Arrogant the world

Chapter 287 Counterattack

At this moment, Mu Chen was not drunk at all. His eyes were sharp and he ignored the cattle in front of him. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the foreign student holding the lark and said coldly, "Just now, you couldn't bear to kill the lark. I'm very moved. Let go of the lark and leave here and never return to the wilderness."

For this bull and Yangsheng, Mu Chen has his own reason not to kill them. The prestige of the two in the Western Regions is quite high, and killing them will inevitably shake the hearts of the army. What's more, Mu Chen is a little comforted that they didn't kill the lark just now. If they kill the lark, Muchen will not let them go in any case.

Yangsheng looked at the painful appearance of the cattle and shook his head: "Mu Chen, worthy of being the man who can be elected as the lord of the Western Regions, but do you really think you can defeat us? As long as you die, someone will open the gate, and the army of the Celestial Empire will rush in, and the combat effectiveness of the scattered army without the leader will be much weakened. You should be clear about this."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Don't forget, I'm the leader of the Western Regions."

With that, Yangsheng and the cattleman killed Mu Chen at the same time. Originally, the two of them could use larks to threaten Mu Chen, but they did not do so, and it was their character that established a very high prestige in the Western Regions.

Niutu Yangsheng is a fourth-class martial arts, but the cooperation between the two is very tacit. After joining hands, it is enough to kill a strong man in the fifth-class martial arts. Although the Niutu was inadvertently cut off an arm by Mu Chen, their combat effectiveness is still not weak. However, now Mu Chen has reached the fourth-class martial arts. If he had been defeated a few years ago, he might have been defeated. But now Mu Chen will never lose.

At this time, both Niu Tu and Yangsheng took out an elixir and took it. This was the Xuansheng elixir given to them by Mu Chen. They took the Xuansheng elixir, and the two rushed to Mu Chen at the same time.

However, Muchen stood still and did not move. The thunder sword in his hand gently scratched, and saw a terrible thunder shot out. This energy was horrible and violent. Niu and Yang did not dare to block it for a moment and retreat repeatedly. In the past few years, Mu Chen has never taken real strength to fight, and Niu and Yang did not know whether Mu Chen, who has reached the fourth-class martial arts realm, has What skills, but now, they have seen the strength of Mu Chen in the fourth-class martial arts.

Although it is only a fourth-class martial arts world, Mu Chen's combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of people of the same level.

Although the two were shocked and even scared, their faces were still calm. Yangsheng suddenly smiled and said, "Even if you can kill us, the gate will soon open. We have bought many strong people, and this place will soon be captured.

Mu Chen smiled and then stretched out his palm. He saw a faint light from the empty stone in the palm of his hand. Then, a large black bag rushed out of his palm. Mu Chen held a black bag and saw blood flowing down on the bag. Both cattle and sheep had an ominous foreboding.

Mu Chen smiled and threw the bag in front of the two: "You'd better break it by yourself. I can give you the dignity of a strong man."

The two of them opened the black bag boldly, which contained one head after another. Although there were only one head left, the two of them saw it. These were the people they bought.

However, the two calculated the number, and the cattle suddenly laughed wildly and said, "Haha, lord, you are still one wrong. The most important person is that you are not in it, and soon the gate will open. Now everyone is immersed in your great joy and can't withstand the sudden war at all.

Mu Chen waved his hand, opened the door outside, and sighed, "It's almost time for Kungui to act."

Hearing the word Kungui, both of them were shocked. Their last hope was Kungui. How could they not know the unity of the people in the flood and famine? What they bought were all small people who were not very high positions, all attracted from the heavenly dynasty. However, their eyes turned their eyes to Kun, who had been indifferent. Ghost, they have been paying attention to Kungui for a long time, and Kungui doesn't like it here.

But they didn't expect that Kungui didn't care about everything here, but especially about Mu Chen's safety. Now Mu Chen is the only person in the world who can be called a friend by Kun Gui. However, how can he do it if he wants Kun Gui to betray Mu Chen?

