Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 37 Attack

The Oriental family is surrounded by mountains on three sides, leaving only one exit in the east, but both sides of the exit are mountains, and the middle is like a valley mouth, so it is named "Dragon Breath Valley", which is a typical terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. "Valley of Dragon Breath" probably means that the winding mountains are dragonish. Resting here can protect the millennium foundation of the Eastern family, and secondly, it is also to suppress those evil people in the outside world with fame. At this time, it had entered mid-March. The trees on the mountain were lush, and the chirping of birds came from the forest from time to time. There were already signs of revival.

Five patriarchs, including Long Xiaoqi and the Unknown of the Northern Tang Dynasty, have rushed into the Valley of Longxi with more than 10,000 people of various ethnic groups. The unknown in the Northern Tang Dynasty is a famous killer in the world today. He knows the convenience of the place. How can he not see the danger of this terrain and the truth that it is easy to hide the ambush. But at this time, the arrow was already on the string and had to be sent. I had no choice but to remind everyone to say a few words, and then tell the children of the Northern Tang clan to be careful. If they find a spy of the Oriental family, kill them first and then report.

"We have all come here, and the people of the Eastern family should not know! If they are rushing to the front, it means that they are not very prepared, but if they surround us from three sides, it means that the matter has been exposed, and there must be someone in ambush behind us. But now there is not even a person. What does this oriental family mean? Zhao Zirong couldn't stand loneliness and muttered. You don't really think the Oriental family doesn't know about this, do you? With the strength of the Oriental family, they may have received the news at the moment we decided and gathered people, and they must have been ready to wait for us!" Sima Yu said softly, as if something had been expected. The three patriarchs around him looked at Zhao Zirong like idiots. Then why didn't you tell me earlier that they were ready? What else are we going to do? Zhao Zirong was a little angry. In fact, everyone is just performing a play for Long Xiaoqi. Dongfang Jie has already called Beitang, but it is not easy for Long Xiaoqi to know about this matter, so as not to have a grudge in his heart. This time, it is to use everyone's mouth to prepare him so as not to be complained by Long Xiaoqi afterwards.

Long Xiaoqi looked at the side and didn't make a sound. However, I secretly thought that the Zhao family is worthy of being the second-ranked family. There is nothing in the patriarch's mind except to cultivate war spirit. It is a typical idiot. If it hadn't been for the elders for the discussion of his Zhao family, I'm afraid it would be the Zhao family who ranked first now.

"Pear Zhao, please calm down. Before coming, I told you to be ready to sink the boat. Even if the Oriental family knows about this matter, it doesn't matter much. We are numerous and powerful, accompanied by elders and guardians. If we only talk about the number of people, we may be twice or even three times as many as them. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much when the Zhao family grows up. As long as we work together, the things of the Eastern family are just in your pocket! Even if we want to eat hard, with their strength, it is just a hard bone to eat!" Long Xiaoqi's last sentence was for Zhao Zirong, but it was even more for everyone. Xiaoqi is right. As long as we unite, we will definitely win this battle. The Northern Tang Dynasty said anonymously that Long Xiaoqi's reaction was exactly the result that the five families wanted to see. However, there was no other way in the nameless heart of the Northern Tang Dynasty. He had no choice but to rush forward, but he didn't know whether it was heaven or hell ahead.

"Gugugu..." Suddenly, a few bird calls came from the valley. Just when everyone was confused, the Northern Tang Dynasty said with a nameless smile: "Haha! The fools of the Oriental family did not set up an ambush. We can move forward at ease. When we get out of this valley, we can go straight into the hinterland of the Oriental family. At that time...haha!" The Northern Tang Dynasty laughed happily, as if the remnant jade of the Oriental family had fallen into his own hands. This night army is one of his proudest trump cards. Whether it is the ability to search for intelligence or the ability to fight alone, it can be said to be the highest level in the world, and even among the intelligence groups in the whole world, it is also the top three. The existence of The lowest level of the Night Legion is also the first level of white spirit. It can be said that there are very few people who can defeat such a legion. However, the disadvantage of the Night Legion is that there are only 100 people, which is completely useless in large-scale melee.

After hearing this, the stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground, and they no longer hesitated to give orders and command their own people to speed up. However, there is always an indescribable feeling in Long Xiaoqi's heart that the Oriental family will never be so stupid that no outsiders enter their own clan.

