post-90s cultivation

Chapter 149 Feeling Suppressed

Chapter 149

"What a lucky guy. There have always been demon practitioners, but the history of being independent from one faction is not long, but it also has a history of hundreds of thousands of years! Who can think of the three cultivations of essence, qi and spirit? Who has the conditions for the cultivation of essence, qi and spirit? At least the achievements in the future should not be worse than my first master!" Juanlin thought to herself in the Niwan Palace.

Feng Tianliang rushed forward quickly under his feet! Almost in the blink of an eye, it disappeared in place, and there seemed to be a gust of wind blowing through the woods. These big trees growing in the greenhouse broke their branches and leaves, and shrubs and grasses were cut off by the light, and the heavy ones were uprooted! And the culprit has long disappeared!

Feng Tianliang, who tried his hand for the first time, returned to his original place with satisfaction. Seeing the miserable scene, he couldn't recover in an instant.

"The trees here have not gone through natural disasters and have poor resistance. You just went too fast, and it's normal for them to break some branches and leaves by the strong wind. Although your current cultivation is in the Golden Dan period, that is, you have just stepped on the door to real training! But the combat effectiveness can fight against the people in the early stage of Yuanying. Of course, it's just a battle. If you want to defeat your opponent, you have to work hard to reach the middle and late Jindan, and your consciousness also needs to reach this point and feel the powerlessness of the original power, so that is possible!" Juanlin said.

Feng Tianliang was happy, but he still did not reach the point of forgetting his form. He knew the meaning of his foundation period, that is, the practitioners entered the Jindan period, and the Jindan period really stepped into the door of cultivation!

"How long did it take me to get the elixir?" Feng Tianliang thought that Xuanyuankai was still waiting by the pool.

"It's been eight days!" Juanlin said.

Feng Tianliang was stunned and hurriedly walked out. Poor Xuan Yuankai was still lying on the tree waiting for the rabbit to look like an external antelope, but he was slightly fat, with no horns on his head and more rounded head. The animal's eyes are more spiritual, but its actions are more lazy, idle and a little crisis-conscious.

A sudden gust of wind blew, making the tree where Xuan Yuankai was located sway. The animal also immediately ran away, with a posture of riding the dust, and the speed was unusually fast. This is why Xuan Yuankai waited for the rabbit but did not chase it directly. The animals here absorb "anger", and the speed is not much worse than that of the practitioners in the early days of Jindan. This is a reflection of the loss of heaven. The less spiritual and weak the divine consciousness, the faster it is to absorb the chaotic qi. Of course, this is involuntarily absorbed!

Xuan Yuankai jumped off the tree and stared at an obvious "destroyed" flower and tree not far away. He was shocked and didn't care about looking for a game to satisfy his greedy mouth. He immediately ran out under his feet, but the traces left behind were a little witching compared with the trace not far away.

Feng Tianliang walked to the pool and was still the beautiful woman who was a little like a refined beauty. Feng Tianliang inevitably thought of Xue Linzhao, the cold and messy fairy, the reincarnation of Xizi!

"You have finished your practice! ..." After Xuanyuankai rushed out, he saw Feng Tianliang by the pool and asked happily, but he thought of the completely different passage on both sides, which was the situation of the airflow formed at a very fast speed. There was another shock in his heart. The tiger's body trembled slightly, and there was a person in his heart that he couldn't believe. The thought: "It's Feng Tianliang!"

"Yeun! Hurry up! Will it delay anything?" Feng Tianliang said, looking at the beautiful scenery here, he felt like he was in a fairyland. Where is the fairyland? It's just a name for the extremely beautiful place in people's hearts, or completely the imagination in their hearts, but Feng Tianliang knows in his heart that fairyland really exists, but it is unknown whether it is so beautiful in people's hearts!

"Your cultivation has reached the golden elixir!? But why..." Xuanyuankai looked at Feng Tianliang and suddenly felt a feeling of looking up in his heart.

"Ye" Feng Tianliang didn't say much, and Xuanyuan Kai didn't ask much. After all, most of the things in practice involve personal privacy. It's useless for others to ask more questions.

"Let's go! Although it won't delay anything, solving the problem as soon as possible can solve the country's crisis earlier! Demon practitioners gather in the United States, and there will be no purpose! According to the informant, even the Titan warriors of the Emma family went to the United States! Many people in the Dark Mage Alliance also rushed over! I felt that the situation was tense, and then I thought of the intervention of external forces to solve the internal conflicts of the Xuanyuan family. Previously, I hoped that the senior officials of the Xuanyuan family could solve them by themselves!" Xuanyuankai said.

Feng Tian nodded and didn't say anything. At that time, he wondered why the Emma family did not find people with high cultivation. It turned out that they were all sent to the United States!

The two walked all the way to the place where the Xuanyuan family gathered. Feng Tianliang tried to slow down without a trace, so that Xuanyuan Kai could keep up. Xuanyuankai was even more shocked when he saw it. He was even more convinced of the nature of Xuanyuantian's last words, "Feng Tianliang will definitely become a strange thing in the world of cultivation for hundreds of years in the future"!

In less than a day, the two arrived at a slightly noisy place. It's a town that looks like an ancient market on TV. There is a gatehouse similar to the entrance to when you first entered the town, the same antique, the same black and cyan stone! However, there are two simple characters written on the bluestone board above. Feng Tianliang can't recognize them, but he guessed that it should be Xuanyuan!

"This is the word 'Xuanyuan' in ancient times!" Xuanyuankai saw Feng Tianliang staring at the big character on it and said, "The legend was written by Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family! The stones below are a little weathered, but the two words and the stone slab have not changed. In the family, it is said that Xuanyuan set up a formation on it, but these are impossible to verify!"

Feng Tianliang listened to it just as a story, but Juanlin in Feng Tianliang's mud pill palace carefully wrote down all this!

"Let's go to the ancestral hall to worship first. This is the rule of the Xuanyuan family. Every time we need to tell our ancestors that they have not forgotten their requirements to protect the Xiahua nation! Let's go! Find a place first and change your clothes! Although the people here have a strong ability to accept, it's too ostentatious to dress like this!" Xuanyuankai said.

After changing his clothes, Feng Tianliang seemed to be a member of the Xuanyuan family, so he followed Xuanyuankai to worship his ancestors, but Feng Tianliang did not go in and waited outside. The ancestral hall was a bit like a great Taoist temple. There was a long sword on the right side of the door, and there were some words on the sword, which Feng Tianliang could not recognize.

"Dright! The suppression of me here is stronger and weird!" Juanlin's voice sounded in Feng Tianliang's consciousness!