1875 I come from the future

Chapter 229 Sino-Russian Secret Treaty

[229] Sino-Russian Secret Treaty

There was a trace of excitement on Buze's expressionless face: "First of all, I must express my sincere respect on behalf of the Russian Empire to Chairman Yao, who can understand the long-cherished wish of the Slavic nation to realize the unity of the whole nation!

As the only supreme secular representative of God among Orthodox and Slavs, the Romanov family will never sit idly by the brutal atrocities of the shameless Turks against the Slav nation and the arrogant provocation of the Russian Empire. The great Russian Empire will not accept any form of insult, His Majesty the Tsar On behalf of God, we will punish those cruel and despicable infidels!

However, we also ask for your explanation and apology for the disgraceful execution of the Russian army in Shanghai.

Guo Songtao was very satisfied with Bu Ce's reaction. Guo Songtao felt that now with the support of a hard-line government like Yao Fan, he seemed to be a wild horse that broke away from the cage, full of explosive power. Such negotiations felt really refreshing.

"As a democratic and civilized sovereign country, New China will never allow any foreign army to step on our territory. We are extremely indignant that Russia has previously sent troops to interfere in our internal affairs under the instigation of Britain!

Excuse Mr. Buze, what action will the Russian Congress take if the Chinese army lands in St. Petersburg together with the British and French allied forces?

Butter said frankly and firmly: "All those who dare to invade Russian territory will be hanged!"

After saying that, he then said, "But you shouldn't kill our officers!" Unlike those noble young people and soldiers, many of them are superiors with status. This practice in your country will not be understood by our nobles.

Guo Songtao stretched out his hand and motioned, "Please use tea."

Then he took a sip of tea and said, "The five-nation coalition army raped civilians in Shanghai #**, which is the greatest insult to the new China #government, which represents all the Chinese people. China has the right to take any form of revenge against the invading army!

China has not acceded to the Geneva Convention. As far as we know, Tsar Alexander II has not yet ratified Russia's accession to the Convention, so China's execution of war criminals is completely legal!

This is a solemn warning from New China to all ambitious people around the world who attempt to invade China's sacred territory and supreme sovereignty! This is not for any single country, and Russia doesn't have to make a fuss.

In fact, due to the grand scale and fierce battle, there are not many prisoners of war, just a few hundred, and the Russian soldiers were sent by British commanders as cannon fodder on the front line, so there are no Russian prisoners of war on the execution list. Mr. Ambassador can proudly reply to your Tsar, Russians. The soldiers were all killed on the front line, and those who were executed were the British and French hiding in the rear.

Since all the five-nation coalition forces participating in the war were slaughtered, Buze could not provide evidence, so he had to frown and said, "Since Mr. Minister said so, I will accept your explanation for the time being.

However, the families of the Russian soldiers who died in the war are very angry. I think your country should provide some compensation to make up for their valuable losses. On the issue of compensation, I hope your country can attach importance to Russia and show enough respect.

Guo Songtao was angry: "The Chinese #government has not pursued Russia's aggression at present, which is the greatest tolerance and compensation!

I remember very clearly what Chairman Yao said to the British minister Witoma. On land, especially on Chinese territory! From now on, the Chinese will have the final say! If you are not convinced, then let the cannon and machine gun debate!"

Guo Songtao's toughness is completely based on what Yao Fan said to him before: "Don't talk about it. If you talk about it, you will collapse. If you have a war, you will fight. We will fight with him as long as he wants, and we will fight him until we will fight until we win completely!" Don't humiliate the Chinese nation and New China. After all, the right to speak in this world is only in the hands of the hard side!"

Bu Ce was suppressed by Guo Song's anger. For a moment, he didn't know how to speak. After a long silence, he said, "Does China want to push Russia into the arms of Britain?"

Guo Songtao has restored calm at this moment. He said, "When the Chinese people defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of their country, they don't care how many enemies they face. In order to defend our nation and country, even if the whole world declares war on us, we don't care!"

Besides, I really can't find a reason for Russia to become the enemy of New China. There is no irreconcilable contradiction between us. On the contrary, Britain is fully supporting Ottoman Turkey to launch a war against Serbia and Montenegro.

Ambassador Buce, when will your Army Minister Mi Liujin prepare to send troops to intervene? As far as I know, Ottoman Turkey has now had an absolute advantage. At present, while we are negotiating, the Turkish people have not stopped the bloody revenge killing of Slavs in the land they occupied.

