Arrogant the world

Chapter 7 Eight Princes

Aisha walked leisurely and lazily in front, and Mu Chen followed helplessly in the back. Although she walked slowly, who didn't know the way? The two walked for more than half a day and finally arrived. Aisha looked at Mu Chen, who was looking everywhere but had no result, and smiled, and then called several big men. The leader was the man who stopped Mu Chen yesterday. You guys go and find out the guy who was with that stupid boy yesterday. Be by the way, prepare two more clothes and a falcon that can only carry two people. Just five minutes after Elsa ordered, the two men flew out of the window of an inn. Then Ling Xing jumped out of the window and saw Mu Chen not far away. She said helplessly, "I said where did you go yesterday? If you don't come back, I will send troops back to you."

"Don't exaggerate so much. Well, it's time to go back now. I don't know how your country will be in two years." Mu Chen said.

"It's embarrassing to say that the Mu family is setting off firecrackers because of the lack of waste materials."

"Although you two don't know where your home is, it will be much faster to fly back in this falcon. Also, you can change these two clothes. It's not shameful to wear tattered clothes." Aisha led a big and fat bird.

"Thank you, but can this fat and stupid bird really fly?" Mu Chen and the fat bird looked at each other and couldn't help sighing.

"Oh, aunt, don't fight. If you hit me again, you can fight back." In Mu Chen's wailing, Mu Chen and Ling Xing sat on the falcon and gradually drifted away.

Aisha looked at Mu Chen's blurred back, sighed and said regret, "I didn't sleep all night for me last night. Do you think I really don't know?"

"Don't say, this big stupid bird flies so fast." Mu Chen lay on the back of the bird and said.

"It seems that it will arrive in less than half a day. I really want to thank that girl."

"Cut, it's boring to talk so seriously." Mu Chen rolled his eyes, turned over and fell asleep. After all, he didn't close his eyes all night and released a lot of true anger last night.

In a blink of an eye, he flew outside the city gate. I thought that Empress Dowager Jiang and Prime Minister Meng would be much more peaceful here, but here, unexpected scenes appeared in front of him, and tens of thousands of people kept fighting and shouting. The cruel battlefield is like hell on earth. There is no humanity here, only life and death.

As the Falcon got closer and closer to the city gate, Mu Chen Lingxing also saw who the two sides were on the battlefield, and the flags of the princes from all directions fluttered in the wind and kept killing the city. On the other hand, the four nobles and the defenders in the city are desperately resisting, but depending on the current situation, the fall of the royal city will be sooner or later. No matter the number of troops or the number of masters, it is far less than that of the princes from all directions.

"The four nobles are so bold. Today, the king city will definitely fall. You can't even see the form clearly. The current Yan Xuanguo has existed in name since ten years ago. Since it doesn't turn to us, it will become dust with this dynasty." A prince clenched the meteor hammer in his hand and shouted at the old man in front of him.

"My four nobles have received the favor of the emperor. Now that you have invaded, I will not let you succeed even if I work hard for my life." Opposite the prince is Mu Qian, the head of the Mu family.

"Old man, it's useless for you to fight for your life. Look at the knife." I don't know where one person rushed out and rushed to Mu Qian with a big knife.

Mu Qian held a bronze sword and fought with the other party without fear. Originally, Mu Qian's strength was slightly stronger. Seeing that the battle was in full, a powerful meteor hammer hit him. Mu Qian hurriedly pulled out and blocked it with a sword. The other party hit it with all his strength, while Mu Qian hurriedly defended. After an attack and defense, Mu Qian spit out a mouthful of blood. Obviously, he was seriously injured.

Looking at the people who are the same four nobles, the situation is not much better than Mu Qian. Those princes are the worst in the fourth-class empty world, and there are countless fierce generals under their command. It's not easy to resist them.

Some elites in the family are also fighting hard. Mu Xue, Mu Yang and Mu Lan are all third-class air power. They kill countless soldiers on the battlefield and keep fighting. The one or two-meter-high giant saw his countless soldiers die at the hands of the three of them, roared, and then raised the mace and waved the three people. The three jumped together and dodged the powerful blow. After the mace that hit the ground because it did not hit the opponent, several slight cracks appeared, which showed the strength of its strength.

"Three third-class airspace little ghosts have good qualifications. It's really a little tricky, but it's a pity that they will die here today." The giant picked up the mace and laughed. The strong breath emanated. The giant man who had experienced hundreds of battles attacked the three people with a mace. Even if the weapon was heavy and it was difficult to defeat the three people, he was often hurt by the strength of the mace after avoiding the attack. After a few rounds, Mu Xue, Mu Lan and Mu Yang were already in a mess.

In the center of the battlefield, the eight princes fought against the four masters. No one dared to approach these dozens of people. All kinds of powerful attacks, all kinds of unexpected moves, and the collision between true spirits made countless people smack their tongues. The battle here can be said to be the peak of the whole battlefield.

The four family owners could barely resist, but the advantages in number gradually became obvious. After dozens of rounds, the four owners were all seriously injured. Looking at the gradually defeated army and the dead elites and city defenders one after another, Mu Qian shook his head and said, "The women in the imperial city, the children should also be safe. , leaving a trace of blood for the Ling family, and I didn't die in vain.

"Old man, if you want to die, you will be completed." Several princes hit Mu Qian with all their strength, and Mu Qian slowly closed his eyes. He understood that he could not stop the blow now.

