Arrogant the world

Chapter 52 Destroy the Mountain Tribe

"Young master, we are all ready, just waiting for your order." I saw a man in black kneeling on one knee and holding an emerald green robe in his hands.

The girl did not look back. She picked up the robe on the man beside her, put it on her, put it on her, and then turned away. Her face retreated from the cuteness of the original girl, but it was a little more mature.

The lark walked all the way to the exit of the Ling tribe and saw hundreds of people standing respectfully waiting for the girl to give orders, holding all kinds of weapons in their hands to prepare for the upcoming battle.

"The mountain tribe has been fighting with us for a long time. Today is the time to end this war. The mountain has become popular. From today on, the Dora Mountains will be the world of our spiritual clan!" The lark said loudly that although the voice was not as rough and domineering as that of a man, it was sonorous and powerful.

The lark walked out of the spirit clan with hundreds of people. Since they escaped from death in the hands of Qingyuan a year ago, the latter has never appeared again. Without the patriarch, the mountain people were in chaos for a period of time. In order to compete for the position of the patriarch and fight with each other, the spiritual clan did not miss this opportunity and constantly suppressed.

There were no leaders in the tribe, and the help of Qingyuan was lost. Under the full efforts of the larks of the spiritual clan and the rising stars of the new generation, some masters in the mountain tribe were killed one after another. The most tragic war in the Dora Mountains was fully launched between the two tribes, and now the mountain people have reached the most declining moment.

The team of hundreds of people was not hindered at all in the mountain. They passed through the deep forest and soon came to the base camp of the mountain tribe. When they came here again, the lark couldn't help thinking of the man who had protected her.

A year ago, there were five tribal warriors, but now she is the only one left. She said that Mu Chen was still in the spiritual forest, but after a year, the lark had already learned the seriousness of Mu Chen's injury from the doctor. Now she doesn't think the latter is alive. Now the lark is no longer as naive as in the past, and more of her personality is Rationality.

Behind the lark stood ten people with masks, which was the symbol of the tribal warrior.

In the center of the mountain tribe, there are also hundreds of people, but the momentum is not a little worse than the people brought by the lark. This time, the people from the spirit tribe are all elite and plan to completely annihilate the mountain tribe in one fell swoop.

The lark looked coldly at hundreds of mountain people, suppressed the anger in his heart and did not rush up, but said in a low voice, "Kill, no one is left."

Hundreds of people swarmed up and shouted to kill the enemies on the opposite side for several years. The spirit clan was magnificent under the leadership of ten tribal warriors, so that the mountain tribe had no power to fight back.

One-sided battles always go quickly, almost a unilateral massacre. The lark did not take action, but just stood aside. Any mountain people who escaped would be killed by her in an instant. This girl seemed to be a terrible death in front of many mountain people, emotionless and terrible.

Soon, there were dozens of people left in the team of hundreds of people.

Finally, there was only one person left, with blood flowing all over his body, fighting with ten tribal warriors. Although he was extremely fierce, he was finally outnumbered.

"Damn it, will your spiritual tribe only bully more and less? It's really funny." Finally, the remaining mountain masters roared, staring at the ten masked warriors opposite.

The tribal warriors ignored each other, and the ten people still attacked the same as just now.

"Stop." After a gentle word from the lark, everyone stopped attacking.

"You mean that we bully the less with more, so now I'll give you a chance to fight with me and let you go if you win." The lark looked at each other coldly.

"You are the hottest lark in the spiritual tribe now. I've heard that your strength and qualifications are extraordinary, but now I can see that you are good. Can such a beautiful woman really fight?" The mountain man laughed and stared at the lark's chest.

"You want to die." A tribal warrior was furious and rushed forward, with a strong desire to attack on his legs.

"Recede." Bailing said harshly, "Did I say I did it?"

"But he..."

"Shut up and come back!" The lark's tone was full of anger, but a pair of beautiful eyes had not left the mountain man from beginning to end, and the murderous intention slowly emerged.

The soldier bowed respectfully to the lark and retreated into the crowd. Most of the people here were young people. They not only obeyed the lark because of the rights of the lark, but also regarded her as a goddess, a goddess who was perfect in appearance and strength, and regarded the girl as an idol.

"Let's do it." The lark said to the only remaining mountain man.

After hearing this, the latter showed a disgusting evil smile on the corners of his mouth and rushed up without warning, while the lark did not panic. His beautiful face did not change at all. A few slender fingers moved slightly, and several rays of light suddenly appeared in front of him. The white arm waved gently forward, and a sharp light shot out in an instant. Fast enough, no one on the scene can see the attack more clearly.

The shimmering blade of light stood up against the mountain man's throat.

"It's not to bully more and less this time." The lark said coldly.

"No... It's impossible. She's just a little girl. How can she be so strong? The mountain man's eyes were wide open and looked at the beautiful girl incredulously.

"You can die." As soon as the girl's words fell, the light blade that stayed at her throat suddenly lit up, but after a moment, the light slowly extinguished.

"I found it. Is it awesome?" A figure exactly like the mountain man came out of the ground, while the person whose throat had just been almost cut dissipated in the air.

"It's really a genius to see through my shadow so quickly, but if you kill me because of the number of people, but if you and I play singles, you are too young, and frivolity is your Achilles' heel." The mountain man still had an evil smile on the corners of his mouth. The fierce truth spread all over her body: "The little girl who has just entered the seventh-class real world, I don't know how many times my combat experience is better than you."

The mountain man rushed to the lark with an arrow step, which was extremely fast. With such a big man and such a violent rush, the whole person was like a bright cheetah. Every action seemed to have been carefully thought out and would not give the lark a chance to fight back.

The latter retreated repeatedly to avoid the edge of the other party. He took out a big emerald green bow from behind and injected true air into it. Hundreds of arrow rain instantly shot at the mountain man who attacked him. The latter had no choice but to retreat and avoid it, but as soon as the distance was pulled away, the advantages of the lark appeared quickly.

Countless sharp arrows kept shooting at the mountain people. Although there was no danger to avoid it every time, the other party had no chance to attack. It seemed that the lark had an absolute advantage, but no one could do anything about the other party for a while.

"How long are you going to hide?" After the lark said in a low voice, the big bow pointed to the sky, pulled the bow string in his slender hand, and a sharp arrow of black iron quietly shot out.

The mountain man looked curious, but he didn't understand what the lark was going to do, and he didn't care. If he couldn't hit it, he rushed to the lark again. The latter's big bow pointed to the mountain people, and hundreds of real light arrows continuously rose to the other party. The mountain people could only avoid it, but because of some distance between the two, the chance of shooting was not high.

The endless sharp arrows of the lark have never stopped, and the mountain people are also easy to avoid, jumping left and right without pressure. But he didn't notice that the Xuantie arrow had been quietly falling from the air, and it was getting closer and closer to his head.

Just as the top of the sharp arrow was about to touch the head of the mountain man, a small spider silk suddenly wrapped around the man's waist. The other end of the spider silk suddenly exerted force. The mountain man was quickly pulled away, and the Xuantie sharp arrow fell to the ground against its scalp.

A enchanting woman with a strange smile: "We met again, Sister Lark, not only has your strength soared, but your appearance is more and more affecting the hearts of those stinky men."

"Tali, do you think it's my opponent?" The lark is not afraid of the charming woman at all. With only the strength of the real world, now the lark can completely kill her.

"Don't be angry. I can't beat you, but will I be stupid enough to come here alone?" Talley said slowly with a seductive smile, but as she spoke, her eyes flashed with a terrible light.