1875 I come from the future

Chapter 224 Chinese Army

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[224] Chinese Army

"Dear Lieutenant General Yamagata, your concern is superfluous. When a thousand Japanese cavalry and 4,000 infantry marched towards Malu Town, 2,000 of your country's other 3,000 infantry and three artillery brigades will attack Fangtai Town in the southeast of the United States and Russia, and the base camp will advance from the middle road. Go through the center of Malu Town and Fangtai Town and enter Taicang.

Shanxian frowned and said, "Why is only my right wing without artillery support? There are 2,000 artillerymen on the left wing and 1,000 artillerymen from your country in the middle, but not a cannon on the right wing!"

Napiel said with a straight face, "All our cavalry are on your right wing. Dear Mr. Shanxian, please pay attention to this."

Yamagata was distressed and knew what the British tactics were, that was, based on the left wing and used artillery to suppress the positions, while the right-wing Japanese cavalry and infantry were used as the impact force. The British and French allied forces in the center were dispatched, mainly to support the right wing, so that a machete-like could appear on the whole front. The same posture from right to left. In this way, the highest loss rate is to serve as the right-wing shock group. But since the British have kept 2,000 artillerymen and 3,000 infantry in Japan's three brigades on the left wing with the lowest loss rate, it is also a fair practice.

But Yamagata is not a fool. He thought about it and found that the left wing was Russia, the United States and Japan, and there was no Britain and France. What does this mean?

It means that the left wing is not safe! The British must believe that the left wing may also be fiercely attacked!

Yes, the Chinese are now pulling the front line incredibly wide, as if they were scattered from hundreds of kilometers wide. There is no doubt that after releasing soldiers from such a ridiculous width, it is impossible for the Chinese to complete the command of every offensive force. They are bound to pay the price of dispersing troops. However, in this case, the tit-for-tat push forward with a small width of dense horizontally and the smallest loss is undoubtedly the British and French in the middle. Allied forces!

Although Yamagata's mind has figured it out, he can't object. After all, the other party is the commander-in-chief, and this tactic seems to be fair. If he does not listen to the command, it will make people look down on the army of the Japanese Empire.

"Hi!" Yamagata responded briefly and strode out of the tent. He put on his military cap in his right hand and held the command knife in his left hand. He gave orders to the Japanese army officers who were waiting for orders outside the tent and began to set out.

The General Committee of the East China Theater dared to adopt a wide and deep comprehensive encircummation, which is really thanks to the radio liaison system. Without radio command, all the armies in the world in this era would have a battlefield width of only about ten kilometers, with a general rule that determined the fate of Europe such as Napoleon's Battle of Waterloo. For example, the whole battlefield is only six kilometers wide and three kilometers deep.

The action of the five-nation coalition forces was quickly detected by the former General Committee of East China, and the sky was full of dense radio waves that could not be detected by the naked eye. Under the mobilization of the former committee, the main forces of the four armies accelerated the encirclement of the area where the five-nation coalition forces are located. On the Jiangnan plain, countless green figures ran rapidly, racing desperately against time and place according to the deployment of the former committee.

At about 11 a.m., the first to encounter the five-nation coalition was the leading force of the 29th Division of the 10th Army, the 85th Regiment of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army, whose attack direction was Malu Town.

After learning of the discovery of the enemy, Tong Xianghong, the regimental commander, asked the whole army to immediately enter the preparation for battle. At the same time, he reported to the General Committee of the East China Theater and the General Front Committee ordered that the whole army, according to the principle of three systems, grabbed the fighter plane, rushed up in turn, biting the opponent, and did not give the enemy time to arrange its position calmly.

Hu Guangting stressed at the end of the telegram: "I hope your department will carry forward the soul principle of our army's field sports war, resolutely implement the three fierce tactics taught by the great mentor Chairman Yao, fight fiercely, do everything possible to eliminate the opponent's living force with wit and flexibility, and completely suppress the arrogance of the invaders!"

Tong Xianghong received the telegram and shouted excitedly, "Order from the former committee! Fight!!!"

A friend in Shanxian County rode a black horse standing on a slightly higher mound, and saw these Chinese soldiers about two kilometers away from the opposite side through a telescope.

"It turns out that the rebels in the north of the Qing Dynasty look like this... The green armor is very distinctive... The military cap is very special. I heard that it is made of steel... It's impossible. It must be wood. How expensive and heavy the steel is. How can it be used as a military cap... Don't they plan to combine line infantry? So, these are all hunters? Do you plan to fight with a comprehensive scattered line? ...It's worthy of a group of farmers...so stupid..."

Youpeng of Shanxian immediately ordered the two cavalry to protrude forward, attack the scattered line of the revolutionary army, and massacre the scattered soldiers.

