Arrogant the world

Chapter 168 Gongsun Family, Extinction

Gongsun Jing couldn't help frowning when he saw Mu Shi taking out his shield, but he laughed arrogantly in a blink of an eye: "Haha, Mu Shi, do you really think you can beat me?"

Among the five people of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Jing is a third-class soul realm, and the rest are first-class soul realms. Although it is only the first-class, the combat effectiveness of the soul realm is not comparable to that of the spiritual realm at all. On the contrary, Mu family, Mu Shi's second-class soul realm, Mu Chen's fourth-class soul realm, and the rest are all spiritual realms, but this combat effectiveness is a little different. .

"Of course we feel that we can win." At this time, Mu Chen smiled carelessly, and then flew to Mu Shi's side and whispered, "Gongsun Jing will give it to you, and the rest belongs to me."

Mu Shi was stunned and said quickly, "No, four first-class souls, how can you be their opponents?"

"Otherwise, what better way is there?" Mu Chen looked solemn and walked forward without looking back.

Gongsun Jing saw Mu Chen coming and smiled, "You are the new master of the Mu family's soul realm. I'll see what you have."

Gongsun Jing quickly flew to Mu Chen. Just as he was close to Mu Chen, an iron shield blocked his way. Gongsun Jing turned around and said angrily, "Mushi!"

Mu Shi smiled and said, "I'm sorry, your opponent is me."

The two of them fought in a place. Although Mu Shi was one level less than Gongsun Jing, the iron shield in his hand made the other party not get any benefit.

Mu Chen walked to the other four people of the Gongsun family, and the streamer flashed under his feet. The purple and gold were flourishing. The speed soared in an instant, and the strong momentum kept shooting out, which actually prevailed for a moment.

Mu Chen is not afraid of the four people in front of him. He can transform and enhance his strength at the necessary moment, and he also has a thunder sword, but Mu Chen doesn't want others to know.

Although the four soul masters can't take advantage of anything, it is not easy for Mu Chen to win. The combat effectiveness of the four soul masters is enough to destroy a large force in the mainland of the Celestial Empire. In front of the four soul masters, he can only have the hope of winning by killing one of them with one blow, but he can kill the strong man of the soul realm with one blow. How easy.

Mu Chen's battle here is anxious, but others are stunned. They resist the four soul masters with their own strength. It is hard to imagine how strong Mu Chen's strength is. Even Mu Bi, Mu Tie and Mu Mei can't compete with a first-class soul, but Mu Chen can fight against four.

On the other side, it didn't take long for Mu Shi to fall into a bitter battle. The gap of a level gradually appeared with the continuation of the battle time, and he was forced to retreat repeatedly. Even if he occasionally counterattacked, it could not pose any threat to the other party.

Gongsun Jing was surrounded by layers of aura, which were shot out from time to time. After another aperture was blocked by an iron shield, Gongsun Jing was not in a hurry and laughed, "I didn't expect that your family really had a talent, one against four, but unfortunately, this genius will be strangled in the cradle by my Gongsun family."

Mu Tie, Mu Mei and Mu Bi looked anxiously, but they couldn't get involved in the battle between souls.

Mu Chen was so anxious that he couldn't get rid of it, while Mu Shi had been in a mess for a long time and could only barely support it.

Mu Chen is sure to defeat the four people in front of him, but he has no time to help Mu Shi. For a while, the battle here has also become fierce, and Mu Chen has changed from the original dodge to repeated head-on collisions.

Even so, Mu Chen still has no time to rescue Mu Shi, and Mu Shi can only do his best to defend.

Mubi and the three wanted to help Mu Shi. Unexpectedly, Gongsun Jing forced the three back with a lot of strength. The difference in strength was terrible.

At this moment, a black sword shadow cut at Gongsun Jing without warning.

Gongsun Jing hurriedly was full of luck, and various apertures blocked in front of him, forming a gorgeous protective wall. Unexpectedly, the next moment, the protective wall was cut in half by this black sword shadow and directly cut directly to Gongsun Jing's body.

