Arrogant the world

Chapter 245 Shocking Situation

The wolf ape looked at the hostile eyes of the grass wolf, and his heart was also full of bitterness. Although he had promised to cooperate with Fu Ku and others, he was a little reluctant to agree in person at the critical moment. However, as the leader of the new demon group, he had his own mission. He knew that all the members of the new demon group did not want to cooperate with the grass thief group. Cooperation, but this is what he must do.

"Well, I have said for a long time that these two forces will never be peaceful. Even if the celestial garrison dies, we will not cooperate." The grass wolf smiled and turned his head to look at Mu Chen: "It seems that I can't help with this matter. If there is nothing else, I will go back."

The wolf ape didn't say anything, but he had to say something and sighed, "Grass Wolf, don't go. My new demon group promised to join hands."

The grass wolf walked out and suddenly stopped. His open palm suddenly clenched, clenched his teeth, and said harshly, "Do you know what you're talking about? You know very well how much blood has shed in our struggle, and I don't believe that such irresponsible words can be said.

"I promise that my new demon group is willing to cooperate with the grass thief group, and I don't need to repeat it again." The ape suddenly shouted, "You and I should not be enemies. The Celestial Empire is our common enemy. If we don't want to shed more blood, we can only cooperate. As long as the Celestial garrison can perish, our new demon group will return to the wilderness. After all, this is not our home."

"Have you made mind?" The grass wolf slowly turned around, his face full of surprise, and even had crimson blood in his eyes: "We are enemies who have killed each other for a hundred years. Do you want to make peace with your words?"

The ape smiled bitterly: "I know you can't bear it, and it's difficult for me to accept, but for everyone's sake, don't be stubborn anymore. It won't last long to cooperate with you. As long as we repel the heavenly garrison, we will immediately withdraw."

The grass wolf saw the firmness in the eyes of the wolf ape, and his face was very ugly. Why didn't he understand what the wolf ape said? Then he said, "I will convey your meaning to the regiment leader. For the sake of Mu Chen, I will try my best, but don't hope too much."

With that, the grass wolf quickly left. Whether the grass thief group and the new demon group will cooperate or not, his grass wolf will never regard the new demon group as an ally. Even if the hatred of the two forces is forgotten, it will never be resolved.

Long after the grass wolf left, Mu Chen and the others did not get any news about the grass thief group. They thought that whether they succeeded or failed, the grass thief group would quickly give a reply to the new demon group, but there was no news.

The new demon group spread a large network of relationships, but they have never noticed any movement of the grass thief group. Mu Chen and the four felt that things were strange, but it was very common in the eyes of the wolf ape. The depth of hatred between the two forces made it difficult for others to imagine. He had no hope for this matter from the beginning, just The wolf reluctantly agreed, but after all, he is only a three-man. Such a major decision can't be made by him alone.

Mu Chen and the four have lived in the new demon group for several months. They are waiting for the news of the grass thief group. Originally, Fu Ku proposed to leave this area in other ways, but Mu Chen insisted on waiting for the reply of the grass wolf. No matter how deep the hatred of the two forces is, Mu Chen still believes that the grass wolf is not the kind of person who doesn't believe. He I will try my best to help myself achieve this, and even if I fail, I will give myself an answer.

In the days when they lived in the new demon group, Mu Chen and several people also deeply experienced the hardships of the life of the members of the new demon group. Even the senior members of the new demon group lived a life of diet every day. Originally, with the strength of the members of the new demon group, it was not a problem to get good food, but The location of the base camp of the new demon group is too remote. How can there be creatures between the cliffs?

The wolf ape is quite good to the four people. Although they eat plain food every day, they give good wine and meat to the four people, while the four people insist on rejecting the kindness of the wolf ape, especially Sha Kui, who is extremely serious, and even regards the hardships of the new demon group as their sins, because of their incompetence. These new generations suffer from this hardship.

The four people waited for several months. Finally, in the area under the jurisdiction of the new demon group, the spy of the new demon group sent a message that the grass wolf came to the new demon group with a team of people. Mu Chen and others were excited to hear the news. After waiting for such a long time, the news finally came to fruition. The success of the cooperation was good, even if it was a failure. They can also think of other ways.

