Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 28 Breakthrough

"Bang Bang..." The deafening sound of firecrackers resounded through the sky, the sky was full of colorful fireworks, and the curling clouds of smoke put together strange patterns, as if they were Saygoodbye in the old year. Hey! It's the Spring Festival. Grandpa, father, mother, how are you doing there? Long Xiaoqi looked out of the window at the smoke-filled sky, as if she had seen the smiling faces of her relatives. Since childhood, I have been in the family for the Spring Festival. During this period, I can eat a lot of delicious food, play a lot of fun, and give New Year's greetings to the elders. The elders will give a big red envelope. Hundreds of people celebrate the New Year together, singing and dancing. That kind of scene is extremely lively. But now, even this simplest wish cannot be realized, all thanks to the Oriental family! Eastern family!" Long Xiaoqi bit her lip and said hard.

"Grandpa, father, and those innocent dead people, I, Long Xiaoqi, will definitely avenge you soon. At that time, I will use the blood of the Eastern family to surpass your dead." Long Xiaoqi's eyes were filled with tears in her eyes, facing the sky, and her face was full of resolute expression.

Sometime passes quickly, but sometimes it passes slowly. On the night when the Long family was exterminated, Long Xiaoqi felt that living was a kind of suffering and had a feeling of living like years. It was precisely because of this that that Long Xiaoqi still remembered everything that night. Now, Long Xiaoqi has only four words of cultivation and revenge in her mind, which has long ignored the sun and the moon and forgotten the existence of time. In a blink of an eye, the New Year passed like this, and people returned to normal life. However, everything was a new beginning, and Long Xiaoqi also began his revenge plan.

In the morning, the sun is bright, but in the north, the weather in March is still so harsh. Long Xiaoqi sat cross-legged in the living room with her upper body, exuding white gas, the blue veins on her forehead were tight, and her face was covered with sweat. Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi opened her eyes, and the muscles of her whole body suddenly relaxed, and the breath on her body also retreated. Hey! It still failed. I don't know when I can break through. Long Xiaoqi shook her head. For the fifth-order advanced white spirit, Long Xiaoqi has always been angry. There were signs of a breakthrough a long time ago, but she has not been able to break through for a long time. Although it is only a line, it has not reached that height after all.

"Hey! It's the eighth time. Every time it's an illusion. How can a breakthrough be more troublesome than a woman having a child? When you are ready, he suddenly has no feeling. When you want to do whatever you want, he suddenly comes to you. If there are premature births and dystocia, none of them will be born normally. At this time, Long Xiaoqi's face was like a bitter gourd, and the illusion of the breakthrough hit him too hard. No, I have to hurry up. If the plan is not implemented, I'm afraid it will be ruined when they find out. Don't talk about implementing the plan at that time. I'm afraid it's a problem to escape. The unknown is the most mysterious. There is an indescribable sense of urgency in Long Xiaoqi's heart. Long Xiaoqi sat on the ground again and entered the empty state again, starting his ninth breakthrough.

This time, Long Xiaoqi did not give up, but gritted her teeth and persisted. No matter how painful the body was, no matter how difficult it was to improve, he stood up. He let the war spirit washes his body over and over again and hit his nerves, and he refused to retreat. ." Come on! I can stand it!" Long Xiaoqi roared, and the blue veins on his forehead were tight, as if they were about to crack at any time.

Time passed minute by. More than an hour has passed since Long Xiaoqi's ninth practice, and the white qi on Long Xiaoqi has not retreated, but has become more and more and more intense. Ah!" Long Xiaoqi shouted and looked at his expression as if he was doing something hard. Long Xiaoqi raised her hands between her knees, with her left hand on the bottom and her right hand on top, rolling white air and gushing out from between her hands. At the same time, the white qi on the body is getting lighter and less. Drink!" Long Xiaoqi's arms trembled and seemed to be pushing something forward. The white air on her body was wavy, flowing around like the palm of her hand. After a while, Long Xiaoqi rotated her palm, and her arms gradually rose, condensing all the white gas in her body to the palm of her hand, and then put her palms on her chest, and her eyes glared angrily, as if the white gas in her hand had a deep hatred for him.

