Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 33 The mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch is behind

Hearing Long Xiaoqi reject his idea, Zhao Zirong's face was also a little hung up. Damn, I'm sitting here to discuss with you now. You don't agree. I'll solve the Eastern family before I solve you. Zhao Zirong muttered in his heart, but did not say anything. After all, this is a period of cooperation between the two sides, and we should pay attention to details.

"Then it's a little unreasonable for you to let us work for you with just a piece of jade! You saw it too! The five families have shown their ability to take care of your family to avenge you. If things don't work out, it's dangerous to be exterminated!" The nameless Northern Tang Dynasty is also a little unhappy. I repeat, the things of our Long family were robbed by the Oriental family that night. If you don't believe it, you can search! The rest is of no value to you, but in my eyes, it is the most precious treasure handed down from the ancestors. You won't even be so generous! Humph! It also claims to be the five major families!" Long Xiaoqi is unforgiving. For those things in the family, that is the foundation of his comeback in the future, and it must not be given to others. But in the hearts of the patriarchs of the five major families, it was another idea that was robbed by the Oriental family? Who are you lying to? Only you Long family knows where those treasures are hidden, and there must be something else to guard them. Without your Long family, who can take them away? However, it is not the time to tear your face. After defeating the Oriental family, you must catch Long Xiaoqi, find out where the treasure is first, and then slowly kill him. The five patriarchs didn't say anything, just looked at each other and made eye contact to understand what the other was thinking.

"Okay! We agree with your request. We will not move any items in your dragon family. We just want the remnant jade in your hand, but if you dare to play tricks, whether it is the ends of the earth, our company Ma Yu will definitely not let you go. Sima Yu smiled habitually on her face, but her words were full of murder.

"Hmm! I, Long Xiaoqi, don't keep my promises like some people, but I have a thousand-year alliance and make sneak attacks behind my back. I will definitely do it as promised you at that time. Long Xiaoqi said in a muffled voice. Although she was talking about the Oriental family, everyone could hear it, and there were many of them complaining about the five families. By the way, everything has been settled now. When are you going to come over? Don't tell me that you don't want to kill your enemy with your own hands!" Nangong Li looked sadly at his face and took the lead in breaking the deadlock. He looked at Long Xiaoqi in the picture and wanted to read something on him. So when are you going to do it?" The five people really didn't think about this, because it's not easy to gather so many people, but to send them to the territory of the Oriental family without knowing it.

"That's it! Five days later, you can come to Haiqing in Hedong District. At that time, you can call the head of the Zhao family, and he will send someone to pick you up. We will gather all the people within a week. Anyway, we have to enter Hexi District from Hedong District, so we are tentatively scheduled to disturb the Zhao family's territory for two days. When we gather together, we will launch an attack. Sima Yu thought for a moment and said. As for Zhao Zirong, he has no objection. Anyway, the attack on the Oriental family is determined to pass through his own territory. Instead of ineffective resistance, it is better to send a favor. Well, that's okay. Then I'll arrive in five days, and I hope to see everyone gather and ready to go. Long Xiaoqi's words reminded everyone that he did not want to delay his revenge plan for external reasons. Well, we know, and we also hope that you don't play tricks with us. If we can find you for the first time, we can find you for the second time and the third time. The nameless Northern Tang Dynasty is very worried about Long Xiaoqi. He has good strength and extraordinary minds. If he is allowed to do so, it will be a big trouble in the future. Humph! Before taking care of me, you'd better take care of yourself first! All right, see you in five days. After saying that, Long Xiaoqi hung up the phone, and his temper remained unchanged.

"Huh! I don't know what you think yet. You want to take my life. I don't know if you have the ability. Long Xiaoqi sat on the sofa, spit out a cigarette casually, then picked up the phone, pressed another set of numbers, and dialed over.