However, when Mu Chen and others waited anxiously, and the wolf ape also prepared a banquet to entertain the hard-won guest, it was a news that shocked everyone. This news made the whole new demon group excited, but Mu Chen and the four wolf ape felt a heartache.

Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the grass wolf in the headquarters hall of the new demon group. A spy ran in a hurry and said eagerly with undisguised excitement on his face: " Team leader, the grass wolf and other people who came to us were attacked by unknown enemies just now, and now all of them have died."

The death of the grass wolf is good news for the members of this new demon group, because the grass wolf is their enemy, but Mu Chen is really shocked. Although he has not known the grass wolf for a long time and is not a friend, the responsible man is very appreciative. This death is also directly related to his request. .

Mu Chen's heartache was because of guilt, but Fu Ku sighed that it was a pity. This time, the grass wolf died in the area of the new demon group. In this way, the hostile relationship between the two forces that had not been at peace would deepen to a terrible extent, and even an extremely tragic battle would begin, and the three masters of the grass thief group would die. They I will never give up.

I don't know whether the wolf ape is happy or sad about the death of the grass wolf. Originally, he should have celebrated like other members of the new demon group, but from the overall situation, the two forces will start a long war from now on.

After the death of the grass wolf, the ape sent all the investigation members of the new demon group to monitor every move of the grass thief group. If the guess is right, the grass thief group will definitely do its best to give the new demon group a fatal blow.

However, what everyone can't imagine is that the grass thief group has not changed, and there is no intention of gathering people and horses to attack the new demon group. The wolf ape has already made a solid defense, but the grass thief group is calm and frightening.

No one knows who killed the grass wolf. Everyone only think that it was the people of the new demon group who attacked the grass wolf behind the back of the ape. The wolf ape once sent people to investigate the matter, but on the first hand, they are stepping up to prepare to defend the attack of the grass thief group. On the other hand, the wolf ape does not want to find out the murderer in the bottom of their hearts and do things behind the wishes of the team leader. A felony that violates the rules of the new demon group and must be sentenced to death if caught.

The new demon group has been anxious during this period. All the personnel are like ants on the hot pot, preparing for a war that may be triggered at any time. However, the grass thief group is quiet and terrible. It can't get any movement of the grass thief group. Even the wolf ape thinks that the grass thief group is in a The gathering of the main force in an extremely secret place may cause a fatal blow to the new demon group at any time.

For the quietness of the grass thief group, the wolf ape is also anxious day by day. Finally, on this day, he received the news of the grass thief group. According to the latest news from the detective, Cao Jian, the head of the grass thief group, secretly met General Wei Yuan, the leader of the heavenly garrison, taking advantage of the night.

Although it is not clear what the two people will say together, the wolf ape can roughly guess that they must have targeted the new demon group now. The strength of the grass thief group and the new demon group is almost the same. Even if the grass thief group fights desperately against the new demon group, the victory or defeat is unknown. Now it seems that the grass thief group actually chose to cooperate with the Celestial Empire in order to avenge the grass wolf.

Since 'Ccao Jian' and 'Wei Yuan' met, these two huge forces have begun to move, secretly gathering their own people.

After getting the news of the other two forces, the wolf ape, who originally planned to fight to the death, finally stopped urging everyone to prepare for the battle. With the cooperation of the grass thief regiment and the heavenly garrison, the new demon group could not compete with it at all. However, these days, the wolf ape has never asked Sha Kui for help. He knew that Sha Kui is now Sha Kui can't reveal his identity. Compared with the rescue of the prison plate, it is worth the destruction of even ten new demon groups.

Since the grass thief regiment and the heavenly garrison began to move, the atmosphere of the new demon group has been extremely heavy. Up to now, everyone has deeply understood the seriousness of the matter, and they will not choose to retreat. In their hearts, since they have come out of the flood, they represent the flood, and they are waiting for the other two The arrival of forces is waiting for the upcoming war. Although everyone knows the outcome of the war, they are willing to wait for death and die on the battlefield, which may be the greatest glory in their opinion.


, Sha Kui talked to Fu Ku several times. Sha Ku really didn't want to see the new demon group being completely destroyed in front of him, but in order to hide their identity, they could only choose to stand by.