Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

066, adjust the state

Su Nuannuan dragged her heavy steps back to the fifteenth floor. As soon as she entered the door, Wu Lili greeted her, pointed to a table next to her desk and said with a smile, "Miss Su, this is your desk. We will sit together in the future."

"Oh." Su Nuannuan answered without interest and still walked to Song Ping's office involuntarily.

"Miss Su, Miss Su." Wu Lili wanted to hold Su Nuannuan, but after shouting twice, she didn't do anything.

Seeing that Su Nuannuan had entered Song Ping's office, she sat down and was busy with her own business.

Although Wu Lili did not know how Su Nuannuan came to work in the company, she had a close relationship with Song Ping when she saw her talking so casually with Song Ping.

What's more, Song Ping also came to Wu Lili and told her to take good care of Su Nuannuan. When she had time, she took Su Nuannuan to familiarize herself with the environment. She also said that no matter what Su Nuannuan did, she told Wu Lili not to ask.

You should know that in Yuri, except for Chairman Duan Chengyu, Song Ping has the greatest power, so Wu Lili naturally dares not neglect the person he wants to take care of.

So just saw Su Nuannuan enter the office again, and Wu Lili didn't say much.

Su Nuannuan walked into Song Ping's office and closed the door with a "bang" and shocked Song Ping, who was buried in his work, but his face still kept smiling, because he guessed that it must be Su Nuannuan who came in, and others were submissive when they entered his office.

"How about Nuannuan?" Song Ping's smiling face had a little more expectation.

Su Nuannuan didn't say anything and sat down on the sofa.

Looking at Su Nuannuan's face, Song Ping knew that she had been wronged by Duan Chengyu. He poured a cup of tea to her and comforted her with a smile: "It's okay. It's still the beginning now. There will be a long time to come."

"Uncle Song, tell me, what is the relationship between Duan Chengyu and Yan Ruoyan?" Su Nuannuan did not pick up the teacup and raised her misty eyes to look at Song Ping.

Song Ping was stunned. She didn't expect that she could see the relationship between Duan Chengyu and Yan Ruoyan so soon, and smiled with some embarrassment: "Well, they... adult men, sometimes there is always a need... cough..."

The fog in Su Nuannuan's eyes suddenly condensed into drops of water and fell down.

Song Ping saw Su Nuannuan cry and was a little panicked. He stretched out his little finger in front of her: "Hey Nuannuan, it's not like what you think. It's normal to have such a little demand. You've been gone for five years. Chengyu is a normal man."

Song Ping was also a little messy and a little incoherent. He was embarrassed to talk to a girl about this.

"Is he the only woman outside?" Wiping away the tears on her face, Su Nuannuan blinked her eyes and tried to calm herself down.

These are all things that will be faced sooner or later. She secretly warned herself not to cry again next time.

"At present, he only has a little more contact with Yan Ruoyan and Cheng Fei. There should be no contact with others." Song Ping didn't want to talk about Cheng Fei, but when he encountered the process in the company, he guessed that Cheng Fei might return to China soon. Instead of hiding it, it's better to make Su Nuannuan psychologically prepared early, so as not to catch her off guard like today.

Without waiting for Su Nuannuan to speak, Song Ping quickly said, "Chengyu is purely for venting, er, venting or something. Although he doesn't say anything, I know that you are the only one in his heart. You should be careful!"

In Song Ping's memory, it seems that when Duan Chengyu came back from C City with Su Nuannuan, he saw Duan Chengyu smile so happily. As a good friend and subordinate, he sincerely hopes that Duan Chengyu can be happy.

He also knew the misunderstanding between Duan Chengyu and Su Nuannuan. Looking at Su Nuannuan come back, he was eager for them to untie their happy knots and live together again.

It's just that when he saw Duan Chengyu's current appearance, whether he would accept Su Nuannuan again. Song Ping was really uncertain, but he still decided to encourage Su Nuannuan to fight for it, because Song Ping at least knew that Duan Chengyu did not love Yan Ruoyan and Cheng Fei.

A Yan Ruoyan made Su Nuannuan feel panicked. Now she also added Cheng Fei. Su Nuannuan bit her lip and asked gently, "Cheng Fei, who is she?"

"Cheng Fei is the vice president of Cheng Group, and Cheng is their family business. Over the years, he has had some business dealings with Yu Ri. A few years ago, Cheng Fei happened to see Chengyu, fall in love with him like a demon, and threatened not to marry him. Cheng's headquarters is abroad, so Cheng Fei has limited time to stay in China. But no matter how busy she is, she will come back to visit Chengyu every once in a while. Song Ping told Su Nuannuan in detail what he knew.

Presumably, Cheng Fei is also a beautiful and capable girl like Yan Ruoyan. Su Nuannuan suddenly felt a great sense of crisis.

