1875 I come from the future

Chapter 245 Banning Foreign Banks

[245] Prohibit foreign banks

The German banker who was introduced to Yao Fan by German minister Balander is Adam.

Yao Fan noticed the black hat he was wearing at the first sight of Adam. The exquisite clover embroidery wrapped around the edge of the hat with dense silver thread and playfully buckled it on the back of his head. Yao Fan was worried that the hat would fall with Adam's head.

"Hello, Mr. Adam." Yao Fan stretched out his hand politely.

Adam's face is a little dark, his cheeks are ruddy, and his white temples are neat and neat.

Seeing Yao Fan stretching out his hand, Adam bowed slightly and shook hands with Yao Fan respectfully.

Yao Fan doesn't like respectful elders. According to his experience, if this kind of socially experienced, noble and rich elders are too respectful to you, it must be a good thing.

"Mr. Adam, you're not polite. Sit down and talk. Barland is my old friend. Please treat me as an old friend and tell me your intentions directly." Yao Fan's sophisticated way.

A trace of joy flashed in Adam's eyes. After complimenting Yao Fan, Adam said:

"I come to visit the President of the Great Republic of China today to pay the highest tribute to you, the founder of the world's greatest republic today, on behalf of the Frankfurt Union of Bankers."

"Thank you, Mr. Adam. By the Frankfurt Bankers' Union, you mean the international banking group led by the Rothschild family bank, right?"

Adam was stunned and then smiled and said, "The distinguished Rothschild family has a deep respect for you. You have unified China with great wisdom and outstanding will, and all German bankers are happy for you."

He licked his lips and continued: "The Frankfurt Bankers Alliance hopes that you can allow us to open a bank in China to settle overseas trade for you.

Of course, if you want, the bank group led by the Rothschild family can also provide you with domestic currency issuance and financial management.

Our financial management system has been operating in Europe for hundreds of years, providing central bank settlement and currency issuance for almost all countries in Europe. Our customers, including all princes, nobles and governments in Europe, whether monarchs or prime ministers, have an influence on them that cannot be ignored.

Our credibility is the first in the world.

With that, Adam's speed of speech accelerated: "But it all up to you, Mr. Chairman, but we do think that in the rapid and increasing Sino-German trade, a trustworthy bank is needed to provide risk guarantees and credit payments for all transactions.

At present, China is in a war. In the face of such a huge war, aren't you short of money? We are willing to provide you with loans. With our loan support, you can buy enough weapons and materials to maintain your new regime.

Just as Mr. Breclawd of Rothschild Bank strongly supports Prime Minister Bismarck's creation of a Germany that originally existed, we can also fully support you to make your rule rock solid.

In a word, we can make Chairman Yao rich and no longer have to worry about money.

Yao Fan laughed and said, "Isn't the development momentum of Sino-German trade good now? China uses the state as the credit subject to trade with German commercial banks. This kind of credit is based on the national financial guarantee and is unbreakable.

Through the nationalization of public-private ventures across the country, our four newly established state-owned commercial banks are establishing a collection and storage system covering the whole country, and we are fully capable of providing financial support for Sino-German trade.

However, what you said about wealth is very attractive. Personally, I have the salary given by the state, and the Labor Party do not pursue individuals to become rich, but our people do need to improve their lives. Let's talk about how you make Chinese people rich.

ardham heard this and thought, "This Yao Fan's mouth is full of nonsense. How can there be a leader in the world who doesn't love money? Even if he doesn't love money and blocks his men's way to make money, his position is unstable."

Adam said: "Today, the whole Europe is a gold standard system, because only the gold standard can protect the interests of the people, and only the gold standard can ensure that the wealth in the hands of the people will not depreciate day by day.

China previously implemented a silver standard system, but with more and more silver mines discovered around the world, silver is no longer a scarce metal.

That is to say, only gold can preserve its value!

If China issues a gold standard currency, the credit of the Chinese currency will be as strong as the British pound, mark, US dollar and franc. China can buy any product from any country in the world in a gold-based currency.

Yao Fan directly interrupted Adam: "China has gold mines, but they are not rich in gold.

In this way, as the people create more and produce more wealth, the government does not have gold as a guarantee to issue enough currency, which will lead to a shortage of currency in circulation in the market and lead to deflation.

The economic concept of deflation was first discovered by Mr. Marx of the Party School of the Central Committee of China. If you don't understand, please read Capital.

Since gold represents currency, we assume that if there is only one ton of gold in China, it means that this ton of gold represents all the social wealth of China. If China still has only one ton of gold next year, and there is no monetary increment, that is to say, all national production in the past year has been injected. In this ton of gold.

Who holds gold in his hand, even if he doesn't have to do any work, can sit at home and exploit all the workers in the country and exploit the social material value created by their hard work.

