Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 13 Hui

The next morning, the sun had just risen.

Long Xiaoqi got up early, had breakfast, took big bags, and got into the car to the clan...

The Oriental family and the Murong family are in collusion and fooled the other five families. Although all families know that the remnant jade is on Long Xiaoqi's body, the northeast region has been firmly controlled by the Oriental family. Even if the other families are close to the sky, they can't put too many eyeliner in the northeast, let alone take it. Long Xiaoqi is smart and powerful. The other five families only got the property rights of the Long family in other industries except mining in Northeast China. They didn't expect this property rights, but they were pitifully few. In response, the five families were furious and wanted to ask Dongfang Jie for an explanation, but they didn't expect to be told by Dongfang Jie. This was all agreed at that time. You all agreed and sent it back. The patriarchs of the five major families have to be dumb and eat Huanglian, and they can't say anything about their suffering!

In the living room of the Oriental family, Dongfang Jie sat in the main seat, and Murong Feng sat down, bowed his waist and smiled. This time, thanks to the help of patriarch Murong, things went so smoothly! Those idiots are still looking for Long Xiaoqi all over the world! But I don't know that their eyes are all under my control. Once they are found, it will be their turn. Dongfang Jie is full of confidence, with a strong contempt in his words. Yes! The oriental patriarch, wise and martial arts, can't be compared with those straw bags, hum! This time, it was all made by the Long family. If they are willing to obey, they will not cause the consequences of extermination. Murong Feng couldn't wait to put Dongfang Jie's flattery in front of him and patted him fiercely twice. Don't say that, the Long family is also responsible for themselves! Who let them ignore other people's feelings in order to develop, our Oriental family has no intention to control which family. By the way, patriarch Murong, this is what you deserve. After saying that, Dongfang Jie threw a few pieces of paper to Murong Feng. Ah!" Murong Feng burst into tears with excitement and shouted out, "Thank you, Oriental patriarch. If anything happens in the future, my Murong family will definitely die." The Murong patriarch is serious. This is what you deserve. Just add some gifts from our Eastern family. Everyone is an ally. Why be so angry? Murongfeng took these pieces of paper as he saluted.

"Well, patriarch Murong, I still have something to do, so I can't accompany you. You can have a good rest here first and come with you when I have time. Dongfang Jie laughed and oused the guests. Naturally, Murong Feng would not understand. No, Eastern patriarch, I have been disturbing you for many days, and it's time to return to the clan. Besides, there are still very important things to do now. If I can't do it properly for a day, I won't feel at ease for a day!" Dongfang Jie hummed and smiled. How could he not know Murong Feng's thoughts? He just wanted to turn that piece of paper into money as soon as possible. "Then it's not easy for me to keep it. If there is anything in the future, I hope the patriarch Murong can tell me in advance." It should be, it should be."

Send Murong Feng away, and the elder Dongfang Yichen came over and asked in a low voice, "Is it so cheap for him? It's just a dog!" Ha ha, can dogs only eat meat when they are fattened? Dongfang Jie said with a smile. By the way, is there any news about Long Xiaoqi?" There is no news for the time being, but from the recent times, Long Jingdao does not seem to be with Long Xiaoqi." Well, Long Jingdao was seriously injured that day and I'm afraid he won't live for a few days. If I guess correctly, Long Jingdao is probably dead now. The patriarch's token must be on Long Xiaoqi. You should also go out early and tell them to be careful. Long Xiaoqi is not so easy to deal with. I can't wait for the Wang Group." I know." Dongfang Yichen bowed and retreated.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and the night comes quietly.

It has been about a week since the Oriental family attacked the Long family. In the dragon family, the remaining blood stains have long been dry and solid, leaving only Sensen white bones, and occasionally there is meat hanging on the bones, but they have already decayed. Suddenly, a dark shadow passed under the moon, like a bird? No! Like a vampire with fangs. The black cloak wrapped his whole body, and a pair of long ears came out of nowhere. When he looked close, he seemed to be a human. Dizzy! Isn't this Long Xiaoqi?

Long Xiaoqi took off her mask, breathed the air and whispered, "I, Long Xiaoqi, am back again. Elders and clan members, one day I will use the blood of the Oriental family to pay tribute to your souls." After saying that, Long Xiaoqi kowtowed three hard to the north, because there were ancestors who sacrificed their lives for the Long family.

Looking at the bones of people everywhere, and even those women and children who have no power to bind chickens, Long Xiaoqi's eyes are full of tears. They all died on the battlefield to defend the dignity of the Long family; they all died on the battlefield because of the betrayal of the Eastern family; they all died on the battlefield to defend the family and their relatives. They are the real heroes of the Long family. Their hatred and last wishes will definitely be fulfilled for them in this life. Think about yourself. A week ago, I was a rich man who didn't have to worry about anything, but a week later, I became a tramp on the street. Time is short, God's will makes fun of people! Thinking about the past, I didn't cherish it, but now, all I can cherish has disappeared, leaving only endless hatred.

