Arrogant the world

Chapter 75 Seven Forces

"Don't look... This face is real..."


Looking at Lu Yan's embarrassed expression, Mu Chen waved: "Forget, let's not talk about this, I have a lot of questions to ask."

"What do you want to know?" Lu Yan turned her head and continued to look forward

"What kind of forces are the Tianying Group and the Tiannu Sect? That day, I heard that Bai Jue seemed to be from the Tianying Group, and you were the Tiannu Sect." Even the masters of the soul realm have, and Mu Chen has to guard against these forces. After all, in order to save Mengxue, he has already offended the Tianying Group.

Hearing these three words of the Tianying Group, Lv Yan couldn't help frowning: "I didn't expect it to be from the Tianying Group. No wonder the lady could be hurt like this. These guys are really abominable."

"It seems that you really know a lot about the mainland of China." Lu Yan said casually.

"Actually, I just arrived in the mainland of China, and I don't know anything about here." Mu Chen answered truthfully.

"The whole continent of the Celestial Empire is the supreme existence and has absolute authority. It has ruled this continent for tens of thousands of years. Because of its strength, some subordinate forces have appeared over time. These forces have committed some crimes that the Celestial Empire will ignore, but there are some things that the Celestial Empire cannot do. It depends on these forces to solve it.

"What the Celestial Empire can't come forward... Is there anything wrong with such a strong strength? Mu Chen asked puzzledly.

"In order to maintain the supreme status for tens of thousands of years, the Celestial Empire will fight and eliminate all forces or races that may threaten them, and launch wars and attack irreleavenous forces, which will certainly cause dissatisfaction and generate*. Therefore, this task is entrusted to the subordinate forces of the Celestial Empire, and at the same time, the Celestial Empire will give these forces many rights and benefits, and ensure that these forces coexist with the Celestial Empire. Lu Yan answered patiently.

"Is it possible that this Tiannu Sect and Tianying Group are both subordinate forces of the Celestial Empire?" Mu Chen asked.

Yes, there are seven affiliated forces of the Celestial Empire - Tianfan Temple, Tianyimen, Innocence, Tianba Society, Tianthief League, Tiannu Sect, Tianying Group, all of which can be called the first-class forces in the heavenly continent. Coupled with the protection of the Celestial Empire, they are enough to call for wind and rain. As long as they don't do anything too much, no one dares to take action against them. ." There was a little sigh in Lv Yan's voice. The Celestial Empire relies on this method to maintain its long-lasting status for tens of thousands of years, which is not a good thing for ordinary people, and then said: "Some of these forces are usually dompressive and wanton. With the support of the Celestial Empire, they do things unscrupulously."

"It's really unexpected that the well-known Celestial Empire uses this method to maintain its status. What's the point of this right?" Mu Chen looked at the blue sky and couldn't help sighing.

"These have nothing to do with you. What you need to be careful about now is the Tianying Group. This force is a killer organization before it is not selected by the Celestial Empire. There are many top killers in it. If you reach a certain level of attention, if you die today, you will definitely not survive tomorrow." Lu Yanyou said with a trace of worry in her eyes: "Moreover, this is also the most mysterious of the seven subordinate forces of the Celestial Empire. It is said that the people the Tianying Group wants to kill have never failed."

When Mu Chen saw the master of the soul realm, he thought that the Tianying group was not ordinary, but it seemed that the organization was more difficult than expected, and then said, "Since you Tiannu Sect and the Tianying Group are both subordinate forces of the Celestial Empire, why do they fight with each other? It seems that they are knotted. The resentment is deep."

"Fance? It's not that complicated." Lu Yan sneered: "The leader of the Tianying group likes my heavenly female suzerain. He doesn't deserve it at all. The suzerain disagrees, so the two forces began to fight openly and secretly."

"In fact, there is no direct relationship between the seven forces affiliated with the Celestial Empire, and even there has been friction between various forces. The Heavenly Dynasty is too lazy to control the struggle between such forces. As long as it does not delay the tasks assigned by the Celestial Empire, they can be killed at will. Lu Yan explained.