"But every time she comes back, Chengyu is not very enthusiastic." Seeing Su Nuannuan's gloomy, Song Ping quickly comforted her for fear that she would lose confidence.

Su Nuannuan lowered her head and didn't make a sound for a long time.

Song Ping was a little anxious: "Nuannuan, if you believe my words, Chengyu doesn't care about them! Otherwise, he would have married one of them for so many years! Don't look at Chengyu's indifference to you now and think that he really doesn't love you! If he didn't have you in his heart, your hand was injured yesterday. How could he be so nervous and call me to see your situation? I think he blames you for saying goodbye five years ago, feels that you don't have him in your heart, and feels..."

"Uncle Song." Su Nuannuan raised her head and interrupted Song Ping's words, "I know what I should do!" From the day I entered the sun, I knew what I was going to do. It's just that I couldn't accept many things I saw for a moment, so it was a mess. I have to adjust my state now so that I can play better!"

Song Ping was relieved: "I don't know what to say. Anyway, I will try my best to help you. If you need anything, just come to me."

Su Nuannuan stretched out her injured finger to Song Ping: "Uncle Song, you see, although the wound of my finger yesterday has not completely healed, it no longer hurts and does not affect my normal life. My self-healing and adaptability are very fast.

Song Ping looked at Su Nuannuan, who looked much more relaxed, and nodded happily: "Well, Nuannuan, you have always been the best in Uncle Song's heart!"

Su Nuannuan took a deep breath and brewed for a while. A calm and quiet smile reappeared to Song Ping: "Mr. Song, I'm going to work."

"Good." Song Ping was finally relieved and watched Su Nuann get up and go out and close the door. Then he took a long breath and sat down slowly.

He just found that there is something more difficult than work.


Su Nuannuan stood at her neat and clean desk and gave Wu Lili a grateful smile.

"Hello, my name is Wu Lili." Wu Lili smiled and stretched out Bai's hand to Su Nuannuan.

Su Nuannuan quickly stretched out her hand and gently shook Wu Lili's hand: "My name is Su Nuannuan. I just came here and I don't know anything. Please give me more advice."

"There is no need to teach." Wu Lili smiled very easy-going and pointed to the clock on the wall. "It's 11:50. Now I'm off work. Let's go to dinner together."

Are you off work? In the morning, Su Nuannuan spit out her tongue with a little self-deprecating, grabbed her small bag, and followed Wu Lili to the restaurant on the fifth floor.

"Lily, will those senior officials have dinner with us?" In the crowded elevator, Su Nuannuan whispered in Wu Lili's ear.

"High-level?" Wu Lili was a little puzzled, "Do you mean Mr. Song?"

"Well, it's almost the same, like the chairman, the general manager or something."

"The first floor of the fifth floor is a restaurant, and it is free. Ordinary employees will eat here. Mr. Song often comes to eat, but Mr. Duan and Mr. Yan rarely come to the fifth floor. Because the company doesn't want employees to have a sense of distance, the restaurant does not have a separate small compartment. Maybe that's why they rarely come. Of course, maybe the leaders often socialize. Wu Lili thought for a moment before answering.

"Oh." Su Nuannuan was a little disappointed, but immediately recovered and grinned at Wu Lili, "I just came here. I'm curious about everything here."

Wu Lili has a very understanding expression: "I was also like you when I first came here. It doesn't matter. If you want to know anything, just ask me. I will tell you what I know."

It is said that both of them have walked into the restaurant and served their own meal. They found a side corner and chewed slowly.

"Lily, how long have you been here?" Su Nuannuan asked Wu Lili while eating.

"It's been almost three years."

Three years? That's been a long time."

"Yes, but I was only transferred to be a secretary for Mr. Song this year. Mr. Song is quite easy-going." When it comes to being a secretary for Song Ping, Wu Lili looked satisfied. "I was supposed to be transferred to be Mr. Duan's secretary before, but I was so nervous at that time. Fortunately, I was asked to transfer here later."

Isn't it better to be a secretary to the chairman? Why don't you want to go?" Su Nuannuan put down her chopsticks and looked at Wu Lili curiously.

"Naturally speaking, it is good to be a secretary for the chairman. Not only can the salary increase a lot, but you can also see Mr. Duan every day." Speaking of Duan Chengyu, a glimmer of light flashed in Wu Lili's eyes, but it soon dimmed, "But for people like me, I guess they will be sent away in less than a few days in Mr. Duan, and they may be demoted to the position of ordinary employees. It's not easy for me to do this. I don't want to start all over again!"

"Ah? Are you casually found a reason to be sent? Is it Duan-uh, Mr. Zong?

"No--" Wu Lili suddenly stopped and stared not far away.