post-90s cultivation

Chapter 101 *Sleep

Chapter 101

Feng Tianliang and Qian Zhiqiang listened to Qin Fengmei's words and instantly understood that Qin Fengmei was just used. The traitor in the villa is the disappeared Manager Liu!

But why is it used? Qian Zhiqiang understands it! When she looked at Qin Fengmei, she became full of tenderness and apology.

"Qin Fengmei! I don't understand, what are you talking about!? And that night, Linlin was also captured by you. If it hadn't been for Feng Tianliang's arrival, Linlin would be afraid..." When she said this, Hao Huier was really sad. Tears gathered in her eyes in an instant. She couldn't say anything, but she still sat on the sofa, allowing tears to turn in her eyes.

Qian Zhiqiang heard Hao Huier's words about saving Qian Yunlin. He knew that Hao Huier was still very angry with him. Looking at Hao Huier, although his face was calm, Feng Tianliang could still feel the pain in Qian Zhiqiang's heart.

"I didn't catch Qian Yunlin! Zhiqiang should have been mine, but you lied to me! I was already pregnant at that time, and it was your words that made me have no courage to wait any longer! It's you who make my child unable to see his biological father as soon as he is born!" Qin Fengmei said excitedly, her body trembled slightly, and tears flowed regardless.

"Fengmei! What you it true? Do we have children?!" Qian Zhiqiang quickly walked over, bent down to hold Qin Fengmei's shoulder and asked.

Hao Huier's tears finally fell down, dripping down her cheeks. Hao Huier just turned her face out of the window, reached up and wiped her face, and there were tears on her face. She looked back at Qian Zhiqiang and Qin Fengmei, but tears kept flowing down.

"Um - he has grown up and is in high school!" Qin Fengmei said with a cry, nodding her head, but smiling happily.

"What's his... name?" Qian Zhiqiang said.

Just after Qian Zhiqiang finished speaking, Hao Huier stood up, shed tears, and turned around and walked out of the villa!

"Huier! Huier!" Qian Zhiqiang ran forward again and grabbed Hao Huier. Hao Huier did not seem to be determined to leave and took the opportunity to stay.

Hao Huier, who was crying with one hand, suddenly turned around and reached out to hit Qian Zhiqiang, but under Qian Zhiqiang's gaze, she put it down in mid-air! However, tears are more like a column of water, constantly gushing out of his eyes.

"Hui'er!" Qian Zhiqiang pulled Hao Huier back into his arms and held her tightly, allowing Hao Huier's fist to hammer in her chest!

Qian Yunlin was also in tears at this time. Feng Tianliang reached out and wiped it gently. Qian Yunlin suddenly tiptoed up and kissed Feng Tianliang's face and hugged Feng Tianliang tightly! Before Feng Tianliang carefully felt the gentleness in her arms, Qian Yunlin let go of Feng Tianliang and ran to Qian Zhiqiang.

"Mom! Dad!——"

Looking at the family of three hugging together, Feng Tianliang also felt quite warm in his heart, but when he saw Qin Fengmei sitting on the sofa, he looked so lonely and desolate!

"Huier! Do you get along well with Fengmei? Aren't you also good friends at the beginning?" Qian Zhiqiang whispered.

Hao Huier struggled out of Qian Zhiqiang's arms and said angrily, "At the beginning, I felt that she was as responsible as a man, dared to love and hate, and distinguish right from wrong. But now, she is messing around! How did I lie to her? Zhiqiang, tell her if I lied to her! ......”

"Hui'er! That's enough!" Qian Zhiqiang roared harshly. Hao Huier really stopped talking. She just looked at Qian Zhiqiang in tears and suddenly turned her head and was about to leave.

"Mom--" Qian Yunlin immediately took Hao Huier's hand and cried. Looking at the plea in Qian Yunlin's eyes, Feng Tianliang was full of heartache.

Hao Huier turned around and hugged Qian Yunlin. The mother and daughter kept sliding down tears.

"Huier--" Qian Zhiqiang walked over and shouted.

"You haven't called your mother these days! Mom lives in the lounge of the office these days and sleeps with her mobile phone every day! Do you know?" Qian Yunlin suddenly roared at Qian Zhiqiang. Looking at the tears on Qian Yunlin's face, Feng Tianliang saw that his heart trembled. Qian Zhiqiang was not much better and immediately hugged the mother and daughter.

"Huier - I'm sorry! I'm sorry--" Qian Zhiqiang rested his head on Hao Huier's hair and muttered softly. Hao Huier shed tears and turned around and hugged Qian Zhiqiang tightly!

"Get along well with Fengmei, okay?" Qian Zhiqiang said.

"But she..."