Suzuki Shigenori and Yuichiro Nagata are the captains of these two cavalry squadrons. They set out immediately after receiving orders, leading their 250 cavalry to rush out from behind the infantry and slowly trot to the front.

In Suzuki's view, it is really stupid for the Chinese to rush forward with scattered soldiers. There is no dense shooting and strict phalanx of line infantry, and the scattered soldiers are lambs to be slaughtered in front of the cavalry.

Suzuki rode in front of him, clenched the reins and roared, "Emperor's warriors! The enemy is a scattered soldier and will not form a battle! Once we find out, we will definitely run away! Everyone should seize the opportunity to pursue! It's time to make achievements!"

For a moment, "Hi!" Hi!" ...The sound was endless, and with the dense horseshoes, two Japanese squadrons of 500 cavalry rushed up.

As the distance approached, the Japanese cavalry dispersed into the so-called Yanyue formation, which looked like a banana arched on the arc. Generally speaking, if you face the line infantry, the cavalry will discharge a diamond-shaped impact formation, while in the face of scattered soldiers, the large-scale scattered impact is more lethal.

The Japanese cavalry ran closer and closer, but saw that the green revolutionary army opposite them was not cowardly at all, but fearlessly rushed towards the cavalry.

Suzuki was overjoyed, pulled out his command knife, stood up on the horse and roared, "Attack!!!"

All members of the squadron immediately pulled out their sabres, waved above their heads with excitement, and shouted together: "Killing!!! ......Kill!!! ............”

Before the Japanese cavalry ran into the 300-meter acceleration section, 400 meters away, they heard the Chinese soldiers in front of them open fire.

"Dad Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da...................."

Suzuki Shigenu has never heard such an abnormal gunfire. The sound sounded like the continuous break of the hemp line when the sackcloth was torn open.

With this sound, the green military uniforms in front of them dispersed more fiercely, as if to cover the wings of the cavalry.

Suzuki, who rushed to the front, was shocked, urged the horse hard and shouted, "Killing!!"

Before the words fell, Suzuki felt as if he had been hit fiercely by a heavy hammer, and blood suddenly spewed out of his mouth...

The revolutionary army has equipped machine guns in each platoon in strict accordance with combat discipline. In the field impact, the machine gun is used as the fire force group, accompanied by the assault group, the support group, the blasting group, the attack of the four groups and the first team, especially in the face of cavalry, pay attention to the cross-cooperation of the fire group, and multi-angle coverage shooting.

Under the rain of steel bullets, Suzuki's cavalry squadron was severely damaged, and countless cavalry fell from their horses and died.

Yuichiro Nagata, who closely followed Suzuki Shigenori, saw that the Suzuki Shigenori team in front of him was beaten up, and more than half of them were killed and injured. He was so scared that his sweat pores stood up. Before the battle, he ordered to turn right immediately and go to encircle the flank of the revolutionary army.

But the revolutionary army attacked while shooting, and couldn't stop at all, and the violent charge on the field was also ruthlessly sounded: "Dip~~Dip~~~~~~~Dip~Dip..."


The revolutionary army composed of northern men broke out a tsunami-like sound and ran hard with overwhelming shooting, sweeping from the front like a green flood!

The overwhelming range, accuracy and firepower strength advantages of modern weapons have completely become butcher knives in the hands of these soldiers who have been trained in war and proficient in war skills.

Yuichiro Nagata's cavalry squadron circled in front of the battle, completely turning the cavalry into an activity target for the revolutionary army to practice killing. The revolutionary army, like a violent dragon, spitting out the breath of death and quickly slaughtered the Nagata Yuichiro cavalry squadron with bullet rain.

Youpeng in Shanxian was riding on a horse and watched the 500-person horses of the two cavalry squadrons in front of him break in the blink of an eye. His legs and stomach suddenly twitched, and then he couldn't help swinging.

"What? ......What's going on? ...How is this possible? ...A bastard!!!" Apeng from Yamagata cheered himself with a kind of speech unique to Japanese soldiers.

He hurriedly ordered that the eight five-row 100-person horizontal teams formed by all 4,000 infantry in the position to stay in place, and the other two cavalry squadrons hid behind the two-winged infantry and strictly prohibited them from attacking.

At the same time, Youpeng in Shan County immediately sent messengers and quickly notified the five-nation coalition base camp and asked for artillery support.

At the end of the prelude to the massacre, at this moment, the General Committee of East China has mobilized the mortar battalions of 12 divisions of the four army groups, and the 324 87 82MM mortars of all 12 battalions have formed a mortar artillery cluster that exceeds the artillery strength of any country in this era, divided into four positions, with six Four kilometers away, the charge fiercely opened the first chapter of the massacre on the left, middle and right wings of the five-nation coalition.

324 mortars,

The damage radius of each high-explosive shell is 25 meters,

A round of volley of 324 is enough to cover 630,000 square meters of land.
