Ao Shi Cangyu

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The realm of war spirit can be divided into white, green, blue, red, yellow and golden yellow.

Each color is divided into five levels, namely: first order, second order, third order, fourth order and fifth order.

Each level is divided into three levels: primary, intermediate and advanced.

Don't worry, everyone. It's just the beginning. Soon there will be a plot that everyone expects, and there will be something you want to see.

Tianji Zhiming turned out to be just a senior reader. Understanding what the reader is thinking will let everyone see what they expect.

Tianji Zhiming is a newcomer. He has only entered the writer circle for a few days, but Tianji Zhiming will cherish this opportunity to write and every opportunity to communicate with everyone.

I hope you can help Tianji know your fate and write Aoshi Cangyu better. With everyone's help and support, I believe that Aoshi Cangyu will bring a new **.

If you like Aoshi Cangyu, then join the group 4680155. Here, you can discuss and chat, which can help Tianji know fate to improve Aoshi Cangyu together.

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