Arrogant the world

Chapter 158 Become the Master

Mu Chen and the man from the poisonous family handed over the perfect answer at the same time. The two fierce beasts could already walk on the hall. These two fierce beasts were huge, and some weak disciples couldn't help retreating for fear that this thing would pounce on them.

Although there is nothing wrong with the treatment of the fierce beasts by those disciples from the medical school, they are not equal to the two fierce beasts that can already move around.

When the onlookers saw Mu Chen's medical methods, they couldn't help talking about them. In this master's test, they even thought that Mu Chen had no strength and relied on Yun Lan's reputation to be lucky enough to share the stage with these 'geniuses'.

The master looked at the two fierce beasts and raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that anyone would be cured so quickly, and even he was not sure that he could heal the fierce beast in such a short time.

"These two are outstanding in medical skills, but there is only one position for the head of this medical door, and we can only compete tomorrow." The doorkeeper said loudly when he saw the situation.

"Hear down." The man who was good at the same time as Mu Chen suddenly raised his hand and said, "Senior, the position of master has always been important, and one day is the loss of my heavenly doctor."

"But today's match is a draw. How do you think it can be won?" The doorkeeper was not angry and asked back.

"In the humble opinion of the younger generation, it's better for the fierce beasts I healed to fight with each other to see which one recovers better. This not only saves time, but also can distinguish the medical means of us." The man replied.

The old man brushed his beard, nodded slowly, and then turned to Mu Chen and said, "Yan Yue, I don't know what you think of this proposal."

Mu Chen smiled and was just worried about the time when he went to the Mu family. This is not a bad way. He said in a hurry, "It's really a good way. Of course I won't have any objection."

"Okay, since you have no objection, I'll take a look at which of these two newly recovered fierce beasts is stronger." As soon as the old man's words fell, he waved his hand, and the cold air shot out of his hand. Unexpectedly, a huge ice wall condensed out of the hall, which surrounded the two fierce beasts closely.

The ice wall is crystal clear, and everything inside the ice wall can be easily seen from the outside, which has become a quite beautiful scenery in the hall.

This method of waving the ice wall makes everyone sigh. It can be seen that the strength is strong. Some low-level disciples look at the ice wall very spectacularly, while some of their strength can easily see that this seemingly white ice wall contains fearful cold poison.

The two fierce beasts were surrounded by ice. Although they had just recovered from serious injuries, their natural bloodthirsty and fierceness unconsciously killed each other. The strength of the two fierce beasts was similar, with sharp claws, terrible power and hard armor all made some weak disciples afraid.

For good, this seemingly paper-thin ice wall is extremely hard. No matter how violently the two fierce beasts in the wall fight and shake, this ice wall does not pose any threat.

It is also a good enjoyment to watch the life-and-death battle between two fierce beasts outside this ice wall.

But who would have thought that the two fierce beasts that were originally evenly matched soon appeared in obvious advantages and disadvantages, and the fierce beast treated by Mu Chen retreated steadily.

Mu Chen frowned unconsciously. According to common sense, the fierce beast he cured should not be so weak, at least it can't be so poor physically, while the person from the poisonous family on the other side is smiling strangely and looking at the two fierce beasts fighting in the ice wall with satisfaction. , as if everything was expected by him.

The faint purple gold permeated his eyes. This time, Mu Chen really saw the reason for the big gap between the two fierce beasts in the field. Under the attack of the claws of the fierce beast healed by the poisonous man, it was also very poisonous, so that the gap between the two sides was so large.

However, after seeing the reason, Mu Chen's original worry completely disappeared and watched the fight between the two fierce beasts in the field without hurry.

Looking at the fierce beast battle in the field, Yun Lan couldn't help sighing and being full of anger. Tali was even more angry and couldn't help saying, "It's really despicable. Obviously, it's a medical test. Unexpectedly, he proposed to let these two monsters fight, which has nothing to do with medical skills."

The onlookers' medical disciples couldn't help shaking their heads. Sure enough, no one can beat the people of the poison sect. After the loss of Yanyue this time, all the masters of Tianyimen were poisoned.

However, the disciples in the Poison Gate are secretly happy. It seems that the Poison Gate can already be called an invincible position in the Heavenly Medical Gate.

However, the battle between the two fierce beasts was not unchanged. The fierce beasts treated by Mu Chen were indeed poisoned at first, but not long after, they seemed to have solved the poison and returned to their original fierce appearance.

"How can it be? It's impossible for this beast to get rid of the poison by himself." The person from the poison family standing on the same stage with Mu Chen couldn't help saying that he couldn't believe the war situation he had seen.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "The fierce beast that I have been cured has a certain immunity to this poison, but it seems that your satisfactory calculation has failed."

"Hmm!" The man snorted coldly: "Even so, it doesn't mean that your beast can win."

The two fierce beasts fought evenly. From time to time, blood splashed on the transparent ice wall. The next moment, the ice wall absorbed all the blood and restored it to its original appearance.

The killing of the two fierce beasts is very cruel. Their stomachs are not hungry and there is no interest involved. It is just because of their own brutality. Mu Chen's view, this murderer is really a pathetic life.

The battle between the fierce beasts actually lasted for a long time. The two fierce beasts were full of blood and kept roaring. However, as time faded, the fierce beast healed by Mu Chen steadily gained the upper hand and did not look exhausted at all. Instead, they became more and more brave and roared in the field.

Mu Chen smiled with satisfaction and said, "Sure enough, the child is still full of physical strength, and the power of my elixir has really exerted to the extreme." Mu Chen's cured fierce beast is not only intact as before, but also doubles its physical strength.

The next battle became a real slaughter. One fierce beast was already exhausted, but the other became more and more brave. The ferocity and tyranny of the fierce beast were perfectly displayed.

The onlookers couldn't believe their eyes. For a hundred years, this poisonous man was finally defeated by the medical school in a test. Because Mu Chen is a disciple of Yunlan, everyone naturally regards Mu Chen as a person in the medical school.

After a sharp claw slapped heavily on the opponent's head, the ten-day competition finally ended.

"Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa."

The applause couldn't help but resound throughout the hall. This competition was indeed wonderful. Although there was no strong confrontation or profound confrontation, the confrontation between medical skills could also be so fierce.

Mu Chen smiled. This victory can be regarded as a narrow victory. The other party's medical skills are also very profound. If he competes again, it will be difficult to predict.

Yun Lan nodded with satisfaction. Even he didn't expect that Mu Chen's medical realm could reach this. In the past hundred years, he has been in a rare good mood.

In the next test, although the poison people are in a bad mood, they have to admire this young man. Medical skills are indeed not comparable to them.

There is no doubt that Mu Chen easily won the championship, and the position of the master was also handed over to him. The next day, Tianyimen specially made a cyan wooden card for Mu Chen, engraved with the obvious word 'Yanyue'.

Originally, the ceremony was supposed to be held to win the position of doorkeeper, but because the previous door owner had just passed away, the ceremony was temporarily suspended. It was just right for Mu Chen. After saying hello to Yunlan, he prepared to go to the Mu family.

Mu Chen had his own mansion in the Tianyi Gate, and countless high-level officials in the Tianyi Gate came to visit one after another. Mu Chen was not interested in these people and could avoid them. Some big men with face came to visit and left after a period of greeting at most. The only warm reception was Nathali.

Only two people know Mu Chen's identity in the Tianyi Gate. One is Yunlan, and the other is this girl. Since she is about to leave, he will naturally ignore her.