Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 3 Shocking Step by Step

In the rain, Long Xiaoqi cried and buried her grandfather's body in the earth. No matter how the rain hit him in the face, it could not wash away the sadness in his heart.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will try my best to practice martial arts and never be lazy anymore. From today on, I will practice hard to avenge my family as soon as possible. My father and uncle's life and death are uncertain, and my mother left me early. My uncle and aunt are far away, and there is only one aunt in the family. I don't know if I can escape. Long Xiaoqi looked at the loess pile and muttered to herself, as if to say it to her grandfather or to herself. God! I hate you and give me a happy home, but I destroyed it when I just knew how to cherish it!" Long Xiaoqi cried and roared. No matter how strong the wind and rain were, she could not soothe his wounded heart.

"Grandpa, father, mother..." Long Xiaoqi was sobbing and deeply in pain. His young heart could not stand taking away all his relatives in one night.

"What should I do? Where should I go? How to get to Longyang? Although I spent a long time at my grandma's house, I went there by car every time! What if it is found by those Oriental people? Long Xiaoqi gradually regained her senses and began to think about the current path. I can't die for my grandfather, father and mother. I want to avenge you! Revenge for the Long family! Dongfang family, Wang family, wait and see. One day I will let you pay the price for what you did and killed today!" Long Xiaoqi's eyes were no longer sad, replaced by endless anger.

"I'm afraid that Longyang can't go. The Oriental family knows that someone has escaped and will definitely go to Longyang's grandma's house to intercept it. Even grandma will be innocently implicated. I'm afraid that my aunt's side... but fortunately, there is an aunt is there. Uncle said that those honorary elders may no longer be reliable!' These days, there is nothing more fickle than people's hearts. Somehow, a sentence that Grandpa often said suddenly sounded in Long Xiaoqi's ear. He didn't understand it before, but today, he seems to understand something from it. Although the previous eight families competed with each other in private, they respected each other and joined hands to fight against the Wang Group and jointly supported the country. But now, the Oriental family not only ignores the hundred-year alliance, but also colludes with the Wang Group behind the back, and even unites the Wang Group to destroy the Dragon Family. In the face of interests, everything is empty talk! In just a moment, Long Xiaoqi was much older, but also much more mature. Maybe after this incident, Long Xiaoqi can really grow up!

Then, Long Xiaoqi thought about the people who could go but would not reveal their identity and the Oriental family did not know, and a figure flashed quickly in Long Xiaoqi's mind. These so-called relatives and brothers, I don't know what you will do to me. It turned out that I, Long Xiaoqi, have a good family with a strong *. You are blas up to me. Now that I am in trouble, how will you treat me? Long Xiaoqi gently ** the corners of her mouth and said self-deprecatingly. At the critical moment, I'm afraid that none of the usual relatives and brothers can be reliable.

Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi was stunned, as if she had been hit by lightning. The ability! That's right! And the ability! Maybe he will be different from others!" During thinking, the bits and pieces of ability appeared in Long Xiaoqi's mind.

"Son" is Long Xiaoqi's classmate, because "I! But you have the ability!" And got this nickname. Fang Mingkai's real name is Fang Mingkai. His father is the boss of a private enterprise and his mother is a section chief of the government unit. His family environment is good. Of course, after a long time with Long Xiaoqi, there will also be a sense of inferiority in a good family environment. Most importantly, she is kind, upright and simple, and Long Xiaoqi has helped their family, thinking that she must not be an ungrateful person. However, as the name is, the capable person is not only simple and kind, but also good at martial arts. The most important thing is that although he is just 13 years old, he already weighs 150 catties. Every time she saw her ability, Long Xiaoqi couldn't help touching it and had a good time. Her ability to be with Long Xiaoqi was like-minded. Over time, the two became best friends.

"I haven't been to your house since the holiday. I don't know if you're okay? Because of the regulations of the clan, I can't call you. I don't know if you will blame me? This time, I went to your house, I hope it won't bring disaster to your family!" Long Xiaoqi has made up her mind and is ready to make a desperate decision, but even if she does, she has to make a more reliable and trustworthy person.

Long Xiaoqi did not stop, followed the field, climbed up the mountain, and walked in the direction of her ability. The place where the Benji family lives is between the Long family and Long Xiaoqi's grandma's house. Long Xiaoqi once walked along the road to the Long family. Finally, both of them were tired and sat on the roadside. Long Xiaoqi pointed out and said not far away that it was his home. If there is a chance in the future, she will definitely take him to play.

The rain has stopped a long time ago. The night is still so hazy. Long Xiaoqi gritted her teeth with her memory and walked step by step in the direction of her ability. I don't know how long it took, the path in the countryside finally disappeared, replaced by wide avenues and endless crowds.

