post-90s cultivation

Chapter 124 Super Skills

Chapter 124

Torres and Elvin Emma got up from the ground and shook their bodies a few times. They were energetic, but they were slightly embarrassed, but there was no injury. Feng Tianliang saw Lu Qian's fist wrapped in golden power hit Torres's arm with his own eyes, but he only saw Torres shaking his arm to speed up the blood circulation without any other injuries.

The two bodyguards stood in front of Torres and Emma with fierce eyes, staring at Lu Qian, but Lu Qian stopped looking at them. They walked to Feng Tianliang and said, "How's it going? Are they not good at fighting? It's okay! If you go to yours, just hit them. They are also physical. If you hit them, they will also hurt! Go ahead!"

Feng Tianliang was very puzzled, why did the old man want him to take action? I don't know what it means.

Lu Qian? Could it be that you are Lu Qian, the third master of Kunlunmen? Evan Emma said that she couldn't see the anger on her face, but she was a little scared.

"Oh, yes! You know me, that's good, that's easy to talk. Let me ask you!" Lu Qian said and ran to Torres and the others, very excited.

"Abo Lu! Don't go there." Feng Tianliang was afraid that Lu Qian was not a private opponent there. If the other party suddenly made trouble, it would be dangerous, so he wanted to hold Lu Qian.

Lu Qian did not look back, and his arm suddenly raised, forcing Feng Tianliang back, and his footsteps did not stop at all.

Feng Tianliang was casually raised by Lu Qian, and suddenly felt a strong attack. He hurriedly transported Yuanli. He quickly retreated and withdrew far away before he could stop. The qi and blood rolled over, and the Yuan force was eliminated by the slight operation. Although it was not a big problem, it also surprised Feng Tianliang. He could have it with his hands. Such a powerful force shows that Lu Qian's cultivation is high.

Lu Qian almost trotted over. The two bodyguards frowned and stared at the enemy, standing in front of Torres and Elvin Emma. Lu Qian quickly opened his hands from the front to both sides, and the two staggered to both sides.

Lu Qian stopped and was about to talk to Aiwen Emma. Suddenly, Torres took action without warning. Feng Tianliang saw that Lu Qian had flown backwards. Suddenly, I was shocked! He flew to take Lu Qian into his arms. There were blood stains oozing from the corners of Lu Qian's mouth and his face turned pale.

"Toris! Look what you've done!?" Avan Emma said to Torres, "Go, go, Lu Qian is crazy!"

The sound in front is very loud, but the sound in the back suddenly decreases. Feng Tianliang stopped in his ears.

"Stop them!" As soon as Lu Qian lay on the ground, he struggled to sit up with a shallow smile on his face. After saying that, the blood stains from the corners of his mouth flowed out again.

Feng Tianliang took a look and quickly ran to Rolls-Royce. At this time, Feng Tianliang had to rush up. If the four people abandoned the car and left, Feng Tianliang may not be able to catch up with them, but Torres and others obviously underestimated Feng Tianliang's speed. Just as the last bodyguard was about to enter the car, Feng Tianliang was not far from the car, and his hands were printed with Yuanli symbols in an instant. Feng Tianliang held a gray ball with strange gray balls on it. Color and light flow.

The bodyguard closed the door when he saw Feng Tianliang rushing. The Yuanli in Feng Tianliang's hand hit out without hesitation. With the help of the bodyguard's feet, his body suddenly rose into the air, dodged the Yuanli ball played by Feng Tianliang, and turned over and fell to one side in the air. Feng Tianliang's Yuanli caught up with the car in the blink of an eye and hit the right side of the rear of the car.

When Torres saw a gray yuan force hitting the rear of the car, he was not worried about the problem after modifying the car, but when he saw the strange gray yuan force attached to the rear of the car and seemed to drill into it quickly, his face suddenly changed greatly.

Feng Tianliang ignored the bodyguard standing there in a daze and chased after Rolls-Royce, who was galloping away. When Feng Tianliang flew forward, the bodyguard suddenly woke up and immediately ran towards Feng Tianliang.

