1875 I come from the future

Chapter 222 Last Words

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[222] Last words

"Selling Newspaper! Sell the newspaper! The Chinese fleet of the British Empire was ambushed by the revolutionary army on the Yangtze River, and six warships were sunk!"

In and outside the Shanghai concession, the bare-foot newspaper boy hung a wooden stick around his neck, with a rope tied at both ends of the wooden stick, and the rope hung around his neck, desperately running around the teahouse and shouting.

As a newspaper secretly funded by Yao Fan, Xinmin Evening News has begun to take shape with the help of Merriz Commercial Bank. The newspaper has 30 hand-made oil printing machines and more than 10 workers specializing in carving wax paper. There are more than 80 workers in the printing workshop.

Because Xinmin Evening News has the funding of Yao Fan and artifacts such as a manual oil printing machine, although the printing quality of wax paper cannot be very high, compared with the price of five copper pieces and eight pieces of paper in other newspapers in Shanghai, Xinmin Evening News, a piece of eight pieces of copper and eight pieces of paper, is extremely cheap. The single-sided printing of Zhangbakai only sells two coppers.

Due to the support of Yao Fan in Xinmin Evening News, it always publishes first-hand current news from the north. German fast sailboats from Qingdao to Shanghai travel between the two places every day and continuously bring the news back to Shanghai. The Evening News also has joke serialization, novel serialization and poetry serialization given by Yao Fan as a content provider. Yao Fan comes from the 21st century of information explosion. Of course, the concept of running a newspaper has shaken away a large part of all the media these days. With his guidance, Xinmin Evening News even has an entertainment version and a marriage world. Of course, there are advertisements. .

Due to the advanced concept and flexible and fast printing methods, the daily sales volume of Xinmin Evening News has exceeded 10,000 copies. The sales network covers the whole Jiangnan region, and even the Clippers sent to Guangzhou every day will bring hundreds of copies of Xinmin Evening News to sell south. The newspaper has been able to bear its own profits and losses. There is an endless stream of people who come to the newspaper every day to ask for advertisements.

The news published in today's Xinmin Evening News is undoubtedly explosive. The "revolutionary" rebels in the north can actually sink British warships into the Yangtze River and sink six at once, which is incredible for the Chinese people. The big guys talked about it one after another, thinking that the Qing Dynasty was not only going to be finished, but also should be finished.

In the streets and alleys of the Shanghai Concession, people bought newspapers and ran to tell each other. They gathered together to read newspapers and talk about current affairs.

"Master Liu, have you read the newspaper? The British have lost the war! This Qing Dynasty seems to be over.

"Really, I heard that there are millions of revolutionary troops, sweeping across Beijing, Henan and Hebei, and now they have entered Hubei, Anhui and Jiangsu. Half of China's land has fallen into their hands. Can the Qing Dynasty be endless?"

"Well, what I'm talking about is that the revolutionary army is fighting fiercely. Not only can it fight on land, but the navy is also tough. You can read today's newspaper, the British warships are actually all in the Yangtze River. How powerful these revolutionary armies should be? I'm afraid the generals and admirals there are all three heads and six arms!"

"If this is true, it is really powerful enough. When did the British warship dare to move the Qing Dynasty? The admiral and governor's general guerrillas and guerrillas, when they saw British warships and sailors, they were all like rats and cats. I want me to say that this revolutionary army really gives the Chinese people a long face.

"Hey, isn't it? Take a look at the editorial of the People's Daily reprinted in this evening newspaper, which was written by the man in the north!"

"I understand the editorial. Is that the top article in the newspaper? Did the man in the north write another article? Bring it to me to read."

"British* is a paper tiger..."

Yao Fan's article was born out of Taizu's speech in 1956. Of course, the original text was beautiful*. When he came to Yao Fan, he became English*.

"All oppressed nations should be independent."

"Everything will change. The corrupt power should give way to the new small power, and the British power should become smaller.

Now Britain* is very strong, not really strong. It is politically weak because it is separated from the vast working people and oppressing the working people. No one likes it, and the British people don't like it either.

I think Britain is a paper tiger. The appearance is very strong, but in fact it is not terrible. It looks like a tiger, but it is made of paper and can't withstand the wind and rain.

"We say that Ying* is a paper tiger, strategically speaking. On the whole, you should despise it. From every part, we should pay attention to it. It has claws and teeth. To solve it, you have to come one by one. For example, it has ten teeth, knocking off one for the first time, it still has nine, and knocks out another one, and it still has eight. After knocking the teeth, it still has claws. Do it seriously step by step, and you will always succeed in the end.

Stratefully speaking, it is completely despised. Tactically speaking, attach importance to it. Fight against it, one battle after another, one by one, should be paid attention to. Britain is now strong, but from a broad, all and long-term perspective, it is unpopular. Its policies are not liked by all countries in the world. It oppresses and exploits people of all ethnic groups in the world. Because of this, the tiger must die. Since the people want to kill the tiger, the tiger will not live long. It is not terrible and can be despised. But Britain still has the power to produce more than 700,000 tons of steel every year and beat people everywhere. Therefore, people all over the world still have to fight against it, fighting hard, one position after another. It will take time."