"Open, open, open!" Long Xiaoqi shouted one after another. The white air between his palms slowly separated with his hands and divided into two. Then, Long Xiaoqi put her palm flat on her knees, and the blood vessels and blue veins all over her body appeared on the surface of the skin. Occasionally, there was a sound of cooing, as if something was flowing. The expression on Long Xiaoqi's face became solemn with the sound. He knew that he must stick to it now. If he can survive this level, then the joy of promotion will follow. The white spirit is five-order advanced, and even many old monsters may have to stop. Some people can't cross the gully of the first level all their lives.

Long Xiaoqi calmed her excitement and returned to her best state. Next, there will be a sharp pain. If she survives it, she will gain great strength. Unable to survive, it will only bring him endless darkness, and even leave an indelible shadow in his heart. This shadow may affect his future path, and even make it difficult for him to make a breakthrough all his life, let alone avenge his family.

"Grandpa, father, for you, I will definitely succeed!" After saying that, Long Xiaoqi closed her eyes. The white qi once again flowed through the whole body from the palms, and then back from the whole body to the palms, so circular, as if tireless. However, every time the white qi condenses in the palm of the hand, the white qi is stronger, and every time it spreads all over the body, followed by the dross eliminated through the pores.

At this time, Long Xiaoqi seemed to have countless ants all over her body, constantly crawling, constantly tearing his muscles, tinging his nerves, numb and painful, but she couldn't move, so she had to grit her teeth. Poo!" A mouthful of blood spurt out of Shunlong Xiaoqi's mouth. As if he was hit hard by something, it made Long Xiaoqi's chest painful, as if a hammer kept hitting his chest, which would bring a huge impact to Long Xiaoqi's internal organs every time. But Long Xiaoqi knows that the fighting spirit is transforming and strengthening her body. Only a strong body can accommodate more fighting spirit and withstand higher-intensity battles. Sweat flowed down Long Xiaoqi's body, wet his trousers and flowed to the surrounding floor. If Long Xiaoqi is not tired to death, she will also be dehydrated to death.

"Xiaoqi! Xiaoqi!" In the confusion, it seemed that someone was shouting his name, and his voice was a little vicissitudes, a little miserable and a little reluctant. Grandpa..." Long Xiaoqi saw it. That was Grandpa, the call before his death. The brief distraction brought him endless pain, and a tingling of his skin pulled him back from the fantasy to reality. Long Xiaoqi! Hold on!" Long Xiaoqi bit her lip, which was bitten, bleeding all over, and then clenched her teeth.

As time went by, the white air on Long Xiaoqi's body became stronger, like a rolling heat wave, constantly churning. And the white gas in the palm is also constantly condensing, less and less, but more and more solidified, as if it would eventually be compressed into a solid. Ah! Collect it!" Long Xiaoqi shouted. As soon as his words fell, the white air had slowly flowed into his body along Long Xiaoqi's palm, like a continuous stream. Long Xiaoqi's facial expression changed from the original pain to a very enjoyable look, as if she was doing a full-body massage, removing the pain just now, followed by the pleasure caused by strength.

"Hahaha! I, Long Xiaoqi, succeeded and finally broke through! The fifth-order advanced of white gas, hey hey, it's really good. As he spoke, he condensed his fighting spirit, kept playing, and looked at it with satisfaction. I just don't know what the realm of green will be like? Long Xiaoqi is such a person who will never be satisfied with the status quo. In order to be better, he is willing to work hard and pay. It is precisely because of this spirit that he has achieved his future achievements.

Feeling the strong fighting spirit in her body, every cell in Long Xiaoqi's body beat restlessly, as if she had an independent consciousness and seemed to celebrate happily because of her promotion. Drink!" Long Xiaoqi roared and punched at the wall. Of course, she used pure flesh, otherwise, not to mention this wall, even the whole building will collapse. Maybe this is a typical "full and looking for a smoke" type. Long Xiaoqi looked at her fist with satisfaction and was a little more confident about this action.

In fact, he doesn't know that the Long family's "Basic Improvement of Qi Practice" will not only bring about the improvement of war spirit, but also the accuracy of the body and war spirit will be greatly improved. Long Xiaoqi will feel this in the future.

"Oriental family, since you dare to challenge our dragon family, you should be prepared to be exterminated at any time. Next, let's collect some interest first! Grandpa, father, Long Xiaoqi, an unworthy descendant, is going to avenge you. Please bless me. After saying that, Long Xiaoqi knelt down and knocked three times in the direction of the Dragon family.