Mu Chen gave Kungui a very important position, which also proved Mu Chen's trust in Kungui.

When the door of the wedding room was opened, the noisy sound outside quickly came in. Kun Gui really opened the gate, but the strong man who rushed in did not win, but was ambushed by Mu Chen.

The sound of fighting echoed throughout the sky, and Mu Chen slowly walked outside the house. The thunder sword in his hand kept emitting dazzling light. The cattle and sheep looked at the lark left in the room and couldn't help shaking their heads. The two of them could have escaped from the chaos, but they did not do so and slowly walked out of the house. Before they died I don't want to splash my blood in this woman's wedding room. Outside the wedding room, the two learned about their lives.

Mu Chen only told a very small number of people about this action, because the prestige of Niuyang and Yang here is too high. In order to avoid accidents, most senior officials did not know about this matter.

More than 100 martial arts strongmen in the Celestial Empire were surrounded by Xiong Ban and Kun Gui. Mu Chen slowly flew in, and the two of them were relieved to see Mu Chen's safe arrival.

Kungui hurriedly said, "Lord, don't kill your wedding night. You'd better go back to accompany your wife. It's enough for us here."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, the lark will understand me. Moreover, what I want is not only the lives of more than 100 people in front of me, but also the heavenly garrison stationed in the camp not far away."

For many years, the heavenly garrison has confronted here, which is also a very high combat power of the heavenly dynasty. As long as it breaks through that place, Mu Chen's army can enter the middle of the heavenly continent.

Mu Chen's ambition can't be thought of even by Xiong Ban, which is a provocation to the headquarters of the Celestial Empire**. If the Celestial Empire is really angry, the power of the Honghuang Western Regions can't fight against it at all.

But the flood has never been ambitious, and now everyone's ambition is full of anger.

Under the siege of the crowd, these strong men who were originally intended to sneak attack were soon wiped out. Late at night, everyone gathered in front of the door. None of the strong men of the heavenly dynasty who came escaped alive. Mu Chen said to the crowd, "The cattle and Yangsheng were killed by the strong men of the heavenly dynasty who came to attack."

Kungui has long told Mu Chen about Niu Tu and Yangsheng. Their mother is Yang and their father is Niu Demon. In the war thousands of years ago, their mother was killed, and their father was imprisoned by the Celestial Empire. This time, the Celestial Empire forced the two to cooperate with the lives of the Bull Demon. Mu Chen believed that if it weren't for the lives of the Ox Demons in the hands of the Celestial Empire, the two He will be the most loyal and brave warrior.

Everyone suggested that Mu Chen go back to accompany the lark first, but Mu Chen shouted loudly, "We have been here for so many years, and it should be the time to fight back. As long as we destroy the heavenly garrison thousands of miles away, we will be able to ** in the Celestial Empire."

Mu Chen's words made everyone excited. They just wanted to occupy the border of the Celestial Empire, but they didn't want to step on the depths of the Celestial Empire.

"Mu Chen, aren't you too reckless?" Xiong Ban was a little worried and whispered to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "This is the best opportunity. We have just pulled out hundreds of strong warriors to seize our territory, and we must be very relaxed. Moreover, I have already conveyed our opinions to the prison. Before long, there will be a large army to help us. At that time, the battle between the Celestial Empire and the flood will really begin."

Mu Chen's mind is meticulous, and even Xiong Ban is a little surprised. From the years of fighting side by side, Xiong Ban has deeply realized the ability of this man. Up to now, Xiong Ban has to admit that Mu Chen is thousands of times better than him as a lord.

In the deep night, this time is the most suitable for sneak attack. The Celestial Empire attacked Mu Chen like this, and Mu Chen also had to fight back. This time, Mu Chen almost went out, and only sent a few people to guard the border to protect the city. At this time, Mu Chen's team had tens of thousands of people and set out magnificently.

It doesn't take long for these strong people to travel thousands of miles. After coming to the place where the strong men of these days set up, they did not act immediately, but surrounded these people with a huge team of thousands of people. In Mu Chen's view, although this battle will take some effort, victory is only a matter of time.