I felt that behind me, the wind was in a hurry, and I knew that the bodyguard was faster than myself, and it was only a matter of time to catch up with me. The car in front of him turned a corner. Feng Tianliang didn't have time to think too much and rushed down to the steep cliff. The bodyguard behind him did not hesitate at all and chased Feng Tianliang down.

The power under the feet runs on the bluestone. The bluestone is fragile like an earth wall, and the footprints are clearly visible, but due to the corrosion of the chaotic force, the footprints turn into slightly deep holes. The wind behind Feng Tianliang got closer, and the power in his hand suddenly turned around and pushed out rudely to the bodyguard who was chasing behind him!


The two of them palmed hand, and the bodyguard, with the strength of Yuanli, brought Feng Tianliang's descent to a terrible point. At this time, Feng Tianliang was already head down! Force your waist and turn your body in the air to make a soft landing when landing. After standing up, the power ran to the extreme, and his feet slammed on the steep cliff to slow down. Large and small stones rolled down and blocked the only way of Rolls-Royce.

After facing Feng Tianliang's palm, his speed plummeted, his left hand grasped his right hand, and his face was extremely painful and frightened. Finally, he simply stopped on a slightly flat stone and clenched his teeth to watch the gray energy in his hand corrode his hand little by little.

Feng Tianliang's speed did not reduce to the speed range of safety. When he landed, he landed on the ground first, rolled out, and hit a big stone. The edges and corners of the big stone tore his back! A burst of hot pain hit Feng Tianliang and quickly worked hard to repair the injury.

Les Rolls was blocked by the big stone and couldn't get down. The three people in the car got out of the car, picked up their footsteps and ran down the mountain. To a certain extent, the speed after abandoning the car is faster than driving. All three of them are magicians going down the mountain in a straight line. As long as it is not a really vertical cliff, they can walk like flying wherever they borrow.

Feng Tianliang had no choice but to get up and chase the three people who fled. He chased for a distance, but he saw Lu Qian's sword, walking flat on the cliff, and his speed was unusually fast. He quickly passed by the three people who ran straight away.

"say! What on earth did you come to Z? Lu Qian's voice suddenly sounded in front of him, and Feng Tianliang accelerated his speed. Lu Qian held his sword in his right hand and stood on the treetop, floating in purple, facing the three people below.

Lu Qian borrowed strength from the branch and fell to the ground lightly. The long sword pointed straight at the three people and said, "Come on, what are you looking for?"

"We... we don't know!" Evan Emma said.

Lu Qian's sword trembled, and a wisp of slightly golden energy instantly penetrated the forehead of another bodyguard and fell straight to the ground without even a word.

"Ty!" With the fall of the sword, Lu Qian said coldly, staring at Torres and Elvin Emma. There was no smile in his eyes, but only cold murder.

"We are members of the Emma family. If you kill us, all the true gods will be enemies of you." Evan Emma said, her tone full of panic. Torres stared at Lu Qian but was not afraid. He looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

"Do you say it or not?" Lu Qian ignored Ai Wen's words and said coldly. After waiting for a while, no one opened his mouth. The long sword in Lu Qian's hand quickly waved out, and suddenly a half-moon-shaped flowed smoothly to Torres. Torres bent back to avoid the streamer. But he didn't get up again. Suddenly, he fell to the ground, and a blood mark appeared on his neck after falling to the ground...

"I said! I said that it was President Kerall who told us that there was a skill that can be cultivated in Z country, which can be cultivated, and it is a skill that makes people become gods directly after cultivation!" Evan Emma said tremblingly that he did not find out how Lu Qian killed Torres with one move. In the eyes of the demon practitioner, the practitioner's spell is very mysterious and unpredictable.

Feng Tianliang's consciousness is strong, but Lu Qian is clear how to do it. When Lu Qian waved his sword and withdrew his sword, there was a sword spirit, but when he waved it, the sword spirit was obviously strong, and the sword spirit when he withdrew it was weak. However, Lu Qian calculated Torres's way of hiding, and the sword spirit when he withdrew it was right at Torres neck.

"One bright and one dark, one strong and one weak, which makes people unable to defend." Feng Tianliang thought of hearing the chirping of birds and seeing Lu Qian kill the two people under the sword without blinking, he really couldn't connect Lu Qian in front of him with Lu Qian just now.