"There are only seven affiliated forces in the Celestial Empire. Constantly fighting with each other will affect the overall strength. Even over time, there will be forces declining, so that the Celestial Empire will not care?" Mu Chen immediately asked.

"The seven forces are not fixed. If any force really weakens or even declines, the Celestial Empire will not hesitate to get rid of it and select new subordinate forces, so the Celestial Empire will never worry about the struggle between forces. Sadly, if the forces that have lost the protection of the Celestial Empire, countless enemies will come to them, and it is not far from extinction. ." There is a little helplessness in Lv Yan's voice. As a person of the Heavenly Female Sect, she knows the darkness in the heavenly dynasty.

"Sister Lu Yan, since you are from Tiannuzong, you must have been inland in China." Mu Chen said that he is most concerned about the inland of China. After all, the Mu family is likely to be inland for the purpose of this visit.

"I have been to the interior of the Celestial Empire several times, but because of my lack of strength, I basically stayed in the Tiannu sect branch of the outer land of the Celestial Empire." Lu Yan replied.

"Then you know the way to get there." Mu Chen hurriedly asked that he couldn't wait to go to the interior of China.

"Of course I know this, but what do you do there? There is an essential difference between the inland and the outer land. In the outer land, with your strength, it is enough to run across any place, but inland, you are really too small." Almost all the top masters of the mainland of the Celestial Empire gathered inland. Naturally, Lv Yan, who has been inland, has also seen some extremely powerful masters, as if she was afraid of what Mu Chen would do something stupid. She hurriedly said, "Don't go inland. The headquarters of the Tianying Group is also there. With their strength, it's easy to kill you."

"Lv Yan, promise me to take me inland when the young lady recovers." Mu Chen's tone suddenly became heavy. Inland, even if he died, he had to go. The Mu family was the place he had to go.

Hearing Mu Chen's firm voice, Lu Yan nodded gently: "Although I don't want you to go, since you insist, I will naturally take you there. What's more, when the young lady recovers, we will return to the heavenly female sect inland."

"Where are we going to fly and how far is it from the sky to the inland?" Mu Chen asked.

"We are in the middle of the outer land of China. We have to go to a city with more advanced medical skills first, and the lady needs to rest there." Lu Yan replied.

The paper-thin wings of the shadow butterfly have been swinging in the air, and the alternation of night and day can't affect the flight of this huge insect at all.

With the flaps of the wings again and again, countless crystal star-like particles continue to scatter in the air, as if sweat is floating in the sky.

Sitting on the body of the shadow butterfly, the night came again, and the stars in the sky kept shining, and the endless galaxy seemed to never reach the end. Even if it flew to the higher sky, it was still out of reach and could not estimate the distance.

After flying for a few days, the shadow butterfly finally landed slowly.

"Hey, wake up, you dead pig."

Mu Chen, who was sleeping soundly, finally opened her confused eyes under the desperate shaking of Lv Yan, raised her hand lazily, and wiped the saliva on the corners of her mouth: "What are you asking me to do in the middle of the night? I'm sleeping fragrantly. Don't make trouble."

"Who's messing with you? It's time to get there. Get up quickly!" Lv Yan stood on Yingdie, kicked Mu Chen to the ground with a fierce foot, with her hands on her waist, and her eyes widened.

The head fell heavily to the ground, and the original heavy sleepiness disappeared. Looking at a pair of beautiful wings not fanning up and down, he touched the ground, raised his head and looked at the woman standing on the back of the shadow butterfly, and said in a daze, "Oh..." So it's the place."

Looking at the nervous Mu Chen, Lv Yan also ignored it. She jumped to the ground and stroked the shadow butterfly that carried them here. Her eyes showed pity and couldn't help saying, "It's really hard. Because of the young lady's injury, I let you fly so far at once. Have a good rest."

For Lv Yan's behavior, Mu Chen made a big contemptuous gesture in his heart, thinking, isn't it just a butterfly? As for this, he just kicked me down fiercely.

However, for the flying ability of the shadow butterfly, Mu Chen admired the five bodies and flew for nearly ten days without even breathing.

Seeing the shadow butterfly keep flying away and disappearing in the darkness, Lv Yan finally turned around and smiled: "Let's go. That's the city we are going to."