It is said that your country has 720,000 troops, 16 armies and 48 infantry divisions. At present, seven troops have been gathered in the Russian-Tuhur border area. Do you still plan to fight a large-scale war with China with a population of more than 300 million in the Far East at the same time?

In my opinion, only crazy people will do this!

China and Russia currently have a common enemy, which is Britain and France. If China and Russia cooperate, Britain and France can be exhausted in the Far East and the Balkans. If China and Russia are hostile, Russia must suffer losses. Because China does not intend to go out, we only hope for peaceful development.

New China is the regime of the people and a socialist country. Our farmers own land. They will fight to protect their land. Russian soldiers fight for the Tsar. They do not have land themselves, and their enthusiasm for war is not high.

If the whole country is mobilized, New China can easily have millions of heroic troops and let any ambitious person who dares to invade taste the taste of the people's war. And we have enough weapons reserves, we have stored enough rifles and bullets, and the arsenal is constantly producing and expanding, so we can fight the war until the end of the world!

Mr. Buze, don't look at # country with old eyes. The revolutionary China is no longer a feudal dynasty. According to statistics, our income in the next fiscal year will increase from 45 million taels of silver to 1 billion taels! Completely surpassing the UK! And all this is only 15% of the public grain income generated through the nationalization of land!

Excuse me, does Russia have so much money now?

Buze almost trembled when he heard this. He couldn't believe his ears: "One billion taels of silver! 200 million pounds! Oh my God! Russia's current fiscal revenue is only about 70 million pounds!"

As a diplomat, he certainly understands the impact of the political system and social system on national strength. China's Great Revolution is currently being analyzed and studied by people of all walks of insight in Europe. European communists have made amazing predictions about China's land nationalization policy, claiming that China is only With agricultural income, it has become one of the world's powerful countries overnight!

Buze asked, "Your regime has just been established, and you are not afraid of the people's resistance to illegally depriving the people of their land!"

When Guo Songtao heard this question, he smiled bitterly: "There is an old Chinese saying that if you want to die, you have to die. Maybe my metaphor is not appropriate, but Chairman Yao and the Chinese Party have become the supreme leaders of China now, and any betrayal will be severely punished.

At present, China's insightful people have agreed to hand over the land to the country and choose to become an enlightened gentry. What awaits them will be the full opening up of commerce and industry. We firmly believe that the average policy of land nationalization will bring eternal internal peace to China, and free and pioneering industry and commerce will bring strong development to China. Force."


After two consecutive days of negotiations, Buze finally agreed to sign a secret agreement with China.

The secret agreement stipulates that the two sides will coexist peacefully while maintaining the existing territorial boundaries and strengthen commercial exchanges. China will provide Russia with the most-favoured-nation treatment of 1876 and 1877. During this period, the existing 5% tariff on Russian goods will be maintained. The most-favoured-nation treatment of the trade will be reviewed annually. Whether it is maintained or not depends on the relationship between the two countries.

At the same time, the most important point is that in the upcoming Russian-Tusian war in Russia, the Chinese #government will publicly issue a statement to morally support Russia and condemn the possible interference of Britain and France to achieve the purpose of restraining Britain and France's military forces in the Far East.

China also promised to go south from Guangxi to attack the French expeditionary force in India when Russia needed it. In this regard, the two sides will start further negotiations from now on to determine how much Russia needs to pay for China to perform this act. Buze is particularly satisfied with this. If it doesn't cost much, this act is likely to make China help Russia disrupt the rhythm of Britain and France, which may become an important weight for Russia's negotiations with Britain and France at the end of the Russo-Turan War.

In Buze's view, the most important thing in front of Russia at present is undoubtedly the imminent Tenth Russo-Tusian War.

Sure enough, after the secret contract was transmitted back to Russia, Tsar Alexander II immediately gave approval and asked Buse to lure China to send troops at as high a price possible. As for whether to repudiate the account and not to pay the expenses later, Alexander II had another plan. In the view of the Tsar, the socialist regime in the Far East is extremely dangerous. Sooner or later, it will have to deal with it seriously!

In Yao Fan's view, Guo Songtao's negotiations are undoubtedly very successful. At this moment, it is really a great pleasure in life for Russia to boldly fight against the 10th Russo-Turkish War with Britain and France-supported Ottoman Turkey. China moved a small bench and watched with melon seeds.