties and are willing to work together with other democratic parties to establish a political democratic consultation system, unite all forces that can be united, and build the country into one A prosperous, democratic and civilized modern socialist country.

If Mr. Li is willing, please accept my most sincere invitation to serve as the chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference! Help us Chinese socialist workers unite patriotic people from all walks of life in China to establish a patriotic united front organization. At this stage, uniting those enlightened gentry who can accept the land reform and the leadership of the Chinese Socialist Labor Party is the primary task of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Yao Fan's mouth was dry and he picked up Qi Hong, who was already cold in front of him, and drank it all.

Li Jun and Li Jingxuan looked at Yao Fan, who had just finished his long speech, and the worship in their hearts had reached an unparallable level. Li Hongzhang also appreciated Yao Fan's vision and thought, "This son's thoughts are unfathomable. It can be said that he is magnificent and has the eloquence of a master."

"I saw the policy of your party's enlightened gentry and felt that it was too radical. It should be noted that the land of the gentry in the world was accumulated by generations. The new government took it for nothing to buy people's hearts. How can the gentry be convinced? Please modify it at your discretion."

Yao Fan spread his hands with a smile: "First, the government has no money to compensate, nor can it compensate with unfair policies, which creates a contradictory foundation for social injustice. Second, the land of the gentry comes from the feudal reactionary rule we want to overthrow, which is an acquisition under an unfair system. Its existence is based on the feudal system, and since we want to smash all the remnants of feudal forces, it is naturally impossible to formulate contradictory policies to retain them. Third, we have kept real estate and personal and family property for the enlightened gentry, which is already the greatest reward and concession.

Li Hongzhang was silent and said with a little dissatisfaction, "Is this the regime in your so-called barrel of Yao Zaofan? Sure enough, I'm afraid the gentry of the world have to agree.

Yao Fan said, "New China is a country of workers. We should do everything possible to suppress the exploitation of labor-free and unequal exploitation in society. Even if it is permitted by law, it must be implemented under the sun under the supervision of the government to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of the working people are not infringed."

"Zofan, you are so talented. Since you have a far-reaching plan and detailed strategy, I would like to wish you a helping hand.

Yao Fanxi said, "With the help of Laoxiang Li, the transition of the new government will reduce many troubles, and the peaceful liberation of the Beijing-Tianjin region will also appear. The motherland and people will never forget Lao Li's contributions to the country and the nation."

Li Jingxuan sat behind Li Hongzhang and served. At this moment, he also looked happy and excited.

Li Hongzhang has made up his mind at this moment. Since his full mind has been put down, he is indescribably comfortable. He smiled and joked, "Then shall we call each other comrades in the future?"

Yao Fan also smiled and said, "In the new society, everyone is equal. As long as we don't call you adults, bosses, call each other positions or ages. If Mr. Li is willing, of course, you are welcome to call us comrades, but our party will always call you Mr. Li in the future to show our respect."

Li Hongzhang was overjoyed to hear Yao Fan's words. He knew that once society enters equality and democracy, titles are very rare. In addition to official positions, it can make Yao Fan, a future national leader, call him "Lao Li", which itself represents a noble position. Li Hongzhang thought that this "Lao Li" is probably equivalent to the false title of Taifu in the Qing Dynasty.