This is your gold standard! Mr. Adam.

This is a banker's robber trick! It is a tool for financial oligarchs to exploit the working people and the small and medium-sized bourgeoisie!

China will never adopt the gold standard or continue the silver standard! China will continue to promote the process of monetary credit! Silver will accelerate its withdrawal from the market currency circulation, and the RMB paper # coin with government credit will become the only currency!

The People's Bank of China will never be privatized!

The currency issuance of the People's Bank of China will scientifically formulate the circulation according to the total amount of social wealth created by the people every year. At the same time, in line with the economic operation, take part of the government's fiscal revenue as a guarantee to reasonably control government investment, control currency increments, and regulate inflation and tightening.

Adam's whole body began to stiffen. He had never met such a socialist country, such a public ownership system, and such a head of state that knew the economy.

For a while, Adam sweated like rain and felt that his goal had been far away from him, and the hope of achieving it was extremely slim.

He said bluntly, "In this case, you will not be able to guarantee the value of the Chinese currency!" No one is willing to sell goods to a country with unstable currency in exchange for a currency that may become waste paper at any time!"

Yao Fan said: "China does not want other countries to export goods to China. Although the People's Republic of China was founded soon, it has been in a trade surplus so far.

Even if we need imported goods, we can trade through barter trade.

Adam suppressed his anxiety and said, "The barter trade!" That's too primitive. How can modern countries adopt barter trade!"

Yao Fan laughed and said, "Whether it is primitive or not, businessmen have their own evaluation criteria. Of course, I admit that this is the last form of trade that bankers want to see. But so far, Germany has used gold to pay for goods imported from China. Isn't this essentially a barter trade?

Adam said: "This kind of trade can never last long! Germany needs gold as a currency reserve, and Germany does not have so much gold to continue to pay!

This kind of trade will harm German interests! The Frankfurt Union of Bankers will consider recommending to the German government to restrict or even abolish this trade that harms German interests!"

Seeing that Adam actually came up with a trick of intimidation, Yao Fan simply laughed and said, "Trade exists as a form of free circulation of goods that you and I want. Both buyers and sellers are exchanged at the same price based on a voluntary principle. I can't see any harm to Germany's interests.

In fact, Germany, as a middleman, gets more gold by turning over Chinese goods.

Adam was silent for a moment and had to regain his soft figure again. He suggested, "Well, Chairman Yao, please at least allow the establishment of foreign banks in China to facilitate trade settlement by German and businessmen from all over the world in China."

"Banks are the lifeblood of the economy! Mastering the bank is equivalent to mastering the country! Until the layout of the domestic banking system is basically perfect, the People's Republic of China will not consider allowing foreign banks to enter China for the time being in the next few years.


So the meeting between Yao Fan and Adam broke up unhappily and did not achieve any results.

The German minister Balander returned awd and said nothing more. Although he hopes that Adam can convince Yao Fan, as a shareholder of the American Commercial Bank, he is now making a lot of money by monopolizing Sino-German trade, and it is completely impossible to offend Yao Fan for the benefit of bankers.

Yao Fan knew that Adam was actually a test launched by the Jewish international banking group that controlled Europe.

Yao Fan has no prejudice against Jews. As a persecuted nation in World War II, he even has some goodwill.

This is a smart and lovely nation of money fans. Because Christian doctrine does not allow lending, the Jewish nation has fully controlled the financial industry in Europe in hundreds of years of development, and the financial industry has almost become the foundation of the Jewish nation.

It is precisely because of the support of the Jewish banking group that a country that is difficult to stand on in terms of ethnicity, region, julihood and Taoism has emerged out of thin air, that is, Germany.

More than 100 small states in the Rhine Basin have been combined into a whole with the support, insour, funding and vigorous running of the Jewish banking group, and have become a Germany, which has greatly promoted the circulation of goods and finance in the region. It can be said that without the secret planning and funding of the Jewish banking group, there would be no Germany.

Yao Fan is also very clear that money will destroy a person's conscience and reason, and a large amount of money can even make people become beasts.

It was the Jewish banking group's comprehensive control of Germany and the endless financial plunder of all strata that led to the expansion of German society's hatred for Jewish bankers and eventually affected the entire Jewish nation.

The gold standard system of the Jewish banking group has carried out the crazy exploitation of industrialists and civilians. Their firmly held right to issue currency has plundered the industry of industrialists, and the rampant use of various financial instruments and usury ultimately made the country they founded stand up against their creators. This is really sad.

There is indeed no unperate hatred in the world. There is a root cause of prejudice and even hatred, although under the pleasant sound of money, this root is silenced by the European and American media.

But the Chinese should still understand that as a persecuted nation, the Chinese nation was beaten for backwardness, and the Jewish nation suffered because of excessive greed and cruel financial exploitation.