There are endless fights and countless roars on the ground, but the sky is still quiet. "Chiw" an eagle sound cut through the silent sky, and a figure jumped from the eagle and stood in front of Mu Qian. The man waved his right hand and threw it out with a sincere heavy fist.


Several princes who took action against Mu Qian took a few steps back and looked at the man who took action in front of them with a solemn face.

"Your strength is profound, but I hope you don't want to interfere in this matter. Yan Xuanguo has already died in name because of the name of the prime minister and the empress dowager, and now he has been ownerless for two years. This throne should have been replaced long ago." A prince whispered that he really couldn't see through the strength of the person in front of him. Although he was not afraid of this person, he must not be defeated in today's war. He still suppressed his anger and hoped that the people in front of him could retreat in the difficulties.

"Don't interfere? Kill my soldiers, attack my city, take my throne, and hurt my four uncles, telling me not to interfere?" It was Ling Xing who came and said fiercely to the eight old guys in front of him: "You want to raise the flag, right? Why didn't you do it 12 years ago? Are you afraid that those two old guys will survive in name? Now they are dead, and your death time has come.

"Ling... Ling Xing... Little bastard, after missing for two years, you are still alive. You were just a puppet. Today, you can't even be a puppet. Only then did everyone see the young man clearly, and a prince gritted his teeth and said.

"Ling Xing, go quickly. Our four old guys will block you. Although I don't know where you have been in two years, it's really not the right time to come back." Mu Qian grabbed Ling Xing's clothes and pulled them back.

"Haha, no one can leave today, especially that boy." The princes in blue laughed.

"Is it?" Ling Xing sighed softly, then picked up the highest speed and punched directly on the chest of the talking prince in blue, who was weakly shot out.

Down with one person in just a moment, such strength was obviously unmatched in this war, and the other princes were immediately shocked.

"Let's go together and kill this boy." I don't know who said something, and then the seven people on the opposite side rushed up.

"It's despicable for seven old guys to beat one." Mu Qian and the other three family owners obviously want to fight again.

"Four uncles are no better than to take action. It's just seven fifth-class emptiness. I'm enough." Ling Xing was not afraid and fought with seven people.

On the other side, Mu Xue and the three had a headache for the giant man in front of them. The attack they made could not seriously injure them at all. The giant man's armor and strangely strong physique were several times harder than ordinary armor allowed him to attack unscrupulously, and almost ignored the counterattack of the three.

"Mu Xue, be careful!" Mu Lan couldn't help shouting when she saw that the giant man was about to hit Mu Xue with his full punch. However, Mu Yang, who is the closest to Mu Xue, stood there stupidly and had no intention of saving him at all.

Everyone thought that Mu Xue was dead. Even she herself looked at the punch approaching and smelled the smell of death. However, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her at this time, blocking the giant fist in front of her with one hand.

Mu Xue looked at this back and was so familiar. The boy who saved him in the castle 12 years ago, the teenager who was ridiculed by the clan but kept walking down, but gradually became silent, how many days and nights did she cry for her in the two years of his disappearance, and he was still alive.

"Mu Chen, is that you, Mu Chen?" Mu Xue stood behind this back and asked in a slightly trembling voice.

"Ser, I'll protect you today. From now on, whoever touches your hair, I want his life." The young man didn't give her an answer, but said to himself.

Mu Xue seemed to want to say something, but crying covered her voice. Why did she cry? Why did she cry because he came back? Is it because he is not dead? Is it because he protected her? Is it because you heard his voice again? Even Mu Xue herself doesn't know the answer. Now she has forgotten that this is a battlefield, the countless coveting enemies, and the giant man in front of the young man. All she hasn't forgotten is the name Mu Chen, the man he has been worried about for two years.

"You dare to ruin my good things, boy, you will live a long life." The giant's wolf's tooth stick slammed Mu Chen.

"Strong soft palm", Mu Chen was scared. Before the mace touched Mu Chen, a applause hit the giant man's body. As soon as he touched the other party, the sound of armor breaking kept ringing. At this moment, Mu Chen was enough to use this move to the extreme, and the strength of the air palm was transmitted to the giant man's body in an instant. The latter's face suddenly turned pale. After a hundred battles, he had never been defeated so quickly. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something: "Really... The real world..." After saying that, he spit out blood and fell to the ground.

"Xueer, the overall situation has been decided. Let's go back to the shogunate. I want to see my sister." Mu Chen said softly to Mu Xue.

"The overall situation has been decided? The current situation is not very good..." Mu Xue said anxiously, thinking that Mu Chen, who had just entered the battlefield, did not understand the situation of the war.

"Xie, believe me, that man is here, and the war will soon end."

Although Mu Xue didn't understand the other party's words, she was convinced of Mu Chen and nodded slightly: "It's time for you to see your sister. You haven't been here for two years. She has been looking for you. She has been to every inn, restaurant, and even the land of wind and snow."

Mu Chen took Mu Xue's hand and walked to the city gate. When he left, Mu Chen looked at the stunned Mu Yang next to him: "You are really a rotten garbage."

Mu Chen took Mu Xue's hand and walked through the battlefield unscrupulously. Whether it was a soldier or a general who stopped them, he fell to the ground while Mu Chen waved his hand. No matter when, his strength can always solve all problems most effectively.

As Mu Chen expected, without his help, Ling Xing alone is enough to reverse the war situation. There are only three princes who can stand in front of him, and they all look at Ling Xing in horror and have no intention of fighting. Obviously, they now understand the gap between their strength. That is not the gap between the level. The real world and the sky are two completely Different concepts can only be called practitioners only when they step into the real world.