1875 I come from the future

Chapter 264 Russia's Head

[264] Russia's head

In order to bring China to the world, Yao Fan's government of the People's Republic of China adopted a cultural approach. On the one hand, it took out a large number of later Western films, and on the other hand, it inserted Chinese historical films into the period, including many films produced by various domestic film studios in the past two years. It has helped foreigners understand the current social situation in China.

In fact, the future films available for the Ministry of Culture are basically only historical themes and cartoons. Even if they are cartoons, many of them must be in the name of science fiction, otherwise the audience will not be able to accept the future life in the film. But even the future-themed cartoons are extremely stimulating for the people of Western countries. Of.

What foreigners yearn for most in the film is the socialist democracy and freedom, a fair society, the subject of public ownership, the private economy under the constraints of law, and the modern life.

For a while, Chinese topics became the focus of discussion on the streets of the West.

Because Western countries have not yet established the idea that there is also an ideological war at this time, the ideological infiltration of the People's Republic of China has been very successful. Socialist propaganda has been rampant in the West for a while. Left-wing politics and left-wing cultural movements in various countries have intensified, and various officially published books Brochures printed underground have spread rapidly among the working class in Western countries.

The socialist trend, together with the Western capitalist trend, is carrying out the final elimination of the world's feudal remnants.

Due to the launch of cassette recorders, music stores have begun to spring up in the world, and Chinese-style music has naturally become the main theme of tape sales in audio and video stores. For example, Lin Hai's famous musician Lin Hai's Chinese-style music album Pipayu, which is now occupying North American tape sales. The champion of the list.

Of course, Westerners are also keen to buy classical music tapes, and a large number of works of later musicians came out ahead of schedule, resulting in a boom in the entire music market.

After several years of efforts, the image of the Chinese people in the world has swept away the ignorance and backwardness after the Opium War, and has become a civilized country and intelligent race in the minds of people all over the world.

In the Kremlin, the atmosphere is depressing.

The noble ministers were dejected and could not come up with feasible plans and solutions in the face of the tsar's inquiry. Even the toughest main war faction was shocked by the mobilization and execution of the Chinese army in the war.

Especially for China's endless weapons, the Russian Army Department is helpless and can't think of a way to deal with them.

Alexander III sat sadly at the chief of the long table in the conference hall and looked at the nobles. The more he looked at it, the more annoyed he became.

"Tell me! What the hell should I do?"

"Duke Paros, didn't you want me to teach the Chinese a lesson before? Now that the Chinese have fought back, why don't you talk?

Count Ludlev, you said that the Chinese would compromise, so what about now? How can we make them compromise?"

The Secretary of War, Duke Paros, licked his lips with difficulty and said, "Your Majesty, because of my stupidity, I have caused great losses to the empire. I am willing to resign from all my positions in the War Department and take all responsibilities. But now, we should consider seeking peace with China. We can't continue to fight. China's strength is too terrible.

Alexander III said angrily, "What about the loan we just got? Is it used to pay war compensation?"

Count Ludlev, the commander of the Praetorian Guard, was a good friend of Alexander III, who was the crown prince as early as St. Petersburg. He said:

"I am also willing to resign as an army staff officer and take responsibility for the defeat.

At the same time, I support the proposal of the Duke of Palos. We can't continue to fight with China. The British want us to fight, so they give us a loan. Now that we have got a loan, we can use it to supplement the loss of the army, build a series of new fortresses, cast larger-caliber fortress guns, and imitate first. Put in weapons, fully dress up the army, and even... even pay some of them to China... in exchange for peace rather than confrontation.

"You!!! You guys!!! You guys!!!" Alexander III was so angry that he couldn't speak.

After a long silence, his expression became more and more depressed, and finally said, "If my father is still there, he will definitely beat me hard with a horse whip..."

The expressions of the nobles fell into solemn again.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Duke Niconov, said, "In my opinion, even if the former emperor is born again, in the face of a powerful Eastern enemy, he still has to take palliative measures. In fact, when the former emperor was there, Sino-Russian relations have always been very good. We are China's largest trading partner outside Germany."

As soon as this statement came out, the focus of the contradiction returned to Alexander III. The ministers nodded secretly and couldn't help sighing in their hearts, feeling that it was Alexander III's self-righteousness and the frivolity of the belligerent ministers around him, which caused the current irreparable situation.

Count Andreyevich, the post minister, said, "If the war continues, we will not be able to purchase telephone and radio equipment from China, which can only be built by the Chinese. If it goes on like this, once there is a problem with our existing radio, we can't even guarantee the maintenance."

