Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

103, take advantage of the fire

While saying that Duan Chengyu had come in, he looked at the high group still sitting at the head of Su Nuannuan's bed, but there was no complicated expression.

Su Nuannuan has seen that she still can't see too much Geng Ri Duan Chengyu on her face, and she is very happy. She knows that since Duan Chengyu has come, she must still be for Yan Ruoyan's business. She can take this opportunity to make a request to him.

This Cheng Jue is still good, and he can rely on Duan Chengyu again!

Although it is difficult to imagine how Cheng Jue is soft and hard, in fact, the process can be ignored, and the result is enough to make Su Nuannuan happy.

"Uncle Duan, please sit down." Gao Qun had an indescribable feeling about Duan Chengyu, who came to see Su Nuannuan twice a day, but he still got up and moved a chair to Duan Chengyu's side.

Duan Chengyu nodded slightly, but did not sit down.

"Gao Qun, I'm a little hungry. Go out and buy some food for me." Su Nuannuan gently ordered Gao Qun.

Gao Qun looked at Su Nuannuan, understood what she meant, and nodded and got up: "Then I'll go. Take care of yourself."

When he walked past Duan Chengyu, he paused and finally couldn't say anything else. He only said, "Uncle Duan, you talk, I'll buy something" and then went out and gently closed the door at the door.

Peace has been restored in the ward.

"Are you looking for me?" Su Nuannuan saw that Duan Chengyu didn't make a sound for a long time, so she had to speak first.

She also knew his mood at this time. She had rejected him once before, and she was surprised that he could come for the second time.


"What can I do for you?" Su Nuannuan asked knowingly.

"Yan Ruoyan." This time, Duan Chengyu was concise.

"I hope I won't pursue her criminal responsibility?" Since he doesn't take the initiative, he will take the initiative.


"Give me a reason to do this."

Duan Chengyu's mute.

Reason? It is natural for Yan Ruoyan to be punished if she hurts Su Nuannuan. I came to plead because I felt guilty for Yan Ruoyan, and also because of Cheng Jue and Cheng Fei's repeatedly requests. So what should be the reason why Su Nuannuan let Yan Ruoyan go?

Duan Chengyu stared at Su Nuannuan, was silent for a long time, and finally said, "I want you to let her go."

This sentence reached Su Nuannuan's heart. She suppressed her inner happiness and frowned and said, "Why should I listen to you? I'm not yours."

When Duan Chengyu heard this sentence, his face was obviously stiff and he turned around.

"I heard that Yan Ruoyan will go to prison for more than three years." Seeing that Duan Chengyu was leaving, Su Nuannuan said quietly, "The reason why she became like this is because of you."

Duan Chengyu really stopped, but did not look back.

"If you agree to one of my requests, I won't pursue this matter." Su Nuannuan knew that Duan Chengyu's patience was limited and did not dare to grind him any more.

Duan Chengyu turned around, looked straight at Su Nuannuan, and spit out a word for a long time: "Say."

"I'm injured now and can't take care of myself. If you want to take care of me personally until I fully recover, I won't investigate Yan Ruoyan's injury." Su Nuannuan frowned and hurriedly made a pitiful look, "I'm already miserable, but now when I talk to you, my face hurts."

Seeing that Duan Chengyu did not agree, Su Nuannuan was a little anxious, but her face did not show that anxiety. She stopped for a moment and then said, "I heard that Yan Ruoyan can at least be sentenced to less than three years in prison for deliberately injuring others. Of course, it may also be a crime of intentional injury, which may be more than three years. There will always be a stain on people in prison, not to mention a woman! This life is also ruined, and I don't know who made this woman like this. It's really sad!"

When Su Nuannuan said these words, she was actually very contradictory inside.

If Duan Chengyu agrees to his request, it means that Yan Ruoyan still has a certain weight in his heart, which makes Su Nuannuan's heart very sour.

If Duan Chengyu refuses his request, he will lose an opportunity to get along with him day and night. The significance of the bitter plan discussed with Wu Xintian before is not only this, but also a disappointment.

Under the balance, she still felt that it was better to let Duan Chengyu agree to her request, so she managed to win Duan Chengyu's sympathy for Yan Ruoyan.

"Good." Thinking of being guarding himself outside, a simple word came from Duan Chengyu's mouth.

"Did you agree?" Such a refreshing thing made Su Nuannuan a little surprised and stressed again, "It's not to hire someone to take care of me, but you take care of it yourself!"

"Hmm." Duan Chengyu nodded slightly.

"Okay, keep your word, don't go back on your word!" Su Nuannuan wanted to cheer in her heart and suddenly wanted to laugh, but she resisted the slight pain in the wound on her face.

"Well, you go back first, and then arrange your work. You don't have to take care of me these days in the hospital. I should be discharged from the hospital in a week. At that time, you will take me to your house and take care of me until I get better." Su Nuannuan knew that Cheng Jue must be waiting for Duan Chengyu to bring him good news. She really didn't want to embarras Cheng Jue or let him wait for a long time.

