Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 5 Forces

"Brother Long, you're awake!" Long Xiaoqi opened her eyes in a daze and looked at the man in front of her, with a big chubby face and smiling eyes, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's you! Why am I here? I clearly remember..." Long Xiaotian only remembered the scene of retreating from Dongfang Renlei. Naturally, he would not remember what happened after he fainted.

He was relieved to see Long Xiaoqi wake up, but he was really shocked when he saw Long Xiaoqi lying on the ground yesterday. He sat by the bed, held a cup of hot water in his hand, spoke a unique local accent, and talked about the story.

It turned out that yesterday morning, I went out of the house to buy breakfast. As soon as I walked to the gate of the community, I saw several people surrounded there, pointing something in their hands. Curious for a moment, I walked over to see what was going on. Who knows, when he approached, he found that it was Long Xiaoqi lying on the ground, with messy hair and a few leaves hanging inside. His body was covered with scars, blood stained his clothes, his chest and shoulders were broken into strips of cloth, and his whole body was dirty, like a wounded beggar. The only valuable thing is the sword he grabbed in his hand.

When did you see Long Xiaoqi become so depressed? I don't know what happened, but there is always a bad feeling in my heart. Therefore, under the surprised eyes of everyone, Ben carried Long Xiaoqi home in advance. When the able parents saw Long Xiaoqi, their eyes almost flew out. They couldn't believe when their son became so caring that they actually brought the injured beggar into the house. The ability is to scratch his head with an apologetic face and tell his parents that this is Long Xiaoqi, who is omnipotent in his mouth every day.

The parents who had the ability thought that Long Xiaoqi had met *, and there would be no big deal, and they didn't care too much. They just told them a few words and went to go. But how could they think that the grand dragon parent Sun, a person who stamped his feet and shocked the whole northeast region, would be hurt like this? He has the ability to help Long Xiaoqi into his bedroom, buy porridge and medicine, and take good care of him. Today, he finally woke up from his deep sleep.

"Thank you for your ability." Long Xiaoqi's face was serious and said solemnly that this was the first time he felt warm and felt the friendship of his relatives and friends after his family was severely damaged. Haha, you're welcome! So don't you come here often when my parents are not here? Why are you so foreign this time? But to be honest, when I saw you, I almost didn't recognize you. Later, I looked carefully and found that it was you. With a sincere smile on his honest face. Boy!" Long Xiaoqi grabbed the stomach of her ability, but she didn't know why! Every time I see my ability, I can't help touching his fat and oily belly. Well, it's very soft, slippery and feels good!" Dong Xiaoqi has a smile of YY on her face. Go, go, go, don't always **, it's left for my wife at this time. With that, he had the ability to beat off Long Xiaoqi's restless hands.

"Yes, ability, how long have I been in a coma?" Long Xiaoqi knew that there were still many things he needed to deal with, and at this time, she did not dare to play too much. Yesterday morning, I saw you. It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and we can have dinner in a while. What would you like to eat? I'll buy it." I thought Long Xiaoqi didn't eat for a day and was hungry. So, it's been almost two days now. I don't know how they are doing? Long Xiaoqi muttered that from the moment he took over the remnant jade and sword, it meant that he was already the head of the dragon family. As the patriarch, he naturally remembered those who escaped.

"Brother Long, what's wrong? What happened? Can I help you?" I guessed that Long Xiaoqi must have something to do, otherwise it would be impossible to be so embarrassed. He put away his joke expression and said seriously to Long Xiaoqi.

"Hey! The ability." Long Xiaoqi wanted to hide the truth and find a cover to fool her. But looking at the sincere expression on her face, Long Xiaoqi's heart is sweet and bitter, and the five flavors still exist! I can tell you, but after I tell you, it may bring great changes to your family. Of course, there are more bad aspects. Would you still like to listen? As a friend, I would like to tell you, because I can find someone to talk to. However, as a brother, I don't want to tell you that I'm afraid that you will be implicated in this matter and even cause unnecessary trouble to your family. Long Xiaoqi is betting that if she informs the Wang Group or the Oriental family after knowing the matter, then Long Xiaoqi will definitely die. But can he be that kind of person?

