1875 I come from the future

Chapter 216 Ten Thousand Miles of Jiangshan New Face 20

[216] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new look (20)

After meeting Yao Fan, Xu Shou quickly took over the work of the Ministry of Railways. Two days later, he took Yao Fan's personal guards and private doctors to take a carriage to the railway construction site in the suburbs of Beijing. According to Yao Fan's requirements, the entourage must take care of Xu Shou at the highest level.

The private doctor rationed is Wang Baohe, a native of Shandong. He was originally a clerk in a pharmacy. He was absorbed into the revolutionary army and completed the training of a barefoot doctor. He used a stethoscope and a sphygmomanometer twice a day to check Xu Shou, which made Xu Shou feel very proud and warm. On the way to the construction site, Xu Shou decided to cut off his braids.

Wang Baohe said, "Minister Xu, do you really want to cut your hair?"

Xu Shou said, "The imperial dynasty is over, what's the use of braids? Chinese people don't keep braids for thousands of years. Can't they give up after 200 years? Cut it!"

Wang Baohe said, "Oh!" With a sharp twist of the scissors in his hand, accompanied by a crisp "kaka", Xu Shou's braids for 58 years fell down.

The railway construction in the suburbs of Beijing is carried out day and night. As Yao Fan insists on adopting a double-line plan with a high starting point, the earthwork volume of the whole line is close to astronomical for 1876, which mainly relies on manpower.

There are countless tents on both sides of the planning line. These construction tents were ordered by Yao Peng for Yao Fan, with a total of 100,000, both military and civilian use. Yao Fan also purchased military tents before, but he soon found that military large camouflage tents are too expensive, far less than the construction tents used on construction sites. Although professional military tents have various advantages such as warmth and wind resistance, they are far less cost-effective than this kind of engineering construction tents, so grassroots troops and construction units are common. Replaced with the current engineering construction tent, which is cheap and can be ordered directly from the manufacturer for only 450 yuan. As for the military headquarters, the 96-type general temporary headquarters tent of 11 meters by 10 meters has been replaced, with a capacity of more than 100 square meters, which is enough for the use of the military headquarters.

After Xu Shou arrived at the construction site, he kept sighing about the huge amount of engineering.

The railway roadbed in front of us is built with a width of 25 meters and three meters high. The lower layer is rammed earth and the upper layer is rammed stone.

Because 1876 did not have the ability to produce rails and sleepers, Yao Peng directly purchased 2012 scrap rails and concrete sleepers for Yao Fan. Due to the lack of transportation capacity, the rails and sleepers could not be piled up in Qingdao. He had to build a roadbed first, and then laid them all the way from Qingdao after the construction of the roadbed was completed.

"The amount of earthwork is really too large. Why do you have to double the line as soon as you come up and repair the road foundation so high?" Xu Shou frowned and sighed.

The foreman in charge of the preliminary construction of the construction site was a soldier who was discharged from the army due to injury in the battle. His name was Zhao Dexi. When he learned that Xu Shou was the newly appointed Minister of Railways by Chairman Yao, he quickly ran from the section in charge to greet him.

"Minister Xu, this route is close to the river. According to the instructions of the superiors, all sections close to the river are not allowed to use buried roadbeds, but to be built into a trapezoidal roadbed. The lowest embankment is ramming soil, in the middle is mixed pebbles and gravel, and the upper layer is 0.4 meters of oclastic stone.

It is not difficult at all, but it takes the old man's strength. Now the labor transferred by the superiors is sufficient, and the shovel and the T-shaped pick are good steel mouths. For such a one-meter roadbed, a person still has to work for three days and three nights.

If it is an ordinary line, just dig a 0.6-meter foundation and fill it with sharp stones.

Xu Shou nodded and said, "Before I came, I saw the previous documents. The central government allocated three months of money and grain, which were all distributed in full. There is no deduction. Don't treat the workers below badly."

Zhao Dexi saluted and said, "Minister Xu, our revolutionary soldiers, listen to Chairman Yao's words and walk with the Chinese Socialist Labor Party. We will never dare to deduct a catty of rice. The construction site works three meals a day and is full, and labor reformers also work three meals a day, but they have to work overtime until 12 o'clock in the evening.

Xu Shou was surprised, "You still know 12 o'clock."

Zhao Dexi rolled his sleeves, exposed the watch on his wrist, and said proudly, "After I was injured and discharged from the army, the army sent me a glorious watch. One hour, I took it firmly. If anyone dares to be lazy, that's not possible.

Half of the work on the construction site are migrant workers and half are reformers. As for those who blow up mountains and break stones in the quarry, most of them are reform-through-labor prisoners. migrant workers can receive 20 cents a day. Labor reformers only give them enough food and have no wages.

Xu Shou said, "Where do those labor reformers come from?"

Zhao Dexi replied, "They are all local tyrants and evil gentry in villages, as well as corrupt officials in the city. In the past two days, some monks and Taoists have come. According to the regulations of the Military Management Council, all such people have to reform. Men build roads and railways, and women go to textile factories and quilt factories to work. If there are children at home, they all follow women. . By the way, there have been many senior officials in Beijing recently, and there are also a few who say that they are Baylor. They are all lazy and unwilling to work. Please ask Minister Xu for instructions on what to do with these people?

Xu Shou couldn't help thinking about it and asked, "How did you deal with such a lazy person before?"

Zhao Dexi reported: "What else can I do if I pull it out and fight? But there are some lazy bones, and he doesn't work even if he hits him. He squats on the ground and cries like a woman all day long. There is discipline on it. He is not allowed to be shot or disabled. I really have no choice but to be tied up like this.

