1875 I come from the future

Chapter 269 The Dream of the United Nations

[269] The dream of the United Nations

The political commissar of the 7th Army took Alyosha, Misha and the soldiers of the guard company in the first snow and walked into the hall of the fortress area headquarters along the neat stone road of New Beihai City. In the majestic marble fireplace, the flames were flourishing, and the hall was as warm as spring.

The guard took Misha to the Political Department to register, and Wen Ding took Alyosha up the stairs and entered the headquarters conference room.

The fireplace in the conference room is also burning, and the roaster is a little dizzy, especially when he has just entered from the cold outdoors, and his mouth is even more dry.

Wen Ding picked up the kettle and poured two cups of boiled water for himself and Alyosha.

"Alyosa, the secret letter you brought from the Central Committee of the Russian Labor Party has been sent to Beijing with a password through the radio station.

You told me that the comrades of the Russian Labor Party are looking forward to the revolutionary army passing through Siberia and rushing into Russia to liberate the whole of Russia. This is probably wishful thinking. The revolutionary army does not have this ability at present. Our supply line is currently restricted by the railway. At present, we can only take the supply line from the terminal of the railway, Cullen. Extend it to the New North Sea through horses and cars. No matter how far away we are, I'm afraid we will repeat Napoleon's mistakes.

Alyosha shook his head excitedly and said in proficient Chinese practiced at Beijing Oriental University: "With the support of the all-Russian proletariat and the support of the left-wing front alliance led by our Russian Socialist Labor Party, the great revolutionary army will certainly plant the red flag in the Kremlin and the Winter Palace!"

The great proletariat will definitely liberate all of Russia! Emancipate all Europe! Liberate the world!

Napoleon is a bourgeois aggressor. He is not welcome. Of course, the Russian people will oppose him, but the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army is a force of the proletariat and is welcomed. Judging from the current situation in Irkutsk, it is obvious that the suffering Russian peasants' enthusiasm for land reform can be fools. It can be seen that it took only one month for the land reform of the entire Berga Lake Basin to be completed!

Under the leadership of the revolutionary army, more than 2,000 noble landlords loyal to the Tsar in this area were dragged out of their manor mansions by brave Russian farmers, beaten, hanged, buried and burned alive.

The enthusiasm of the angry Russian farmers for the agrarian revolution is extremely high. I see their eyes bursting with light and hope that they have never seen in thousands of years. Their courage is simply more majestic than the Tsar's Guards who drank 20 gallons of vodka.

I can guarantee that in order to defend the land they have just obtained, these peasants will not hesitate to obey any additional order issued by the revolutionary army. As long as the comrades of the Chinese Labor Party give an order, the farmers all-Siberian will send all their children into the revolutionary army and launch a sacred people's liberation war against the Tsar. Fight!"

Wen Ding was also encouraged when he saw Alyosha's excited expression. He squeezed his lips and said, "Drink some water, my dear Comrade Alyosha.

Revolutionary enthusiasm is important, but war cannot rely on enthusiasm alone.

With that, he repeatedly stressed: "Logistics! Logistics! Logistics! Without the support of the railway, we don't even have a chance to look at the Ural Mountains from afar.

Alyosha did not drink water and said excitedly, "Chairman Yao taught us that the people's war is a real iron wall!" No power can break it! It is completely unbreakable! In my poor and short life journey, I have never been as sure as I am now!"

Alyosha's eyes are shining with the flame of revolution, and a special light is shining: "Dear Chinese comrades! As long as the revolutionary army launches a campaign to liberate Russia and fires the first shot, the whole Russian proletariat will unite around the labor world!

The Russian Socialist Labor Party will launch a general strike across the country to destroy all the tsar's factories and railways. With your attack, we will implement Chairman Yao's ideas, carry out armed struggles in all regions, and extend the land reform to all Russia!"

Wen Ding said, "This is the best situation, but if the war is not smooth, the logistics will be tight. Dear Alyosha, have you ever thought about how many people will die?"

Alyosha's enthusiastic language is burning: "How many workers are needed? Dear Comrade Wending, how many workers do you need?

As long as you can provide enough rations and minimum wages, the Russian Labor Party can mobilize all-Russian revolutionary youth and workers to participate in the construction of the railway in Lake Berga. How much do you want? Ten thousand? Thirty thousand? 50,000? We will do everything possible to mobilize all the Russian proletariat to come here and devote ourselves to this extremely great and magnificent cause. We are willing to contribute as much as possible to the liberation of the entire Russian proletariat.

With that, Alyosha began to sing, a song that is currently widely circulated among Russian revolutionaries. Its French, English and even Spanish and Portuguese versions are being spread by word of mouth in a secret underground way among left-wing parties around the world.

This song is actually adapted from the former Soviet national anthem Unbreakable Alliance. Marx personally wrote the lyrics for this song. Of course, he thought that the composer was Yao Fan, so he readily agreed that the title of the new song is "Ode to the United Nations".

"Great pro-proleator, permanent alliance.

The liberation of all mankind is combined with awakening.

The will of all peoples to establish the United Nations.

Unified and powerful, ten thousand years.

Free motherland, you are extremely glorious.

A strong fortress of friendship among all ethnic groups,

The red flag of revolution, the red flag of the people,

From victory to victory.

The free sunshine shines on us.

Great supplyism points the way.

A socialist country is always loyal to its people.

Ideals inspire us to build meritorious deeds.

Free motherland, you are extremely glorious.

is a strong bastion for the happiness of all ethnic groups.

The red flag of revolution, the red flag of the people.

From victory to victory.

Learn in war and shine in suffering.

Emies and traitors are completely eliminated.

The fate of mankind is determined in the struggle.

Guide the United Nations and move forward gloriously.

Free United Nations, you are extremely glorious.

The glorious and strong fortress of all ethnic groups.

The red flag of revolution, the red flag of the people.

From victory to victory.

Listening to Alyosha's infectious singing, Wen Ding couldn't help joining the chorus.

"I think Chairman Yao will definitely make the right decision. Alyosha, you have to believe that the organization will definitely make the most suitable decision for the situation at present."

Alyosha held Wending's hand and said expectantly, "No matter what decision the Central Committee of the Labor International makes, my comrades of the Russian Labor Party and I will obey. For the arrival of the liberation day of the world as Mr. Marx said, I am willing to exchange everything I have."