post-90s cultivation

Article Preface


Four kinds of energy: space, void, time, chaos.

Year, month, day, hour, minute and second are all quantifiers of how much time energy increases! 6 billion years is a big armor.

Everything in the world can be called an elephant! Elephants are natural things, colored, tasteful and solid!

The essence of space is energy, and energy molecules repel each other, so that the elephants living in it will not be oppressed;

The essence of the void is energy. Energy molecules attract each other. There is no elephant that can live in it. The powerful pressure will turn it into the smallest quantum-energy!

The essence of chaos is energy, which is the main organism. Energy molecules can be differentiated into energy with five attributes: gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Energy molecules gather together and can derive images, like absorbing chaos and spirits!

The essence of time is energy, and the main death. Energy molecules can fight against any elephant, turn it into chaotic differentiated energy, and eventually become chaotic. No elephant can persist in the confrontation of a large period of time! When the time energy increases to a certain amount, the elephant will disappear and become chaos!

Spirit is not wisdom, but a kind of instinctive action and the most rigid memory condensed by chaos and nature! I don't know how to think, but I can practice thinking!

With the erosion of time, where will the universe go after a large armor? The book will answer for you one by one!

At the beginning of the universe, four energies were mixed. Due to the energy characteristics of void and space, there is still some void energy left in the space energy to form a balance; while the space energy in the void energy is completely excluded! Space formation modules are scattered in every corner of the void!

If trees are compared to void energy and people are compared to space energy, then the final situation of emptiness and space is the current situation of people and trees - there are almost no living in the woods, but there are trees in human settlements! Human beings form tribes - urban and rural human gathering places, scattered in various places in the sea of trees! The universe where we human beings live is just one of a large number of space modules!

There is a vast void in the sea of the universe. Is there human beings in the universe outside the void? What does it look like? The book is revealed for you!

Human practice is to operate energy in a certain way and then store it, and this method is a skill. Different modes of operation, the energy attributes, speed and measures absorbed are different!

The energy of different attributes differentiated from chaos has certain chaotic characteristics, and the common characteristics are certain derivative capabilities!

When the cultivation reaches a certain stage, the energy accumulation reaches a certain amount, and the shape of the elephant can be different!

If you continue to practice, you can derive spirits. Spiritual wisdom is determined by the energy level and has nothing to do with quantity! The chaotic level is the highest, followed by attribute chaos - a simple fusion of five attributes; followed by five energies! Five kinds of energy are divided without level; finally, it is the energy differentiated from five kinds of energy! These energies have special properties, either good at attacking or defending, and there are all kinds of them!

When the energy has a spirit, you can continue to practice, strengthen the spirit's wisdom, volume, increase the operation method and other skills to increase cultivation!

When the volume of the spirit is generally high and the ontology, and the wisdom is no different from myself, it is the peak of cultivation, but it has not yet reached the extreme,............

How to practice to the extreme? What will happen when you practice to the extreme? What kind of earth-shaking energy will there be between hands and feet? The book will show you one by one!

The more space energy, the more space it feels!

When a person's cultivation is upgraded to a certain stage, he can vaguely feel the existence of space, but no one knows what it is!

When people can clearly feel the space, they can operate the space! If you put the space into a ring, support a space in the void in the ring, and then add a powerful energy seal, the shape of the seal is the shape of the space, and a storage ring is made!

When the human power is strong enough, they can operate a certain space..., which is the space blockade!

Operate a certain amount of space,............ is teleportation!

Who discovered the essence of

space? How are teleportation and space blockade used? The book is to constantly solve your doubts!

The more energy you have, the longer the time! Time can affect the speed of energy flow! Whether it is the absorption of energy when people practice, or any energy flow!

People are born with little chaos, low wisdom and lack of spirituality! As you grow up, you are absorbing chaos, but when you grow up to a certain extent, if you don't practice, your body will lose energy. The more energy you have, the faster you lose! Finally, he died of old age and turned into chaos!

Time changes all the time, so there is no time energy around it that is stationary! But if there is an external force to prevent the time energy from approaching a certain range! Then for the image of this range, time is static!

When elephants are born in the universe, the time energy is also from rare to large, and as some elephants dissipate, the time energy that originally fought against these elephants will turn to fight against those that still exist! Therefore, the energy of time will always increase on the existing image.