When Xu Shou encountered such a practical problem, he was also dumb and asked, "Why don't you work? I'm afraid it's not enough."

Zhao Dexi said with a sad face, "Those Baylor's thin skin and tender meat, I'm afraid to kill them. In that case, I'm afraid I'll have to be punished!"

Minister, you know, there are 22 foreman in charge of our Beijing-Tianjin line construction site, 12 of which are from the Agricultural Association, and the other 10 are retired soldiers like me. I was hit by a gun on my left knee and was lame, but I was strong. I could kill all ten of those grass-bag Qing soldiers.

I'm afraid of beating people to death, and I can keep my hands in moderation. I don't dare to use a stick, a fan with a big ear scrape, but these cowards can take care of it for a few days after beating today, and they have to be lazy again, which really makes people angry!

The leaders of our superior troops have repeatedly instructed, and the construction period is the military order! If I can't finish the work on time, how can I explain it to the chairman and the superiors? The chairman also said that I am a transfer soldier who belongs to a glorious retired army. Minister Xu, how can I afford to lose face?"

When Xu Shou encounters such a thing, he doesn't know what to say. Along the way, when he talked to his entourage, he knew that the current system implemented in North China was very strange and unprecedented.

The rural stewman is the village committee selected by the mud legs. There is a village head in the village committee, who is also selected by a group of mud legs. The county is in charge of the Revolutionary Committee, which is composed of representatives of the peasant association and the army. The peasant association is the representative recommended by each village committee.

I heard from the doctor Wang Baohe that these representatives are all farmers, but they are all famous " capable people" in various villages, and they are all very smart. The revolutionary committee is the cadres and veterans sent by the army, as well as some illiterate political cadres trained by military cadre training courses, these people in their pockets. With a "red treasure book" called Yao Zaofan's quotations, these political cadres are very kind, but they control discipline and have the right to report the situation to their superiors alone. Therefore, the Revolutionary Committee of each county is larger than that of the farmers' associations of each village and town, and the combination of the two forms a county-level government. The judicial security in all counties and towns belongs to this revolutionary committee and has the power to live and kill.

In a word, Xu Shou knows that big-headed soldiers like Zhao Dexi, who used to be worse than in the Qing Dynasty, especially retired big-headed soldiers, served as officials and officials' reserve echelons in Yao Fan's regime. These positions used to be only for scholars, but now they are all in the hands of the people who come out of the army. Once these people complete literacy and can write, they will be promoted immediately.

Xu Shou remembered what Yao Fan said to him before leaving: "Military cadres are better than bureaucrats in the imperial examination. They are hard-working, disciplined, obey orders and command, and can fight hard..."

Xu Shou himself was not from the imperial examination and agreed with Yao Fan. He asked, "Zhao Dexi, what level of cadre are you?"

"Report Minister Xu, I was the deputy platoon leader before I changed my career. When I changed my job, I was raised to the first level. I served as a local cadre according to the treatment of the platoon leader, with a monthly salary of 20 silver dollars."

"Then your official is not small. How can you be so rough? Those who don't work hard, don't do it yourself, just pull out and hit the military stick. Don't delay the construction period."

"Report to Minister Xu that the revolutionary army prohibits corporal punishment of soldiers. There are no military sticks, only about confinement. If those lazy people are locked up and do not work, will they still strive to be lazy in the future?"

"So that's it. Chairman Yao is generous in governing the army." Xu Shou thought to himself.

"Does the superior have instructions on how to deal with these labor reformers who are lazy and do not working?" Xu Shou asked.

"The superior instructed to persuade and educate lazy people, and increase the sentence of repeated education. However, Minister Xu, those people don't believe that the government will release them in the future. They think the government will let them work for a lifetime. Two days ago, there was a man who committed suicide by throwing himself into the river. This morning, he caught two others who wanted to escape. The one who committed suicide was rescued, but he did not work. The one who escaped was shot on the spot according to discipline.

Xu Shou sighed: "Don't waste time in the future. Don't beat them if you don't work. Warning three times don't work, just drag them out and execute them according to escape. Road construction is a major event for a powerful country. How can these rats delay and waste the government's money and food in vain?

"Yes, Minister Xu." Zhao Dexi swallowed his saliva and looked at the old man in front of him who had just cut his hair and wore a gray thin silk melon leather hat.

Xu Shou began to get to the point: "Where is the construction survey team now? I heard that this survey team was formed by Chairman Yao from the artillery, which is the treasure of our Ministry of Railways.

Zhao Dexi said, "The survey team took the detailed map and map of the route all the way to Tianjin."

Xu Shou didn't say much. He immediately returned to the carriage and ordered to rush to Tianjin along the railway line under construction. He wanted to catch up with the construction survey team.

Xu Shou thought to himself, "Chairman Yao is really careless. There are only three sets of 1:5000 line construction drawings in the Ministry of Railways. How can he casually let the survey team take one on his body? Be sure to catch up as soon as possible! I don't know how much effort it took for the chairman to draw such a precious map. In case it is lost or damaged, the consequences will be unimaginable.

He did not know that the 1:5000 provided by Yao Fan, that is, the map equivalent to the actual 50 meters on the map, was produced in 1956. Many places had great incomparities with the terrain in 1876, and required the survey team to re-measure and draw a new section along the way. Moreover, the newly established National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping is hanging under the Intelligence Department and is intensively using the optical surveying and mapping equipment brought by Yao Fan to survey and map North China. This is a long task. Yao Fan hopes to be able to complete 1:5 for most parts of the country after the unification of the country and the first five-year plan. 000 resurvey.