Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 10 Going

" grandma, grandma!" Long Xiaoqi stood in front of her grandma's house and shouted loudly, which shocked the neighbors around her. "The window next to her..." opened, and an old man's head poked out. Young man, stop shouting. Your grandma has been away from home for two days. I called her to do morning exercises yesterday and this morning, but there was no one." Do you know where my grandma has gone? Long Xiaoqi was a little excited and shouted in a lost voice. I don't know. Every morning, we go to the woods in front of us for morning exercise, but I don't know why, recently, there is no one in your grandma's house." Thank you." As soon as your words fell, Long Xiaoqi couldn't help but feel excited and jumped into her grandma's yard along the three-meter-high courtyard wall.

Long Xiaoqi jumped into the yard and glanced around. No one walked towards the house.

The room is quiet, and a thin layer of dust has fallen on the table. It seems that grandma has not been at home for a while, or she will never let the dust cover the house. Long Xiaoqi walked from the first floor to the third floor and searched every room. Grandma is not at home, and my aunt is not at home. What can they do? Long Xiaoqi was very nervous, but forced herself not to think about the bad side. She picked up the phone on the table and dialed grandma's number.

"Sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off..." At the other end of the phone, there was a beautiful sound of manual service. Call my aunt again. Long Xiaoqi pressed her aunt's phone number tremblingly.

"Ding, Ding, Ding..." In this dead room, a rapid telephone ring suddenly rang. Long Xiaoqi was shocked by the sudden sound, and the phone almost fell to the ground. Long Xiaoqi creeped over to see what was going on. Huh? Isn't this aunt's phone number? Why are you here?" Looking at her aunt's phone and the phone on the table, Long Xiaoqi immediately understood.

" grandma, auntie, where are you? Was it really captured by the bastards of the Dongfang family? Yes, there is also uncle. Although uncle doesn't live with grandma, uncle is the deputy manager of the company after all. He should be with his little aunt every day!" Long Xiaoqi grabbed the phone and pressed her uncle's phone number.

"Hello?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone. Thank God, the phone is finally connected. Hello! Uncle, it's me, Xiaoqi. I'm at grandma's house now, but grandma and aunt are not at home. The neighbor said that they haven't seen them for two days. Do you know where they went?" What, I haven't been at home for two days, Xiaoqi! I have been on a business trip during this period. The company has always been managed by your aunt. I heard from my secretary that your aunt hasn't been working in the past two days. I thought she was sick, so I didn't care too much about it. Where are you now? I'll go back now." The uncle on the other end of the phone was also a little anxious. His mother and sister disappeared strangely at the same time. I'm afraid no matter who they are, they can't sit still. But he didn't expect that there was another bigger thing, but Long Xiaoqi didn't tell him.

"Aunt, a lot of things have happened recently. I think... You'd better not come back now and take your aunt out to hide." Long Xiaoqi has affirmed that this must have been done by the Oriental family. As for the purpose? Humph! For a moment, Long Xiaoqi had figured out the cause and effect of the whole incident. Xiaoqi, what's wrong? Tell me what happened! What happened to your grandma and your aunt? I'm so anxious." The voice at the other end of the phone lost patience and asked hurriedly.

"Uncle, this matter can't be explained clearly on the phone, and you can't say it on the phone. I can only tell you that my Long family has been destroyed, and now I am the only one left. Grandma and aunt are suspected of being taken away. Don't come back. This matter will be handled by me and those honorary elders. Well, I won't say much, remember! Don't come back!" After saying that, Long Xiaoqi hung up the phone. Strangely, he is now in a calm mood and is no longer as restless as before.

"Lma and aunt, you two have suffered. If the Oriental family dares to touch one of your hairs, I will definitely make them live worse than death." Long Xiaoqi grinded her teeth hard, like a tiger going down the mountain, staring at her prey, grinding her teeth, and ready to enjoy her dinner at any time.

Long Xiaoqi rummaged through the whole villa and found two bank cards and a note. Long Xiaoqi, your grandma and aunt are in our hands now. If you want them to live, send the remnant jade on your body to the Oriental family, otherwise, hum! They will die because of you." Looking at the elegant font on the note, Long Xiaoqi angrily clenched her fist and tore the note hard. Grandpa passed away, and my father and uncle's life and death are unknown. Grandma and aunt were robbed by the Oriental family. What should I do? What should I do? Do you really want to be threatened by the Oriental family to give them the patriarch's tokens, but if that happens, the Long family will really be finished!" Long Xiaoqi wanted to vent loudly at this time, but the truth told him that he could not do this. He must be calm. He must be calm. If he is also finished, then the Long family will be completely finished.