Gongsun Jing fell to the ground feebly. After the black sword shadow, endless bright red blood flowed out, and Gongsun Jing actually lost his breath like this.

The death of Gongsun Jing also made Mu Chen's circle stop. Mu Chen turned his head and saw a familiar face and couldn't help saying, "Bai Jue?"

The person who came was the Bai Jue he met in Huacheng that day, which was still the same as before. There was no change, but the face looked more mature, and the dark color of the sword was heavier.

"You... Your Bai family dares to attack my Gongsun family. Wait and see. You will suffer the same fate as the Mu family. One of the Gongsun family roared angrily.

These four people are also smart. As soon as they finished speaking, they flew desperately to the teleportation array. They have no benefited against Mu Chen alone. Now they have another white one, and naturally they are not opponents.

Looking at the four people who fled desperately, Mu Chen suddenly flew out, wrapped purple and gold around his hand, caught up with one person, waved a heavy fist, and hit him directly on the other party's head. In an instant, Bai Jue waved a sword again and killed an escaped person on the spot.

The remaining two were still glad to escape successfully, but a more horrible giant blocked their way. The tree demon's bloodthirsty eyes were like two deep tree holes, which made people feel chilling.

Countless thorns suddenly appeared on the ground, which directly passed through the chest of the two people. The huge palms in the depths of the tree demon swallowed them into their abdomen, showing a satisfied look, as if they were the most delicious food of time.

The strength of this tree demon is indeed horrible, but what surprised Mu Chen more was Bai Jue. When they met, Bai Jue was only in the real world, but now he has such a terrible strength and even killed Gongsun Jing in an instant.

The ranking of the Bai family has always been between 10 and 20, and their strength is not weak. Mubi and others are also talking about why Bai Jue will help them.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Bai Jue, thank you for your help."

"Don't get me wrong. You are the only target for me this time. Now I can surpass you." Bai Jue's face was cold, and the dark black sword in his hand pointed to Mu Chen: "I swore to this 'Yeyuan' that day that I would defeat you with my own hands."

"Don't be in a hurry to fight with me. We are here for the family." Mu Chen said.

Bai Jue said, "When I received the information about your participation in the battle of the Top 100, I was really surprised that you came from the top 100 family like me, but unlike you, I am not interested in the ranking of the family. I came here just to you."

Mu Chen took a deep breath. This boy was too persistent, and what worried him more was that his actions were monitored by Bai Jue, but Mu Chen shook his head and pointed to the huge figure next to the transmission array: "I won't fight you. If you want to fight, give this tree demon first. Let's talk about it when it's solved."

Although the tree demon can't move its body, its combat effectiveness is terrible, and it is not easy to defeat the tree demon.

"You don't have to fight with me. I won't stop you." At this time, the tree demon suddenly said, and there was a trace of gloomy in his voice.

Bai Jue said harshly, "Why do we believe you?"

"The deep forest you tested is called 'Ten Thousand Forests'. I am the only tree demon in the whole deep forest, and those guys in China don't know my existence. If I kill you, won't I expose my whereabouts?" The tree demon replied.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Then you also killed the two people of the Gongsun family."

"Hahaha." The tree demon said carelessly, "Anyway, those two guys are your enemies. I also helped you. It's good to say that you killed them."

As soon as the words fell, the tree demon's arms suddenly opened, and a hurricane suddenly appeared around, and a great suction dissipated around. Mu Chen and others quickly stabilized their steps and looked at the tree demon with a solemn face.

Soon, the bodies of the three dead Gongsun Jing and others were sucked into his big hand and smiled: "Haha, it's not easy to eat meat in this damn place."

"De deal, let us go through the transmission array. All five people in the Gongsun family were killed by my Mu family, which has nothing to do with your tree demon." Mu Shi has also recovered his breath now. Although the battle just now was embarrassing, he did not suffer any substantial injury. After thinking about it, he turned around and said, "It has nothing to do with your Bai family."