"China overthrows the imperial system and doesn't engage in *, what does * do? The Chinese people don't want*, and the people of the world don't want*. *There is no need to exist."

Yao Fan's articles published in Xinmin Evening News spread all over the south of the Yangtze River, and the British naturally saw it.

The fiasco of the Chinese fleet of the Royal Navy on the Yangtze River is the biggest loss suffered by the British Royal Navy in 300 years since the Battle of England and Holland. Whether it is the War of the Spanish Succession, the War of the Austrian Succession, or the American War of Independence, there has never been such an unexplained loss of six warships! This has buried almost half of the Chinese fleet! Although it was not destroyed by enemy ships in the naval battle, this cowardly loss is unknown and unprecedented.

The commander of the Chinese fleet of the Royal Navy and the captain of the light battleship "Elle Court", Baron Griffin, after seeing the sailors and officers of the Chinese Fleet's Yangtze River Blockade Squadron at the Yihe Yanghang headquarters on the Bund in Shanghai, asked three times in a row before believing that he had really lost six warships overnight. .

Grikin scolded in frustration, anger and anxiety: "You scum are a disgrace to Great Britain! In the name of Her Majesty, I swear that I will send you to the gallows!"

A sailor who jumped into the river and escaped with a bitter face quickly took out a warhead with a steel core from his trousers pocket and presented it up: "Your Majesty, this is a Chinese bullet. It is this bullet that penetrates the shell of the warship. We are not safe in the ship, Chinese You can beat our warship like a sieve 300 yards away.

Colonel Cox, who also escaped from the river, lay on a stretcher and said for the first time after being pulled into the Shanghai headquarters of Yihe Yangxing on the Bund by horse-drawn carriage: "General Grikin, these North Americans are not ordinary Qing people. They are very powerful. Their rifles did not even smoke when they opened fire, and all of them were unified. I counted the standard continuous shooting rifle. Obviously, each gun can hold at least ten rounds.

Griffin looked at Cox, who was lying on a stretcher with severe burns indifference and disgust. Griffin had no pity for this subordinate who made him ashamed. But seeing that Cox only had half a breath, he could no longer express his dissatisfaction in words.

Cox was wrapped in gray and white earth cloth, which only exposed his eyes, nostrils and mouth. The earth cloth was yellow and even a little black. The tissue fluid and blood water from severe burns have soaked the earth cloth. Such a degree of burn, with 1876's medical ability, is unable to recover.

"Chinese artillery also has a very long range. Even if they use an extremely burning shell, they can still fire at us at a long distance, and we still can't see the smoke of gunfire. Until all the ships are hit by shells, we don't find where the Chinese artillery positions are.

They are a group of devils. Their shells come from hell. As long as they hit, the flames will not stop. The fire will burn desperately. Even if they fall on the river, they are still burning! General Grikin, I bet you have never seen a burning river, but I have seen that Chinese shells will still burn violently in the water for a long time after they explode on the water. When the shells fall, the surface of the water seems to be stirred with countless spoons, with white dazzling fire and steam.

When the shell landed on the Carmarson, the whole ship caught fire. That kind of shell could light all the places with a radius of about 20 yards. I swear that even the chain on the ship was burning at that time. No matter how the sailors put out the fire, it doesn't help. That ghost can't be put out at all! No one can put it out! Under the attachment of the hell flame, the wood burns as fast as paper, and it becomes broken black carbon in a blink of an eye..."

Cox spoke slowly and muttered like a disease, but clearly described the tragic situation on the warship at that time. The British sailors around him listened quietly, occasionally stretching out their index and middle fingers and swearing to the ceiling:

"Swear to God, it's like this!"

"I swear to God, Colonel Cox's words are true!"

"Swear to God, it's really hell."


Griffin was also full of fear and asked, "Is it possible that the Yanji have blocked the Yangtze River with artillery?"

Colonel Cox suppressed the pain and said weakly, "Never send warships into the Yangtze River again. It will become a live target for Chinese artillery. We must not let Her Majesty's warriors die in vain."

Griffin's voice has become smaller: "The army has arrived in Shanghai, and the armies of various countries have arrived one after another. Get ready to teach the bandits a lesson, Colonel Cox. You can't use your incompetence to drag down the glory of Britain. Those yellow pigs are cowardly, even if They have mysterious new weapons and will also escape in front of Her Majesty's brave and loyal soldiers.

Cox said for a long time and was dying. He tried his best to turn his eyes and looked like a resurrected mummy. He used his last strength to squeeze out a dying sentence: "May God bless the queen..."

After saying that, Cox closed his eyes and couldn't do it. He persisted all the way, and with the assistance of the escaped sailors and the Green Camp of the Qing Dynasty, he survived to Shanghai in order to inform Grikin of the first-hand combat information he obtained.