"Is that the body uncle?" Long Xiaoqi went to the place where Long Zhanhua was killed and stroked a corpse. It's uncle. It's uncle. The muscles of the face are not completely rotten, and the clothes are engraved with the sign of uncle's status in the Long family. Long Xiaoqi held the body and couldn't stop crying. He was not afraid. In his heart, it was not a scary corpse or a bloody skeleton at all, but his uncle and his relatives.

"The uncle's body is here, but what about the father's? I remember that before my uncle left, he said that he would go back to find his father. Even if he died, he would die together. Long Xiaoqi raised her head and looked around confusedly. The bones everywhere could not tell who was who. Forget it, forget it. People are dead, and they can't even have a place to settle down. Put the bones of these dragon families in the ancestral tomb of the Dragon family! It's also worthy of the heroes who pay for the Long family!" Long Xiaoqi turned around and walked towards Zixinlin behind.

In Long Xiaoqi's heart, grandpa is always the first, not only because he is his grandfather, but also because he is his enlightenment teacher. From childhood to age, Grandpa guided him far more than his father, taught him to be a man and taught him martial arts. In Long Xiaoqi's heart, Grandpa is always the most important person.

The pale moonlight shone on the forest, which was gloomy, and a breeze blew, and there was a "jingle" sound in the woods. Long Xiaoqi picked up the sword and dug the soil hard. After a while, a corner of Long Jingdao was exposed. Grandpa!" Long Xiaoqi had a painful smile on her face, threw away her sword and dug the earth with her hand for fear of hitting the bones of Long Jingdao.

"Grandpa, please enter the ancestral grave." When Long Xiaoqi learned from the sacrifice of the Long family, the adults held the broken body of Long Jingdao in their arms and walked to the ancestral grave step by step.

In the sky, only a few stars kept flashing, remembering this touching picture. A short child holds a white bone in his arms, and there is still a trace of flesh and blood on some of the bones, but it has long been rotten. He goes back and forth between the open space and the ancestral grave, spared no pains, one or two times...

"Why didn't you find your father's body?" After moving the bones of the clan, Long Xiaoqi gasped, wiped the sweat on her forehead and asked herself. I turned over every bone, but there was no father. Isn't my father's body here? Or..." While carrying the body, Long Xiaoqi opened her eyes wide, looking for her father's body, looking for clothes with her father's status mark, but Long Xiaoqi was disappointed, not to mention the body, clothes, or even a trace of clue.

"Father, where are you?" Long Xiaoqi muttered a murmur. At this time, a child's call to his father. This is a cry of love between father and son, but who can hear it?

Long Xiaoqi turned the house around like a madman, trying to find her father's body and find something. However, he was disappointed, and the body of the Dragon Army wanted to disappear in the air. And the people of the Oriental family are simply a group of robbers. Not only did they destroy the Long family, but also the house was turned upside down. Those who could be taken away were taken away, and those that could not be taken away were smashed and destroyed. In the bamboo house on the edge, there are still some traces of fire. Maybe it happened to rain heavily that day, so these evidences of destruction were preserved!

"Hmm! These people really don't even deserve to be animals. Looking at the mess around, Long Xiaoqi said heavily. It seems that there are no clues here. I don't know how the forbidden place is? Long Xiaoqi thought for a moment, looked at the mysterious forest in the north, and whispered. Originally, Long Xiaoqi had no hope for her father, but now it has become a mysterious disappearance. Long Xiaoqi just wants to find some clues to find out where her father is. Even if it is a cold bone, Long Xiaoqi will take her father back to the clan. One day, she will definitely kill the Oriental family and avenge the dead clan. .

"Forget it, I can't find anything here if it's so messy. When I go to the forbidden place within the clan to have a look, I hope I can gain something." In fact, there is one more thing that Long Xiaoqi didn't say, that is, I hope that no members of the Eastern family have entered the forbidden land. There are the swordsmanship of the Long family and the methods of practicing the spirit of war. They are all sorted out by the Long family after more than ten or even dozens of generations. They are all the painstaking efforts of the patriarchs of the Long family. It can be said to be a priceless treasure. How can they be easily obtained by traitors?

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoqi turned her head and walked quickly like a forbidden place, afraid that the treasure of the Long family would be taken away in time. The sky was still dark and suffocating, and only the stars blinked, as if they were telling something to Long Xiaoqi.