"Bear by the way, my aunt and aunt also escaped that day. I don't know if I'm home now. Why don't I go to my aunt's house to find my aunt first? Although my aunt is a woman, she has been practicing martial arts since she was a child. Now she is now in the first level of green spirit. As long as she doesn't meet the patriarchs and the perverts in the clan, we have the ability to protect ourselves together. As for uncle and aunt! I don't know where they live. Forget it, it's important to find my aunt first. Long Xiaoqi said in a low voice. Entering grandma's room, there was a group photo of everyone hanging on the wall. Long Xiaoqi walked over and said solemnly, "Lang, aunt, you two wait for me for a while. Soon, I will definitely kill the Oriental family, save you, and avenge the people." After saying that, Long Xiaoqi turned her head and resolutely left her grandma's house.

Long Xiaoqi got on a taxi to her aunt's house. Although it has been two years since the last time, it is still difficult to beat the "little indigenous people" who have lived here for nearly ten years.

"It's probably here." Long Xiaoqi thought to herself, paid the money, got out of the car, and looked around. After inquire for a long time, Long Xiaoqi finally found the location of her aunt's house on the top floor of a luxury residential building.

"Dingling..." Long Xiaoqi rang the doorbell and looked forward to it. There was nothing wrong this time. Who are you looking for?" Following the video call, Long Xiaoqi can clearly see a grandmother. If I remember correctly, this should be her aunt's mother.

"I'm looking for my aunt, that is, Zhang Yaxin. I don't know if she has gone home?" Jacket! You are Xiaoqi, right? I'll open the door for you. Come in and talk about it later." After saying that, the door opened automatically. Long Xiaoqi walked into the room and did it on the sofa. Come on, Xiaoqi, eat some fruit. Aunt's mother came out with a plate. Don't bother. I'm here to find my aunt and aunt. I think you should know the changes in our family. The old man put down the plate, nodded and said, "Well, I heard your aunt mention it, but your aunt has gone out and is not at home now. Oh! By the way, look at my memory. Your aunt said that if you come, she will let you read this letter, and then you will understand. With that, the old man took out a letter from his underwear pocket and handed it to Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi received the letter and opened it curiously.

"Xiaoqi, when you read this letter, I was already on my way to Longdao. Don't blame me. I did this for your Long family. Xiaoyu is still young. I will take him back to Longdao. When I grow up, I must avenge his grandfather, father and uncle. Dragon Island is a small island bought by the Long family in Europe many years ago. There are some dragon elites on the island, as well as a group of dead soldiers trained by the Long family. In a few years, when Xiaoyu grows up, I will definitely let him take the Long family to avenge his people. However, please forgive my momentary selfishness. On the way back, your aunt and the people who fled with us resolutely died under the edge of the Eastern family in order to escape and delay our time. Our lives are no longer our own, and the blood on us is no longer our own. Promise me that at any time, you should cherish your life and bear the burden of humiliation. One day, we will come back and avenge the dead people. I have drawn the route to Longdao on the back of this paper. It's better for you to come here. If you don't want to come over, promise your aunt to live well. - Your aunt, Zhang Yaxin."

Long Xiaoqi took the letter and burst into tears involuntarily. My aunt died, and my aunt went to Longdao. My grandma and aunt were captured by the Oriental family. From now on, I have really been helpless. Am I going to Longdao, too? No! I want to stay here, and I still have a lot of things to do. Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi felt that her shoulders were much heavier, and an invisible force overwhelmed her.

"Xiaoqi, this is what your aunt left for you before she left. She told me to give it to you in person." After saying that, the old man took out a bank card and a note from a red cloth bag with the password of the bank card on it. There is a sum of money in it. Your aunt didn't tell me how much it is. She just said it was enough for you to use it in your life. This is the certificate entrusted by your aunt. You can use this when you need it. With that, the old man handed over a certificate. In addition, before your aunt left, she told me to tell you that you must cherish yourself, don't be impulsive, and you will have a chance to revenge in the future.

Long Xiaoqi took the thing and nodded. Thank you. I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't bother you." Long Xiaoqi politely said goodbye and walked far away... "Xiaoqi, if you have something to do, come here to me. Your aunt said that this will always be your home."

"Home?" What a familiar and strange word. Long Xiaoqi didn't look back, but just shouted to know. Thank you. With tears in his eyes, he strode forward.