There are unpredictable winds and clouds, and people have misfortunes and blessings. Just as everyone was about to walk out of the Valley of Dragon Breath, two signal bombs were shot out somewhere, which made the valley bright. Kill! Kill!" Suddenly, shouts sounded from all directions, and countless figures appeared behind the five families on both sides of the valley. The new blue*, like a bullet for free, shot madly at the people of the five families.

"Attention, there is an ambush! Don't fall in love and rush forward!" Sima Yu was the most calm and took the lead in issuing orders. However, even if the sword and sword are long, they can't compare with the range of *. In a short time, many of the five families died at gunpoint. Those who react quickly released their fighting spirit early. Although they can't completely block the bullet, they can also resist most of the power of the bullet. Even some dexterous people can completely avoid the past.

The nameless Northern Tang Dynasty was dumbfounded. This attack can be said to have a direct relationship with itself. If it hadn't been for their own misinformation, the people of the five major families would not have been prepared at all. However, the Night Legion clearly sent a signal that there was no ambush. Why are there so many people? And what about the people of the Night Legion? For so long, if you encounter an enemy attack, you should have withdrawn long ago, but why is none of them gone now? Beitang Wuming was very puzzled, but he was pulled by Long Xiaoqi beside him, so he had to release his fighting spirit and run forward.

"Haha! Mr. Wang's move is really good! Before he came in, he used a trick to close the door and beat the dog. Presumably, the five families must have lost a lot this time. Dongfang Jie listened to the subordinate's report with a proud smile on his face. Next to him, Wang Xianyi wore glasses and an unknown expression on his face, but it could be read from his eyes that he was calculating something. Of course, the Oriental family is a partner of our Wang Group. How can I see my partner hurt!" Ha ha, thank you, Mr. Wang, for your kindness. By the way, patriarch Murong, I don't know if you are ready?" Behind Dongfang Jie, Murong Feng bowed his body. Hearing Dongfang Jie ask him, he quickly replied, "Dongfang patriarch, I'm ashamed. Because the road is far away and the matter is urgent, I can only summon 1,000 people in the clan, and the rest are still being summoned. Soon, they will come in batches. However, Dongfang patriarch can rest assured that this 1,000 The people are all elites of my Murong family. Dongfang Jie nodded after hearing this, but he was still a little dissatisfied. He looked like a boss and criticized, " Hurry up. There must be no mistake in this matter. If there is any mistake, be careful of your Murong family." Murong Feng couldn't see any expression on his face, but bowed his head and said yes.

"Hmm! The Night Legion, that's all. It hasn't fallen into our hands. This time, I must make the five old men cry. When I catch them all, let's see how I humiliate them. Dongfang Jie said viciously, "As for Long Xiaoqi! I think he will definitely hand over the patriarch's token happily. At that time, I will tell him not to survive or die. Dongfang Jie had a cruel smile on his face, as if he had thought about how to abuse Long Xiaoqi.

At this time, the remnants of the five families have rushed out of the valley of dragons. Although there are some casualties, fortunately, it has nothing to do with the overall situation. Everyone, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that the old man Dongfang Jie was so cruel. The Night Legion was completely destroyed, and no one has survived so far. Beitang Wuming is also very sad. In order to cultivate the Night Legion, Beitang Wuming can be said to have painstakingly. Everything they gave them is the best, but that's it's gone.

Everyone also saw the sad expression on the nameless face of the Northern Tang Dynasty, knew the meaning of the Night Legion in the Northern Tang family, and did not say much, so they had to comfort him. Long Xiaoqi can't stand it at this time. If they are like this, then I'm afraid that everyone will be buried here, not just the Night Legion. I said, everyone, this is not the time for us to be hurt. We have come here and there is no way out. The enemy is in front of us. If you want to win and revenge, you can only take up arms and fight with the Eastern family.

Sima Yu took a look at the crowd, took Long Xiaoqi's words, and said to everyone, "Even for the sake of those dead clans, we have to go. Without the last bit of strength, we must not fall down. Do you have the confidence to avenge those dead clans?" After a few words, the people were impassioned and morale increased greatly. Hearing the shouts of the crowd, Sima Yu turned his head and said to the four patriarchs, "Let them ask people to count the remaining number of people, and tell Ximen Tian to inform the mercenaries outside that they will all enter the battle." Unconsciously, Sima Yu has replaced the position of the unknown temporary leader of the Northern Tang Dynasty. Although he was extremely reluctant, with the mistakes just now, it is not easy for the Northern Tang Dynasty to say anything. And several other patriarchs also acquiesced. Who made the Sima family famous for its wisdom?

The invasion war of the five major families officially began.