"Hmm." Duan Chengyu slowly turned around and walked to the door.

As soon as Duan Chengyu opened the door, he saw Gao Qun standing at the door with two bags.

Gao Qun has obviously been standing for a while, and the plastic bowl in the bag is also a little squeezed and changed shape.

"Uncle Duan, take your time." Gao Qun smiled at Duan Chengyu and walked into the ward.

"Nuannuan, are you hungry? I bought you your favorite roast beef with tomatoes." Gao Qun came in with a smile on his face, put the food on the table, and carefully helped Su Nuannuan sit up.

"Can I eat beef if I'm injured? Isn't the beef hot?" Su Nuannuan smelled the fragrant beef, but she was very hesitant.

"Ah, I forgot that you were injured! I'm so careless!" Gao Qun patted his head and said, "I forgot that you are a little wounded person. But there is also bone soup here, which you should be able to eat.

Gao Qun packed the soup in a small bowl and prepared to feed Su Nuannuan.

"I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself." Su Nuannuan did not dare to move, but stretched out her uninjured right hand to pick up the spoon in Gao Qun's hand.

Gao Qun saw that Su Nuannuan was injured and did not dare to reverse her meaning, so he had to let go, but the other hand was still holding the soup.

Su Nuannuan took a few bites and put down the spoon. Because of the pain from her body, she really didn't have much appetite.

"Warm, eat a little more, or your body will recover slowly." Gao Qun picked up some rice and put it in a bowl and sent it to Su Nuannuan.

Su Nuannuan barely took a few more bites.

"Does it hurt your face? I'll buy you some porridge." Gao Qun naturally knows a lot about Su Nuannuan's food.

"No." Su Nuannuan waved her hand and said, "Help me lie down. I'll take a break."

As soon as she spoke and ate, the wound on her face felt a tearing pain. Su Nuannuan really didn't want to move anymore.

Gao Qun helped Su Nuannuan lie down, but did not eat by himself. Instead, he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Su Nuannuan.

"Gao Qun, you can eat something and then go to work. I'm fine here. Xintian will come to take care of me later. You don't have to worry." Su Nuannuan spoke with her eyes closed.

She doesn't want to see Gao Qun, not because she hates Gao Qun, but every time she looks directly at Gao Qun, she always feels guilty, although Gao Qun has repeatedly said that she is willing to do anything.

She doesn't want to be too involved with Gao Qun, but she always connects them because of various things.

"It's okay. I'll sit down a little longer." Gao Qun looked at Su Nuannuan's eyebrows, where he could eat and where he could walk.

"Bible, Gao Qun, I don't want to investigate Yan Ruoyan's matter. It's better to do less than one more thing. Let her go."

Su Nuannuan's words stunned Gao Qun and immediately thought of Duan Chengyu's two visits. It seems that Duan Chengyu came to her for this matter.

"Just let her go like this, I'm afraid to indulge her, in case she hurts you again in the future..."

"No, she will leave City A immediately. Go and help solve this matter." Su Nuannuan gave Gao Qun a faint smile.

Gao Qun shook his head slightly, but said with laughter in his words, "Okay, you can do what you want."

"Thank you, Gao Qun." Su Nuannuan originally wanted to say "Gao Qun, I'm sorry", but she thought about it and changed this sentence.

"Nuannuan, say thank you. As long as you are safe and happy every day, I will rest assured." Gao Qun smiled disapprovingly, and at this time, his mobile phone rang.

Gao Qun took out his mobile phone and saw that it was his father Gao Yiming's phone and quickly got up: "Nuannuan, I'll answer the phone. Have a good rest."

After saying that, he hurried out.

"Dad." Gao Qun didn't answer the phone until he walked outside the ward.

"How about Nuannuan?"

"It's okay. The doctor said that it would be all right if you take good care of the wound."

"Well, that's good. Gao Qun, Dad is not feeling well these two days. Why don't you come back and help Dad take care of something? Why don't you ask your mother to take care of Nuannuan? Gao Yiming also coughed twice on the phone in time.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Does it matter? Take care of yourself. I'll be back in a minute." Gao Qun heard that his father was not feeling well and very nervous. Before hanging the phone, he quickly added, "I will find someone else to take care of Nuannuan. Just let your mother take good care of you."

Gao Qun hung up the phone and dialed Wen Xiaojuan's phone, asking her to let others do the work at hand and come to the hospital to take care of Su Nuannuan.

About half an hour later, Wen Xiaojuan came to the hospital sweating heavily. Gao Qun carefully told her a lot and talked to Su Nuannuan before she hurriedly left.

And Gao family, after Gao Yiming hung up the phone, Min Chun blamed him: "Why did you lie to Gao Qun to say that he was uncomfortable? Now that Nuannuan is injured, isn't it time for Gao Qun to show love?