"Hey! That boy, what do you do? On the side of the road, several mixed hairs were dyed colorfully, with a cigarette in their hands, and asked Long Xiaoqi aggressively.

Although Long Xiaoqi is 15 years old, she feels that she is actually older, and Long Xiaoqi is gorgeous and has faint blood stains on her body. How can she not be curious? Long Xiaoqi was shocked, but when she saw a few hoodlums, she didn't care too much. She pretended not to hear it and lowered her head and continued to walk forward.

"Hey! Son of a bitch, grandpa is talking to you! Are you fucking deaf?" The gangsters did not let go and smashed the cigarette butts into Long Xiaotian fiercely.

"What? Say it again!" Long Xiaoqi suddenly raised her head, and her eyes were as red as blood. Against the backdrop of a wide black coat, it was undoubtedly the god of death who had just come from hell to the sword.

Several gangsters were shocked by Long Xiaoqi's shape, but in just a few seconds, several gangsters became bold again. After such a long society, who would be afraid that you are a little boy, holding a "toy sword" in your hand, what are you pretending to be cool!" What's the matter? Little rabbit, before his hair has grown up, he came out to pretend to be an old man and tell you that grandpa will teach you a good lesson today. It's also a good way to discipline your mother's unfilial son. With red hair, he said provocatively. After saying that, there was a cheap laugh in his mouth.

"Damn it!" Long Xiaoqi couldn't help insulting her grandfather and then her mother. Long Xiaoqi, who had just lost her loved one, could no longer control herself. Out of the sword, "Whistle..." In just ten seconds, Long Xiaoqi had harvested the lives of several people, bowed her head, and quickly walked towards a dark place. But he didn't find that in just ten seconds, the gangster sent a signal, which almost killed Long Xiaoqi.

"The location of the dead dog has been determined. I can't get in touch with the dead dog. Maybe the dead dog has really become a dead dog." In a small room, a middle-aged man was holding a walkie-talkie and didn't know who he was talking to, with a scar on his face. For such a long time, it seems that the boy has been walking over, so it's easy to do. Inform the people around the dead dog to pay attention. If you see such a child, press the monitoring system immediately and don't touch him, but try to slow down his footsteps. At the end of the walkie-talkie, I don't know who shouted at the scar. I also faintly heard, "Tell them the action, coordinates..."

Under the cover of the night, Long Xiaoqi cautiously walked to Benshi's home, but the more he walked, the more panicked he became. He didn't know why. Maybe after experiencing the family disaster, his whole body became **! Long Xiaoqi gasped and comforted herself. Suddenly, a silver light mixed with moonlight flew towards him.

Long Xiaoqi was shocked and jumped away. She didn't fight with the man and ran away. I found the location of the target, XXX. Hurry up and call someone to support. This boy runs faster than the rabbit. As soon as I heard it, I knew that he was from the Eastern family. Otherwise, his martial arts skills could not be so high and so unqualified in this world.

After a while, Long Xiaoqi's front convenience was blocked by the two, and the person behind him was becoming a trapped tiger. Long Xiaoqi was quite nervous and fought with life and death. This is the first time in her life. She only wants to fight quickly. The more she goes on, I'm afraid that more people will come. At this moment, Long Xiaoqi doesn't care about the alliance rules. The alliance has collapsed. What's the use of the alliance rules? Besides, if the Oriental family is the first, Long Xiaoqi is not unjust! In a moment, Long Xiaoqi has condensed a white fighting spirit.

"White Qi fourth-order intermediate, everyone be careful." The previous person said something and fought with Long Xiaoqi. For a while, you came and went, and the scene was extremely chaotic. However, it was difficult for the dead to tell the height in a short time. In order to leave early, Long Xiaoqi deliberately sold a flaw and received a sword on her left arm in exchange for the life of one of the three. Soon, the remaining two died one after another, but a shallow scar was added to Long Xiaoqi's chest. In order to save her life, Long Xiaoqi ignored the wound and continued to run forward quickly. This was the fastest speed without using the original spirit. But he didn't expect that the occasional blood on the ground and the faint smell of blood in the air became the best direction for the enemy.

"Hehe! Boy, you run very fast! However, no matter how fast you run, I'm afraid you can't escape my hand today. Under the faint moonlight, an old man in plain clothes stood in front of Long Xiaoqi with a sharp sword in his hand, blocking Long Xiaoqi's way. Although the old man's face can't be seen clearly, it can be seen through his huge forehead that the old man is one of the eight kings of the Oriental family - Dongfang Renlei.