Count Conchesky, Minister of Culture, said: "At present, the left-wing parties in China are very fierce. Just yesterday, they went on strike again and demanded that the government immediately engage in peace negotiations with China."

Alexander III said viciously: "These left-wing parties are all dogs raised by the Chinese Socialist Labor Party! They are treason! It's treason!

I have said before that they can no longer be allowed to print those sensational pamphlets so presumptuously! Including those Marxist books, bookstores cannot be allowed to continue to sell!"

Duke Palos, Minister of War, said excitedly, "Yes, including those cinemas opened by businessmen and those morally corrupt Chinese movies should also be banned!"

From St. Petersburg to Moscow, now the nobles are soaked in the cinema all day long and don't do business. Young people learn a lot of bad words from movies, drink and play all day long, have dinner all night, play movies, and do bad things!"

Count Ludlev said sadly, "But the Chinese movies are really great. "War and Peace", Mr. Lev Turstei's work, has been restored so real by them, which is really admirable! Even as an enemy, I would like to say that the Chinese know Russia better than we Russians.

The Duke of Paros said angrily, "These are all good things that those left-wing parties have done. They have long colluded with the Socialist Labor Party of China. The Chinese people have paid for technology. These bastards have even secretly filmed scenes in Russia without telling us. Dogs #motherly bastards, they should all be hanged!"

Count Conchesky, Minister of Culture, said: "But Chinese movies are really great. It is said that they specially copied and built a model of the Kremlin at domestic film shooting bases in order to make war and peace. This fanaticism is really incredible.

And the film master tape of Peter the Great, which was originally scheduled to be released this month, is now in my hands. It's really nerve-wracking. This is a good film, but at this time, how can I allow a Chinese film to be released?

Duke Niconov said: "The Chinese people's fanatical research on Russian culture is really frightening. It is a terrible thing that our enemies know us like this, but we know nothing about them. Look at the Kremlin and Winter Palace they restored. From the movie, it looks like the prototype of St. Petersburg and even Moscow.

Alexander III said sadly, "I have seen Peter the Great in the palace. It's really good. Unfortunately, I'm old, otherwise I'd rather pretend to be a Chinese and go to Beijing alone to learn their science and technology like Peter the Great."

He continued: "Bad news came from the military factory. China's 56 semi-automatic rifle is very excellent. We can't imitate it at all. The damn rifle actually has four full rifles, but our machine can only laps out half a circle in the barrel.

Chinese bullets actually use high-quality steel as warheads and are covered with a layer of copper. Whether it is bullets or warheads, or even that kind of smokeless gunpowder*, we can't make them.

The 54 pistol in China is also perfect, with unparalleled accuracy and power. The military factory is imitating it, but they frankly told me that our imitations will be much inferior in accuracy and power, and even the weight will greatly exceed that of Chinese goods.

At present, the Royal Academy of Sciences and the St. Bertin Military Factory have placed their hopes on the Chinese grenade. It is said that the structure is promising and the manufacturing process is not too complicated. If we can replicate successfully, we may try it in Ottoman Turkey to make up for some of our lost interests in the East.

Hearing Tsar Alexander III's words, all the ministers understood that he intended to compromise.

Duke Paros said with a heavy heart: "As long as Your Majesty works hard, maybe in ten years, we can return to Lake Berga, or even... Vladivostok..."

Alexander III said palely, "Immediately sent a telegram to tell Ambassador to China that the Russian Empire requested peace talks."

Yao Fan couldn't believe his ears when he learned that Russia asked for peace talks so easily.

"Is the fighting nation swollen? Don't you like to die to the end? Why do you play the trick of being able to bend and stretch, a gentleman to avenge for ten years, and to lie down and taste courage all of a sudden? Can they really give up Central Asia and Siberia? Can you really give up Vladivostok?

Yao Fan told the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "Anyway, the People's Republic of China will never spit out what it eats. You told the Russians that you should not only cut the land, but also compensate, but also reduce tariffs. The lion opened his mouth and asked for more if he could.

At the same time, Yao Fan ordered the Ministry of Railways to build the railway immediately and extend the railway from Beijing to Cullen to Irkutsk, which has been renamed New Beihai City. At the same time, the railway line in Northeast China was extended to Vladivostok, Chita, Boli and Hailanpao.

"The next step is to enter Southeast Asia. It is really unacceptable that small countries such as Spain and the Netherlands still occupy China's southern ocean." Yao Fan sighed in Fengzeyuan's office.