"Fengmei doesn't hate you anymore. She is just unconvinced, Huier, you..." Qian Zhiqiang said here. Hao Huier's head in Qian Zhiqiang's arms has been gently nodded, and her fist was also gently pounded on Qian Zhiqiang's back.

Seeing that Qian Zhiqiang finally solved his emotional problem, he looked at Qian Yunlin in front of him and thought of Juaner, and his heart was suddenly very depressed.

Slowly walked to Xuanyuantian's room and saw Xuanyuantian enjoying the view of the small garden outside the window. Hearing that someone had entered the room, he looked back and saw the person coming and said with a smile, "Have you talked to Xuanyuanmu?"

"Ye! You look much better today! It should be repaired in two or three days, and you can practice by yourself!" Feng Tianliang said.

"Hahaha, this old bone, even if I hold it for another ten days and a half months, it's the same, but how are you thinking about joining the national special action team?" Xuanyuantian said.

"I haven't discussed it with Uncle Qian yet! How can you think about it in a day? What's going on with the collapse of Chenjia Group? Feng Tianliang sat on the sofa and asked.

"Can you see it? The collapse of the Chen family is just a superficial phenomenon! It was Xuanyuan who cooperated with the Chen family to show it to others! If I guess correctly, the senior official of the Chen family in the government may be the puppet leader who Xuanyuan really wants to support the power!" Xuanyuantian said.

"There are still leaders in the Chen family who are senior officials in the government?! ..." Feng Tianliang muttered, as if he were talking to himself!

"Of course, how can we grasp the government without the support of officials? How can the loophole of strategy be earned from everyone's head? How can an enterprise do so much as long as it doesn't exploit loopholes in policies? You should know that national leaders who formulate policies hope to have common prosperity!" Xuanyuantian said.

When contacting Xuanyuantian, Feng Tianliang thought of Ma Wei or Xue Linjie!" What on earth does his father do? Is it a senior national official? Isn't that also dangerous?"

Feng Tianliang thought about the problem and went out of Xuanyuantian's room and saw Qin Fengmei and Hao Huier sitting on the sofa talking about something. The relationship was no longer as rigid as before. I didn't see Qian Yunlin.

"It should be Zhou Li sent to school!" Feng Tianliang thought about it, so he went upstairs and came to Su*'s room. He saw that Su* was still lying there as usual! The face is much better, but the beard is getting longer and longer.

Feng Tianliang healed Su* as usual, and gray Yuanli entered Su*'s body as familiar. In the injury, it is constantly repairing. Time slipped away, and more than two hours had passed. Feng Tianliang put away his hand from Su*'s wrist and didn't understand in his heart: "Why has Su*'s injury basically recovered now, but he still doesn't wake up?"

Feng Tianliang, who really couldn't figure it out, had to ask Xuanyuanmu. When Xuanyuanmu knew that he was going to save Su*, he was not ready to speak. He was threatened by Feng Tianliang and said, "God consciousness can be dominated by will. Su* may not want to wake up. At the moment of fainting, he had no desire to survive. The heart seeks death, and the divine consciousness is dominated by the will to fall asleep, so it will not wake up. There's nothing we can do!"

"Is there really nothing you can do?" Feng Tianliang pretended to be confident and forced Xuanyuanmu to ask.

"Really...ah! He doesn't want to wake up. What can others do?" Xuanyuanmu said.

But Feng Tianliang already knows that there is a way!

"say! What's the way! Don't force me!" Feng Tianliang said viciously, the divine consciousness and shadow of the ancient bell, staring at Xuanyuan wood!

"Oh! You know and ask me! You let the person you care about most talk to him often, which may wake him up. Xuanyuanmu said, and looking at Xuanyuan's old man a little angry, it became a pleasure for Feng Tianliang.

"Isn't there an easy way? It takes less time!" Feng Tianliang said.

"Yes, but there is no way to use it! The girl he cares about most is the girl, who has no cultivation and can't be implemented. Xuanyuanmu said.

"Quickly! What method? She can't use it. I can!" Feng Tianliang said.

"You apply the effect... Hey! You can have a try!" Xuan Yuanmu said with a smile, "You can use divine consciousness to force the girl's divine consciousness to approach Su*'s Niwan Palace, and let the girl awaken Su* with divine consciousness!"

Feng Tianliang looked at Xuanyuanmu's smile. After listening to Xuanyuanmu's words, he knew that the old man was playing himself. He immediately shouted, which made Xuanyuanmu tremble with fear.

"say! Is there any other way?"

Seeing that Feng Tianliang was really angry, Xuan Yuanmu did not dare to talk nonsense any more. Now he thought about it and said, "It will not take long to wrap the girl's voice in the girl's words and enter Su*'s Niwan Palace and release it. It will not take long to wake up."

"How long?"

"If it's fast, two or three hours, if it's slow, it's a few days. It's up to Su*!" Xuanyuanmu said.