1875 I come from the future

Chapter 249 Great Changes are coming

[249] Great change is coming

As one of the 200 scholars sent by Li Xi, the king of the #Xian Dynasty, Jin Shunchang is by no means the smartest among them.

However, as the kind of person who is most receptive to new things, he received a great shock from the changes in China from the beginning.

At Beijing Oriental University, the first lesson that Jin Shunchang and his fellow scholars learned was not to enrich the country and strengthen the army, but Marxism and Yao Zaofan's thought.

The political radical nature of these courses is unimaginable, so that the inspectors sent to #Xinth made a strong protest after class.

The course is so radical, which makes Jin Shunchang feel passionate. As a poor scholar who went to China this time, Jin Shunchang intuitively feels that there is a surging force in his mind, which may change his life.

Jin Shunchang did something. He persuaded a group of like-minded scholars around him to join forces with Chinese officials to pressure the inspector.

"Rich countries and strong soldiers need to arm their minds first. Chinese professors also said that #fresh students can learn conditionally selectively. In this case, Park Duxue's opposition is to stand in the position of thieves who don't want #fresh and strong! Do you want to be a national thief? Do you think we will sit idly by?

The #fresh supervisor was extremely angry and brazenly demanded that Jin Shunchang and others be arrested and sent back to China in the #fresh international student office of Oriental University.

Instead of agreeing, China arrested North Korea's #Xinspector that night at the behest of Yao Fan, on the grounds of inciting riots and execution the next morning.

Next, the matter of wiping the buttocks was handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Chinese side greatly appreciated the resistance of Jin Shunchang and other students against the supervision, calling it the spirit of revolution, and began to visit Chinese factories with frightened #fresh international students. After visiting the newly established textile factories, printing and dyeing factories, glass factories, brick factories, thermal power plants and radio factories in Beijing, international students were It was a great shock.

Now every fresh international student has a radio given by the Chinese side, and batteries are distributed free of charge every month. Everyone also receives rich living subsidies provided by China, such as shiny stainless steel pens, beautifully printed notebooks, exquisite and comfortable autumn clothes, shirts, coats and Leather shoes.

In order to match life in China, many international students cut off their long hair under the lead of Jin Shunchang and left a revolutionary head.

In the face of the strong protest of the representative of the #Chinese king in China, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs severely reprimanded as a suzerain, demanding that the #Chinese king Li Xi immediately reflect, accept the package of proposals put forward by China as soon as possible, and enter the schedule of political system docking as soon as possible.

In addition to panic, the country has become a mess, and the pro-China faction has also split into two factions. One faction said that as long as there is no land reform, it will accept the current reform requirements of China as much as possible. Another faction said that as long as it can preserve the status of the vassal state and the feudal rule of the #Chinese king, and do not return to China, it can accept China's large tributes.

Another faction claims to be a founding faction with the support of Japanese forces, demanding that North Korea immediately establish a country, implement a constitutional monarchy, turn to Japan, European and American powers, and rely on external forces to fight against China.

In the midst of a quarrel in North Korea, the pace of China's construction has not stopped for a moment.

With the mining of gold mines in Zhaoyuan, Shandong, which has the largest gold reserves in China, and the continuous progress of the battle to liberate Annan, a large amount of gold transported from Annan and locally mined gold from Shandong have been cast into gold bars, and a large number of light industries have been exchanged from the 21st century.

Through close cooperation with the Russian government and the German American Ocean Bank, China has received good seeds of cows, wheat and other crops from Europe, and the American Bank has even shipped three-leaf rubber suitable for Chinese cultivation from Brazil.

The first automobile factory, the first toy factory, the first textile factory, the first shoe factory, the first cement factory, the first watch factory, the first boiler factory, the first instrument factory, the first electrolytic aluminum factory, the first electrolytic copper factory, the first wire factory, the first thermos bottle factory, the first sugar factory, the first roll Tobacco factory, the first soap factory, the first wire factory, the first refractory factory, the first abrasive abrasive factory, the first scale factory, the first bicycle factory, the first rubber factory, the first light bulb factory, the first pen factory............

The first five-year plan is almost all-encompassing. In addition to civil construction, multimedia personnel training is also advancing rapidly.

However, Yao Fan knows very well that except for a few projects, the rest are all light industries, and in the first few years after production, many core materials need to be imported from the 21st century.

As for the production lines of these factories, 1878 cannot be manufactured independently, and all rely on imports from the 21st century.

According to preliminary estimates, Yao Fan felt that it would take at least 20 years to complete the construction of an independent industrial system at the scientific and technological level in the mid-20th century.

But Yao Fan is still relatively contented. 20 years later, even 30 years later, China will lead the world in many fields for 50 years. Is there any dissatisfaction?

And just a few years ago, the country was 100 years behind the world.

Because China is pressing on the Annan front, Russia has also survived the cold winter on the Turkish battlefield. The battle between Britain and France is under great pressure, and Germany refuses to join the battle against Russia between Britain and France. Britain has no choice but to withdraw from the battlefield against Russia as soon as possible.

As soon as Britain and France's cowardice in the Russo-Turch War were shown, they were immediately used by Russia.

After paying more than 100,000 casualties, Russia finally came to Constantinople. The Ottoman Sultan of Turkey was forced to sign the San Stefano Agreement with Russia, recognizing the autonomy of Bosnia and Montenegro in Ottoman Turkey, the independence of Montenegro, Romania and Serbia, and Pogali. Asia became independent as a vassal state of Ottoman Turkey, ceded the border areas obtained by four Ottoman Turks in the previous Crimean War to Russia, and unconditionally allowed Russian warships to pass through the Bosphorus Strait.

Such a treaty that humiliated and humiliated countries immediately shocked Britain and France, and saw that Russia had the right to enter the Mediterranean Sea from the Black Sea, thus expanding the naval influence to North Africa, especially the Suez Canal, and even affecting the interests of Mediterranean countries such as Italy and France.

In shock, Britain, under the coordination of German Prime Minister Bismarck, is ready to negotiate with Russia to narrow the benefits of the San Stefano Contract.

Britain's bottom line is that at least the Russian Black Sea Fleet cannot enter the Mediterranean through the Bosphorus.