Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 24 Ordinary Life

The years have passed in a hurry, and a month has passed. During this month, Long Xiaoqi practiced hard every day. Although she didn't gain much, she looked refreshed. Occasionally, Long Xiaoqi would make a pot of tea, light a cigarette, bask in the sun, taste tea, not think about her own troubles, forget the hatred in her heart, and just look at the scenery outside, relaxed and leisurely. Let your body be exposed to the sun and let your thoughts infinitely sublimate is just a life and an attitude. Sometimes, Long Xiaoqi even wants to really give up the idea of revenge and hide in the field and live a self-sufficient life.

Life is a pot of strong tea, which needs to be tasted slowly; life is a glass of old wine that needs to be tasted slowly; life is a morning bell, and time flies. If you can't catch it, then it will no longer belong to you.

In this month, Long Xiaoqi's meal volume increased significantly, but the number of meals decreased significantly. I know that Long Xiaoqi is safe. Except for sending food once a week, she puts it down and goes away every time. She doesn't say much or bother too much. The days are as usual, and sometimes I will call Ma Yujia. Once I enter the realm of selflessness, at least for a day or two, up to four or five days, I will not eat, drink or sleep, as if the dust has settled, and I will not move.

In the morning, just after dawn, Long Xiaoqi got up, stretched out, walked to the window, and breathed fresh air. Suddenly, she remembered that she had not been out of the house for more than ten days, as if she had been isolated from the world, just like a bird trapped in a cage and a lion locked in a zoo. Although he was worried about being recognized by the eyeliner of the Oriental family, he still couldn't resist his excitement, put on a sportswear, put on a hat, and prepared to go out for a run.

In the woods, there are many elderly people, men and women, all kinds of men and women, running, kicking shuttlecocks and holding horizontal bars. In the corner of the forest, there is also an old man playing Taijiquan. Long Xiaoqi took a look and immediately increased her interest. She turned her head and walked straight to the old man.

After walking over, Long Xiaoqi did not speak, but stood there and watched quietly. He would like to see what is the mystery of this Taijiquan that has been circulating among the people for thousands of years. It has been sought after generations and has lasted for a long time.

The old man who played Taijiquan continued to play his Taijiquan as if he hadn't seen Long Xiaoqi, and he was absorbed in his own things over and over again. I don't know whether it was morning dew or sweat on his face, but the old man was not moved and devoted himself to it. Long Xiaoqi stood there without moving, staring at the reflection of the old man upside down in her eyes. Time passed minute by minute. Ten minutes passed, half an hour passed, and an hour passed. The two became a beautiful landscape in the woods.

"Young man, have you been here for so long and talk about what you see in my fist?" The old man finally stopped, wiped the sweat from his face, and looked at Long Xiaoqi with a smile, as if they had known each other for a long time. Life, persistence, smooth and changeable. The old man smiled, nodded, sat under the tree, turned sideways, and gave up a place for Long Xiaoqi. Long Xiaoqi was not pretentious, thanked him and sat down. The secret meaning of Taijiquan lies in the use of strength, four or two dials of a thousand catties, with softness and strength, and static braking. Its biggest characteristics are comfortable, light and round, loose and smooth, orderly opening and closing, rigid and soft, moving like clouds and flowing water, continuous. Taiji begins with Wuji and is divided into two instruments. Two instruments are divided into three talents, and three talents show four images and evolve gossip. Taijiquan is called Taiji, which covers the principle of the movement of yin and yang in the Yijing, and the opportunity to eliminate the growth. The momentum of movement is purely natural, and the circular movement is like the unprovoked ring, the cycle is endless, the weather is endless, and the changes are unpredictable, so it is called 'Taijiquan'. And Taiji is born infinitely, the opportunity of movement and silence, and the mother of yin and yang. If you move, you will be divided, and if you are quiet, you will be combined. It's not too late, just stretch out with the song. When people are strong, I am soft to walk, and I follow others as sticky. If you move quickly, you will respond urgently, and if you move slowly, you will follow slowly. Although it is ever-changing, it is consistent. From familiarity to understanding, from understanding to level and god. However, if you don't work hard for a long time, you can't suddenly penetrate. The virtual spirit is strong, and the spirit is heavy in Dantian. Unbiased, faintly. If the left is heavy, the left is weak, and if the right is heavy, the right is weak. If you look up, it will be higher, if you look down, it will be deeper, the longer it will be, and if you retreat, the more prompt it will be. A feather can't be added, and flies can't fall. People don't know me, and I only know people. I don't know if you can understand after saying this!" The old man was not in a hurry and said slowly, as if in the old man's eyes, everything was nothing, and only the way of Taiji could defeat the enemy. The younger generation is shallow and has a very thorough understanding of the seniors' words, and they can also talk to the seniors in detail. Long Xiaoqi's attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, and she treats her in her own way.

