Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 7 Cultivation of War spirit

After receiving the kit and mobile phone, Long Xiaoqi said to her ability, "Help me prepare some money. I may have to start tomorrow." Brother, have you recovered from your injury? Will you stay at my house for two more days and go back when the injury is healed?" No, I have almost recovered. Besides, I still have something important to do to go to my grandma's house. Looking at what else to say, Long Xiaoqi waved her hand to stop him. Don't worry, I will pay attention. You should also be careful and remember not to say all this, including your parents, because it will bring them danger. Long Xiaoqi patted her ability on the shoulder and knew that although Long Xiaoqi's heart was in Cao Ying, her heart was in Han. However, for Long Xiaoqi's self-confidence, she had no choice but to shake her head helplessly.

Long Xiaoqi talked with her ability all afternoon, recalling the happiness of their childhood. In the evening, Long Xiaoqi rested early and prepared for tomorrow's start. As for the parents, they are often not at home, the father is too busy with business to socialize outside, and the mother often goes on business trips.

Long Xiaoqi fell asleep in a daze, and her father's last firm and farewell expression kept emerging in her mind. Grandpa's words before his death echoed in Long Xiaoqi's ears and could not be dispersed for a long time. Grandpa, father, you..." Long Xiaoqi was dreaming, and there were still tears in the corners of her eyes. Mother, don't leave me! I can't live without you." Long Xiaoqi's mother left him when he was very young. At that time, he had just remembered, but he could clearly feel his mother's love. From childhood to age, his father was quite strict with him. Only his mother cared about him and took care of him. Whenever he had a loving smile on his face, no matter what he did wrong, his mother would comfort him and tell him what was wrong to help him correct his mistakes.

The night was quiet, except for the occasional sound of Long Xiaoqi, and the dead silence in the room. In such a dark night, Long Xiaoqi's chest emitted a pale green light, which was looming and very strange. The faint white air quietly crawled all over Long Xiaoqi's whole body. What's more amazing is that the injury on Long Xiaoqi's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. I don't know if Long Xiaoqi will be stunned by this amazing recovery speed when she wakes up.

The magic continued, and the faint white air spread to Long Xiaoqi's whole body and walked intermittently, from head to toe, and then from foot to head, constantly circulating like blood for a long time. The white air penetrated into Long Xiaoqi's skin, blood and muscles, constantly transforming Long Xiaoqi's body and making her body stronger. Each cell is like a long mouth, constantly swallowing, greedily absorbing the faint white gas, and the white gas seems to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible, constantly emanating from Long Xiaoqi's chest.

What Long Xiaoqi doesn't know is that the ancestral jade on his body has been circulating for thousands of years, and the secret is naturally not as simple as Long Jingdao said. As a token of the patriarch of the Long family, this piece of jade has been brought on by the patriarch all year round and cannot be easily regarded by others. Long Xiaoqi, as the eldest grandson of the patriarch, has only seen it a few times when the Long family sacrificed their ancestors, not to mention taking the residual jade on her body. It is known by others that this is an act of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors. As for the use of Canyu, even Long Jingdao is not very clear. He only knows that he can speed up the speed of Qi practice, not to mention Long Xiaoqi. However, the only thing Long Xiaoqi knows is that the remnant jade is of great significance. It is not only beneficial but also harmless to the body, but also the representative of the highest power of the Long family. Now, it is still the hope for the rejuvenation of the Long family.

In fact, there is another wonderful use, because the time is too hurried, Long Jingdao did not say it.

Before each new patriarch takes office, the old patriarch takes the new patriarch to sacrifice his ancestors, and then inherits the new patriarch in the secret place of the Long family, and finally the new patriarch's succession ceremony. The inheritance of the new patriarch is actually the process of using residual jade to help the new patriarch transform his constitution, but this process is unknown to anyone except the old patriarch and the new patriarch. The result of the patriarch's inheritance is determined by the system and war spirit inherited by the person. If he is a young and talented person, his body and practice will make great progress after inheritance, such as Long Xiaoqi. If a person has reached the peak of his fighting spirit, I'm afraid there will be no good results after inheritance. As for the extent of inheritance, all this can only be depends on God's will.

Long Xiaoqi enjoyed this state very much and even muttered. White air flowed through his whole body, as if giving him the most comfortable massage, stroking every inch of his muscles and washing every nerve. In this wonderful state, Long Xiaoqi's body has been well refined, and his fighting spirit has also progressed smoothly.

Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi's whole body tightened as if she had convulsed. Her facial expression was extremely painful. The bean-sized sweat slowly flowed down his forehead, and her body kept trembling, as if something had happened very painful.

"Ah, ah!" Long Xiaoqi roared in a muffled voice, her eyes were closed, and her white teeth clenched her lips tightly. Blood had flowed, but she didn't know it. At this time, Long Xiaoqi's body is like being constantly eaten by tens of millions of ants. The cells are ruptured, separated, reborn, ruptured, separated and reborn, just like falling into infinite reincarnation. Long Xiaoqi only felt that countless steel needles kept penging into his body, and it was like being constantly crushed by a giant wheel. This pain deeply stimulated every nerve and every neuron on Long Xiaoqi's body, making the young Long Xiaoqi make a low roar similar to a tiger downhill version late at night.

"Puff, poof, poof..." Long Xiaoqi's body was swept away by a submachine gun, with countless scars all over her body, and blood stained the sheets red and ticked to the ground. At this time, the pain has exceeded the limit of human endurance, not to mention a 15-year-old teenager. Long Xiaoqi kept tumbling and died in pain, but strangely, until now, Long Xiaoqi has not woken up, as if she was deeply addicted to a dream.

I don't know how long it has been, it may be a minute, an hour, or ten thousand years.

"Wow!" Long Xiaoqi breathed a deep sigh of relief, stopped twitching and rolling, and her body involuntarily loosened, and placed a big word on the blood-printed sheets. The injury has stopped and continues to expand and is recovering at a magical speed. The white gas is still not isolated, but getting thicker and thicker, like rolling smoke, constantly emitting in Long Xiaoqi's body.

This is an era of rapid development of science and technology. Maybe yesterday was still the top technology, and no one will care about it tomorrow. However, in such a fast-growing society, the only thing that remains unchanged is the spirit of war. The white war spirit can already block ordinary bullets, while the green war spirit completely ignores the existence of ordinary bullets. Will there be countries and governments implicating those innocent people in using weapons of mass destruction for the existence of a person? Naturally, the answer is self-evident. Moreover, the existence of war spirit is only controlled by a few people, which is why the eight major families can support the whole country of China.

When a person's body reaches a certain level and a person's martial arts reach a certain level, he can enter the realm of war under certain circumstances. People who first enter the realm of war spirit first condense their breath from the body and then extend it to their arms, which can be seen, but they cannot be released externally. After proficiency, qi can be covered by weapons. On the day of great success, the war spirit and weapons can be integrated. The existence of weapons is one of the conditions for better exerting the spirit of war. In the realm of war spirit, the white spirit is the lowest, and further up is the green spirit. From ancient times to the present, the 18th generation patriarch of the Long family has made the highest achievements in the realm of war spirit. No one knows his name. All he knows is that this man broke through the green spirit and entered the realm of blue gas at a young age, which can be said to be a sensation. However, it is said that the ancestor mysteriously disappeared later, and as for the future, it is still a mystery. Each color of gas is divided into five levels, and each level is divided into three levels, namely primary, intermediate and advanced.

At a young age, Long Xiaoqi has broken through the realm of ordinary people's lifelong pursuit and reached the fourth-order intermediate level of white spirit. If it is time, his achievements will be immeasurable. But such a so-called genius actually encountered such terrible bad luck at a young age. Maybe this is God's will!

It is said that Long Xiaoqi has experienced the baptism brought by this remnant jade, and her body has changed significantly. Not only has the physical quality been significantly improved, but the practice of qi is also growing steadily. It has reached the peak of the fourth intermediate level of white qi, and there are faint signs of breakthrough.

The night is still going on, and no one expected that Long Xiaoqi has experienced so much in one night, from comfort to pain to happiness. Maybe when he wakes up, he will surprise himself because of sudden changes!

But the bigger surprise is still behind, and the white gas emitted by the residual jade still shows no sign of dissipating, constantly flowing into Long Xiaoqi's body. The fourth-order intermediate peak of white gas, the fourth-order primary white gas, the fifth primary peak of white gas, and the fifth-order intermediate white gas. One night, Long Xiaoqi's practice realm actually jumped three levels in a row. If this spreads, I'm afraid it will definitely cause panic among the eight families. This is not a teenager, it's simply a cultivation monster.

Long Xiaoqi is still asleep with a smile on her face and doesn't know what she is thinking...