"Hello? Chief Murong? Ha ha, I'm Long Xiaoqi!" After saying that, Long Xiaoqi smiled proudly, and he could even hear Murong Feng's exclaimed voice. Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi had a small sense of achievement. This feeling of controlling others was so wonderful that no wonder people in ancient times were willing to be emperors. Long, Xiao, Qi, what do you want from me? Murong Feng said word by word that he couldn't believe his ears. Ha ha, don't be nervous. I know that you abandoned the covenant of the eight major families and defected to the oriental family, but this has nothing to do with me, such as morality and justice, hum! In my eyes, it's all empty talk. It's a big man who can bend and stretch, and know how to tolerate. Among the seven families, the only one I can admire is you, patriarch Murong. You are not only world-class martial arts, but also resourceful. It is because you are not born at the right time, so you have to rely on others. What he said was very impassioned, and Murong Feng was also very useful.

In the eyes of other patriarchs, Murong Feng may not even be as good as the elder of an oriental family, but can he be blamed? The descendants of the clan know how to drink, lust, practice war spirit, and family interests every day. They don't care about everything by Murong Feng alone. He is not a fairy, not to mention that he is so old this year. How can he have so much energy to care about it? What's more, although he is the fourth-level intermediate of green spirit, there will always be a day when he leaves the world. At that time, the Murong family may become the food in the tiger's mouth. Because of this, the Murong family is despised by other families. With his own strength, the Murong family will decline sooner or later. Not to mention the patriarch's tokens, I'm afraid that their sons and grandchildren will be driven to the streets and freeze to death and starve to death. Therefore, Murong Feng had a thick face and turned to the Oriental family despite the alliance. However, although Dongfang Jie respected him on the surface, he didn't know how many benefits the Murong family had been searched behind his back. Moreover, Dongfang Jie has always been the boss in front of him, which makes Murong Feng very unhappy. I'm afraid that soon, even the patriarchal tokens of the Murong family will be stolen by the immortal Dongfang Jie. But now, Long Xiaoqi not only described his shortcomings as advantages, but also compared him with other six patriarchs, and even said that the other six patriarchs were not as good as him, and suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction.

After calming down, Murong Feng said, "What did you call me about? Tell me! Your grandfather and I are also of the same generation and have made friends well in the early years. My Murong family and your Long family have never clashed because of anything. Although my Murong family has defected to the Oriental family, this is all unavoidable. If it is a small matter, I can still help. Murong Feng was honest and didn't have any crooked ideas about Long Xiaoqi. However, Long Xiaoqi was angry! This Murong Feng is really a fool. It's still a small matter. Will Long Xiaoqi have a small matter if she finds him? No wonder your Murong family has fallen. What fun can come out of an old fool like you.

"Well, I don't have any small help that needs help, but ordinary people can't control it. I called you today because my grandfather once said before his death that you were upright all your life and made friends with my Long family in the early years. You are a trustable person. I have a business now. I don't know if you are interested. If the business is completed, I can guarantee that your Murong family will be the most powerful among these families, and the Murong patriarch will no longer be distressed by the competition of the rest of the families. Am I? It's just a little interest!" It doesn't make sense, but it doesn't make sense. Only flattery is the most common. Long Xiaoqi's current learning to sell now completely confuse Murong Feng.

"Buying and selling? What kind of business? You are in danger now. Why are you still in the mood to start a business? After listening to Murong Feng's words, Long Xiaoqi couldn't wait to whip him. Why is he so stupid? Is your father your mother's cousin? But in order to achieve his goal, Long Xiaoqi had to patiently explain it to him.

An hour passed quietly, but Long Xiaoqi was still explaining tirelessly. Two hours later, Long Xiaoqi finally explained the whole process to him.

"You are the person I trust most now. You must keep this matter secret for me. If this is done, your Murong family will be determined to reproduce the glory of those years. At that time, are you afraid that someone will compete with your Murong family? Long Xiaoqi's words are extremely tempting, but although Murong Feng is rigid, it does not mean that he is a fool, but sometimes he is out of line with this era.

"Are you sure it's true? And why do you want to tell me? What the hell do you want?" Ha ha, as I said, I just want revenge and have no other purpose. The patriarch's token may be priceless in your eyes, but in my eyes, he is just a token! As for why I told you. First, because I think the patriarch Murong is reliable, and second, I have no one to look for. Murong Feng thought about it, and it was the same truth, so he agreed to Long Xiaoqi, chatted a few words casually, and then hung up.

"Hmm! It's really an antique. It really can't be a big deal. Why don't you give me all the things you got?" Long Xiaoqi lay on **, giggling, with a cunning expression on her face.