"Ha ha, the way of Tai Chi begins with nothingness, and it is not understandable in one or two sentences. If you are willing to practice it, I believe that you will naturally understand these principles in the future. The old man's face was red and not old at all. Then ask the seniors to give me some advice, and also let the younger generation open their eyes. If you can learn a little, it would be better. Long Xiaoqi is very polite. He knows that the old man in front of him must not be a general person. If he can gain some experience, it will not be a waste this morning. Maybe the confusion of these days will be solved, and he will have a new turning point.

"Haha, you call me a senior and call yourself a junior. If I don't teach you, it looks like my old man is stingy." The old man's cheerful laughter seemed to be full of confidence. Remember, I don't know if I let go of bending and stretching, and I will rely on it. The progress of splitting and pushing has been made, and it is difficult to defeat. The hook shed forced everyone to know, who knows the flash of surprise? Whoever pretends to lose and cheats away will be tempted back to win. Rolling and tying the sweeping spirit is subtle, and the horizontal chopping is even more strange. Intercept to block the heart and elbow, and beat the red envelope in the wind; secondly, sweep the hanging feet, left and right hairpin Zhuang heel and legs; cut the front and press the seamless lock, the sound of the east and the west should be familiar; remember to mention the king under the cage, and it is not too late to attack and retreat. Hidden head covers are all over the world, and it is rare in the world. Teachers don't know this reason, so it's difficult to talk about martial arts. After saying that, the old man ignored whether Long Xiaoqi understood or not. He stood up, picked up the clothes hanging on the tree and went away.

"Senior, senior!" Long Xiaoqi shouted loudly, but the old man finally disappeared into the vast sea of people as if he didn't hear it. I don't know how to indulge in bending, and I rely on all the things that surround me. The progress of splitting and pushing has been made, and it is difficult to defeat. The hook shed forced everyone to know, who knows the flash of surprise? Who pretended to lose and cheated away, and lured him back to win..." Long Xiaoqi chased and said as she chased. For these, he can only say that he doesn't seem to understand, but he doesn't know anything about Taijiquan. It seems to be "light, slow and soft", but it can take four or two pounds, which is really amazing.

"Forget it, if we meet another day, you must ask this old man for advice." After saying that, Long Xiaoqi shook her head and did not continue to walk forward, but turned her head back home.

Because of what he said in the morning, Long Xiaoqi couldn't calm down for a long time. The old man seemed to be talking about boxing, but he was as thought-provoking as telling the philosophy of life. With the help of strength, four or two dials of a thousand catties to restrain the stiffness and brake statically. Long Xiaoqi whispered, because the old man's first sentence was these 17 words, so Long Xiaoqi remembered it very deeply. Ouch! Look at my brain, why I'm so stupid. Don't this sentence mean that you have to learn to rely on external forces, so that you can save more effort and win with small power? Isn't it the best portrayal of your mentality at this time to restrain strength, to brake statically, and to adapt to changes?" A trace of enlightenment suddenly appeared in Long Xiaoqi's heart.

"Hahaha! Long Xiaoqi! Long Xiaoqi, who doesn't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, is really overwhelmed by hatred, and you can't even figure out such a simple truth. It's a good way to use your strength. You are right, and Miaoyu has its own wonderful use. Humph! Oriental family, how can I, Long Xiaoqi, be afraid of you? This time, I will ask your family to repay the blood debt. Long Xiaoqi stared at herself in the mirror and roared ferociously. I don't know when there was an evil smile on her face.

Day by day, everything is calm again. Long Xiaoqi still practices his book "Basic Improvement of Qi Practice" every day. However, since he met the old man who plays Taijiquan, he has learned how to better apply war spirit and swordsmanship, and integrate the two attack methods to complement each other and complement each other's shortcomings.

It has been more than a month since Long Xiaoqi last met the old man who practiced Tai Chi. In more than a month, Long Xiaoqi's swordsmanship has changed significantly, and it is no longer the original way of fighting for life. Although the sword speed is still as sharp as ever, it faintly reveals a dark force, which is the fusion of the dragon swordsmanship and Taiji. As for his war spirit realm, although it is still the fifth-level middle peak state of the white spirit, the looming breakthrough made Long Xiaoqi extremely gratified. You know, in the eyes of ordinary people, Long Xiaoqi is a demonic existence. I'm afraid that his speed of progress will make many predecessors sigh. However, Long Xiaoqi was not satisfied, but continued to practice hard. In order to revenge and see the destruction of the Oriental family as soon as possible, he did not allow himself to relax.

Although Long Xiaoqi's war spirit and swordsmanship have not improved significantly, Long Xiaoqi's mood has changed greatly. His mind has become more and more mature, and he himself has become strange, even a trace of evil.