The amount of time energy will vary depending on the size, shape, nature, amount of chaotic energy contained and the speed at which chaotic energy is absorbed! As a result, people feel that the length of time is different! When the elephant absorbs chaotic energy, the time energy will gather. When the elephant stops absorbing, it will disappear in order to fight immediately! Turn into chaos!

When people sleep, it is the chaotic energy absorption stage of the human body. Time energy will gather and fight when energy absorption stops. However, people first use time energy to increase the nature of energy flow rate and absorb enough chaotic energy. When people wake up, they will feel that time passes quickly! Because the energy concentration is high at night! Compared with the normal feeling, you will have time to pass quickly! Using this, powerful people can use the powerful energy to seal much more intense time energy and space energy than usual. People will practice here for a day as a year!

When people absorb less and less chaotic energy when they sleep, the effect of time confrontation will appear, that is, people will slowly grow old and lose vitality!

Time reversal is only useful for spiritual elephants, that is, to practice to a certain stage. With a clear perception of time energy in your body, you can adjust the amount of time energy contained in a certain space energy to the required time energy concentration. Those spiritual elephants will be used again when the time energy concentration is suitable. Chaos condenses the body!

Time fast forward,............

When the speed reaches a certain amount, why does it have time to stand still or even reverse? The book answers your doubts!

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"Wait a minute for a few girls, and I'll go and show the patriarch." After saying that, the housekeeper turned around and left.

Seeing that Juaner's face was not good, he immediately poured out the cold tea in front of Juaner and gently put it in front of Juaner.

After a while, Xuanyuanqing came with the housekeeper. When he entered the door, he saw that Juaner, who was taken care of by many parties, seemed to be the center of these people. He stepped forward and said, "It's my fault that you didn't treat me well!" I have always regarded the dawn as my nephew. If the girls don't mind, just call me uncle.

"Uncle Xuanyuan, you're welcome! It's ignorant that our junior didn't visit you in time. I hope Uncle Xuanyuan doesn't mind. Juaner said.

"Ha ha, the girl said so and went out. It's so lucky to have a girlfriend like you at dawn! Miss Xue! I don't know if your father is okay?" Xuanyuanqing said.

"It's okay! It's just that I was busy and couldn't come in person." Xue Linzhao said.

"It doesn't matter! This girl, are you Qian from Binhe City?

"Yes! How do you know?" Qian Yunlin said in surprise.

"I've heard of your father, but he didn't have a chance to meet him. Do you know anything about the demon practitioners? Xuanyuanqing said.

"I know something." Juaner said.

"If dawn can relieve this crisis, but the premise is that you have to suffer some grievances? Will you agree?" Xuanyuanqing said.

"We understand, Uncle Xuanyuan! Please make it clear what you want us to do, and we will do it. Juan'er said, how could she not know what this matter was? It's just that my heart is bleeding.

"It's to marry at dawn tonight. I know this is unfair to you, but I hope you can ignore the lives of thousands of ordinary people in Z country. Xuanyuanqing said.

"No! Why do we need to get married in order to relieve this crisis at dawn? Sister Juan'er hasn't married Tianliang yet. How can she get married first? ..." Qian Yunlin said.

"Yulin! Stop talking!" Juaner said.

"Sister! Can Tianliang only solve this crisis by marrying her? Qian Yunlin didn't follow her.

"Pyal chief! I... I'm not getting married!" He suddenly said, with a pale face and tears in his big eyes.

"Creow!" Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"Princess! Don't think about it!" The housekeeper asked for a clean handkerchief from a maid, handed it to her, and said.

"Miss Qian, as you said, only after marrying the girl of the Xuanyuan family and after the marriage, will Tianliang have the blood of the Xuanyuan family, and then you can get more powerful energy, so that you can be more sure to solve the crisis." Xuanyuanqing said.

"Uncle Xuanyuan! We promised, you get ready! Let's go outside for a walk!" Juaner said.

"Thank you very much for your success! Well, I'll ask Jiaer to accompany you! You are not familiar here. It's always good to have a guide. Xuanyuanqing said and got up to bow to Juaner and Qian Yunlin.

"Uncle Xuanyuan! Can't, can't!" Juaner hurriedly helped, and Qian Yunlin was also moved by Xuanyuanqing's behavior.

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