For a while, the scene was a little embarrassing. I didn't expect that this matter would bring harm to the family. On the one hand, it was my parents, and on the other hand, it was my best friend. What should I do? He made a quick choice, and his face was covered with bean-sized sweat. "Brother Long, will this bring murder to my parents?" Long Xiaoqi laughed at herself. She was really a disaster star. Wherever she went, she might bring unknown things to others. Well, if you don't say it, it won't. If you say it, in order to keep it a secret, I don't think they care about killing a few more people. Although we have been together for six years, since the family's fiasco, Long Xiaoqi still dares not easily believe everyone around her. It's good to scare him. Maybe there will be unexpected gains.

"Brother Long, tell me! I will never say it, as long as it doesn't cause trouble to my parents. As a brother, I must help you." The ability is horizontal, and there is stubbornness on his face. After listening to this, Long Xiaoqi's heart was warm and her eyes were unconsciously wet.

"This matter has to start from that night..." Long Xiaoqi did not hide it and told the experience that night from beginning to end, but just omitted the topic of jade pendant. Long Xiaoqi spoke brilliantly and was frightened to hear her ability. Looking at the unpredictable expression on Long Xiaoqi's face, she was also sad for him. Overnight, all his relatives, death, death and disappearance were indeed not what ordinary people could bear.

"Brother Long! Why did the Oriental family do this? And the remaining six families, why don't you go and ask them for help!" He blinked his little eyes hard, as if he were thinking about something violently.

"Ha ha, what ability! You don't know the relationship between the eight families, let alone the other six families. If my Long family is there, they will take the initiative to take action when they find that they don't need to talk to my Long family. But now that my Long family is gone, they must reconsider before making a decision. They will not so kindly risk the risk of extermination to avenge my family. If my guess is right, in a few days, there will be families separated, separated families will form alliances with each other, and there will be families that join the Wang Group and the Oriental Family. At that time, other families will kill me. After saying that, Long Xiaoqi picked up the water glass on the table and drank it while thinking about it.

"Today's China is supported by eight major families, requiring people to give people and money, which is why our China can rise rapidly. In return, the state agreed to let each of the eight major families occupy one side, that is, the current eight districts. Our Long family is in the northeast and mainly engaged in mining. Among the eight major families, our Long family is most obsessed with martial arts. Whether it is the person with the highest martial arts skills or the average strength, other families will bow down. Speaking of this, Long Xiaoqi's face couldn't help showing a look of pride. The Oriental family is mainly engaged in mining in Xijing District. Perhaps it is because of the entanglement of economic interests and the suppression of our Long family in martial arts in the past 100 years that they are willing to join the Wang Group and destroy our Long family. However, the financial resources of the Oriental family ranks second among the eight families, and its comprehensive ability can be said to be the first. As for the first place in financial resources, it is the Ximen family in Sanjiang District, which has been doing business for generations and is indeed a good businessman. The Zhao family is in Hedong District. The Zhao family is best at using a long gun and is also the hegemon. The family in Liangguang District is Nangong, and martial arts can also rank in the top three. The Sima family in Xinhai District is the most vast. This family is good at fortune-telling and reasoning. Everyone is a military strategist, but there are many good hands in the clan, and all kinds of martial arts are available. The Beitang family, located in Yunqing District, is the largest assassin family for thousands of years. There are countless excellent killers all over the world. The Murong family is the last one in the ranking of the eight major families. It monopolizes Gaogan District, with the worst economic strength, the smallest territory, and a downward trend in martial arts. It can be said to be the weakest family among the eight families. In addition to the eight families, Wang Group is a so-called family that has emerged in the past 100 years. This group is very mysterious and constantly monopolizes most of the country's industries. It is also related to the underworld. It occupies everything, and controls the Youth Gang, the largest underworld group in China. At first, he didn't pay attention to it. Later, because he rose too fast, he was 'cared for' by eight families, but he couldn't eat him. There have also been several large-scale encirclement campaigns, but I don't know why they have repeatedly failed. Now I finally understand that it turned out that the Oriental family was secretly haunting, but I don't know what else is behind them*. Long Xiaoqi told some information about the eight families like telling a story. Eight families have supported this country together for thousands of years, and we have the opportunity to join the Global Unified Management Alliance. As for foreign families, only the Miller family in the United States and the Peter family in Russia are qualified to fight against the eight major families.

After Long Xiaoqi finished speaking, she drank the water in the toast, and her deep eyes seemed to recall something...